2. InputsΒΆ

ARMI input files define the initial state of the reactor model and tell ARMI what kind of analysis should be performed on it.


We have an input walkthrough tutorial for a quick overview of the inputs.

There are several input files:

Settings file

Contains simulation parameters (like full power, cycle length, and which physics modules to activate) and all kind of modeling approximation settings (e.g. convergence criteria)

Blueprints file

Contains dimensions and composition of the components/blocks/assemblies in your reactor systems, from fuel pins to heat exchangers

Fuel management file

Describes how fuel moves around during a simulation

Depending on the type of analysis, there may be additional inputs required. These include things like control logic, ex-core models for transients and shielding, etc.

The core map input files can be graphically manipulated with the Grid editor.