Source code for armi.cli.checkInputs

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Entry point into ARMI to check inputs of a case or a whole folder of cases."""

import pathlib
import sys
import traceback

from armi import runLog
from armi.cli.entryPoint import EntryPoint
from armi.utils.textProcessors import resolveMarkupInclusions

[docs]class ExpandBlueprints(EntryPoint): """ Perform expansion of !include directives in a blueprint file. This is useful for testing inputs that make heavy use of !include directives. """ name = "expand-bp" splash = False
[docs] def addOptions(self): self.parser.add_argument( "blueprints", type=str, help="Path to root blueprints file" )
[docs] def invoke(self): p = pathlib.Path(self.args.blueprints) if not p.exists(): runLog.error("Blueprints file `{}` does not exist".format(str(p))) return 1 stream = resolveMarkupInclusions(p) sys.stdout.write( return None
[docs]class CheckInputEntryPoint(EntryPoint): """ Check ARMI inputs for errors, inconsistencies, and the ability to initialize a reactor. Also has functionality to generate a summary report of the input design. This can be run on multiple cases and creates a table detailing the results of the input check. """ name = "check-input"
[docs] def addOptions(self): self.parser.add_argument( "--generate-design-summary", "-s", action="store_true", default=False, help="Generate a report to summarize the inputs", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--recursive", "-r", action="store_true", default=False, help="Recursively check directory structure for valid settings files", ) self.parser.add_argument( "--skip-checks", "-C", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip checking inputs (might be useful if you only want to generate a report).", ) self.parser.add_argument( "patterns", type=str, nargs="*", default=["*.yaml"], help="File names or patterns", )
[docs] def invoke(self): from armi import cases from armi.utils import tabulate suite = cases.CaseSuite(self.cs), recursive=self.args.recursive) table = [] # tuples (case, hasIssues, hasErrors) for case in suite: hasIssues = "UNKNOWN" if not self.args.skip_checks: hasIssues = "PASSED" if case.checkInputs() else "HAS ISSUES" canStart = "UNKNOWN" if self.args.generate_design_summary: try: case.summarizeDesign() canStart = "PASSED" except Exception: runLog.error("Failed to initialize/summarize {}".format(case)) runLog.error(traceback.format_exc()) canStart = "FAILED" table.append((case.cs.path, case.title, canStart, hasIssues)) runLog.important( tabulate.tabulate( table, headers=["case", "can start", "input is self consistent"], tableFmt="armi", ) ) if any(t[3] == "HAS ISSUES" for t in table): runLog.error("The case is not self consistent") if any(t[2] == "FAILED" for t in table): runLog.error("The case can not start")