armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint module

This module defines the blueprints input object for assemblies.

In addition to defining the input format, the AssemblyBlueprint class is responsible for constructing Assembly objects. An attempt has been made to decouple Assembly construction from the rest of ARMI as much as possible. For example, an assembly does not require a reactor to be constructed, or a geometry file (but uses contained Block geometry type as a surrogate).

class armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint.Modifications(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: yamlize.maps.Map

The names of material modifications and lists of the modification values for each block in the assembly.

Initialize a Map.

  • *args – sequence of key/value pairs.

  • **kwargs – kwargs for input to OrderedDict.


alias of yamlize.yamlizable.Yamlizablestr


alias of yamlize.sequences.Sequence

attributes = <yamlize.attribute_collection.MapAttributeCollection object>
class armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint.ByComponentModifications(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: yamlize.maps.Map

The name of a component within the block and an associated Modifications object.

Initialize a Map.

  • *args – sequence of key/value pairs.

  • **kwargs – kwargs for input to OrderedDict.


alias of yamlize.yamlizable.Yamlizablestr


alias of armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint.Modifications

attributes = <yamlize.attribute_collection.MapAttributeCollection object>
class armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint.MaterialModifications(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: yamlize.maps.Map

A yamlize map for reading and holding material modifications.

A user may specify material modifications directly as keys/values on this class, in which case these material modifications will be blanket applied to the entire block.

If the user wishes to specify material modifications specific to a component within the block, they should use the by component attribute, specifying the keys/values underneath the name of a specific component in the block.

Initialize a Map.

  • *args – sequence of key/value pairs.

  • **kwargs – kwargs for input to OrderedDict.


alias of yamlize.yamlizable.Yamlizablestr


alias of yamlize.sequences.Sequence

attributes = <yamlize.attribute_collection.MapAttributeCollection object>
class armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint.AssemblyBlueprint(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: yamlize.objects.Object

A data container for holding information needed to construct an ARMI assembly.

This class utilizes yamlize to enable serialization to and from the blueprints YAML file.

classmethod getAssemClass(blocks)[source]

Get the ARMI Assembly class for the specified blocks.


blocks (list of Blocks) – Blocks for which to determine appropriate containing Assembly type

construct(cs, blueprint)[source]

Construct an instance of this specific assembly blueprint.

  • cs (CaseSettings) – CaseSettings object which containing relevant modeling options.

  • blueprint (Blueprint) – Root blueprint object containing relevant modeling options.

attributes = <yamlize.attribute_collection.AttributeCollection object>
class armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint.AssemblyKeyedList(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: yamlize.maps.KeyedList

Effectively and OrderedDict of assembly items, keyed on the assembly name.

This uses yamlize KeyedList for YAML serialization.

Initialize a Map.

  • *args – sequence of key/value pairs.

  • **kwargs – kwargs for input to OrderedDict.


alias of armi.reactor.blueprints.assemblyBlueprint.AssemblyBlueprint

property bySpecifier

Used by the reactor to _loadAssembliesIntoCore later, specifiers are two character strings.

attributes = <yamlize.attribute_collection.KeyedListAttributeCollection object>