Source code for armi.settings.tests.test_settings

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Tests for new settings system with plugin import"""
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,missing-class-docstring,abstract-method,protected-access
import copy
import io
import logging
import os
import unittest

from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import voluptuous as vol

from armi import configure
from armi import getApp
from armi import getPluginManagerOrFail
from armi import plugins
from armi import settings
from armi.operators import settingsValidation
from armi.physics.fuelCycle import FuelHandlerPlugin
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.settings import caseSettings
from armi.settings import setting
from armi.tests import TEST_ROOT
from armi.utils import directoryChangers
from armi.utils.customExceptions import NonexistentSetting

THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

[docs]class DummyPlugin1(plugins.ArmiPlugin):
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineSettings(): return [ setting.Setting( "extendableOption", default="DEFAULT", label="Neutronics Kernel", description="The neutronics / depletion solver for global flux solve.", enforcedOptions=True, options=["DEFAULT", "OTHER"], ) ]
[docs]class DummyPlugin2(plugins.ArmiPlugin):
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineSettings(): return [ setting.Option("PLUGIN", "extendableOption"), setting.Default("PLUGIN", "extendableOption"), ]
[docs]class PluginAddsOptions(plugins.ArmiPlugin):
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineSettings(): return [ setting.Option("MCNP", "neutronicsKernel"), setting.Option("MCNP_Slab", "neutronicsKernel"), ]
[docs]class TestCaseSettings(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cs = caseSettings.Settings()
[docs] def test_updateEnvironmentSettingsFrom(self): envSettings = [ "trace", "profile", "coverage", "branchVerbosity", "moduleVerbosity", "verbosity", "outputCacheLocation", ] self.assertEqual(self.cs.environmentSettings, envSettings) newEnv = {es: 9 for es in envSettings} newEnv["moduleVerbosity"] = {} self.cs.updateEnvironmentSettingsFrom(newEnv) self.assertEqual(self.cs["verbosity"], "9")
[docs]class TestAddingOptions(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dc = directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() self.dc.__enter__() def tearDown(self): self.dc.__exit__(None, None, None)
[docs] def test_addingOptions(self): # load in the plugin with extra, added options pm = getPluginManagerOrFail() pm.register(PluginAddsOptions) # modify the default/text settings YAML file to include neutronicsKernel fin = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "armiRun.yaml") txt = open(fin, "r").read() txt = txt.replace("\n nodeGroup:", "\n neutronicsKernel: MCNP\n nodeGroup:") fout = "test_addingOptions.yaml" open(fout, "w").write(txt) # this settings file should load fine, and test some basics cs = settings.Settings(fout) self.assertEqual(cs["burnSteps"], 2) self.assertEqual(cs["neutronicsKernel"], "MCNP")
[docs]class TestSettings2(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # We are going to be messing with the plugin manager, which is global ARMI # state, so we back it up and restore the original when we are done. self._backupApp = copy.copy(getApp()) def tearDown(self): configure(self._backupApp, permissive=True)
[docs] def test_schemaChecksType(self): newSettings = FuelHandlerPlugin.defineSettings() good_input = io.StringIO( """ assemblyRotationAlgorithm: buReducingAssemblyRotation shuffleLogic: {} """.format( __file__ ) ) bad_input = io.StringIO( """ assemblyRotationAlgorithm: buReducingAssemblyRotatoin """ ) yaml = YAML() inp = yaml.load(good_input) for inputSetting, inputVal in inp.items(): settin = [s for s in newSettings if == inputSetting][0] settin.schema(inputVal) inp = yaml.load(bad_input) for inputSetting, inputVal in inp.items(): with self.assertRaises(vol.error.MultipleInvalid): settin = [s for s in newSettings if == inputSetting][0] settin.schema(inputVal)
[docs] def test_listsMutable(self): listSetting = setting.Setting( "aList", default=[], label="Dummy list", description="whatever" ) listSetting.value = [1, 2, 3] self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], listSetting.value) listSetting.value[-1] = 4 self.assertEqual([1, 2, 4], listSetting.value)
