armi.operators package

Operators build and hold the ARMI reactor model and perform operations on it.

Different operators may perform different calculation loops upon the reactor model. Operators can be thought of as schedulers for the interactions between the various ARMI physics packages and the reactor object(s).

Operators are generally created by a armi.cases object and are chosen by the runType setting. Custom operators may be introduced via the armi.plugins system.

The ARMI framework comes with two general-purpose Operators, which can be used for very real analysis given a proper set of plugins. The Operator is the Standard operator, which loops over cycles and timenodes. The OperatorSnapshots is the Snapshots operator, which loops over specific point in time from a previous Standard run and performs additional analysis (e.g. for detailed follow-on analysis/transients).

See also


Builds operators


The reactor model that the operator operates upon


Code that operators schedule to perform the real analysis or math on the reactor model


Choose an operator subclass and instantiate it object based on settings.


Choose a operator class based on user settings (possibly from plugin).


cs (Settings) –



Return type



ValueError – If the Operator class cannot be determined from the settings.