# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Cross section group manager handles burnup-dependent properties of microscopic cross sections.
Blocks are specified to be in a certain *cross section type* and *burnup group*. Together,
these form the *cross section group*. By advancing blocks by their burnup into
different groups, we capture some of the physical effects related to depletion.
XS types are typically single capital letters like A
BU groups are also capital letters.
A XS group of AB is in XS type ``A`` and burnup group ``B``.
This module groups the blocks according to their XS groups and can determine
which block is to be deemed **representative** of an entire set of blocks in a particular xs group.
Then the representative block is sent to a lattice physics kernel for actual physics
Generally, the cross section manager is a attribute of the lattice physics code interface
csm = CrossSectionGroupManager()
representativeBlockList = csm.representativeBlocks.values()
blockThatRepresentsBA = csm.representativeBlocks['BA']
The class diagram is provided in `xsgm-class-diagram`_
.. _xsgm-class-diagram:
.. pyreverse:: armi.physics.neutronics.crossSectionGroupManager
:align: center
:alt: XSGM class diagram
:width: 90%
Class inheritance diagram for :py:mod:`crossSectionGroupManager`.
import collections
import copy
import os
import shutil
import string
import numpy
from armi import context
from armi import interfaces
from armi import runLog
from armi.physics.neutronics.const import CONF_CROSS_SECTION
from armi.reactor.components import basicShapes
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.utils.units import TRACE_NUMBER_DENSITY
from armi.physics.neutronics import LatticePhysicsFrequency
[docs]def describeInterfaces(cs):
"""Function for exposing interface(s) to other code"""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # avoid cyclic import
from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL
if "MCNP" not in cs[CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL]: # MCNP does not use CSGM
return (CrossSectionGroupManager, {})
return None
_ALLOWABLE_XS_TYPE_LIST = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
[docs]def getXSTypeNumberFromLabel(xsTypeLabel: str) -> int:
Convert a XSID label (e.g. 'AA') to an integer.
Useful for visualizing XS type in XTVIEW.
2-digit labels are supported when there is only one burnup group.
return int("".join(["{:02d}".format(ord(si)) for si in xsTypeLabel]))
[docs]def getXSTypeLabelFromNumber(xsTypeNumber: int) -> int:
Convert a XSID label (e.g. 65) to an XS label (e.g. 'A').
Useful for visualizing XS type in XTVIEW.
2-digit labels are supported when there is only one burnup group.
if xsTypeNumber > ord("Z"):
# two digit. Parse
return chr(int(str(xsTypeNumber)[:2])) + chr(int(str(xsTypeNumber)[2:]))
return chr(xsTypeNumber)
except ValueError:
runLog.error("Error converting {} to label.".format(xsTypeNumber))
[docs]class BlockCollection(list):
Controls which blocks are representative of a particular cross section type/BU group
This is a list with special methods.
def __init__(self, allNuclidesInProblem, validBlockTypes=None):
self.allNuclidesInProblem = allNuclidesInProblem
self.weightingParam = None
# allowed to be independent of fuel component temperatures b/c Doppler
self.avgNucTemperatures = {}
self._validRepresentativeBlockTypes = None
if validBlockTypes:
self._validRepresentativeBlockTypes = []
for t in validBlockTypes:
def __repr__(self):
return "<{} with {} blocks>".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self))
def _getNewBlock(self):
Create a new block instance.
Should only be used by average because of name (which may not matter)
newBlock = copy.deepcopy(self.getCandidateBlocks()[0])
newBlock.name = "AVG_" + newBlock.getMicroSuffix()
return newBlock
[docs] def createRepresentativeBlock(self):
"""Generate a block that best represents all blocks in group."""
representativeBlock = self._makeRepresentativeBlock()
return representativeBlock
def _makeRepresentativeBlock(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def _checkValidWeightingFactors(self):
Verify the validity of the weighting parameter.
.. warning:: Don't mix unweighted blocks (flux=0) w/ weighted ones
if self.weightingParam is None:
weights = [0.0] * len(self.getCandidateBlocks())
weights = [
block.p[self.weightingParam] for block in self.getCandidateBlocks()
anyNonZeros = any(weights)
if anyNonZeros and not all(weights):
# we have at least one non-zero entry and at least one zero. This is bad.
# find the non-zero ones for debugging
zeros = [block for block in self if not block.p[self.weightingParam]]
"Blocks with zero `{0}` include: {1}".format(self.weightingParam, zeros)
raise ValueError(
"{0} has a mixture of zero and non-zero weighting factors (`{1}`)\n"
"See stdout for details".format(self, self.weightingParam)
[docs] def calcAvgNuclideTemperatures(self):
Calculate the average nuclide temperatures in this collection based on the blocks in the collection.
