armi.nucDirectory.tests.test_nuclideBases module
Tests for nuclideBases.
- class armi.nucDirectory.tests.test_nuclideBases.TestNuclide(methodName='runTest')[source]
Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.
- test_nucBases_imposeBurnChainDecayBulkStatistics()[source]
Test must be updated manually when burn chain is modified.
- test_nucBases_imposeBurnChainTransmutationBulkStatistics()[source]
Make sure all branches are equal to 1 for every transmutation type.
Exception: We allow 3e-4 threshold to account for ternary fissions, which are usually < 2e-4 per fission.
- test_kryptonDecayConstants()[source]
Tests that the nuclides data contains the expected decay constants.
- test_curieDefinitionWithRa226()[source]
Tests that the decay constant of Ra-226 is close to 1 Ci.
The original definition of 1 Ci was based on the half-life of Ra-226 for 1 gram. The latest evaluations show that 1 gram is defined as 0.988 Ci.