# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module handles fuel management operations such as shuffling, rotation, and
fuel processing (in fluid systems).
The :py:class:`FuelHandlerInterface` instantiates a ``FuelHandler``, which is typically a user-defined
subclass the :py:class:`FuelHandler` object in custom shuffle-logic input files.
Users point to the code modules with their custom fuel handlers using the
``shuffleLogic`` and ``fuelHandlerName`` settings, as described in :doc:`/user/inputs/fuel_management`.
These subclasses override ``chooseSwaps`` that determine
the particular shuffling of a case.
This module also handles repeat shuffles when doing a restart.
# ruff: noqa: F401
import os
import re
import warnings
import numpy
from armi import runLog
from armi.physics.fuelCycle import assemblyRotationAlgorithms as rotAlgos
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.fuelHandlerFactory import fuelHandlerFactory
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.fuelHandlerInterface import FuelHandlerInterface
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import CONF_ASSEMBLY_ROTATION_ALG
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.utils.customExceptions import InputError
[docs]class FuelHandler:
A fuel handling machine can move fuel around the core and reactor.
It makes decisions on how to shuffle fuel based on user specifications.
It provides some supervisory data tracking, such as having the ability
to print out information about all moves that happened in a cycle (without
the user needing to explicitly track this information).
To use this, simply create an input Python file and point to it by path
with the ``fuelHandler`` setting. In that file, subclass this object.
def __init__(self, operator):
# we need access to the operator to find the core, get settings, grab
# other interfaces, etc.
self.o = operator
self.moved = []
def _handleBackwardsCompatibility(self):
# prepSearch used to be part of the API but is deprecated. This will
# trigger a warning if it's implemented.
# We have to do this hack until we phase out old inputs.
# This basically asks: "Did the custom subclass override prepSearch?"
if self.prepSearch.__func__ is not FuelHandler.prepSearch:
def cycle(self):
Link to the current cycle number.
This retains backwards compatibility with previous fuel handler inputs.
return self.o.r.p.cycle
def cs(self):
"""Link to the Case Settings object."""
return self.o.cs
def r(self):
"""Link to the Reactor object."""
return self.o.r
[docs] def outage(self, factor=1.0):
Simulates a reactor reload outage. Moves and tracks fuel.
This sets the moveList structure.
if self.moved:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot perform two outages with same FuelHandler instance."
# determine if a repeat shuffle is occurring or a new shuffle pattern
if self.cs["explicitRepeatShuffles"]:
# repeated shuffle
if not os.path.exists(self.cs["explicitRepeatShuffles"]):
raise RuntimeError(
"Requested repeat shuffle file {0} does not exist. Cannot perform shuffling. "
"Repeating a shuffling pattern from {}".format(
# Normal shuffle from user-provided shuffle logic input
# do rotations if pin-level details are available (requires fluxRecon plugin)
if self.cs["fluxRecon"] and self.cs[CONF_ASSEMBLY_ROTATION_ALG]:
# Rotate assemblies ONLY IF at least some assemblies have pin detail
# The user can choose the algorithm method name directly in the settings
if hasattr(rotAlgos, self.cs[CONF_ASSEMBLY_ROTATION_ALG]):
rotationMethod = getattr(rotAlgos, self.cs[CONF_ASSEMBLY_ROTATION_ALG])
raise RuntimeError(
"FuelHandler {0} does not have a rotation algorithm called {1}.\n"
"Change your {2} setting"
# inform the reactor of how many moves occurred so it can put the number in the database.
if self.moved:
numMoved = len(self.moved) * self.r.core.powerMultiplier
# tell the reactor which assemblies moved where
# also tell enrichments of each block in case there's some autoboosting going on.
# This is also essential for repeating shuffles in later restart runs.
for a in self.moved:
[b.getUraniumMassEnrich() for b in a],
runLog.important("A fuel management error has occurred. ")
runLog.important("Trying operation on assembly {}".format(a))
runLog.important("The moved list is {}".format(self.moved))
numMoved = 0
self.o.r.core.p.numMoves = numMoved
"Fuel handler performed {0} assembly shuffles.".format(numMoved)
# now wipe out the self.moved version so it doesn't transmit the assemblies during distributeState
moved = self.moved[:]
self.moved = []
return moved
[docs] def chooseSwaps(self, shuffleFactors=None):
"""Moves the fuel around or otherwise processes it between cycles."""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod
def getFactorList(cycle, cs=None, fallBack=False):
Return factors between 0 and 1 that control fuel management.
This is the default shuffle control function. Usually you would override this
with your own in a custom shuffleLogic.py file. For more details about how this
works, refer to :doc:`/user/inputs/fuel_management`.
