Source code for armi.reactor.systemLayoutInput

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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The legacy SystemLayoutInput class and supporting code.

This module contains the soon-to-be defunct ``SystemLayoutInput`` class, which used to
be used for specifying assembly locations in the core. This has been replaced by the
``systems:`` and ``grids:`` sections of ``Blueprints``, but still exists to facilitate
input migrations.

See Also

from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import copy
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import voluptuous as vol

from armi import runLog
from armi.reactor import geometry
from armi.reactor import grids
from armi.utils import asciimaps
from armi.utils import directoryChangers

INP_SYSTEMS = "reactor"
INP_SYMMETRY = "symmetry"
INP_GEOM = "geom"
INP_DISCRETES = "discretes"
INP_LATTICE = "lattice"
INP_LOCATION = "location"
INP_SPEC = "spec"
INP_FUEL_PATH = "eqPathIndex"
INP_FUEL_CYCLE = "eqPathCycle"

LOC_CARTESIAN = ("xi", "yi")
LOC_HEX = ("ring", "pos")
LOC_RZ = ("rad1", "rad2", "theta1", "theta2")
MESH_RZ = ("azimuthalMesh", "radialMesh")

    geometry.HEX: LOC_HEX,
    geometry.RZ: LOC_RZ + MESH_RZ,
    geometry.RZT: LOC_RZ + MESH_RZ,

            INP_LOCATION: vol.Schema(
                    vol.In(LOC_CARTESIAN + LOC_HEX + LOC_RZ + MESH_RZ): vol.Any(
                        float, int
            INP_SPEC: str,
            vol.Inclusive(INP_FUEL_PATH, "eq shuffling"): int,
            vol.Inclusive(INP_FUEL_CYCLE, "eq shuffling"): int,

INPUT_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
        INP_SYSTEMS: vol.Schema(
                str: vol.Schema(
                        vol.Optional(INP_GEOM, default=geometry.HEX): vol.In(
                            default=geometry.THIRD_CORE + " " + geometry.PERIODIC,
                        ): vol.In(geometry.SymmetryType.createValidSymmetryStrings()),
                        vol.Optional(INP_DISCRETES): DISCRETE_SCHEMA,
                        vol.Optional(INP_LATTICE): str,