If a nuclide is in multiple components, that's taken into consideration.
.. math::
T = \frac{\sum{n_i v_i T_i}}{\sum{n_i v_i}}
where :math:`n_i` is a number density, :math:`v_i` is a volume, and :math:`T_i` is a temperature
self.avgNucTemperatures = {}
nvt, nv = self._getNucTempHelper()
for i, nuclide in enumerate(self.allNuclidesInProblem):
nvtCurrent = nvt[i]
nvCurrent = nv[i]
avgTemp = 0.0 if nvCurrent == 0.0 else nvtCurrent / nvCurrent
self.avgNucTemperatures[nuclide] = avgTemp
def _getNucTempHelper(self):
Get temperature averaging numerator and denominator for block collection.
This is abstract; you must override it.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getWeight(self, block):
Get value of weighting function for this block
vol = block.getVolume() or 1.0
if not self.weightingParam:
weight = 1.0
# don't return 0
weight = block.p[self.weightingParam] or 1.0
return weight * vol
[docs] def getCandidateBlocks(self):
Get blocks in this collection that are the valid representative type.
Often, peripheral non-fissile blocks (reflectors, control, shields) need cross sections but
cannot produce them alone. You can approximate their cross sections by placing them in certain cross
section groups. However, we do not want these blocks to be included in the spectrum
calculations that produce cross sections. Therefore the subset of valid representative
blocks are used to compute compositions, temperatures, etc.
.. tip:: The proper way to treat non-fuel blocks is to apply a leakage spectrum from fuel onto them.
return [b for b in self if b.hasFlags(self._validRepresentativeBlockTypes)]
[docs]class AverageBlockCollection(BlockCollection):
Block collection that builds a new block based on others in collection
Averages number densities, fission product yields, and fission gas
removal fractions.
def _makeRepresentativeBlock(self):
Generate a block that best represents all blocks in group.
newBlock = self._getNewBlock()
lfpCollection = self._getAverageFuelLFP()
return newBlock
def _getAverageNumberDensities(self):
Get weighted average number densities of the collection.
numberDensities : dict
nucName, ndens data (atoms/bn-cm)
nuclides = self.allNuclidesInProblem
blocks = self.getCandidateBlocks()
weights = numpy.array([self.getWeight(b) for b in blocks])
weights /= weights.sum() # normalize by total weight
ndens = weights.dot([b.getNuclideNumberDensities(nuclides) for b in blocks])
return dict(zip(nuclides, ndens))
def _getAverageFuelLFP(self):
"""Compute the average lumped fission products."""
# TODO: make do actual average of LFPs
b = self.getCandidateBlocks()[0]
return b.getLumpedFissionProductCollection()
def _getNucTempHelper(self):
"""All candidate blocks are used in the average."""
nvt = numpy.zeros(len(self.allNuclidesInProblem))
nv = numpy.zeros(len(self.allNuclidesInProblem))
for block in self.getCandidateBlocks():
wt = self.getWeight(block)
nvtBlock, nvBlock = getBlockNuclideTemperatureAvgTerms(
block, self.allNuclidesInProblem
nvt += nvtBlock * wt
nv += nvBlock * wt
return nvt, nv
[docs]def getBlockNuclideTemperatureAvgTerms(block, allNucNames):
Compute terms (numerator, denominator) of average for this block.
This volume-weights the densities by component volume fraction.
It's important to count zero-density nuclides (i.e. ones like AM242 that are expected to build up)
as trace values at the proper component temperatures.
def getNumberDensityWithTrace(component, nucName):
# needed to make sure temperature of 0-density nuclides in fuel get fuel temperature
dens = component.p.numberDensities[nucName] or TRACE_NUMBER_DENSITY
except KeyError:
dens = 0.0
return dens
vol = block.getVolume()
components, volFracs = zip(*block.getVolumeFractions())
# D = CxN matrix of number densities
ndens = numpy.array(
[getNumberDensityWithTrace(c, nucName) for nucName in allNucNames]
for c in components
temperatures = numpy.array(
[c.temperatureInC for c in components]
) # C-length temperature array
nvBlock = (
ndens.T * numpy.array(volFracs) * vol
) # multiply each component's values by volume frac, now NxC
nvt = sum((nvBlock * temperatures).T) # N-length array summing over components.
nv = sum(nvBlock.T) # N-length array
return nvt, nv
[docs]class CylindricalComponentsAverageBlockCollection(BlockCollection):
Creates a representative block for the purpose of cross section generation with a one-dimensional
cylindrical model.
