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# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Really basic tests of the report Utils."""
from glob import glob
from unittest.mock import patch
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest

from armi import runLog, settings
from armi.bookkeeping import report
from import data, reportInterface
from import (
from armi.reactor.tests.test_reactors import loadTestReactor
from armi.tests import mockRunLogs
from armi.utils.directoryChangers import TemporaryDirectoryChanger

class _MockReturnResult:
    """Mocking the return object."""

    def __init__(self, stdout):
        self.stdout = stdout

[docs]class TestReportingUtils(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_getSystemInfoLinux(self): """Test _getSystemInfoLinux() on any operating system, by mocking the system calls.""" osInfo = '"Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS"' procInfo = """processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model : 126 model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz ... """ correctResult = """OS Info: "Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS" Processor(s): processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model : 126 model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz ...""" def __mockSubprocessRun(*args, **kwargs): if "os-release" in args[0]: return _MockReturnResult(osInfo) else: return _MockReturnResult(procInfo) with patch.object(subprocess, "run", side_effect=__mockSubprocessRun): out = _getSystemInfoLinux() self.assertEqual(out.strip(), correctResult)
[docs] @patch("") def test_getSystemInfoWindows(self, mockSubprocess): """Test _getSystemInfoWindows() on any operating system, by mocking the system call.""" windowsResult = """OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise OS Version: 10.0.19041 N/A Build 19041 Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed. [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 12 GenuineIntel ~801 Mhz""" mockSubprocess.return_value = _MockReturnResult(windowsResult) out = _getSystemInfoWindows() self.assertEqual(out, windowsResult)
[docs] @patch("") def test_getSystemInfoMac(self, mockSubprocess): """Test _getSystemInfoMac() on any operating system, by mocking the system call.""" macResult = b"""System Software Overview: System Version: macOS 12.1 (21C52) Kernel Version: Darwin 21.2.0 ... Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro ...""" mockSubprocess.return_value = _MockReturnResult(macResult) out = _getSystemInfoMac() self.assertEqual(out, macResult.decode("utf-8"))
[docs] def test_getSystemInfo(self): """Basic sanity check of getSystemInfo() running in the wild. This test should pass if it is run on Window or mainstream Linux distros. But we expect this to fail if the test is run on some other OS. """ if "darwin" in sys.platform: # too comlicated to test MacOS in this method return out = getSystemInfo() substrings = ["OS ", "Processor(s):"] for sstr in substrings: self.assertIn(sstr, out) self.assertGreater(len(out), sum(len(sstr) + 5 for sstr in substrings))
[docs] def test_getNodeName(self): """Test that the getNodeName() method returns a non-empty string. It is hard to know what string SHOULD be return here, and it would depend on how the OS is set up on your machine or cluster. But this simple test needs to pass as-is on Windows and Linux. """ self.assertGreater(len(getNodeName()), 0)
[docs]class TestReport(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.test_group = data.Table(settings.Settings(), "banana")
[docs] def test_setData(self): report.setData("banana_1", ["sundae", "plain"]) report.setData("banana_2", ["sundae", "vanilla"], self.test_group) report.setData( "banana_3", ["sundae", "chocolate"], self.test_group, [report.ALL] ) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): report.setData( "banana_4", ["sundae", "strawberry"], "no_workie", [report.ALL] ) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): report.setData( "banana_5", ["sundae", "peanut_butter"], self.test_group, "no_workie" ) ungroup_instance = report.ALL[report.UNGROUPED] self.assertEqual(ungroup_instance["banana_1"], ["sundae", "plain"]) filled_instance = report.ALL[self.test_group] self.assertEqual(filled_instance["banana_2"], ["sundae", "vanilla"]) self.assertEqual(filled_instance["banana_3"], ["sundae", "chocolate"])
[docs] def test_getData(self): # test the null case self.assertIsNone(self.test_group["fake"]) # insert some data self.test_group["banana_1"] = ["sundae", "plain"] # validate we can pull that data back out again data = self.test_group["banana_1"] self.assertEqual(len(data), 2) self.assertIn("sundae", data) self.assertIn("plain", data)
