Source code for armi.settings.fwSettings.globalSettings

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Framework-wide settings definitions and constants.

This should contain Settings definitions for general-purpose "framework" settings. These
should only include settings that are not related to any particular physics or plugins.

TODO: There are lots of settings in here that violate the above rule, which still need
to be migrated to their respective plugins: they are clearly separated for review.
import os
from typing import List

import voluptuous as vol

from armi import context
from armi.settings import setting
from armi.utils.mathematics import isMonotonic

# Framework settings
CONF_NUM_PROCESSORS = "numProcessors"
CONF_ZONING_STRATEGY = "zoningStrategy"
CONF_AUTOMATIC_VARIABLE_MESH = "automaticVariableMesh"
CONF_TRACE = "trace"
CONF_PROFILE = "profile"
CONF_COVERAGE = "coverage"
CONF_CYCLE_LENGTH = "cycleLength"
CONF_CYCLE_LENGTHS = "cycleLengths"
CONF_AVAILABILITY_FACTOR = "availabilityFactor"
CONF_AVAILABILITY_FACTORS = "availabilityFactors"
CONF_POWER_FRACTIONS = "powerFractions"
CONF_BURN_STEPS = "burnSteps"
CONF_BETA = "beta"
CONF_DECAY_CONSTANTS = "decayConstants"
CONF_BRANCH_VERBOSITY = "branchVerbosity"
CONF_BU_GROUPS = "buGroups"
CONF_BURNUP_PEAKING_FACTOR = "burnupPeakingFactor"
CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_PITCH = "circularRingPitch"
CONF_COMMENT = "comment"
CONF_COPY_FILES_FROM = "copyFilesFrom"
CONF_COPY_FILES_TO = "copyFilesTo"
CONF_DEBUG = "debug"
CONF_DEBUG_MEM = "debugMem"
CONF_DEBUG_MEM_SIZE = "debugMemSize"
CONF_DEFAULT_SNAPSHOTS = "defaultSnapshots"
CONF_DETAIL_ALL_ASSEMS = "detailAllAssems"
CONF_DETAIL_ASSEM_NUMS = "detailAssemNums"
CONF_DUMP_SNAPSHOT = "dumpSnapshot"
CONF_DO_ORIFICED_TH = "doOrificedTH"  # zones
CONF_EQ_DIRECT = "eqDirect"  # fuelCycle/equilibrium coupling
CONF_FRESH_FEED_TYPE = "freshFeedType"
CONF_GEOM_FILE = "geomFile"
CONF_START_CYCLE = "startCycle"
CONF_LOADING_FILE = "loadingFile"
CONF_START_NODE = "startNode"
CONF_LOAD_STYLE = "loadStyle"
CONF_LOW_POWER_REGION_FRACTION = "lowPowerRegionFraction"  # reports
CONF_MODULE_VERBOSITY = "moduleVerbosity"
CONF_N_CYCLES = "nCycles"
CONF_NUM_COUPLED_ITERATIONS = "numCoupledIterations"
CONF_OPERATOR_LOCATION = "operatorLocation"
CONF_OUTPUT_FILE_EXTENSION = "outputFileExtension"
CONF_PLOTS = "plots"
CONF_POWER = "power"
CONF_RUN_TYPE = "runType"
CONF_EXPLICIT_REPEAT_SHUFFLES = "explicitRepeatShuffles"
CONF_SKIP_CYCLES = "skipCycles"
CONF_SMALL_RUN = "smallRun"
CONF_REALLY_SMALL_RUN = "reallySmallRun"
CONF_STATIONARY_BLOCK_FLAGS = "stationaryBlockFlags"
CONF_TARGET_K = "targetK"  # lots of things use this
CONF_TRACK_ASSEMS = "trackAssems"
CONF_VERBOSITY = "verbosity"
CONF_ZONE_DEFINITIONS = "zoneDefinitions"
CONF_RING_ZONES = "ringZones"
CONF_SPLIT_ZONES = "splitZones"
CONF_FLUX_RECON = "fluxRecon"  # strange coupling in fuel handlers
CONF_INDEPENDENT_VARIABLES = "independentVariables"
CONF_LOOSE_COUPLING = "looseCoupling"
CONF_T_IN = "Tin"
CONF_T_OUT = "Tout"
CONF_DEFERRED_INTERFACES_CYCLE = "deferredInterfacesCycle"
CONF_DEFERRED_INTERFACE_NAMES = "deferredInterfaceNames"
CONF_OUTPUT_CACHE_LOCATION = "outputCacheLocation"
CONF_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE_ORDER = "materialNamespaceOrder"
CONF_DETAILED_AXIAL_EXPANSION = "detailedAxialExpansion"
CONF_BLOCK_AUTO_GRID = "autoGenerateBlockGrids"
CONF_INPUT_HEIGHTS_HOT = "inputHeightsConsideredHot"
CONF_CYCLES = "cycles"
CONF_USER_PLUGINS = "userPlugins"