When generating the representative block within this collection, the geometry is checked
against all other blocks to ensure that the number of components are consistent. This implementation
is intended to be opinionated, so if a user attempts to put blocks that have geometric differences
then this will fail.
This selects a representative block based on the collection of candidates based on the
median block average temperatures as an assumption.
def _getNewBlock(self):
newBlock = copy.deepcopy(self._selectCandidateBlock())
newBlock.name = "1D_CYL_AVG_" + newBlock.getMicroSuffix()
return newBlock
def _selectCandidateBlock(self):
"""Selects the candidate block with the median block-average temperature."""
info = []
for b in self.getCandidateBlocks():
info.append((b.getAverageTempInC(), b.getName(), b))
medianBlockData = info[len(info) // 2]
return medianBlockData[-1]
def _makeRepresentativeBlock(self):
"""Build a representative fuel block based on component number densities."""
repBlock = self._getNewBlock()
bWeights = [self.getWeight(b) for b in self.getCandidateBlocks()]
componentsInOrder = self._orderComponentsInGroup(repBlock)
for c, allSimilarComponents in zip(repBlock, componentsInOrder):
allNucsNames, densities = self._getAverageComponentNucs(
allSimilarComponents, bWeights
for nuc, aDensity in zip(allNucsNames, densities):
c.setNumberDensity(nuc, aDensity)
return repBlock
def _getAllNucs(components):
"""Iterate through components and get all unique nuclides."""
nucs = set()
for c in components:
nucs = nucs.union(c.getNuclides())
return sorted(list(nucs))
def _checkComponentConsistency(b, repBlock):
Verify that all components being homogenized have same multiplicity and nuclides
When the components in a candidate block do not align with
the components in the representative block. This check includes component area, component multiplicity,
and nuclide composition.
if len(b) != len(repBlock):
raise ValueError(
f"Blocks {b} and {repBlock} have differing number "
f"of components and cannot be homogenized"
for c, repC in zip(b, repBlock):
compString = (
f"Component {repC} in block {repBlock} and component {c} in block {b}"
if c.p.mult != repC.p.mult:
raise ValueError(
f"{compString} must have the same multiplicity, but they have."
f"{repC.p.mult} and {c.p.mult}, respectively."
theseNucs = set(c.getNuclides())
thoseNucs = set(repC.getNuclides())
diffNucs = theseNucs.symmetric_difference(thoseNucs)
if diffNucs:
raise ValueError(
f"{compString} are in the same location, but nuclides "
f"differ by {diffNucs}. \n{theseNucs} \n{thoseNucs}"
def _getAverageComponentNucs(self, components, bWeights):
"""Compute average nuclide densities by block weights and component area fractions."""
allNucNames = self._getAllNucs(components)
densities = numpy.zeros(len(allNucNames))
totalWeight = 0.0
for c, bWeight in zip(components, bWeights):
weight = bWeight * c.getArea()
totalWeight += weight
densities += weight * numpy.array(c.getNuclideNumberDensities(allNucNames))
return allNucNames, densities / totalWeight
def _orderComponentsInGroup(self, repBlock):
"""Order the components based on dimension and material type within the representative block."""
for b in self.getCandidateBlocks():
self._checkComponentConsistency(b, repBlock)
componentLists = [list(b) for b in self.getCandidateBlocks()]
return [list(comps) for comps in zip(*componentLists)]
[docs]class SlabComponentsAverageBlockCollection(BlockCollection):
Creates a representative 1D slab block.
- Ignores lumped fission products since there is no foreseeable need for burn calculations in 1D slab geometry
since it is used for low power neutronic validation.
- Checks for consistent component dimensions for all blocks in a group and then creates a new block.
- Iterates through components of all blocks and calculates component average number densities. This calculation
takes the first component of each block, averages the number densities, and applies this to the number density
to the representative block.
def _getNewBlock(self):
newBlock = copy.deepcopy(self.getCandidateBlocks()[0])
newBlock.name = "1D_SLAB_AVG_" + newBlock.getMicroSuffix()
return newBlock
def _makeRepresentativeBlock(self):
"""Build a representative fuel block based on component number densities."""
repBlock = self._getNewBlock()
bWeights = [self.getWeight(b) for b in self.getCandidateBlocks()]
componentsInOrder = self._orderComponentsInGroup(repBlock)
for c, allSimilarComponents in zip(repBlock, componentsInOrder):
allNucsNames, densities = self._getAverageComponentNucs(
allSimilarComponents, bWeights
for nuc, aDensity in zip(allNucsNames, densities):
c.setNumberDensity(nuc, aDensity)
newBlock = self._removeLatticeComponents(repBlock)
return newBlock
def _getNucTempHelper(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def _getAllNucs(components):
"""Iterate through components and get all unique nuclides."""
nucs = set()
for c in components:
nucs = nucs.union(c.getNuclides())
return sorted(list(nucs))
def _checkComponentConsisteny(b, repBlock, components=None):
Verify that all components being homogenized are rectangular and have consistent dimensions.