This will get bound to the default FuelHandler as a static method below. This is
done to allow a user to mix and match FuelHandler class implementations and
getFactorList implementations at run time.
Ultimately, this approach will likely get replaced using the plugin framework, but
we aren't there yet.
# prefer to keep these 0 through 1 since this is what the branch search can do.
defaultFactorList = {"eqShuffles": 1}
factorSearchFlags = []
return defaultFactorList, factorSearchFlags
[docs] def prepCore(self):
"""Aux function to run before XS generation (do moderation, etc)."""
[docs] def prepSearch(self, *args, **kwargs):
Optional method that can be implemented in preparation of shuffling.
Often used to prepare the scope of a shuffling branch search.
This was used historically to keep a long-lived fuel handler in sync
with the reactor and can now technically be removed from the API, but
many historical fuel management inputs still expect it to be called
by the framework, so here it remains. New developments should
avoid using it. Most code using it has been refactored to just use
a ``_prepSearch`` private method.
It now should not be used and will trigger a DeprecationWarning
in the constructor. It's still here because old user-input code
calls the parent's prepSearch, which is this.
"`FuelHandler.prepSearch` is being deprecated from the framework. Please "
"change your fuel management input to call this method directly.",
[docs] def findAssembly(
width=(0, 0),
Search reactor for assemblies with various criterion. Primarily for shuffling.
targetRing : int, optional
The ring in which to search
width : tuple of integers
A (size, side) tuple where size is the number of rings on either side to also check.
side=1: only look in higher, -1: only look lower, 0: both sides
param : string, optional
A block (if blockLevelMax) or assem level param name such as 'power' or 'percentBu'
(requires compareTo).
compareTo : float or Assembly instance
an assembly to be compared to. Alternatively, a floating point number to compare to.
Even more alternatively, an (assembly,mult) or (float,mult) tuple where mult is a
multiplier. For example, if you wanted an assembly that had a bu close to half of
assembly bob, you'd give param='percentBu', compareTo=(bob,0.5) If you want one with a
bu close to 0.3, you'd do param='percentBu',compareTo=0.3. Yes, if you give a (float,
multiplier) tuple, the code will make fun of you for not doing your own math, but will
still operate as expected.
forceSide : bool, optional
requires the found assembly to have either 1: higher, -1: lower, None: any param than
exclusions : list, optional
List of assemblies that will be excluded from the search
minParam : float or list, optional
a parameter to compare to minVal for setting lower bounds. If list, must correspond to
parameters in minVal in order.
maxParam : float or list, optional
a parameter to compare to maxVal for setting upper bounds of acceptable assemblies.
If list,
must correspond to parameters in maxVal in order.
minVal : float or list, optional
a value or a (parameter, multiplier) tuple for setting lower bounds
For instance, if minParam = 'timeToLimit' and minVal=10, only assemblies with
timeToLimit higher than 10 will be returned. (Of course, there is also maxParam and
maxVal : float or list, optional
a value or a (parameter, multiplier) tuple for setting upper bounds
mandatoryLocations : list, optional
a list of string-representations of locations in the core for limiting the search to
several places
Any locations also included in `excludedLocations` will be excluded.
excludedLocations : list, optional
a list of string-representations of locations in the core that will be excluded from
the search
zoneList : list, optional
name of a zone defined in settings.py that will be picked from. Under development
findMany : bool, optional
If True, will return a list of assembies that match. Don't give a param.
typeSpec : Flags or list of Flags, optional
only assemblies with this type list will be returned. If none, only fuel will be found.
coords : tuple, optional
x,y tuple in cm. the fuel handler will try to find an assembly with a center closest to
that point
exactType : bool, optional
require type to be exactly equal to what's in the type list. So
Flags.IGNITER | Flags.FUEL is not Flags.INNER | Flags.IGNITER | Flags.FUEL
acceptFirstCandidateRing : bool, optional
takes the first assembly found in the earliest ring (without searching all rings for a
maxBu, for example) So if the candidate rings are 1-10 and we're looking for igniter
fuel with a maxBurnup, we don't get the max burnup in all those rings, but rather the
igniter with the max burnup in the ring closest to 1. If there are no igniters until
ring 4, you will get an igniter in ring 4.
blockLevelMax : bool, optional
If true, the param to search for will be built as the maximum block-level param of this
name instead of the assembly param. This avoids the need to assign assembly level params
default: false.
findFromSfp : bool, optional
if true, will look in the spent-fuel pool instead of in the core.
maxNumAssems : int, optional
The maximum number of assemblies to return. Only relevant if findMany==True
circularRingFlag : bool, optional
A flag to toggle on using rings that are based on distance from the center of the
The call signature on this method may have gotten slightly out of hand as
valuable capabilities were added in fuel management studies. For additional expansion,
it may be worth reconsidering the design of these query operations ;).
