Source code for armi.operators.tests.test_operatorSnapshots

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Tests for operator snapshots"""
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,missing-class-docstring,protected-access,invalid-name,no-method-argument,import-outside-toplevel
import unittest

from armi import settings
from armi.bookkeeping.db.databaseInterface import DatabaseInterface
from armi.operators import getOperatorClassFromSettings
from armi.operators.runTypes import RunTypes
from armi.operators.snapshots import OperatorSnapshots
from armi.reactor.tests import test_reactors
from armi.settings.fwSettings.databaseSettings import CONF_FORCE_DB_PARAMS

[docs]class TestOperatorSnapshots(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): newSettings = {} newSettings["db"] = True newSettings["runType"] = "Standard" newSettings["verbosity"] = "important" newSettings["branchVerbosity"] = "important" newSettings["nCycles"] = 1 newSettings[CONF_FORCE_DB_PARAMS] = ["baseBu"] newSettings["dumpSnapshot"] = ["000000", "008000", "016005"] o1, self.r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor(customSettings=newSettings) self.o = OperatorSnapshots(o1.cs) self.o.r = self.r # mock a Database Interface self.dbi = DatabaseInterface(self.r, o1.cs) self.dbi.loadState = lambda c, n: None
[docs] def test_atEOL(self): self.assertFalse(self.o.atEOL)
[docs] def test_setStateToDefault(self): cs0 = self.o.cs.modified(newSettings={"runType": RunTypes.SNAPSHOTS}) self.assertEqual(cs0["runType"], RunTypes.SNAPSHOTS) cs = self.o.setStateToDefault(cs0) self.assertEqual(cs["runType"], RunTypes.STANDARD)
[docs] def test_mainOperate(self): # Mock some tooling that we aren't testing self.o.interactBOL = lambda: None self.o.getInterface = ( lambda s: self.dbi if s == "database" else super().getInterface(s) ) self.assertEqual(self.r.core.p.power, 0.0) self.o._mainOperate() self.assertEqual(self.r.core.p.power, 100000000.0)
[docs] def test_createInterfaces(self): self.assertEqual(len(self.o.interfaces), 0) self.o.createInterfaces() # If someone adds an interface, we don't want this test to break, so let's do >6 self.assertGreater(len(self.o.interfaces), 6)
[docs] def test_createInterfacesDisabled(self): self.assertEqual(len(self.o.interfaces), 0) allInterfaces = [ "main", "fissionProducts", "xsGroups", "fuelHandler", "history", "database", "memoryProfiler", "snapshot", ] for i in allInterfaces: self.o.disabledInterfaces.append(i) self.o.createInterfaces() # If someone adds an interface, we don't want this test to break, so let's do >6 self.assertGreater(len(self.o.interfaces), 6) for i in self.o.interfaces: self.assertFalse(i.enabled())
[docs]class TestOperatorSnapshotsSettings(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_getOperatorClassFromSettings(self): cs = settings.Settings() cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"runType": RunTypes.SNAPSHOTS}) clazz = getOperatorClassFromSettings(cs) self.assertEqual(clazz, OperatorSnapshots)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()