[docs]class SystemLayoutInput: """ Geometry file. Contains 2-D mapping of geometry. This approach to specifying core layout has been deprecated in favor of the :py:class:`armi.reactor.blueprints.gridBlueprints.GridBlueprints` and ``systems:`` section of :py:class:`armi.reactor.blueprints.Blueprints` """ _GEOM_FILE_EXTENSION = ".xml" ROOT_TAG = INP_SYSTEMS def __init__(self): self.fName = None self.modifiedFileName = None self.geomType: str self.symmetry = None self.assemTypeByIndices = OrderedDict() self.eqPathInput = {} self.eqPathsHaveBeenModified = False self.maxRings = 0 def __repr__(self): return "<Geometry file {0}>".format(self.fName)
[docs] def readGeomFromFile(self, fName): """ Read the 2-d geometry input file. See Also -------- fromReactor : Build SystemLayoutInput from a Reactor object. """ self.fName = os.path.expandvars(fName) with open(self.fName) as stream: self.readGeomFromStream(stream)
[docs] def readGeomFromStream(self, stream): """ Read geometry info from a stream. This populates the object with info from any source. Notes ----- There are two formats of geometry: yaml and xml. This tries xml first (legacy), and if it fails it tries yaml. """ # Warn the user that this feature is schedule for deletion. warn = "XML Geom Files are scheduled to be removed from ARMI, please use blueprint files." runLog.important(warn) try: self._readXml(stream) except ET.ParseError: self._readYaml(stream)
[docs] def toGridBlueprints(self, name: str = "core"): """ Migrate old-style SystemLayoutInput to new GridBlueprint. Returns a list of GridBlueprint objects. There will at least be one entry, containing the main core layout. If equilibrium fuel paths are specified, it will occupy the second element. """ # TODO: After moving SystemLayoutInput out of, we may be able to # move this back out to top-level without causing blueprint import order issues. from armi.reactor.blueprints.gridBlueprint import GridBlueprint geom = self.geomType symmetry = self.symmetry bounds = None if self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.RZT: # We need a grid in order to go from whats in the input to indices, and to # be able to provide grid bounds to the blueprint. rztGrid = grids.ThetaRZGrid.fromGeom(self) theta, r, _ = rztGrid.getBounds() bounds = {"theta": theta.tolist(), "r": r.tolist()} gridContents = dict() for indices, spec in self.assemTypeByIndices.items(): if self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.HEX: i, j = grids.HexGrid.getIndicesFromRingAndPos(*indices) elif self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.RZT: i, j, _ = rztGrid.indicesOfBounds(*indices[0:4]) else: i, j = indices gridContents[(i, j)] = spec bp = GridBlueprint( name=name, gridContents=gridContents, geom=geom, symmetry=symmetry, gridBounds=bounds, ) bps = [bp] if any(val != (None, None) for val in self.eqPathInput.values()): # We could probably just copy eqPathInput, but we don't want to preserve # (None, None) entries. eqPathContents = dict() for idx, eqPath in self.eqPathInput.items(): if eqPath == (None, None): continue if self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.HEX: i, j = grids.HexGrid.getIndicesFromRingAndPos(*idx) elif self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.RZT: i, j, _ = rztGrid.indicesOfBounds(*idx[0:4]) else: i, j = idx eqPathContents[i, j] = copy(self.eqPathInput[idx]) pathBp = GridBlueprint( name=name + "EqPath", gridContents=eqPathContents, geom=geom, symmetry=symmetry, gridBounds=bounds, ) bps.append(pathBp) return bps
def _readXml(self, stream): tree = ET.parse(stream) root = tree.getroot() self._getGeomTypeAndSymmetryFromXml(root) self.assemTypeByIndices.clear() for assemblyNode in root: aType = str(assemblyNode.attrib["name"]) eqPathIndex, eqPathCycle = None, None if self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.CARTESIAN: indices = x, y = tuple( int(assemblyNode.attrib[key]) for key in LOC_CARTESIAN ) self.maxRings = max(x + 1, y + 1, self.maxRings) elif self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.RZT: indices = tuple( float(assemblyNode.attrib[key]) for key in LOC_RZ ) + tuple(int(assemblyNode.attrib[key]) for key in MESH_RZ) else: # assume hex geom. indices = ring, _pos = tuple( int(assemblyNode.attrib[key]) for key in LOC_HEX ) self.maxRings = max(ring, self.maxRings) if INP_FUEL_PATH in assemblyNode.attrib: # equilibrium geometry info. eqPathIndex = int(assemblyNode.attrib[INP_FUEL_PATH]) eqPathCycle = int(assemblyNode.attrib[INP_FUEL_CYCLE]) self.assemTypeByIndices[indices] = aType self.eqPathInput[indices] = (eqPathIndex, eqPathCycle) def _readYaml(self, stream): """ Read geometry from yaml. Notes ----- This is intended to replace the XML format as we converge on consistent inputs. """ yaml = YAML() tree = yaml.load(stream) tree = INPUT_SCHEMA(tree) self.assemTypeByIndices.clear() for _systemName, system in tree[INP_SYSTEMS].items(): # no need to check for valid since the schema handled that. self.geomType = geometry.GeomType.fromStr(system[INP_GEOM]) self.symmetry = geometry.SymmetryType.fromStr(system[INP_SYMMETRY]) if INP_DISCRETES in system: self._read_yaml_discretes(system) elif INP_LATTICE in system: self._read_yaml_lattice(system) def _read_yaml_discretes(self, system): for discrete in system[INP_DISCRETES]: location = discrete[INP_LOCATION] indices = tuple(location[k] for k in LOC_KEYS[str(self.geomType)]) if self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.CARTESIAN: x, y = indices self.maxRings = max(x + 1, y + 1, self.maxRings) elif self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.RZT: pass else: # assume hex geom. x, y = indices self.maxRings = max(x, self.maxRings) self.assemTypeByIndices[indices] = discrete[INP_SPEC] self.eqPathInput[indices] = ( discrete.get(INP_FUEL_CYCLE), discrete.get(INP_FUEL_PATH), ) def _read_yaml_lattice(self, system): """Read a ascii map string into this object.""" mapTxt = system[INP_LATTICE] if ( self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.HEX and self.symmetry.domain == geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE ): asciimap = asciimaps.AsciiMapHexThirdFlatsUp() asciimap.readAscii(mapTxt) for (i, j), spec in asciimap.items(): if spec == "-": # skip whitespace placeholders continue ring, pos = grids.HexGrid.indicesToRingPos(i, j) self.assemTypeByIndices[(ring, pos)] = spec self.maxRings = max(ring, self.maxRings) else: raise ValueError( f"ASCII map reading from geom/domain: {self.geomType}/" f"{self.symmetry.domain} not supported." )
[docs] def modifyEqPaths(self, modifiedPaths): """ Modifies the geometry object by updating the equilibrium path indices and equilibrium path cycles. Parameters ---------- modifiedPaths : dict, required This is a dictionary that contains the indices that are mapped to the eqPathIndex and eqPathCycle. modifiedPath[indices] = (eqPathIndex, eqPathCycle) """ runLog.important("Modifying the equilibrium paths on {}".format(self)) self.eqPathsHaveBeenModified = True self.eqPathInput.update(modifiedPaths)
def _getModifiedFileName(self, originalFileName, suffix): """ Generates the modified geometry file name based on the requested suffix. """ originalFileName = originalFileName.split(self._GEOM_FILE_EXTENSION)[0] suffix = suffix.split(self._GEOM_FILE_EXTENSION)[0] self.modifiedFileName = originalFileName + suffix + self._GEOM_FILE_EXTENSION
[docs] def writeGeom(self, outputFileName, suffix=""): """ Write data out as a geometry xml file. Parameters ---------- outputFileName : str Geometry file name suffix : str Added suffix to the geometry output file name """ if suffix: self._getModifiedFileName(outputFileName, suffix) outputFileName = self.modifiedFileName runLog.important("Writing reactor geometry file as {}".format(outputFileName)) root = ET.Element( INP_SYSTEMS, attrib={ INP_GEOM: str(self.geomType), INP_SYMMETRY: str(self.symmetry), }, ) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) # start at ring 1 pos 1 and go out for targetIndices in sorted(list(self.assemTypeByIndices)): ring, pos = targetIndices assembly = ET.SubElement(root, "assembly") assembly.set("ring", str(ring)) assembly.set("pos", str(pos)) fuelPath, fuelCycle = self.eqPathInput.get((ring, pos), (None, None)) if fuelPath is not None: # set the equilibrium shuffling info if it exists assembly.set(INP_FUEL_PATH, str(fuelPath)) assembly.set(INP_FUEL_CYCLE, str(fuelCycle)) aType = self.assemTypeByIndices[targetIndices] assembly.set("name", aType) # note: This is ugly and one-line, but that's ok # since we're transitioning. tree.write(outputFileName)