Assembly instance or assemList of assembly instances that match criteria, or None if none
feed = self.findAssembly(targetRing=4,
typeSpec=Flags.FEED | Flags.FUEL)
returns the feed fuel assembly in ring 4 that has a burnup closest to 100% (the highest
burnup assembly)
def compareAssem(candidate, current):
"""Check whether the candidate assembly should replace the current ideal
Given a candidate tuple (diff1, a1) and current tuple (diff2, a2), decide
whether the candidate is better than the current ideal. This first compares
the diff1 and diff2 values. If diff1 is sufficiently less than diff2, a1
wins, returning True. Otherwise, False. If diff1 and diff2 are sufficiently
close, the assembly with the lesser assemNum wins. This should result in a
more stable comparison than on floating-point comparisons alone.
if numpy.isclose(candidate[0], current[0], rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8):
return candidate[1].p.assemNum < current[1].p.assemNum
return candidate[0] < current[0]
def getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, paramName):
if blockLevelMax:
return a.getChildParamValues(paramName).max()
return a.p[paramName]
assemList = [] # list for storing multiple results if findMany is true.
# process input arguments
if targetRing is None:
# look through the full core
targetRing = 0
width = (100, 0)
if exclusions is None:
exclusions = []
if isinstance(minVal, list):
# list given with multiple mins
minVals = minVal
minParams = minParam
minVals = [minVal]
minParams = [minParam]
if isinstance(maxVal, list):
maxVals = maxVal
maxParams = maxParam
# just one given. put it in a list so the below machinery can handle it.
maxVals = [maxVal]
maxParams = [maxParam]
if typeSpec is None:
# restrict motions to fuel only
# not really necessary. take this default out if you want to move control rods, etc.
typeSpec = Flags.FUEL
minDiff = (1e60, None)
# compareTo can either be a tuple, a value, or an assembly
# if it's a tuple, it can either be an int/float and a multiplier, or an assembly and a multiplier
# if it's not a tuple, the multiplier will be assumed to be 1.0
mult = 1.0 # if no mult brought in, just assume 1.0
if isinstance(compareTo, tuple):
# tuple (assem or int/float, multiplier) brought in.
# separate it
compareTo, mult = compareTo
if isinstance(compareTo, (float, int)):
# floating point or int.
compVal = compareTo * mult
elif param:
# assume compareTo is an assembly
compVal = getParamWithBlockLevelMax(compareTo, param) * mult
if coords:
# find the assembly closest to xt,yt if coords are given without considering params.
aTarg = None
minD = 1e10
xt, yt = coords # assume (x,y) tuple.
for a in self.r.core.getAssemblies():
x, y, _ = a.spatialLocator.getLocalCoordinates()
d = (y - yt) ** 2 + (x - xt) ** 2
if d < minD:
minD = d
aTarg = a
return aTarg
if findFromSfp:
# hack to enable SFP searching.
candidateRings = ["SFP"]
# set up candidateRings based on targetRing and width. The target rings comes first b/c it is preferred.
candidateRings = [targetRing]
if width[1] <= 0:
# 0 or -1 implies that the inner rings can be added.
for inner in range(width[0]):
targetRing - inner - 1
) # +1 to get 1,2,3 instead of 0,1,2
if width[1] >= 0:
# if 1, add in the outer rings
for outer in range(width[0]):
candidateRings.append(targetRing + outer + 1)
# get lists of assemblies in each candidate ring. Do it in this order in case we prefer ones in the first.
# scan through all assemblies and find the one (or more) that best fits the criteria
for ringI, assemsInRings in enumerate(
candidateRings, typeSpec, exactType, exclusions, circularRingFlag
for a in assemsInRings:
innocent = True
# Check that this assembly's minParam is > the minimum for each minParam
for minIndex, minVal in enumerate(minVals):
minParam = minParams[minIndex]
if minParam:
# a minimum was specified. Check to see if we're ok
if isinstance(minVal, tuple):
# tuple turned in. it's a multiplier and a param
realMinVal = (
getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, minVal[0]) * minVal[1]
realMinVal = minVal
if getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, minParam) < realMinVal:
