armi.settings.caseSettings module

This defines a Settings object that acts mostly like a dictionary. It is meant to be treated mostly like a singleton, where each custom ARMI object has access to it. It contains global user settings like the core power level, the input file names, the number of cycles to run, the run type, the environment setup, and hundreds of other things.

A settings object can be saved as or loaded from an YAML file. The ARMI GUI is designed to create this settings file, which is then loaded by an ARMI process on the cluster.

A primary case settings is created as masterCs

class armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings(fName=None)[source]

Bases: object

A container for global settings, such as case title, power level, and many run options.

It is accessible to most ARMI objects through self.cs (for ‘Case Settings’). It acts largely as a dictionary, and setting values are accessed by keys.

The settings object has a 1-to-1 correspondence with the ARMI settings input file. This file may be created by hand or by the GUI in


The actual settings in any instance of this class are immutable.

Instantiate a settings object


fName (str, optional) – Path to a valid yaml settings file that will be loaded

instance = <Settings name:armiRun total:150 altered:28>
defaultCaseTitle = 'armi'
property inputDirectory

getter for settings file path

property caseTitle

getter for settings case title

property environmentSettings

getter for environment settings

getSetting(key, default=None)[source]

Return a copy of an actual Setting object, instead of just its value.


This is used very rarely, try to organize your code to only need a Setting value.


return a duplicate copy of this settings object


Sets every setting back to its default value


This method is used to force loading a file to fail.

After command line processing of settings has begun, the settings should be fully defined. If the settings are loaded

loadFromInputFile(fName, handleInvalids=True, setPath=True)[source]

Read in settings from an input YAML file.

Passes the reader back out in case you want to know something about how the reading went like for knowing if a file contained deprecated settings, etc.


Add any ad-hoc ‘user’ plugins that are referenced in the settings file.

loadFromString(string, handleInvalids=True)[source]

Read in settings from a YAML string.

Passes the reader back out in case you want to know something about how the reading went like for knowing if a file contained deprecated settings, etc.


Central location to init logging verbosity


This means that creating a Settings object sets the global logging level of the entire code base.

writeToYamlFile(fName, style='short', fromFile=None)[source]

Write settings to a yaml file.


This resets the current CS’s path to the newly written absolute path.

  • fName (str) – the file to write to

  • style (str (optional)) – the method of output to be used when creating the file for the current state of settings (short, medium, or full)

  • fromFile (str (optional)) – if the source file and destination file are different (i.e. for cloning) and the style argument is medium, then this arg is used


Grabs the list of settings in the user-defined input file so that the settings can be tracked outside of a Settings Object


fPath (str) – The absolute file path of the settings file


userSettingsNames – The settings names read in from a yaml settings file

Return type


writeToYamlStream(stream, style='short', settingsSetByUser=[])[source]

Write settings in yaml format to an arbitrary stream.

  • stream (file object) – Writable file stream

  • style (str (optional)) – Writing style for settings file. Can be short, medium, or full.

  • settingsSetByUser (list) – List of settings names in user-defined settings file



Return type

SettingsWriter object


Updates the environment settings in this object based on some other cs (from the GUI, most likely)

  • otherCs (Settings object) – A cs object that environment settings will be inherited from.

  • environment (This enables users to run tests with their environment rather than the reference) –

modified(caseTitle=None, newSettings=None)[source]

Return a new Settings object containing the provided modifications.


Attempt to grab the module-level logger verbosities from the settings file, and then set their log levels (verbosities).


force (bool, optional) – If force is False, don’t overwrite the log verbosities if the logger already exists. IF this needs to be used mid-run, force=False is safer.


This method is only meant to be called once per run.