When the components in a candidate block do not align with
the components in the representative block. This check includes component area, component multiplicity,
and nuclide composition.
When the shape of the component is not a rectangle.
.. warning:: This only checks ``consistentNucs`` for ones that are important in ZPPR and BFS.
comps = b if components is None else components
consistentNucs = ["PU239", "U238", "U235", "U234", "FE56", "NA23", "O16"]
for c, repC in zip(comps, repBlock):
if not isinstance(c, basicShapes.Rectangle):
raise TypeError(
"The shape of component {} in block {} is invalid and must be a rectangle.".format(
c, b
compString = "Component {} in block {} and component {} in block {}".format(
repC, repBlock, c, b
if c.getArea() != repC.getArea():
raise ValueError(
"{} are in the same location, but have differing thicknesses. Check that the "
"thicknesses are defined correctly. Note: This could also be due to "
"thermal expansion".format(compString)
theseNucs = set(c.getNuclides())
thoseNucs = set(repC.getNuclides())
for nuc in consistentNucs:
if (nuc in theseNucs) != (nuc in thoseNucs):
raise ValueError(
"{} are in the same location, but are not consistent in nuclide {}. \n{} \n{}"
"".format(compString, nuc, theseNucs, thoseNucs)
if c.p.mult != repC.p.mult:
raise ValueError(
"{} must have the same multiplicity to homogenize".format(
def _reverseComponentOrder(block):
"""Move the lattice component to the end of the components list."""
latticeComponents = [c for c in block if c.isLatticeComponent()]
components = [c for c in reversed(block) if not c.isLatticeComponent()]
if len(latticeComponents) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Block {} contains multiple `lattice` components: {}. Remove the additional "
"lattice components in the reactor blueprints.".format(
block, latticeComponents
return components
def _removeLatticeComponents(repBlock):
Remove the lattice component from the representative block.
- This component does not serve any purpose for XS generation as it contains void material with zero area.
- Removing this component does not modify the blocks within the reactor.
for c in repBlock.iterComponents():
if c.isLatticeComponent():
return repBlock
def _getAverageComponentNucs(self, components, bWeights):
"""Compute average nuclide densities by block weights and component area fractions."""
allNucNames = self._getAllNucs(components)
densities = numpy.zeros(len(allNucNames))
totalWeight = 0.0
for c, bWeight in zip(components, bWeights):
weight = bWeight * c.getArea()
totalWeight += weight
densities += weight * numpy.array(c.getNuclideNumberDensities(allNucNames))
return allNucNames, densities / totalWeight
def _orderComponentsInGroup(self, repBlock):
"""Order the components based on dimension and material type within the representative block."""
orderedComponents = [[] for _ in repBlock]
for b in self.getCandidateBlocks():
if len(b) != len(repBlock):
raise ValueError(
"Blocks {} and {} have differing number of components and cannot be homogenized".format(
b, repBlock
self._checkComponentConsisteny(b, repBlock)
componentsToAdd = [c for c in b]
except ValueError:
"Checking if components in block {} are in the reverse order of the components in the "
"representative block {}".format(b, repBlock)
reversedComponentOrder = self._reverseComponentOrder(b)
b, repBlock, components=reversedComponentOrder
componentsToAdd = [c for c in reversedComponentOrder]
for i, c in enumerate(componentsToAdd):
orderedComponents[i].append(c) # group similar components
return orderedComponents
[docs]class FluxWeightedAverageBlockCollection(AverageBlockCollection):
Flux-weighted AverageBlockCollection
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
AverageBlockCollection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.weightingParam = "flux"
[docs]class CrossSectionGroupManager(interfaces.Interface):
Looks at the reactor and updates burnup group information based on current burnup.
Contains a :py:class:`BlockCollection` for each cross section group.
The representative blocks created in the CrossSectionGroupManager are ordered
alphabetically by key.
name = "xsGroups"
_REPR_GROUP = "represented"
_NON_REPR_GROUP = "non-represented"
_PREGEN_GROUP = "pre-generated"
def __init__(self, r, cs):
interfaces.Interface.__init__(self, r, cs)
self._upperBuGroupBounds = None
self.representativeBlocks = collections.OrderedDict()
self.avgNucTemperatures = {}
self._buGroupUpdatesEnabled = True
self._unrepresentedXSIDs = []
[docs] def interactBOL(self):
# now that all cs settings are loaded, apply defaults to compound XS settings
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # avoid cyclic import
from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import (
self._latticePhysicsFrequency = LatticePhysicsFrequency[
if self._latticePhysicsFrequency == LatticePhysicsFrequency.BOL:
[docs] def interactBOC(self, cycle=None):
Update representative blocks and block burnup groups.