# this assembly does not meet the minVal specifications. Skip it.
innocent = False
break # for speed (not a big deal here)
if not innocent:
# Check upper bounds, to make sure this assembly doesn't have maxParams>maxVals
for maxIndex, maxVal in enumerate(maxVals):
maxParam = maxParams[maxIndex]
if maxParam:
if isinstance(maxVal, tuple):
# tuple turned in. it's a multiplier and a param
realMaxVal = (
getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, maxVal[0]) * maxVal[1]
realMaxVal = maxVal
if getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, maxParam) > realMaxVal:
# this assembly has a maxParam that's higher than maxVal and therefore
# doesn't qualify. skip it.
innocent = False
if not innocent:
# Check to see if this assembly is in the list of candidate locations. if not, skip it.
if mandatoryLocations:
if a.getLocation() not in mandatoryLocations:
if excludedLocations:
if a.getLocation() in excludedLocations:
# this assembly is in the excluded location list. skip it.
# only continue of the Assembly is in a Zone
if zoneList:
found = False # guilty until proven innocent
for zone in zoneList:
if a.getLocation() in zone:
# great! it's in there, so we'll accept this assembly
found = True # innocent
if not found:
# this assembly is not in any of the zones in the zone list. skip it.
# Now find the assembly with the param closest to the target val.
if param:
diff = abs(getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, param) - compVal)
if (
forceSide == 1
and getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, param) > compVal
and compareAssem((diff, a), minDiff)
# forceSide=1, so that means look in rings further out
minDiff = (diff, a)
elif (
forceSide == -1
and getParamWithBlockLevelMax(a, param) < compVal
and compareAssem((diff, a), minDiff)
# forceSide=-1, so that means look in rings closer in from the targetRing
minDiff = (diff, a)
elif compareAssem((diff, a), minDiff):
# no preference of which side, just take the one with the closest param.
minDiff = (diff, a)
# no param specified. Just return one closest to the target ring
diff = None
if a.spatialLocator.getRingPos()[0] == targetRing:
# short circuit the search
if findMany:
assemList.append((diff, a))
return a
elif (
abs(a.spatialLocator.getRingPos()[0] - targetRing) < minDiff[0]
minDiff = (
abs(a.spatialLocator.getRingPos()[0] - targetRing),
if findMany:
# returning many assemblies. If there's a param, we'd like it to be honored by
# ordering this list from smallest diff to largest diff.
assemList.append((diff, a))
if ringI == 0 and acceptFirstCandidateRing and minDiff[1]:
# an acceptable assembly was found in the targetRing (ringI==0)
# and the user requested this to be returned. Therefore, return it without
# scanning through the additional rings.
return minDiff[1]
if not minDiff[1]:
# can't find assembly in targetRing with close param to compareTo
if findMany:
assemList.sort() # prefer items that have params that are the closest to the value.
# extract the assemblies.
assemsInRings = [a for diff, a in assemList]
if maxNumAssems:
return assemsInRings[:maxNumAssems]
return assemsInRings
return minDiff[1]
def _getAssembliesInRings(
find assemblies in particular rings.
ringList : list
List of integer ring numbers to find assemblies in. Optionally, a string specifiying a
special location like the SFP (spent fuel pool)
typeSpec : Flags or iterable of Flags, optional
Flag types to restrict assemblies to
exactType : bool, optional
Match the type in typelist exactly
exclusions : list of Assemblies, optional
exclude these assemblies from the results
circularRingFlag : bool
A flag to toggle on using rings that are based on distance from the center of the reactor
assemblyList : list
List of assemblies in each ring of the ringList. [[a1,a2,a3],[a4,a5,a6,a7],...]
if "SFP" in ringList and self.r.sfp is None:
sfpAssems = []
f"{self} can't pull from SFP; no SFP is attached to the reactor {self.r}."
"To get assemblies from an SFP, you must add an SFP system to the blueprints"
f"or otherwise instantiate a SpentFuelPool object as r.sfp"
sfpAssems = self.r.sfp.getChildren()
assemblyList = [[] for _i in range(len(ringList))] # empty lists for each ring
if exclusions is None:
exclusions = []
exclusions = set(exclusions)
if circularRingFlag:
assemListTmp = []
assemListTmp2 = []
if ringList[0] == "SFP":
# kind of a hack for now. Need the capability.
assemblyList = sfpAssems
for i, ringNumber in enumerate(ringList):
assemListTmp = self.r.core.getAssembliesInCircularRing(
ringNumber, typeSpec, exactType, exclusions
for a in assemListTmp:
if a in exclusions:
if not a.hasFlags(typeSpec, exact=exactType):
# save only the assemblies not in the exclusions and with the proper type
# make the list of lists of assemblies
assemblyList[i] = assemListTmp2
if ringList[0] == "SFP":
# kind of a hack for now. Need the capability.
assemList = sfpAssems
assemList = self.r.core.getAssemblies()
for a in assemList:
if a in exclusions:
if not a.hasFlags(typeSpec, exact=exactType):
if a.getLocation() == "SFP":
ring = "SFP"
ring = a.spatialLocator.getRingPos()[0]
if ring in ringList:
# keep it in the right order
return assemblyList
[docs] def swapAssemblies(self, a1, a2):
Moves a whole assembly from one place to another.