[docs] def test_listCoercion(self): """Make sure list setting values get coerced right.""" listSetting = setting.Setting( "aList", default=[0.2, 5], label="Dummy list", description="whatever" ) listSetting.value = [1, 2, 3] self.assertEqual(listSetting.value, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(listSetting.value[0], float))
[docs] def test_typeDetection(self): """Ensure some of the type inference operations work.""" listSetting = setting.Setting( "aList", default=[], label="label", description="desc", schema=vol.Schema([float]), ) self.assertEqual(listSetting.containedType, float) listSetting = setting.Setting( "aList", default=[], label="label", description="desc", schema=vol.Schema([vol.Coerce(float)]), ) self.assertEqual(listSetting.containedType, float)
[docs] def test_csWorks(self): """Ensure plugin settings become available and have defaults""" a = settings.getMasterCs() self.assertEqual(a["circularRingOrder"], "angle")
[docs] def test_pluginValidatorsAreDiscovered(self): cs = caseSettings.Settings() cs = cs.modified( caseTitle="test_pluginValidatorsAreDiscovered", newSettings={ "shuffleLogic": "nothere", "cycleLengths": [3, 4, 5, 6, 9], "powerFractions": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], }, ) inspector = settingsValidation.Inspector(cs) self.assertTrue( any( [ "Shuffling will not occur" in query.statement for query in inspector.queries ] ) )
[docs] def test_pluginSettings(self): pm = getPluginManagerOrFail() pm.register(DummyPlugin1) # We have a setting; this should be fine cs = caseSettings.Settings() self.assertEqual(cs["extendableOption"], "DEFAULT") # We shouldn't have any settings from the other plugin, so this should be an # error. with self.assertRaises(vol.error.MultipleInvalid): newSettings = {"extendableOption": "PLUGIN"} cs = cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) pm.register(DummyPlugin2) cs = caseSettings.Settings() self.assertEqual(cs["extendableOption"], "PLUGIN") # Now we should have the option from plugin 2; make sure that works cs = cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) cs["extendableOption"] = "PLUGIN" self.assertIn("extendableOption", cs.keys()) pm.unregister(DummyPlugin2) pm.unregister(DummyPlugin1) # Now try the same, but adding the plugins in a different order. This is to make # sure that it doesnt matter if the Setting or its Options come first pm.register(DummyPlugin2) pm.register(DummyPlugin1) cs = caseSettings.Settings() self.assertEqual(cs["extendableOption"], "PLUGIN")
[docs] def test_default(self): """Make sure default updating mechanism works.""" a = setting.Setting("testsetting", 0) newDefault = setting.Default(5, "testsetting") a.changeDefault(newDefault) self.assertEqual(a.value, 5)
[docs] def test_setModuleVerbosities(self): # init settings and use them to set module-level logging levels cs = caseSettings.Settings() newSettings = {"moduleVerbosity": {"test_setModuleVerbosities": "debug"}} cs = cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) # set the logger once, and check it is was set cs.setModuleVerbosities() logger = logging.getLogger("test_setModuleVerbosities") self.assertEqual(logger.level, 10) # try to set the logger again, without forcing it newSettings = {"moduleVerbosity": {"test_setModuleVerbosities": "error"}} cs = cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) cs.setModuleVerbosities() self.assertEqual(logger.level, 10) # try to set the logger again, with force=True cs.setModuleVerbosities(force=True) self.assertEqual(logger.level, 40)
[docs] def test_getFailures(self): """Make sure the correct error is thrown when getting a nonexistent setting""" cs = caseSettings.Settings() with self.assertRaises(NonexistentSetting): cs.getSetting("missingFake") with self.assertRaises(NonexistentSetting): _ = cs["missingFake"]
[docs] def test_settingIsOkayToGrab(self): cs = caseSettings.Settings() newSettings = {"cycles": [{"cumulative days": [1]}]} cs = cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): _ = cs["cycleLength"]
[docs] def test_modified(self): """prove that using the modified() method does not mutate the original object""" # init settings cs = caseSettings.Settings() # prove this setting doesn't exist with self.assertRaises(NonexistentSetting): cs.getSetting("extendableOption") # ensure that defaults in getSetting works val = cs.getSetting("extendableOption", 789) self.assertEqual(val, 789) # prove the new settings object has the new setting cs2 = cs.modified(newSettings={"extendableOption": "PLUGIN"}) self.assertEqual(cs2["extendableOption"], "PLUGIN") # prove modified() didn't alter the original object with self.assertRaises(NonexistentSetting): cs.getSetting("extendableOption") # prove that successive applications of "modified" don't fail cs3 = cs2.modified(newSettings={"numberofGenericParams": 7}) _cs4 = cs3.modified(newSettings={"somethingElse": 123})