[docs] def test_reactorSpecificReporting(self): """Test a number of reporting utils that require reactor/core information.""" o, r = loadTestReactor(inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml") # make sure makeCoreDesignReport() doesn't fail, though it won't generate an output here makeCoreDesignReport(r.core, o.cs) self.assertEqual(len(glob("*.html")), 0) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: # we should start with a clean slate self.assertEqual("", mock.getStdout()) runLog.LOG.startLog("test_reactorSpecificReporting") runLog.LOG.setVerbosity(logging.INFO) writeAssemblyMassSummary(r) self.assertIn("BOL Assembly Mass Summary", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("igniter fuel", mock.getStdout()) mock.emptyStdout() setNeutronBalancesReport(r.core) self.assertIn("No rate information", mock.getStdout()) mock.emptyStdout() r.core.getFirstBlock().p.rateCap = 1.0 r.core.getFirstBlock().p.rateProdFis = 1.02 r.core.getFirstBlock().p.rateFis = 1.01 r.core.getFirstBlock().p.rateAbs = 1.0 setNeutronBalancesReport(r.core) self.assertIn("Fission", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Capture", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Absorption", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Leakage", mock.getStdout()) mock.emptyStdout() summarizePinDesign(r.core) self.assertIn("Assembly Design Summary", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Design & component information", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Multiplicity", mock.getStdout()) mock.emptyStdout() summarizePower(r.core) self.assertIn("Power in igniter fuel", mock.getStdout()) mock.emptyStdout() writeCycleSummary(r.core) self.assertIn("Core Average", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Outlet Temp", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("End of Cycle", mock.getStdout()) mock.emptyStdout() # this report won't do much for the test reactor - improve test reactor makeBlockDesignReport(r) self.assertEqual(len(mock.getStdout()), 0) mock.emptyStdout() # this report won't do much for the test reactor - improve test reactor summarizePowerPeaking(r.core) self.assertEqual(len(mock.getStdout()), 0)
[docs] def test_writeWelcomeHeaders(self): o, r = loadTestReactor(inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml") # grab this file path randoFile = os.path.abspath(__file__) # pass that random file into the settings o.cs["crossSectionControl"]["DA"].xsFileLocation = randoFile o.cs["crossSectionControl"]["DA"].fluxFileLocation = randoFile with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: # we should start with a clean slate self.assertEqual("", mock.getStdout()) runLog.LOG.startLog("test_writeWelcomeHeaders") runLog.LOG.setVerbosity(logging.INFO) writeWelcomeHeaders(o, o.cs) # assert our random file (and a lot of other stuff) is in the welcome self.assertIn("Case Info", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Input File Info", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("crossSectionControl-DA", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn(randoFile, mock.getStdout())
[docs]class TestReportInterface(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): = TemporaryDirectoryChanger() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls):, None, None)
[docs] def test_printReports(self): """Testing printReports method.""" repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(None, None) rep = repInt.printReports() self.assertIn("REPORTS BEGIN", rep) self.assertIn("REPORTS END", rep)
[docs] def test_writeReports(self): """Test writing html reports.""" repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(None, None) repInt.writeReports()
[docs] def test_distributableReportInt(self): repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(None, None) self.assertEqual(repInt.distributable(), 4)
[docs] def test_interactBOLReportInt(self): o, r = loadTestReactor(inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml") repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(r, o.cs) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: repInt.interactBOL() self.assertIn("Writing assem layout", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("BOL Assembly", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("wetMass", mock.getStdout())
[docs] def test_interactEveryNode(self): o, r = loadTestReactor(inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml") repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(r, o.cs) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: repInt.interactEveryNode(0, 0) self.assertIn("Cycle 0", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("node 0", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("keff=", mock.getStdout())
[docs] def test_interactBOC(self): o, r = loadTestReactor(inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml") repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(r, o.cs) self.assertEqual(repInt.fuelCycleSummary["bocFissile"], 0.0) repInt.interactBOC(1) self.assertAlmostEqual(repInt.fuelCycleSummary["bocFissile"], 4.290603409612653)
[docs] def test_interactEOC(self): o, r = loadTestReactor(inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml") repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(r, o.cs) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: repInt.interactEOC(0) self.assertIn("Cycle 0", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("TIMER REPORTS", mock.getStdout())
[docs] def test_interactEOL(self): o, r = loadTestReactor(inputFileName="smallestTestReactor/armiRunSmallest.yaml") repInt = reportInterface.ReportInterface(r, o.cs) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: repInt.interactEOL() self.assertIn("Comprehensive Core Report", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Assembly Area Fractions", mock.getStdout())