a1 : Assembly
The first assembly
a2 : Assembly
The second assembly
See Also
dischargeSwap : swap assemblies where one is outside the core and the other is inside
if a1 is None or a2 is None:
"Cannot swap None assemblies. Check your findAssembly results. Skipping swap"
runLog.extra("Swapping {} with {}.".format(a1, a2))
# add assemblies into the moved location
for a in [a1, a2]:
if a not in self.moved:
oldA1Location = a1.spatialLocator
self._transferStationaryBlocks(a1, a2)
def _transferStationaryBlocks(self, assembly1, assembly2):
Exchange the stationary blocks (e.g. grid plate) between the moving assemblies.
These blocks in effect are not moved at all.
# grab stationary block flags
sBFList = self.r.core.stationaryBlockFlagsList
# identify stationary blocks for assembly 1
a1StationaryBlocks = [
[block, block.spatialLocator.k]
for block in assembly1
if any(block.hasFlags(sbf) for sbf in sBFList)
# identify stationary blocks for assembly 2
a2StationaryBlocks = [
[block, block.spatialLocator.k]
for block in assembly2
if any(block.hasFlags(sbf) for sbf in sBFList)
# check for any inconsistencies in stationary blocks and ensure alignment
if [block[1] for block in a1StationaryBlocks] != [
block[1] for block in a2StationaryBlocks
raise ValueError(
"""Different number and/or locations of stationary blocks
between {} (Stationary Blocks: {}) and {} (Stationary Blocks: {}).""".format(
assembly1, a1StationaryBlocks, assembly2, a2StationaryBlocks
if a1StationaryBlocks and a2StationaryBlocks:
if a1StationaryBlocks[-1][0].p.ztop != a2StationaryBlocks[-1][0].p.ztop:
"""Difference in top elevation of stationary blocks
between {} (Stationary Blocks: {}, Elevation at top of stationary blocks {})
and {} (Stationary Blocks: {}, Elevation at top of stationary blocks {}))""".format(
# swap stationary blocks
for (assem1Block, assem1BlockIndex), (assem2Block, assem2BlockIndex) in zip(
a1StationaryBlocks, a2StationaryBlocks
# remove stationary blocks
# insert stationary blocks
assembly1.insert(assem1BlockIndex, assem2Block)
assembly2.insert(assem2BlockIndex, assem1Block)
[docs] def dischargeSwap(self, incoming, outgoing):
Removes one assembly from the core and replace it with another assembly.
See Also
swapAssemblies : swaps assemblies that are already in the core
runLog.debug("Discharge swapping {} for {}.".format(incoming, outgoing))
if incoming is None or outgoing is None:
"Cannot discharge swap None assemblies. Check your findAssembly calls. Skipping"
# add assemblies into the moved location
# keep it unique so we don't get artificially inflated numMoves
for a in [incoming, outgoing]:
if a not in self.moved:
self._transferStationaryBlocks(incoming, outgoing)
# replace the goingOut guy.
loc = outgoing.spatialLocator
# say it happened at the end of the previous cycle by sending cycle-1
# to removeAssembly, which will look up EOC of last cycle,
# which, coincidentally is the same time we're at right now at BOC.
# adjust the assembly multiplicity so that it doesnt forget how many it really
# represents. This allows us to discharge an assembly from any location in
# fractional-core models where the central location may only be one assembly,
# whereas other locations are more, and keep proper track of things. In the
# future, this mechanism may be used to handle symmetry in general.
outgoing.p.multiplicity = len(loc.getSymmetricEquivalents()) + 1
if self.r.sfp is not None:
if incoming in self.r.sfp.getChildren():
# pull it out of the sfp if it's in there.
runLog.extra("removing {0} from the sfp".format(incoming))
incoming.p.multiplicity = 1
self.r.core.add(incoming, loc)
[docs] def swapCascade(self, assemList):
Perform swaps on a list of assemblies.
