Source code for

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

A collection of miscellaneous functions used by ReportInterface to generate
various reports.
from copy import copy
import collections
import os
import pathlib
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import time

import numpy

from armi import context
from armi import interfaces
from armi import runLog
from armi.bookkeeping import report
from armi.operators import RunTypes
from armi.reactor.components import ComponentType
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.utils import getFileSHA1Hash
from armi.utils import iterables
from armi.utils import plotting
from armi.utils import tabulate
from armi.utils import textProcessors
from armi.utils import units

# Set to prevent the image and text from being too small to read.

# String constants
Operator_CaseTitle = "Case Title:"
Operator_TypeOfRun = "Run Type:"
Operator_NumProcessors = "Number of Processors:"
Operator_WorkingDirectory = "Working Directory:"
Operator_CurrentUser = "Current User:"
Operator_PythonInterperter = "Python Interpreter:"
Operator_ArmiCodebase = "ARMI Location:"
Operator_MasterMachine = "Master Machine:"
Operator_Date = "Date and Time:"
Operator_CaseDescription = "Case Description:"

[docs]def writeWelcomeHeaders(o, cs): """Write welcome information using the Operator and the Case Settings.""" def _writeCaseInformation(o, cs): """Create a table that contains basic case information.""" caseInfo = [ (Operator_CaseTitle, cs.caseTitle), ( Operator_CaseDescription, "{0}".format(textwrap.fill(cs["comment"], break_long_words=False)), ), ( Operator_TypeOfRun, "{} - {}".format(cs["runType"], o.__class__.__name__), ), (Operator_CurrentUser, context.USER), (Operator_ArmiCodebase, context.ROOT), (Operator_WorkingDirectory, os.getcwd()), (Operator_PythonInterperter, sys.version), (Operator_MasterMachine, getNodeName()), (Operator_NumProcessors, context.MPI_SIZE), (Operator_Date, context.START_TIME), ] runLog.header("=========== Case Information ==========="), tableFmt="armi")) def _listInputFiles(cs): """ Gathers information about the input files of this case. Returns ------- inputInfo : list (label, fileName, shaHash) tuples """ from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_LOADING_FILE pathToLoading = pathlib.Path(cs.inputDirectory) / cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE] if pathToLoading.is_file(): includedBlueprints = [ inclusion[0] for inclusion in textProcessors.findYamlInclusions(pathToLoading) ] else: includedBlueprints = [] inputInfo = [] inputFiles = ( [ ("Case Settings", cs.caseTitle + ".yaml"), ("Blueprints", cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE]), ] + [("Included blueprints", inclBp) for inclBp in includedBlueprints] + [("Geometry", cs["geomFile"])] ) activeInterfaces = interfaces.getActiveInterfaceInfo(cs) for klass, kwargs in activeInterfaces: if not kwargs.get("enabled", True): # Don't consider disabled interfaces continue interfaceFileNames = klass.specifyInputs(cs) for label, fileNames in interfaceFileNames.items(): for fName in fileNames: inputFiles.append((label, fName)) if cs["reloadDBName"] and cs["runType"] == RunTypes.SNAPSHOTS: inputFiles.append(("Database", cs["reloadDBName"])) for label, fName in inputFiles: shaHash = ( "MISSING" if (not fName or not os.path.exists(fName)) else getFileSHA1Hash(fName, digits=10) ) inputInfo.append((label, fName, shaHash)) # bonus: grab the files stored in the crossSectionControl section for xsID, xsSetting in cs["crossSectionControl"].items(): fNames = [] # Users shouldn't ever have both of these defined, but this is not the place # for code to fail if they do. Allow for both to not be None. if xsSetting.xsFileLocation is not None: # possibly a list of files if isinstance(xsSetting.xsFileLocation, list): fNames.extend(xsSetting.xsFileLocation) else: fNames.append(xsSetting.xsFileLocation) if xsSetting.fluxFileLocation is not None: # single file fNames.append(xsSetting.fluxFileLocation) for fName in fNames: label = f"crossSectionControl-{xsID}" if fName and os.path.exists(fName): shaHash = getFileSHA1Hash(os.path.abspath(fName), digits=10) inputInfo.append((label, fName, shaHash)) return