The block list each each block collection cannot be emptied since it is used to derive nuclide temperatures.
if self._latticePhysicsFrequency == LatticePhysicsFrequency.BOC:
[docs] def interactEOC(self, cycle=None):
EOC interaction.
Clear out big dictionary of all blocks to avoid memory issues and out-of-date representers.
[docs] def interactEveryNode(self, cycle=None, tn=None):
if self._latticePhysicsFrequency >= LatticePhysicsFrequency.everyNode:
[docs] def interactCoupled(self, iteration):
"""Update XS groups on each physics coupling iteration to get latest temperatures.
Updating the XS on only the first (i.e., iteration == 0) timenode can be a reasonable approximation to
get new cross sections with some temperature updates but not have to run lattice physics on each
coupled iteration. If the user desires to have the cross sections updated with every coupling iteration,
the ``latticePhysicsFrequency: all`` option.
See Also
:py:meth:`Assembly <armi.physics.neutronics.latticePhysics.latticePhysics.LatticePhysicsInterface.interactCoupled>`
if (
iteration == 0
and self._latticePhysicsFrequency
== LatticePhysicsFrequency.firstCoupledIteration
) or self._latticePhysicsFrequency == LatticePhysicsFrequency.all:
[docs] def clearRepresentativeBlocks(self):
"""Clear the representative blocks."""
runLog.extra("Clearing representative blocks")
self.representativeBlocks = collections.OrderedDict()
self.avgNucTemperatures = {}
def _setBuGroupBounds(self, upperBuGroupBounds):
Set the burnup group structure
upperBuGroupBounds : list
List of upper burnup values in percent.
If the provided burnup groups are invalid
self._upperBuGroupBounds = upperBuGroupBounds
lastBu = 0.0
for upperBu in self._upperBuGroupBounds:
if upperBu <= 0 or upperBu > 100:
raise ValueError(
"Burnup group upper bound {0} is invalid".format(upperBu)
if upperBu < lastBu:
raise ValueError("Burnup groups must be ascending")
lastBu = upperBu
def _updateBurnupGroups(self, blockList):
Update the burnup group of each block based on its burnup
If only one burnup group exists, then this is skipped so as to accomodate the possibility
of 2-character xsGroup values (useful for detailed V&V models w/o depletion).
See Also
if self._buGroupUpdatesEnabled and len(self._upperBuGroupBounds) > 1:
runLog.debug("Updating burnup groups of {0} blocks".format(len(blockList)))
for block in blockList:
bu = block.p.percentBu
for buGroupIndex, upperBu in enumerate(self._upperBuGroupBounds):
if bu <= upperBu:
block.p.buGroupNum = buGroupIndex
raise ValueError("no bu group found for bu={0}".format(bu))
"Skipping burnup group update of {0} blocks because it is disabled"
def _addXsGroupsFromBlocks(self, blockCollectionsByXsGroup, blockList):
Build all the cross section groups based on their XS type and BU group
Also ensures that their BU group is up to date with their burnup.
for b in blockList:
xsID = b.getMicroSuffix()
xsSettings = self._initializeXsID(xsID)
blockCollectionType = blockCollectionFactory(
xsSettings, self.r.blueprints.allNuclidesInProblem
group = blockCollectionsByXsGroup.get(xsID, blockCollectionType)
blockCollectionsByXsGroup[xsID] = group
return blockCollectionsByXsGroup
def _initializeXsID(self, xsID):
"""Initialize a new xs id."""
if xsID not in self.cs[CONF_CROSS_SECTION]:
runLog.debug("Initializing XS ID {}".format(xsID), single=True)
return self.cs[CONF_CROSS_SECTION][xsID]
[docs] def xsTypeIsPregenerated(self, xsID):
"""Return True if the cross sections for the given ``xsID`` is pre-generated."""
return self.cs[CONF_CROSS_SECTION][xsID].xsIsPregenerated
[docs] def fluxSolutionIsPregenerated(self, xsID):
"""Return True if an external flux solution file for the given ``xsID`` is pre-generated."""