[goingOut,inter1,inter2,goingIn] will go to
[inter1, inter2, goingIn, goingOut] in terms of positions
or, in ASCII art::
| |
[A <- B <- C <- D]
# first check for duplicates
for assem in assemList:
if assemList.count(assem) != 1:
runLog.extra("Warning: %s is in the cascade more than once!" % assem)
# now swap.
levels = len(assemList)
for level in range(levels - 1):
if not assemList[level + 1]:
# If None in the cascade, just skip it. this will lead to slightly unintended shuffling if
# the user wasn't careful enough. Their problem.
"Skipping level %d in the cascade because it is none" % (level + 1)
self.swapAssemblies(assemList[0], assemList[level + 1])
[docs] def repeatShufflePattern(self, explicitRepeatShuffles):
Repeats the fuel management from a previous ARMI run.
explicitRepeatShuffles : str
The file name that contains the shuffling history from a previous run
moved : list
list of assemblies that moved this cycle
typically the explicitRepeatShuffles will be "caseName"+"-SHUFFLES.txt"
See Also
doRepeatShuffle : Performs moves as processed by this method
processMoveList : Converts a stored list of moves into a functional list of assemblies to swap
makeShuffleReport : Creates the file that is processed here
# read moves file
moves = self.readMoves(explicitRepeatShuffles)
# get the correct cycle number
# +1 since cycles starts on 0 and looking for the end of 1st cycle shuffle
cycle = self.r.p.cycle + 1
# setup the load and loop chains to be run per cycle
moveList = moves[cycle]
) = self.processMoveList(moveList)
# Now have the move locations
moved = self.doRepeatShuffle(
loadChains, loopChains, enriches, loadChargeTypes, loadNames
return moved
[docs] @staticmethod
def readMoves(fname):
Reads a shuffle output file and sets up the moves dictionary.
fname : str
The shuffles file to read
moves : dict
A dictionary of all the moves. Keys are the cycle number. Values are a list
of tuples, one tuple for each individual move that happened in the cycle.
The items in the tuple are (oldLoc, newLoc, enrichList, assemType).
Where oldLoc and newLoc are str representations of the locations and
enrichList is a list of mass enrichments from bottom to top.
See Also
repeatShufflePattern : reads this file and repeats the shuffling
outage : creates the moveList in the first place.
makeShuffleReport : writes the file that is read here.
f = open(fname)
except OSError:
raise RuntimeError(
"Could not find/open repeat shuffle file {} in working directory {}"
"".format(fname, os.getcwd())
moves = {}
numMoves = 0
for line in f:
if "ycle" in line:
# Used to say "Cycle 1 at 0.0 years". Now says: "Before cycle 1 at 0.0 years" to be more specific.
# This RE allows backwards compatibility.
# Later, we removed the at x years
m = re.search(r"ycle (\d+)", line)
cycle = int(m.group(1))
moves[cycle] = []
elif "assembly" in line:
# this is the new load style where an actual assembly type is written to the shuffle logic
# due to legacy reasons, the assembly type will be put into group 4
pat = r"([A-Za-z0-9!\-]+) moved to ([A-Za-z0-9!\-]+) with assembly type ([A-Za-z0-9!\s]+)\s*(ANAME=\S+)?\s*with enrich list: (.+)"
m = re.search(pat, line)
if not m:
raise InputError(
'Failed to parse line "{0}" in shuffle file'.format(line)
oldLoc = m.group(1)
newLoc = m.group(2)
assemType = m.group(
).strip() # take off any possible trailing whitespace
movingAssemName = m.group(
) # will be None for legacy shuffleLogic files. (pre 2013-08)
if movingAssemName:
movingAssemName = movingAssemName.split("=")[
] # extract the actual assembly name.
enrichList = [float(i) for i in m.group(5).split()]
(oldLoc, newLoc, enrichList, assemType, movingAssemName)
numMoves += 1
elif "moved" in line:
# very old shuffleLogic file.
"Using old *.SHUFFLES.txt loading file",
label="Using old shuffles file",
m = re.search(
"([A-Za-z0-9!]+) moved to ([A-Za-z0-9!]+) with enrich list: (.+)",
if not m:
raise InputError(
'Failed to parse line "{0}" in shuffle file'.format(line)
oldLoc = m.group(1)
newLoc = m.group(2)
enrichList = [float(i) for i in m.group(3).split()]
# old loading style, just assume that there is a booster as our surrogate
moves[cycle].append((oldLoc, newLoc, enrichList, None))
numMoves += 1
"Read {0} moves over {1} cycles".format(numMoves, len(moves.keys()))
return moves
[docs] @staticmethod
def trackChain(moveList, startingAt, alreadyDone=None):
Builds a chain of locations based on starting location.
