3. Outputs

ARMI output files are described in this section. Many outputs may be generated during an ARMI run. They fall into various categories:

Framework outputs

Files like the stdout and the database are produced in nearly all runs.

Interface outputs

Certain plugins/interfaces produce intermediate output files.

Physics kernel outputs

If ARMI executes an external physics kernel during a run, its associated output files are often available in the working directory. These files are typically read by ARMI during the run, and relevant data is transferred onto the reactor model (and ends up in the ARMI database). If the user desires to retain all of the inputs and outputs associated with the physics kernel runs for a given time step, this can be specified with the savePhysicsIO setting. For any time step specified in the list under savePhysicsIO, a cXnY/ folder will be created, and ARMI will store all inputs and outputs associated with each physics kernel executed at this time step in a folder inside of cXnY/. The format for specifying a state point is 00X00Y for cycle X, step Y.

Together the output fully define the analyzed ARMI case.