return self.cs[CONF_CROSS_SECTION][xsID].fluxIsPregenerated
def _copyPregeneratedXSFile(self, xsID):
# stop a race condition to copy files between all processors
if context.MPI_RANK != 0:
for xsFileLocation, xsFileName in self._getPregeneratedXsFileLocationData(xsID):
dest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), xsFileName)
"Copying pre-generated XS file {} from {} for XS ID {}".format(
xsFileName, os.path.dirname(xsFileLocation), xsID
# Prevent copy error if the path and destination are the same.
if xsFileLocation != dest:
shutil.copy(xsFileLocation, dest)
def _copyPregeneratedFluxSolutionFile(self, xsID):
# stop a race condition to copy files between all processors
if context.MPI_RANK != 0:
fluxFileLocation, fluxFileName = self._getPregeneratedFluxFileLocationData(xsID)
dest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fluxFileName)
"Copying pre-generated flux solution file {} from {} for XS ID {}".format(
fluxFileName, os.path.dirname(fluxFileLocation), xsID
# Prevent copy error if the path and destination are the same.
if fluxFileLocation != dest:
shutil.copy(fluxFileLocation, dest)
def _getPregeneratedXsFileLocationData(self, xsID):
Gather the pre-generated cross section file data and check that the files exist.
Multiple files can exist on the `file location` setting for a single XS ID. This checks that all files exist
and returns a list of tuples (file path, fileName).
fileData = []
filePaths = self.cs[CONF_CROSS_SECTION][xsID].xsFileLocation
for filePath in filePaths:
filePath = os.path.abspath(filePath)
if not os.path.exists(filePath) or os.path.isdir(filePath):
raise ValueError(
"External cross section path for XS ID {} is not a valid file location {}".format(
xsID, filePath
fileName = os.path.basename(filePath)
fileData.append((filePath, fileName))
return fileData
def _getPregeneratedFluxFileLocationData(self, xsID):
"""Gather the pre-generated flux solution file data and check that the files exist."""
filePath = self.cs[CONF_CROSS_SECTION][xsID].fluxFileLocation
filePath = os.path.abspath(filePath)
if not os.path.exists(filePath) or os.path.isdir(filePath):
raise ValueError(
"External cross section path for XS ID {} is not a valid file location {}".format(
xsID, filePath
fileName = os.path.basename(filePath)
return (filePath, fileName)
[docs] def createRepresentativeBlocks(self):
Get a representative block from each cross section ID managed here.
representativeBlocks = {}
self.avgNucTemperatures = {}
self._unrepresentedXSIDs = []
runLog.extra("Generating representative blocks for XS")
blockCollectionsByXsGroup = self.makeCrossSectionGroups()
for xsID, collection in blockCollectionsByXsGroup.items():
numCandidateBlocks = len(collection.getCandidateBlocks())
if self.xsTypeIsPregenerated(xsID):
if numCandidateBlocks > 0:
runLog.debug("Creating representative block for {}".format(xsID))
if self.fluxSolutionIsPregenerated(xsID):
reprBlock = collection.createRepresentativeBlock()
representativeBlocks[xsID] = reprBlock
self.avgNucTemperatures[xsID] = collection.avgNucTemperatures
"No candidate blocks for {} will apply different burnup group".format(
self.representativeBlocks = collections.OrderedDict(
[docs] def createRepresentativeBlocksUsingExistingBlocks(
self, blockList, originalRepresentativeBlocks
Create a new set of representative blocks using provided blocks.
This uses an input list of blocks and creates new representative blocks for these blocks based on the
compositions and temperatures of their original representative blocks.
This is required for computing Doppler, Voided-Doppler, Temperature, and Voided-Temperature reactivity
coefficients, where the composition of the representative block must remain the same, but only the
temperatures within the representative blocks are to be modified.
blockList : list
A list of blocks defined within the core
originalRepresentativeBlocks : dict
A dict of unperturbed representative blocks that the new representative blocks are formed from
keys: XS group ID (e.g., "AA")
values: representative block for the XS group
blockCollectionByXsGroup : dict
Mapping between XS IDs and the new block collections
modifiedReprBlocks : dict
Mapping between XS IDs and the new representative blocks
origXSIDsFromNew : dict
Mapping of original XS IDs to new XS IDs. New XS IDs are created to
represent a modified state (e.g., a Doppler temperature perturbation).