Takes a moveList and extracts chains. Remembers all it touches.
If A moved to B, C moved to D, and B moved to C, this returns
A, B, C ,D.
Used in some monte carlo physics writers and in repeatShufflePattern
moveList : list
a list of (fromLoc,toLoc,enrichList,assemType,assemName) tuples that occurred at a single outage.
startingAt : str
A location label where the chain would start. This is important because the discharge
moves are built when the SFP is found in a move. This method must find all
assemblies in the chain leading up to this particular discharge.
alreadyDone : list
A list of locations that have already been tracked.
chain : list
The chain as a location list in order
enrich : list
The axial enrichment distribution of the load assembly.
loadName : str
The assembly name of the load assembly
See Also
if alreadyDone is None:
alreadyDone = []
enrich = None # in case this is a load chain, prep for getting enrich.
loadName = None
assemType = (
None # in case this is a load chain, prep for getting an assembly type
for fromLoc, toLoc, _enrichList, _assemblyType, _assemName in moveList:
if "SFP" in toLoc and "LoadQueue" in fromLoc:
# skip dummy moves
elif (fromLoc, toLoc) in alreadyDone:
# skip this pair
elif startingAt in fromLoc:
# looking for chain involving toLoc
# back-track the chain of moves
chain = [fromLoc]
safeCount = 0 # to break out of crazy loops.
complete = False
while (
chain[-1] not in ["LoadQueue", "ExCore", "SFP"]
and not complete
and safeCount < 100
# look for something going to where the previous one is from
lookingFor = chain[-1]
for (
) in moveList:
if cToLoc == lookingFor:
if cFromLoc in ["LoadQueue", "ExCore", "SFP"]:
# charge-discharge loop complete.
enrich = cEnrichList
loadName = cAssemName
assemType = cAssemblyType
# break from here or else we might get the next LoadQueue's enrich.
if chain[-1] == startingAt:
# non-charging loop complete
complete = True
safeCount += 1
if not safeCount < 100:
raise RuntimeError(
"Chain tracking got too long. Check moves.\n{0}".format(chain)
# delete the last item, it's loadqueue location or the startingFrom
# location.
# chain tracked. Can jump out of loop early.
return chain, enrich, assemType, loadName
# if we get here, the startingAt location was not found.
runLog.warning("No chain found starting at {0}".format(startingAt))
return [], enrich, assemType, loadName
[docs] def processMoveList(self, moveList):
Processes a move list and extracts fuel management loops and charges.
moveList : list
A list of information about fuel management from a previous case. Each entry represents a
move and includes the following items as a tuple:
the label of where the assembly was before the move
the label of where the assembly was after the move
a list of block enrichments for the assembly
the type of assembly that this is
the name of the assembly that is moving from to
loadChains : list
list of lists of location labels for each load chain (with charge/discharge). These DO NOT include
special location labels like LoadQueue or SFP
loopChains : list
list of lists of location labels for each loop chain (no charge/discharge)
enriches : list
The block enrichment distribution of each load assembly
loadChargeTypes :list
The types of assemblies that get charged.
loadNames : list
The assembly names of assemblies that get brought into the core from the SFP (useful for pulling out
of SFP for round 2, etc.). Will be None for anything else.
alreadyDone : list
All the locations that were read.
Used in the some Monte Carlo interfaces to convert ARMI moves to their format moves. Also used in
repeat shuffling.
See Also
makeShuffleReport : writes the file that is being processed
repeatShufflePattern : uses this to repeat shuffles
alreadyDone = []
loadChains = [] # moves that have discharges
loadChargeTypes = [] # the assembly types (str) to be used in a load chain.
loopChains = [] # moves that don't have discharges
enriches = [] # enrichments of each loadChain
loadNames = [] # assembly name of each load assembly (to read from SFP)
# first handle all charge/discharge chains by looking for things going to SFP
for fromLoc, toLoc, _enrichList, _assemType, _movingAssemName in moveList:
if toLoc in ["SFP", "ExCore"] and "LoadQueue" in fromLoc:
# skip dummy moves
elif "SFP" in toLoc or "ExCore" in toLoc:
# discharge. Track chain.
chain, enrichList, assemType, loadAssemName = FuelHandler.trackChain(
moveList, startingAt=fromLoc
"Load Chain with load assem {0}: {1}".format(assemType, chain)
# track all the locations we saw already so we
# don't use them in the loop moves.
# go through again, looking for stuff that isn't in chains.
# put them in loop type 3 moves (arbitrary order)
for fromLoc, toLoc, _enrichList, assemType, _movingAssemName in moveList:
if toLoc in ["SFP", "ExCore"] or fromLoc in ["LoadQueue", "SFP", "ExCore"]:
# skip loads/discharges; they're already done.
elif fromLoc in alreadyDone:
# skip repeats
# normal move
chain, _enrichList, _assemType, _loadAssemName = FuelHandler.trackChain(
moveList, startingAt=fromLoc
runLog.extra("Loop Chain: {0}".format(chain))
return loadChains, loopChains, enriches, loadChargeTypes, loadNames, alreadyDone
[docs] def doRepeatShuffle(
self, loadChains, loopChains, enriches, loadChargeTypes, loadNames
Actually does the fuel movements required to repeat a shuffle order.