# Unused by ARMI, slated for removal
CONF_CONDITIONAL_MODULE_NAME = "conditionalModuleName"  # mcfr
CONF_GROW_TO_FULL_CORE_AFTER_LOAD = "growToFullCoreAfterLoad"  # mcnp & gui
CONF_MEM_PER_NODE = "memPerNode"  # unused?
CONF_NUM_CONTROL_BLOCKS = "numControlBlocks"  # dif3d
CONF_REMOVE_PER_CYCLE = "removePerCycle"  # fuel handler, equilibrium, mcnp
CONF_USE_INPUT_TEMPERATURES_ON_DBLOAD = "useInputTemperaturesOnDBLoad"  # th

[docs]def defineSettings() -> List[setting.Setting]: """Return a list of global framework settings.""" settings = [ setting.Setting( CONF_NUM_PROCESSORS, default=1, label="CPUs", description="Number of CPUs to request on the cluster", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_BURN_CHAIN_FILE_NAME, default=os.path.join(context.RES, "burn-chain.yaml"), label="Burn Chain File", description="Path to YAML file that has the depletion chain defined in it", ), setting.Setting( CONF_ZONING_STRATEGY, default="byRingZone", label="Automatic core zone creation strategy", description="Channel Grouping Options for Safety;" "everyFA: every FA is its own channel, " "byRingZone: based on ringzones, " "byFuelType: based on fuel type, " "Manual: you must specify 'zoneDefinitions' setting", options=["byRingZone", "byOrifice", "byFuelType", "everyFA", "manual"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_AXIAL_MESH_REFINEMENT_FACTOR, default=1, label="Axial Mesh Refinement Factor", description="Multiplicative factor on the Global Flux number of mesh per " "block. Used for axial mesh refinement.", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=False)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_DETAILED_AXIAL_EXPANSION, default=False, label="Detailed Axial Expansion", description=( "Allow each assembly to expand independently of the others. Results in non-uniform " "axial mesh. Neutronics kernel must be able to handle." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_NON_UNIFORM_ASSEM_FLAGS, default=[], label="Non Uniform Assem Flags", description=( "Assemblies that match a flag group on this list will not have their " "mesh changed with the reference mesh of the core for uniform mesh cases (non-" "detailed axial expansion). Another plugin may need to make the mesh uniform if " "necessary." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_INPUT_HEIGHTS_HOT, default=True, label="Input Height Considered Hot", description=( "This is a flag to determine if block heights, as provided in blueprints, are at hot dimensions. " "If false, block heights are at cold/as-built dimensions and will be thermally expanded as appropriate." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_CONDITIONAL_MODULE_NAME, default="", label="Burn End Conditional", description="File name (directory not included) of the Python " "module that contains a conditional function to determine the end of burn " "cycles", ), setting.Setting( CONF_AUTOMATIC_VARIABLE_MESH, default=False, label="Automatic Neutronics Variable Mesh", description="Flag to let ARMI add additional mesh points if the " "neutronics mesh is too irregular", ), setting.Setting( CONF_TRACE, default=False, label="Use the Python Tracer", description="Activate Python trace module to print out each line as it's " "executed", isEnvironment=True, ), setting.Setting( CONF_PROFILE, default=False, label="Turn On the Profiler", description="Turn on the profiler for the submitted case. The profiler " "results will not include all import times.", isEnvironment=True, oldNames=[ ("turnOnProfiler", None), ], ), setting.Setting( CONF_COVERAGE, default=False, label="Turn On Coverage Report Generation", description="Turn on coverage report generation which tracks all the lines " "of code that execute during a run", isEnvironment=True, ), setting.Setting( CONF_MIN_MESH_SIZE_RATIO, default=0.15, label="Minimum Mesh Size Ratio", description="This is the minimum ratio of mesh sizes (dP1/(dP1 + dP2)) " "allowable -- only active if automaticVariableMesh flag is set to True", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=False)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_CYCLE_LENGTH, default=365.242199, label="Cycle Length", description="Duration of one single cycle in days. If `availabilityFactor` is below " "1, the reactor will be at power less than this. If variable, use " "`cycleLengths` setting.", oldNames=[ ("burnTime", None), ], schema=( vol.Any( vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=False)), None, ) ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_CYCLE_LENGTHS, default=[], label="Cycle Durations", description="List of durations of each cycle in days. The at-power " "duration will be affected by `availabilityFactor`. R is repeat. For " "example [100, 150, '9R'] is 1 100 day cycle followed by 10 150 day " "cycles. Empty list is constant duration set by `cycleLength`.", schema=vol.Any([vol.Coerce(str)], None), ), setting.Setting( CONF_AVAILABILITY_FACTOR, default=1.0, label="Plant Availability Factor", description="Availability factor of the plant. This is the fraction of the " "time that the plant is operating. If variable, use `availabilityFactors` " "setting.", oldNames=[ ("capacityFactor", None), ], schema=(vol.Any(vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0)), None)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_AVAILABILITY_FACTORS, default=[], label="Availability Factors", description="List of availability factor of each cycle as a fraction " "(fraction of time plant is not in an outage). R is repeat. For example " "[0.5, 1.0, '9R'] is 1 50% followed by 10 100%. Empty list is " "constant duration set by `availabilityFactor`.", schema=vol.Any([vol.Coerce(str)], None), ), setting.Setting( CONF_POWER_FRACTIONS, default=[], label="Power Fractions", description="List of power fractions at each cycle (fraction of rated " "thermal power the plant achieves). R is repeat. For example [0.5, 1.0, " "'9R'] is 1 50% followed by 10 100%. Specify zeros to indicate " "decay-only cycles (i.e. for decay heat analysis). None implies " "always full rated power.", schema=vol.Any([vol.Coerce(str)], None), ), setting.Setting( CONF_BURN_STEPS, default=4, label="Burnup Steps per Cycle", description="Number of depletion substeps, n, in one cycle. Note: There " "will be n+1 time nodes and the burnup step time will be computed as cycle " "length/n when the simple cycles input format is used.", schema=(vol.Any(vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0)), None)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_BETA, default=None, label="Delayed Neutron Fraction", description="Individual precursor group delayed neutron fractions", schema=vol.Any( [ vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=True, max=1, max_included=True), ) ], None, vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=True, max=1, max_included=True), ), msg="Expected NoneType, float, or list of floats.", ), oldNames=[ ("betaComponents", None), ], ), setting.Setting( CONF_DECAY_CONSTANTS, default=None, label="Decay Constants", description="Individual precursor group delayed neutron decay constants", schema=vol.Any( [vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=True))], None, vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=True)), msg="Expected NoneType, float, or list of floats.", ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_BRANCH_VERBOSITY, default="error", label="Worker Log Verbosity", description="Verbosity of the non-primary MPI nodes", options=[ "debug", "extra", "info", "important", "prompt", "warning", "error", ], isEnvironment=True, ), setting.Setting( CONF_MODULE_VERBOSITY, default={}, label="Module-Level Verbosity", description="Verbosity of any module-specific loggers that are set", isEnvironment=True, ), setting.Setting( CONF_BU_GROUPS, default=[10, 20, 30, 100], label="Burnup Groups", description="The range of burnups where cross-sections will be the same " "for a given assembly type (units of %FIMA)", schema=vol.Schema( [ vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=False, max=100) ) ] ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_BURNUP_PEAKING_FACTOR, default=0.0, label="Burn-up Peaking Factor", description="None", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_PITCH, default=1.0, label="Circular Ring Relative Pitch", description="The relative pitch to be used to define a single circular " "ring in circular shuffling", ), setting.Setting( CONF_COMMENT, default="", label="Case Comments", description="A comment describing this case", ), setting.Setting( CONF_COPY_FILES_FROM, default=[], label="None", description="None" ), setting.Setting( CONF_COPY_FILES_TO, default=[], label="None", description="None" ), setting.Setting( CONF_CREATE_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_ZONES, default=False, label="Create