If passed list arguments are empty
if not blockList:
raise ValueError(
"A block list was not supplied to create new representative blocks"
if not originalRepresentativeBlocks:
raise ValueError(
"New representative blocks cannot be created because a list of unperturbed "
"representative blocks was not provided"
newBlockCollectionsByXsGroup = collections.OrderedDict()
blockCollectionByXsGroup = self.makeCrossSectionGroups()
modifiedReprBlocks, origXSIDsFromNew = self._getModifiedReprBlocks(
blockList, originalRepresentativeBlocks
if not modifiedReprBlocks:
return None
for newXSID in modifiedReprBlocks:
oldXSID = origXSIDsFromNew[newXSID]
oldBlockCollection = blockCollectionByXsGroup[oldXSID]
newBlockCollection = oldBlockCollection.__class__(
newBlockCollectionsByXsGroup[newXSID] = newBlockCollection
return newBlockCollectionsByXsGroup, modifiedReprBlocks, origXSIDsFromNew
def _getModifiedReprBlocks(self, blockList, originalRepresentativeBlocks):
Create a new representative block for each unique XS ID on blocks to be modified.
modifiedReprBlocks : dict
Mapping between the new XS IDs and the new representative blocks
origXSIDsFromNew : dict
Mapping between the new representative block XS IDs and the original representative block XS IDs
modifiedBlockXSTypes = collections.OrderedDict()
modifiedReprBlocks = collections.OrderedDict()
origXSIDsFromNew = collections.OrderedDict()
for b in blockList:
origXSID = b.getMicroSuffix()
# Filter out the pre-generated XS IDs
if origXSID not in originalRepresentativeBlocks:
if self.xsTypeIsPregenerated(origXSID):
"A modified representative block for XS ID `{}` cannot be created because it is "
"mapped to a pre-generated cross section set. Please ensure that this "
"approximation is valid for the analysis.".format(origXSID),
origXSType = origXSID[0]
if origXSType not in modifiedBlockXSTypes.keys():
nextXSType = self.getNextAvailableXsTypes(
modifiedBlockXSTypes[origXSType] = nextXSType
newXSID = (
modifiedBlockXSTypes[origXSType] + origXSID[1]
) # New XS Type + Old Burnup Group
origXSIDsFromNew[newXSID] = origXSID
# Create new representative blocks based on the original XS IDs
for newXSID, origXSID in origXSIDsFromNew.items():
"Creating representative block `{}` with composition from representative block `{}`".format(
newXSID, origXSID
newXSType = newXSID[0]
newReprBlock = copy.deepcopy(originalRepresentativeBlocks[origXSID])
newReprBlock.p.xsType = newXSType
newReprBlock.name = "AVG_{}".format(newXSID)
modifiedReprBlocks[newXSID] = newReprBlock
# Update the XS types of the blocks that will be modified
for b in blockList:
if b.getMicroSuffix() == origXSID:
b.p.xsType = newXSType
return modifiedReprBlocks, origXSIDsFromNew
[docs] def getNextAvailableXsTypes(self, howMany=1, excludedXSTypes=None):
"""Return the next however many available xs types.
howMany : int, optional
The number of requested xs types
excludedXSTypes : list, optional
A list of cross section types to exclude from using
If there are no available XS types to be allocated
allocatedXSTypes = set()
for b in self.r.core.getBlocks(includeAll=True):
if excludedXSTypes is not None:
for xsType in excludedXSTypes:
availableXsTypes = sorted(
if len(availableXsTypes) < howMany:
raise ValueError(
"There are not enough available xs types. {} have been allocated, {} are available, and "
"{} have been requested.".format(
len(allocatedXSTypes), len(availableXsTypes), howMany
return availableXsTypes[:howMany]
def _getUnrepresentedBlocks(self, blockCollectionsByXsGroup):
gets all blocks with suffixes not yet represented (for blocks in assemblies in the blueprints but not the core).
Certain cases (ZPPR validation cases) need to run cross sections for assemblies not in
the core to get by region cross sections and flux factors.
unrepresentedBlocks = []
for a in self.r.blueprints.assemblies.values():
for b in a:
if b.getMicroSuffix() not in blockCollectionsByXsGroup:
b2 = copy.deepcopy(b)
return unrepresentedBlocks
[docs] def makeCrossSectionGroups(self):
Make cross section groups for all blocks in reactor and unrepresented blocks from blueprints.
bCollectXSGroup = {} # clear old groups (in case some are no longer existent)
bCollectXSGroup = self._addXsGroupsFromBlocks(
bCollectXSGroup, self.r.core.getBlocks()
bCollectXSGroup = self._addXsGroupsFromBlocks(
bCollectXSGroup, self._getUnrepresentedBlocks(bCollectXSGroup)
blockCollectionsByXsGroup = collections.OrderedDict(
return blockCollectionsByXsGroup
def _modifyUnrepresentedXSIDs(self, blockCollectionsByXsGroup):
adjust the xsID of blocks in the groups that are not represented
Try to just adjust the burnup group up to something that is represented
(can happen to structure in AA when only AB, AC, AD still remain).