inputInfo def _writeInputFileInformation(cs): """Create a table that contains basic input file information.""" inputFileData = [] for (label, fileName, shaHash) in _listInputFiles(cs): inputFileData.append((label, fileName, shaHash)) runLog.header("=========== Input File Information ===========") tabulate.tabulate( inputFileData, headers=["Input Type", "Path", "SHA-1 Hash"], tableFmt="armi", ) ) def _writeMachineInformation(): """Create a table that contains basic machine and rank information.""" if context.MPI_SIZE > 1: processorNames = context.MPI_NODENAMES uniqueNames = set(processorNames) nodeMappingData = [] sysInfo = "" for uniqueName in uniqueNames: matchingProcs = [ str(rank) for rank, procName in enumerate(processorNames) if procName == uniqueName ] numProcessors = str(len(matchingProcs)) nodeMappingData.append( (uniqueName, numProcessors, ", ".join(matchingProcs)) ) sysInfo += getSystemInfo() runLog.header("=========== Machine Information ===========") tabulate.tabulate( nodeMappingData, headers=["Machine", "Number of Processors", "Ranks"], tableFmt="armi", ) ) if sysInfo: runLog.header("=========== System Information ===========") def _writeReactorCycleInformation(o, cs): """Verify that all the operating parameters are defined for the same number of cycles.""" operatingData = [ ("Reactor Thermal Power (MW):", cs["power"] / units.WATTS_PER_MW), ("Number of Cycles:", cs["nCycles"]), ] operatingParams = { "Cycle Lengths:": o.cycleLengths, "Availability Factors:": o.availabilityFactors, "Power Fractions:": o.powerFractions, "Step Lengths (days):": o.stepLengths, } for name, param in operatingParams.items(): paramStr = [str(p) for p in param] operatingData.append((name, textwrap.fill(", ".join(paramStr)))) runLog.header("=========== Reactor Cycle Information ==========="), tableFmt="armi")) if context.MPI_RANK > 0: return # prevent the worker nodes from printing the same thing _writeCaseInformation(o, cs) _writeInputFileInformation(cs) _writeMachineInformation() _writeReactorCycleInformation(o, cs)
[docs]def getNodeName(): """Get the name of this compute node. First, look in Then try various Linux tools. Then try Windows commands. Returns ------- str Compute node name. """ hostNames = [ context.MPI_NODENAME, context.MPI_NODENAMES[0],"hostname", capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True).stdout,"uname -n", capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True).stdout, os.environ.get("COMPUTERNAME", context.LOCAL), ] for nodeName in hostNames: if nodeName and nodeName != context.LOCAL: return nodeName return context.LOCAL
def _getSystemInfoWindows(): """Get system information, assuming the system is Windows. Returns ------- str Basic system information: OS name, OS version, basic processor information Examples -------- Example results: OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise OS Version: 10.0.19041 N/A Build 19041 Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed. [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 12 GenuineIntel ~801 Mhz """ cmd = ( 'systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /B /C:"OS Version" /B ' '/C:"Processor" && systeminfo | findstr /E /C:"Mhz"' ) return, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True).stdout def _getSystemInfoMac(): """Get system information, assuming the system is MacOS. Returns ------- str Basic system information: OS name, OS version, basic processor information Examples -------- Example results: System Software Overview: System Version: macOS 12.1 (21C52) Kernel Version: Darwin 21.2.0 ... Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro ... """ cmd = "system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType" return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8") def _getSystemInfoLinux(): """Get system information, assuming the system is Linux. This method uses multiple, redundant variations on common Linux command utilities to get the information necessary. While it is not possible to guarantee what programs or files will be available on "all Linux operating system", this collection of tools is widely supported and should provide a reasonably broad-distribution coverage. Returns ------- str Basic system information: OS name, OS version, basic processor information Examples -------- Example results: OS Info: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Processor(s): processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model : 126 model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz ... """ # get OS name / version linuxOsCommands = [ 'cat /etc/os-release | grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" | cut -d = -f 2', "uname -a", "lsb_release -d | cut -d : -f 2", 'hostnamectl | grep "Operating System" | cut -d : -f 2', ] osInfo = "" for cmd in linuxOsCommands: osInfo = cmd, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True ).stdout.strip() if osInfo: break if not osInfo: runLog.warning("Linux OS information not found.") return "" # get processor information linuxProcCommands = ["cat /proc/cpuinfo", "lscpu", "lshw -class CPU"] procInfo = "" for cmd in linuxProcCommands: procInfo = cmd, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True ).stdout if procInfo: break if not procInfo: runLog.warning("Linux processor information not found.") return "" # build output string out = "OS Info: " out += osInfo.strip() out += "\nProcessor(s):\n " out += procInfo.strip().replace("\n", "\n ") out += "\n" return out
[docs]def getSystemInfo(): """Get system information, assuming the system is Windows or Linux. Notes ----- The format of the system information will be different on Windows vs Linux. Returns ------- str Basic system information: OS name, OS version, basic processor information """ # Get basic system information (on Windows and Linux) if "win" in sys.platform: return _getSystemInfoWindows() elif "linux" in sys.platform: return _getSystemInfoLinux() elif "darwin" in sys.platform: return _getSystemInfoMac() else: runLog.warning( f"Cannot get system information for {sys.platform} because ARMI only " + "supports Linux, Windows, and MacOS." ) return ""
[docs]def getInterfaceStackSummary(o): data = [] for ii, i in enumerate(o.interfaces, start=1): data.append( ( "{:02d}".format(ii), i.__class__.__name__.replace("Interface", ""),, i.function, "Yes" if i.enabled() else "No", "Reversed" if i.reverseAtEOL else "Normal", "Yes" if i.bolForce() else "No", ) ) text = tabulate.tabulate( data, headers=( "Index", "Type", "Name", "Function", "Enabled", "EOL order", "BOL forced", ), tableFmt="armi", ) text = text return text
[docs]def writeTightCouplingConvergenceSummary(convergenceSummary):"Tight Coupling Convergence Summary") tabulate.tabulate( convergenceSummary, headers="keys", showIndex=True, tableFmt="armi" ) )
[docs]def writeAssemblyMassSummary(r): """Print out things like Assembly weights to the runLog. Parameters ---------- r : armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor """ massSum = [] for a in r.blueprints.assemblies.values(): mass = 0.0 hmMass = 0.0 fissileMass = 0.0 coolantMass = 0.0 # to calculate wet vs. dry weight. types = [] for b in a: # get masses in kg # skip stationary blocks (grid plate doesn't count) if b.hasFlags(Flags.GRID_PLATE): continue mass += b.getMass() / 1000.0 hmMass += b.getHMMass() / 1000.0 fissileMass += b.getFissileMass() / 1000.0 coolants = b.getComponents(Flags.COOLANT, exact=True) + b.getComponents( Flags.INTERCOOLANT, exact=True ) coolantMass += sum(coolant.getMass() for coolant in coolants) / 1000.0 blockType = b.getType() if blockType not in types: types.append(blockType) # if the BOL fuel assem is in the center of the core, its area is 1/3 of the full area b/c it's a sliced assem. # bug: mass came out way high for a case once. 265 MT vs. 92 MT hm. # count assemblies core = r.core thisTypeList = core.getChildrenOfType(a.getType()) count = 0 for t in thisTypeList: ring, _pos = t.spatialLocator.getRingPos() if ring == 1: # only count center location once. count += 1 else: # add 3 if it's 1/3 core, etc. count += core.powerMultiplier # Get the dominant materials pinMaterialKey = "pinMaterial" pinMaterialObj = a.getDominantMaterial([Flags.FUEL, Flags.CONTROL]) if pinMaterialObj is None: pinMaterialObj = a.getDominantMaterial() pinMaterialKey = "dominantMaterial" pinMaterial = else: pinMaterial = struct = a.getDominantMaterial([Flags.CLAD, Flags.DUCT, Flags.SHIELD]) if struct: structuralMaterial = else: structuralMaterial = "[None]" cool = a.getDominantMaterial([Flags.COOLANT]) if cool: coolantMaterial = else: coolantMaterial = "[None]" # Get pins per assembly pinsPerAssembly = 0 for candidate in (Flags.FUEL, Flags.CONTROL, Flags.SHIELD): b = a.getFirstBlock(candidate) if b: pinsPerAssembly = b.getNumPins() if pinsPerAssembly: break massSum.append( { "type": a.getType(), "wetMass": mass, "hmMass": hmMass, "fissileMass": fissileMass, "dryMass": mass - coolantMass, "count": count, "components": types, pinMaterialKey: pinMaterial, "structuralMaterial": structuralMaterial, "coolantMaterial": coolantMaterial, "pinsPerAssembly": pinsPerAssembly, } ) runLog.important(_makeBOLAssemblyMassSummary(massSum)) runLog.important(_makeTotalAssemblyMassSummary(massSum))
def _makeBOLAssemblyMassSummary(massSum): str_ = ["--- BOL Assembly Mass Summary (kg) ---"] dataLabels = ["wetMass", "dryMass", "fissileMass", "hmMass", "count"] # print header for the printout of each assembly type str_.append(" " * 12 + "".join(["{0:25s}".format(s["type"]) for s in massSum])) for val in dataLabels: line = "" for s in massSum: line += "{0:<25.3f}".format(s[val]) str_.append("{0:12s}{1}".format(val, line)) # print blocks in this assembly up to 10 for i in range(10): line = " " * 12 for s in massSum: try: line += "{0:25s}".format(s["components"][i]) except IndexError: line += " " * 25 if"\S", line): # \S matches any non-whitespace character. str_.append(line) return "\n".join(str_) def _makeTotalAssemblyMassSummary(massSum): massLabels = ["wetMass", "dryMass", "fissileMass", "hmMass"] totals = {} count = 0 str_ = ["--Totals--"] for label in massLabels: totals[label] = 0.0 for assemSum in massSum: totals[label] += assemSum[label] * assemSum["count"] count += assemSum["count"] str_.append("{0:12s} {1:.2f} MT".format(label, totals[label] / 1000.0)) str_.append("Total assembly count: {0}".format(count // len(massLabels))) return "\n".join(str_)
[docs]def writeCycleSummary(core): """Prints a cycle summary to the runLog. Parameters ---------- core: armi.reactor.reactors.Core cs: armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings """ # Would io be worth considering for this? cycle = core.r.p.cycle str_ = [] runLog.important("Cycle {0} Summary:".format(cycle)) avgBu = core.calcAvgParam("percentBu", typeSpec=Flags.FUEL, generationNum=2) str_.append("Core Average Burnup: {0}".format(avgBu)) str_.append("Idealized Outlet Temperature {}".format(core.p.THoutletTempIdeal)) str_.append("End of Cycle {0:02d}. Timestamp: {1} ".format(cycle, time.ctime()))"\n".join(str_))
[docs]def setNeutronBalancesReport(core): """Determines the various neutron balances over the full core. Parameters ---------- core : armi.reactor.reactors.Core """ if not core.getFirstBlock().p.rateCap: runLog.warning( "No rate information (rateCap, rateAbs, etc.) available " "on the blocks. Skipping balance summary." ) return cap = core.calcAvgParam("rateCap", volumeAveraged=False, generationNum=2) absorb = core.calcAvgParam("rateAbs", volumeAveraged=False, generationNum=2) fis = core.calcAvgParam("rateFis", volumeAveraged=False, generationNum=2) n2nProd = core.calcAvgParam("rateProdN2n", volumeAveraged=False, generationNum=2) fisProd = core.calcAvgParam("rateProdFis", volumeAveraged=False, generationNum=2) leak = n2nProd + fisProd - absorb report.setData( "Fission", "{0:.5e} ({1:.2%})".format(fisProd, fisProd / (fisProd + n2nProd)), report.NEUT_PROD, ) report.setData( "n, 2n", "{0:.5e} ({1:.2%})".format(n2nProd, n2nProd / (fisProd + n2nProd)), report.NEUT_PROD, ) report.setData( "Capture", "{0:.5e} ({1:.2%})".format(cap, cap / (absorb + leak)), report.NEUT_LOSS, ) report.setData( "Fission", "{0:.5e} ({1:.2%})".format(fis, fis / (absorb + leak)), report.NEUT_LOSS, ) report.setData( "Absorption", "{0:.5e} ({1:.2%})".format(absorb, absorb / (absorb + leak)), report.NEUT_LOSS, ) report.setData( "Leakage", "{0:.5e} ({1:.2%})".format(leak, leak / (absorb + leak)), report.NEUT_LOSS, )[report.NEUT_PROD])[report.NEUT_LOSS])