loadChains : list
list of lists of location labels for each load chain (with charge/discharge)
loopChains : list
list of lists of location labels for each loop chain (no charge/discharge)
enriches : list
The block enrichment distribution of each load assembly
loadChargeTypes :list
The types of assemblies that get charged.
loadNames : list
The assembly names of assemblies that get brought into the core (useful for pulling out
of SFP for round 2, etc.)
See Also
repeatShufflePattern : coordinates the moves for this cycle
processMoveList : builds the input lists
This is a helper function for repeatShufflePattern
moved = []
# shuffle all of the load chain assemblies (These include discharges to SFP
# and loads from Loadqueue)
# build a lookup table of locations throughout the current core and cache it.
locContents = self.r.core.makeLocationLookup(assemblyLevel=True)
# perform load swaps (with charge/discharge)
for assemblyChain, enrichList, assemblyType, assemblyName in zip(
loadChains, enriches, loadChargeTypes, loadNames
# convert the labels into actual assemblies to be swapped
assemblyList = self.r.core.getLocationContents(
assemblyChain, assemblyLevel=True, locContents=locContents
# go through and swap the assemblies knowing that there is a discharge (first one)
# and a new assembly brought it (last one)
for i in range(0, -(len(assemblyList) - 1), -1):
self.swapAssemblies(assemblyList[i], assemblyList[i - 1])
# Now, everything has been set except the first assembly in the list, which must now be
# replaced with a fresh assembly... but which one? The assemblyType string
# tells us.
# Sometimes enrichment is set on-the-fly by branch searches, so we must
# not only use the proper assembly type but also adjust the enrichment.
if assemblyName:
# get this assembly from the SFP
loadAssembly = self.r.sfp.getAssembly(assemblyName)
if not loadAssembly:
"the required assembly {0} is not found in the SFP. It contains: {1}"
"".format(assemblyName, self.r.sfp.getChildren())
raise RuntimeError(
"the required assembly {0} is not found in the SFP.".format(
# create a new assembly from the BOL assem templates and adjust the enrichment
loadAssembly = self.r.core.createAssemblyOfType(
enrichList=enrichList, assemType=assemblyType
# replace the goingOut guy (for continual feed cases)
"Calling discharge swap with {} and {}".format(
loadAssembly, assemblyList[0]
self.dischargeSwap(loadAssembly, assemblyList[0])
# shuffle all of the loop chain assemblies (no charge/discharge)
for assemblyChain in loopChains:
# convert the labels into actual assemblies to be swapped
assemblyList = self.r.core.getLocationContents(
assemblyChain, assemblyLevel=True, locContents=locContents
for a in assemblyList:
# go through and swap the assemblies knowing that there is a discharge (first one)
# and a new assembly brought it (last one)
# for i in range(0,-(len(assemblyList)-1),-1):
for i in range(0, -(len(assemblyList) - 1), -1):
self.swapAssemblies(assemblyList[i], assemblyList[i + 1])
return moved
[docs] def workerOperate(self, cmd):
"""Handle a mpi command on the worker nodes."""
[docs] def prepShuffleMap(self):
"""Prepare a table of current locations for plotting shuffle maneuvers."""
self.oldLocations = {}
for a in self.r.core.getAssemblies():
self.oldLocations[a.getName()] = a.spatialLocator.getGlobalCoordinates()
[docs] def makeShuffleArrows(self):
Build data for plotting all the previous shuffles as arrows.
arrows : list
Values are (currentCoords, oldCoords) tuples
arrows = []
runLog.extra("Building list of shuffle arrows.")
for a in self.r.core.getAssemblies():
currentCoords = a.spatialLocator.getGlobalCoordinates()
oldCoords = self.oldLocations.get(a.getName(), None)
if oldCoords is None:
oldCoords = numpy.array((-50, -50, 0))
elif any(currentCoords != oldCoords):
arrows.append((oldCoords, currentCoords))
return arrows