for xsID in self._unrepresentedXSIDs:
missingXsType, _missingBuGroup = xsID
for otherXsID in self.representativeBlocks: # order gets closest BU
repType, repBuGroup = otherXsID
if repType == missingXsType:
nonRepBlocks = blockCollectionsByXsGroup.get(xsID)
if nonRepBlocks:
"Changing XSID of {0} blocks from {1} to {2}"
"".format(len(nonRepBlocks), xsID, otherXsID)
for b in nonRepBlocks:
b.p.buGroup = repBuGroup
"No representative blocks with XS type {0} exist in the core. "
"These XS cannot be generated and must exist in the working "
"directory or the run will fail.".format(xsID)
def _summarizeGroups(self, blockCollectionsByXsGroup):
"""Summarize current contents of the XS groups."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # avoid cyclic import
from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_XS_BLOCK_REPRESENTATION
runLog.extra("Cross section group manager summary")
"Averaging performed by `{0}`".format(self.cs[CONF_XS_BLOCK_REPRESENTATION])
for xsID, blocks in blockCollectionsByXsGroup.items():
if blocks:
xsIDGroup = self._getXsIDGroup(xsID)
if xsIDGroup == self._REPR_GROUP:
reprBlock = self.representativeBlocks.get(xsID)
"XS ID {} contains {:4d} blocks, represented by: {:65s}".format(
xsID, len(blocks), reprBlock
elif xsIDGroup == self._NON_REPR_GROUP:
"XS ID {} contains {:4d} blocks, but no representative block."
"".format(xsID, len(blocks))
elif xsIDGroup == self._PREGEN_GROUP:
xsFileNames = [
y for _x, y in self._getPregeneratedXsFileLocationData(xsID)
"XS ID {} contains {:4d} blocks, represented by: {}"
"".format(xsID, len(blocks), xsFileNames)
raise ValueError("No valid group for XS ID {}".format(xsID))
def _getXsIDGroup(self, xsID):
if self.xsTypeIsPregenerated(xsID):
return self._PREGEN_GROUP
elif xsID in self.representativeBlocks.keys():
return self._REPR_GROUP
elif xsID in self._unrepresentedXSIDs:
return self._NON_REPR_GROUP
return None
[docs] def disableBuGroupUpdates(self):
Turn off updating bu groups based on burnup
Useful during reactivity coefficient calculations to be consistent with ref. run.
See Also
runLog.extra("Burnup group updating disabled")
wasEnabled = self._buGroupUpdatesEnabled
self._buGroupUpdatesEnabled = False
return wasEnabled
[docs] def enableBuGroupUpdates(self):
Turn on updating bu groups based on burnup
See Also
runLog.extra("Burnup group updating enabled")
self._buGroupUpdatesEnabled = True
[docs] def getNucTemperature(self, xsID, nucName):
Return the temperature (in C) of the nuclide in the group with specified xsID.
Returns None if the xsID or nucName are not in the average nuclide temperature dictionary
if xsID not in self.avgNucTemperatures:
return None
return self.avgNucTemperatures[xsID].get(nucName, None)
[docs] def updateNuclideTemperatures(self, blockCollectionByXsGroup=None):
Recompute nuclide temperatures for the block collections within the core.
blockCollectionByXsGroup : dict, optional
Mapping between the XS IDs in the core and the block collections. Note that providing this as
an arugment will only update the average temperatures of these XS IDs/block collections and will
result in other XS ID average temperatures not included to be discarded.
This method does not update any properties of the representative blocks.
Temperatures are obtained from the BlockCollection class rather than the representative block.
self.avgNucTemperatures = {}
blockCollectionsByXsGroup = (
blockCollectionByXsGroup or self.makeCrossSectionGroups()
"Updating representative block average nuclide temperatures for the following XS IDs: {}".format(
for xsID, collection in blockCollectionsByXsGroup.items():
self.avgNucTemperatures[xsID] = collection.avgNucTemperatures
runLog.extra("XS ID: {}, Collection: {}".format(xsID, collection))
# String constants
# Mapping between block collection string constants and their
# respective block collection classes.
SLAB_COMPONENTS_BLOCK_COLLECTION: SlabComponentsAverageBlockCollection,
CYLINDRICAL_COMPONENTS_BLOCK_COLLECTION: CylindricalComponentsAverageBlockCollection,
[docs]def blockCollectionFactory(xsSettings, allNuclidesInProblem):
Build a block collection based on user settings and input.
blockRepresentation = xsSettings.blockRepresentation
validBlockTypes = xsSettings.validBlockTypes
return BLOCK_COLLECTIONS[blockRepresentation](
allNuclidesInProblem, validBlockTypes=validBlockTypes