Source code for armi.physics.fuelPerformance.utils

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"""Fuel performance utilities."""

from armi.reactor.flags import Flags

[docs]def applyFuelDisplacement(block, displacementInCm): r""" Expands the fuel radius in a pin by a number of cm. Assumes there's thermal bond in it to displace. This adjusts the dimension of the fuel while conserving its mass. The bond mass is not conserved; it is assumed to be pushed up into the plenum but the modeling of this is not done yet by this method. .. warning:: A 0.5% buffer is included to avoid overlaps. This should be analyzed in detail as a methodology before using in any particular analysis. .. math:: n V = n\prime V\prime n\prime = \frac{V}{V\prime} n """ clad = block.getComponent(Flags.CLAD) fuel = block.getComponent(Flags.FUEL) originalHotODInCm = fuel.getDimension("od") cladID = clad.getDimension("id") # do not swell past cladding ID! (actually leave 0.5% buffer for thermal expansion) newHotODInCm = min(cladID * 0.995, originalHotODInCm + displacementInCm * 2) fuel.setDimension("od", newHotODInCm, retainLink=True, cold=False) # reduce number density of fuel to conserve number of atoms (and mass) fuel.changeNDensByFactor(originalHotODInCm**2 / newHotODInCm**2)
[docs]def gasConductivityCorrection(tempInC: float, porosity: float, morphology: int = 2): """ Calculate the correction to conductivity for a porous, gas-filled solid. Parameters ---------- tempInC temperature in celcius porosity fraction of open/total volume morphology, optional correlation to use regarding pore morphology (default 2 is irregular porosity for conservatism) Returns ------- chi : float correction to conductivity due to porosity (should be multiplied) Notes ----- Morphology is treated different by different models: 0, no porosity correction 1, bauer equation, spherical porosity 2, bauer equation, irregular porosity 3, bauer equation, mixed morphology, above 660, spherical. Below 660, irregular 4, maxwell-eucken equation, beta=1.5 Source1 : In-Pile Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity of Irradiated Metallic Fuel, T.H. Bauer J.W. Holland. Nuclear Technology, Vol. 110, 1995. Pages 407-421 Source2 : The Porosity Dependence of the Thermal Conductivity for Nuclear Fuels, G. Ondracek B. Schulz. Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 46, 1973. Pages 253-258 """ if morphology == 0: chi = 1.0 elif morphology == 1: epsilon = 1.0 chi = (1.0 - porosity) ** ((3.0 / 2.0) * epsilon) elif morphology == 2: epsilon = 1.72 chi = (1.0 - porosity) ** ((3.0 / 2.0) * epsilon) elif morphology == 3: epsilon = 1.0 if tempInC < 660: epsilon = 1.72 else: epsilon = 1.00 chi = (1.0 - porosity) ** ((3.0 / 2.0) * epsilon) elif morphology == 4: chi = (1.0 - porosity) / (1.0 + 1.5 * porosity) return chi