[docs] def test_copySetting(self): """Ensure that when we copy a Setting() object, the result is sound. Notes ----- In particuar, self.schema and self._customSchema on a Setting object are removed by Setting.__getstate__, and that has been a problem in the past. """ # get a baseline: show how the Setting object looks to start s1 = setting.Setting("testCopy", 765) self.assertEqual(, "testCopy") self.assertEqual(s1._value, 765) self.assertTrue(hasattr(s1, "schema")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(s1, "_customSchema")) # show that copy(Setting) is working correctly s2 = copy.copy(s1) self.assertEqual(s2._value, 765) self.assertEqual(, "testCopy") self.assertTrue(hasattr(s2, "schema")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(s2, "_customSchema"))
[docs] def test_copySettingNotDefault(self): """Ensure that when we copy a Setting() object, the result is sound when the Setting value is set to a non-default value. """ # get a baseline: show how the Setting object looks to start s1 = setting.Setting("testCopy", 765) s1.value = 999 self.assertEqual(, "testCopy") self.assertEqual(s1._value, 999) self.assertTrue(hasattr(s1, "schema")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(s1, "_customSchema")) # show that copy(Setting) is working correctly s2 = copy.copy(s1) self.assertEqual(s2._value, 999) self.assertEqual(, "testCopy") self.assertTrue(hasattr(s2, "schema")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(s2, "_customSchema"))
[docs] def test_empty(self): cs = caseSettings.Settings() cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"buGroups": []}) self.assertEqual(cs["buGroups"], [])
[docs]class TestSettingsUtils(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for utility functions""" def setUp(self): self.dc = directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() self.dc.__enter__() # Create a little case suite on the fly. Whipping it up from defaults should be # more evergreen than committing settings files as a test resource cs = caseSettings.Settings() cs.writeToYamlFile("settings1.yaml") cs.writeToYamlFile("settings2.yaml") with open("notSettings.yaml", "w") as f: f.write("some: other\n" "yaml: file\n") os.mkdir("subdir") cs.writeToYamlFile("subdir/settings3.yaml") cs.writeToYamlFile("subdir/skipSettings.yaml") def tearDown(self): self.dc.__exit__(None, None, None)
[docs] def test_recursiveScan(self): loadedSettings = settings.recursivelyLoadSettingsFiles( ".", ["*.yaml"], ignorePatterns=["skip*"] ) names = {cs.caseTitle for cs in loadedSettings} self.assertIn("settings1", names) self.assertIn("settings2", names) self.assertIn("settings3", names) self.assertNotIn("skipSettings", names) loadedSettings = settings.recursivelyLoadSettingsFiles( ".", ["*.yaml"], recursive=False, ignorePatterns=["skip*"] ) names = {cs.caseTitle for cs in loadedSettings} self.assertIn("settings1", names) self.assertIn("settings2", names) self.assertNotIn("settings3", names)
[docs] def test_prompt(self): selection = settings.promptForSettingsFile(1) self.assertEqual(selection, "settings1.yaml")
[docs]class TestFlagListSetting(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_flagListSetting(self): """Test that a list of strings can be converted to a list of flags and back.""" flagsAsStringList = ["DUCT", "FUEL", "CLAD"] flagsAsFlagList = [Flags.DUCT, Flags.FUEL, Flags.CLAD] fs = setting.FlagListSetting(name="testFlagSetting", default=[]) # Set the value as a list of strings first fs.value = flagsAsStringList self.assertEqual(fs.value, flagsAsFlagList) self.assertEqual(fs.dump(), flagsAsStringList) # Set the value as a list of flags fs.value = flagsAsFlagList self.assertEqual(fs.value, flagsAsFlagList) self.assertEqual(fs.dump(), flagsAsStringList)
[docs] def test_invalidFlagListTypeError(self): """Test raising a TypeError when a list is not provided.""" fs = setting.FlagListSetting(name="testFlagSetting", default=[]) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): fs.value = "DUCT"
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()