[docs]def summarizePinDesign(core): """Prints out some information about the pin assembly/duct design. Handles multiple types of dimensions simplistically by taking the average. Parameters ---------- core : armi.reactor.reactors.Core """ designInfo = collections.defaultdict(list) try: for b in core.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL): fuel = b.getComponent(Flags.FUEL) duct = b.getComponent(Flags.DUCT) clad = b.getComponent(Flags.CLAD) wire = b.getComponent(Flags.WIRE) designInfo["hot sd"].append(b.getSmearDensity(cold=False)) designInfo["sd"].append(b.getSmearDensity()) designInfo["ductThick"].append( (duct.getDimension("op") - duct.getDimension("ip")) * 5.0 ) # convert to mm and divide by 2 designInfo["cladThick"].append( (clad.getDimension("od") - clad.getDimension("id")) * 5.0 ) pinOD = clad.getDimension("od") * 10.0 wireOD = wire.getDimension("od") * 10.0 pitch = pinOD + wireOD # pitch has half a wire on each side. assemPitch = b.getPitch() * 10 # convert cm to mm. designInfo["pinOD"].append(pinOD) designInfo["wireOD"].append(wireOD) designInfo["pin pitch"].append(pitch) pinToDuctGap = b.getPinToDuctGap() if pinToDuctGap is not None: designInfo["pinToDuct"].append(b.getPinToDuctGap() * 10.0) designInfo["assemPitch"].append(assemPitch) designInfo["duct gap"].append(assemPitch - duct.getDimension("op") * 10.0) designInfo["nPins"].append(b.p.nPins) designInfo["zrFrac"].append(fuel.getMassFrac("ZR")) # assumption made that all lists contain only numerical data designInfo = {key: numpy.average(data) for key, data in designInfo.items()} dimensionless = {"sd", "hot sd", "zrFrac", "nPins"} for key, average_value in designInfo.items(): dim = "{0:10s}".format(key) val = "{0:.4f}".format(average_value) if key not in dimensionless: val += " mm" report.setData(dim, val, report.PIN_ASSEM_DESIGN) a = core.refAssem report.setData( "Fuel Height (cm):", "{0:.2f}".format(a.getHeight(Flags.FUEL)), report.PIN_ASSEM_DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Plenum Height (cm):", "{0:.2f}".format(a.getHeight(Flags.PLENUM)), report.PIN_ASSEM_DESIGN, )[report.PIN_ASSEM_DESIGN]) first_fuel_block = core.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL) "Design & component information for first fuel block {}".format( first_fuel_block ) ) for component_ in sorted(first_fuel_block): except Exception as error: runLog.warning("Pin summarization failed to work") runLog.warning(error)
[docs]def summarizePowerPeaking(core): """Prints reactor Fz, Fxy, Fq. Parameters ---------- core : armi.reactor.reactors.Core """ # Fz is the axial peaking of the highest power assembly _maxPow, maxPowBlock = core.getMaxParam("power", returnObj=True, generationNum=2) maxPowAssem = maxPowBlock.parent avgPDens = maxPowAssem.calcAvgParam("pdens") peakPDens = maxPowAssem.getMaxParam("pdens") if not avgPDens: # protect against divide-by-zero. Peaking doesnt make sense if there is no # power. return axPeakF = peakPDens / avgPDens # Fxy is the radial peaking factor, looking at ALL assemblies with axially integrated powers. power = 0.0 n = 0 for n, a in enumerate(core): power += a.calcTotalParam("power", typeSpec=Flags.FUEL) avgPow = power / (n + 1) radPeakF = maxPowAssem.calcTotalParam("power", typeSpec=Flags.FUEL) / avgPow runLog.important( "Power Peaking: Fz= {0:.3f} Fxy= {1:.3f} Fq= {2:.3f}".format( axPeakF, radPeakF, axPeakF * radPeakF ) )
[docs]def summarizePower(core): """Provide an edit showing where the power is based on assembly types. Parameters ---------- core : armi.reactor.reactors.Core """ sums = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0.0) pmult = core.powerMultiplier for a in core: sums[a.getType()] += a.calcTotalParam("power") * pmult # calculate total power tot = sum(sums.values()) or float("inf") # NOTE: if tot is 0.0, set to infinity to prevent ZeroDivisionError runLog.important("Power summary") for atype, val in sums.items(): runLog.important( " Power in {0:35s}: {1:0.3E} Watts, {2:0.5f}%".format( atype, val, val / tot * 100 ) )