def _writeYaml(self, stream, sysName="core"): """ Write the system layout in YAML format. These can eventually either define a type/specifier mapping and then point to a grid definition full of specifiers to be populated, or they can just be a list of "singles" which define indices:specifier. Note ---- So far, only singles are implemented (analogous to old XML format) """ geomData = [] for indices in sorted(list(self.assemTypeByIndices)): specifier = self.assemTypeByIndices[indices] fuelPath, fuelCycle = self.eqPathInput.get(indices, (None, None)) keys = LOC_KEYS[str(self.geomType)] dataPoint = {INP_LOCATION: dict(zip(keys, indices)), INP_SPEC: specifier} if fuelPath is not None: dataPoint.update({INP_FUEL_PATH: fuelPath, INP_FUEL_CYCLE: fuelCycle}) geomData.append(dataPoint) yaml = YAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2) fullData = { INP_SYSTEMS: { sysName: { INP_GEOM: str(self.geomType), INP_SYMMETRY: str(self.symmetry), INP_DISCRETES: geomData, } } } fullData = INPUT_SCHEMA(fullData) # validate on the way out yaml.dump(fullData, stream) def _writeAsciiMap(self): """Generate an ASCII map representation. Warning ------- This only works for HexGrid. """ lattice = {} for ring, pos in sorted(list(self.assemTypeByIndices)): specifier = self.assemTypeByIndices[(ring, pos)] i, j = grids.HexGrid.getIndicesFromRingAndPos(ring, pos) lattice[i, j] = specifier geomMap = asciimaps.AsciiMapHexThirdFlatsUp() geomMap.asciiLabelByIndices = lattice geomMap.gridContentsToAscii() geomMap.writeAscii(sys.stdout)
[docs] def growToFullCore(self): """ Convert geometry input to full core. Notes ----- This only works for Hex 1/3rd core geometry inputs. """ if self.symmetry.domain == geometry.DomainType.FULL_CORE: # already full core from geometry file. No need to copy symmetry over. runLog.important( "Detected that full core geometry already exists. Cannot expand." ) return elif ( self.symmetry.domain != geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE or self.symmetry.boundary != geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC ): raise ValueError( "Cannot convert shape `{}` to full core, must be {}".format( self.symmetry.domain, str( geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC, ) ), ), ) grid = grids.HexGrid.fromPitch(1.0) grid._symmetry: str = str(self.symmetry) # need to cast to a list because we will modify during iteration for (ring, pos), specifierID in list(self.assemTypeByIndices.items()): indices = grids.HexGrid.getIndicesFromRingAndPos(ring, pos) for symmetricI, symmetricJ in grid.getSymmetricEquivalents(indices): symmetricRingPos = grids.HexGrid.indicesToRingPos( symmetricI, symmetricJ ) self.assemTypeByIndices[symmetricRingPos] = specifierID self.symmetry = geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.FULL_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.NO_SYMMETRY, )
def _getGeomTypeAndSymmetryFromXml(self, root): """Read the geometry type and symmetry.""" try: self.geomType = geometry.GeomType.fromStr( str(root.attrib[INP_GEOM]).lower() ) except ValueError: # will not execute if the geom was specified as thetarz, cartesian or anything else specific runLog.warning( "Could not find geometry type. Assuming hex geometry with third core periodic symmetry." ) self.geomType = geometry.GeomType.HEX self.symmetry = geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC, ) else: inputString = str(root.attrib[INP_SYMMETRY]).lower() self.symmetry = geometry.SymmetryType.fromStr(inputString)
[docs] @classmethod def fromReactor(cls, reactor): """ Build SystemLayoutInput object based on the current state of a Reactor. See Also -------- readGeomFromFile : Builds a SystemLayoutInput from an XML file. """ geom = cls()"Reading core map from {}".format(reactor)) geom.geomType = str(reactor.core.geomType) geom.symmetry = reactor.core.symmetry bp = reactor.blueprints assemDesigns = bp.assemDesigns if bp else () for assembly in reactor.core: aType = assembly.getType() if aType in assemDesigns: aType = assemDesigns[aType].specifier (x, _y) = indices = reactor.core.spatialGrid.getRingPos( assembly.spatialLocator.getCompleteIndices() ) geom.maxRings = max(x, geom.maxRings) geom.assemTypeByIndices[indices] = aType return geom
[docs] @classmethod def loadFromCs(cls, cs): """Function to load Geoemtry based on supplied ``CaseSettings``.""" if not cs["geomFile"]: return None with directoryChangers.DirectoryChanger(cs.inputDirectory): geom = cls() geom.readGeomFromFile(cs["geomFile"]) return geom