[docs]def makeCoreDesignReport(core, cs): """Builds report to summarize core design inputs. Parameters ---------- core: armi.reactor.reactors.Core cs: armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings """ coreDesignTable = "SUMMARY OF CORE: {}".format(cs.caseTitle.upper()) ) coreDesignTable.header = ["", "Input Parameter"] # Change the ordering of the core design table in the report relative to the other data, coreDesignTable), coreDesignTable) _setGeneralCoreDesignData(cs, coreDesignTable) _setGeneralCoreParametersData(core, cs, coreDesignTable) _setGeneralSimulationData(core, cs, coreDesignTable)
def _setGeneralCoreDesignData(cs, coreDesignTable): from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_LOADING_FILE report.setData( "Case Title", "{}".format(cs.caseTitle), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN ) report.setData( "Run Type", "{}".format(cs["runType"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN ) report.setData( "Geometry File", "{}".format(cs["geomFile"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN ) report.setData( "Loading File", "{}".format(cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Fuel Shuffling Logic File", "{}".format(cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Reactor State Loading", "{}".format(cs["loadStyle"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) if cs["loadStyle"] == "fromDB": report.setData( "Database File", "{}".format(cs["reloadDBName"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Starting Cycle", "{}".format(cs["startCycle"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Starting Node", "{}".format(cs["startNode"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) def _setGeneralCoreParametersData(core, cs, coreDesignTable): blocks = core.getBlocks() totalMass = sum(b.getMass() for b in blocks) fissileMass = sum(b.getFissileMass() for b in blocks) heavyMetalMass = sum(b.getHMMass() for b in blocks) totalVolume = sum(b.getVolume() for b in blocks) report.setData(" ", "", coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN) report.setData( "Core Power", "{:.2f} MWth".format(cs["power"] / units.WATTS_PER_MW), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Base Capacity Factor", "{}".format(cs["availabilityFactor"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) # note this doesn't consider availabilityFactors report.setData( "Cycle Length", "{} days".format(cs["cycleLength"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) # note this doesn't consider cycleLengths report.setData( "Burnup Cycles", "{}".format(cs["nCycles"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN ) report.setData( "Burnup Steps per Cycle", "{}".format(cs["burnSteps"]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) # note this doesn't consider the detailed cycle input option corePowerMult = int(core.powerMultiplier) report.setData( "Core Total Volume", "{:.2f} cc".format(totalVolume * corePowerMult), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Core Fissile Mass", "{:.2f} kg".format(fissileMass / units.G_PER_KG * corePowerMult), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Core Heavy Metal Mass", "{:.2f} kg".format(heavyMetalMass / units.G_PER_KG * corePowerMult), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Core Total Mass", "{:.2f} kg".format(totalMass / units.G_PER_KG * corePowerMult), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Number of Assembly Rings", "{}".format(core.getNumRings()), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Number of Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies() * corePowerMult)), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Number of Fuel Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL) * corePowerMult)), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Number of Control Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.CONTROL) * corePowerMult)), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Number of Reflector Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.REFLECTOR) * corePowerMult)), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Number of Shield Assemblies", "{}".format(len(core.getAssemblies(Flags.SHIELD) * corePowerMult)), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) def _setGeneralSimulationData(core, cs, coreDesignTable): from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_GEN_XS from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_GLOBAL_FLUX_ACTIVE report.setData(" ", "", coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN) report.setData( "Full Core Model", "{}".format(core.isFullCore), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN ) report.setData( "Tight Physics Coupling Enabled", "{}".format(bool(cs["tightCoupling"])), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Lattice Physics Enabled for", "{}".format(cs[CONF_GEN_XS]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, ) report.setData( "Neutronics Enabled for", "{}".format(cs[CONF_GLOBAL_FLUX_ACTIVE]), coreDesignTable, report.DESIGN, )
[docs]def makeBlockDesignReport(r): """Summarize the block designs from the loading file. Parameters ---------- r : armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor """ for bDesign in r.blueprints.blockDesigns: loadingFileTable = "SUMMARY OF BLOCK: {}".format( ) loadingFileTable.header = ["", "Input Parameter"] # Change the ordering of the loading file table in the report relative to the other data report.setData( "Number of Components", [len(bDesign)], loadingFileTable, report.DESIGN ) for i, cDesign in enumerate(bDesign): cType = componentSplitter = (i + 1) * " " + "\n" report.setData(componentSplitter, [""], loadingFileTable, report.DESIGN) dimensions = _getComponentInputDimensions(cDesign) for label, values in dimensions.items(): value, unit = values report.setData( "{} {}".format(cType, label), "{} {}".format(value, unit), loadingFileTable, report.DESIGN, )
def _getComponentInputDimensions(cDesign): """Get the input dimensions of a component and place them in a dictionary with labels and units.""" dims = collections.OrderedDict() dims["Shape"] = (cDesign.shape, "") dims["Material"] = (cDesign.material, "") dims["Cold Temperature"] = (cDesign.Tinput, "C") dims["Hot Temperature"] = (cDesign.Thot, "C") if cDesign.isotopics is not None: dims["Custom Isotopics"] = (cDesign.isotopics, "") for dimName in ComponentType.TYPES[cDesign.shape.lower()].DIMENSION_NAMES: value = getattr(cDesign, dimName) if value is not None: # if not default, add it to the report dims[dimName] = (getattr(cDesign, dimName).value, "cm") return dims
[docs]def makeCoreAndAssemblyMaps(r, cs, generateFullCoreMap=False, showBlockAxMesh=True): """Create core and assembly design plots. Parameters ---------- r : armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor cs: armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings generateFullCoreMap : bool, default False showBlockAxMesh : bool, default True """ assemsInCore = list(r.blueprints.assemblies.values()) core = r.core for plotNum, assemBatch in enumerate( iterables.chunk(assemsInCore, MAX_ASSEMS_PER_ASSEM_PLOT), start=1 ): assemPlotImage = copy(report.ASSEM_TYPES) assemPlotImage.title = assemPlotImage.title + " ({})".format(plotNum), assemPlotImage), assemPlotImage) assemPlotName = os.path.abspath(f"{}AssemblyTypes{plotNum}.png") plotting.plotAssemblyTypes( core.parent.blueprints, assemPlotName, assemBatch, maxAssems=MAX_ASSEMS_PER_ASSEM_PLOT, showBlockAxMesh=showBlockAxMesh, ) # Create radial core map if generateFullCoreMap: core.growToFullCore(cs) counts = { len(core.getChildrenOfType( for assemDesign in r.blueprints.assemDesigns } # assemDesigns.keys is ordered based on input, assemOrder only contains types that are in the core assemOrder = [ aType for aType in r.blueprints.assemDesigns.keys() if counts[aType] > 0 ] data = [assemOrder.index(a.p.type) for a in core] labels = [r.blueprints.assemDesigns[a.p.type].specifier for a in core] legendMap = [ ( ai, assemDesign.specifier, "{} ({})".format(, counts[]), ) for ai, assemDesign in enumerate(r.blueprints.assemDesigns) if counts[] > 0 ] fName = "".join([cs.caseTitle, "RadialCoreMap.", cs["outputFileExtension"]]) plotting.plotFaceMap( core, title="{} Radial Core Map".format(cs.caseTitle), fName=fName, cmapName="RdYlBu", data=data, labels=labels, legendMap=legendMap, axisEqual=True, bare=True, titleSize=10, fontSize=8, ) report.setData( "Radial Core Map", os.path.abspath(fName), report.FACE_MAP, report.DESIGN )
COMPONENT_INFO = "Component Information"