Fuel Zones Automatically", description="Let ARMI create zones based on fuel type automatically ", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DEBUG, default=False, label="Python Debug Mode", description="None" ), setting.Setting( CONF_DEBUG_MEM, default=False, label="Debug Memory", description="Turn on memory debugging options to help find problems with " "the code", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DEBUG_MEM_SIZE, default=False, label="Debug Memory Size", description="Show size of objects during memory debugging", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DEFAULT_SNAPSHOTS, default=False, label="Basic Reactor Snapshots", description="Generate snapshots at BOL, MOL, and EOL.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DETAIL_ALL_ASSEMS, default=False, label="Detailed Assems - All", description="All assemblies will have 'detailed' treatment. Note: This " "option is interpreted differently by different modules.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DETAIL_ASSEM_LOCATIONS_BOL, default=[], label="Detailed Assems - BOL Location", description="Assembly locations for assemblies that will have 'detailed' " "treatment. This option will track assemblies in the core at BOL. Note: " "This option is interpreted differently by different modules.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DETAIL_ASSEM_NUMS, default=[], label="Detailed Assems - ID", description="Assembly numbers(IDs) for assemblies that will have " "'detailed' treatment. This option will track assemblies that not in the " "core at BOL. Note: This option is interpreted differently by different " "modules.", schema=vol.Schema([int]), ), setting.Setting( CONF_DUMP_SNAPSHOT, default=[], label="Detailed Reactor Snapshots", description="List of snapshots to dump detailed reactor analysis data. Can " "be used to perform follow-on analysis (i.e., reactivity coefficient " "generation).", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DO_ORIFICED_TH, default=False, label="Perform Core Orificing", description="Perform orificed thermal hydraulics (requires bounds file " "from a previous case)", ), setting.Setting( CONF_EQ_DIRECT, default=False, label="Direct Eq Shuffling", description="Does the equilibrium search with repetitive shuffing but with " "direct shuffling rather than the fast way", ), setting.Setting( CONF_FLUX_RECON, default=False, label="Flux/Power Reconstruction", description="Perform detailed flux and power reconstruction", ), setting.Setting( CONF_FRESH_FEED_TYPE, default="feed fuel", label="Fresh Feed Type", description="None", options=["feed fuel", "igniter fuel", "inner driver fuel"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_GEOM_FILE, default="", label="Core Map Input File", description="Input file containing BOL core map", ), setting.Setting( CONF_GROW_TO_FULL_CORE_AFTER_LOAD, default=False, label="Expand to Full Core on Snapshot Load", description="Grows from 1/3 to full core after loading a 1/3 " "symmetric snapshot. Note: This is needed when a full core model is needed " "and the database was produced using a third core model.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_START_CYCLE, default=0, label="Start Cycle", description="Cycle number to continue calculation from. Database will " "load from the time step just before. For snapshots use `dumpSnapshot`.", oldNames=[ ("loadCycle", None), ], schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_LOADING_FILE, default="", label="Blueprints File", description="The blueprints/loading input file path containing " "component dimensions, materials, etc.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_START_NODE, default=0, label="Start Node", description="Timenode number (0 for BOC, etc.) to continue calulation from. " "Database will load from the time step just before.", oldNames=[ ("loadNode", None), ], schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_LOAD_STYLE, default="fromInput", label="Load Style", description="Description of how the ARMI case will be initialized", options=["fromInput", "fromDB"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_LOW_POWER_REGION_FRACTION, default=0.05, label="Low-power Region Fraction", description="Description needed", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, max=1)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_MEM_PER_NODE, default=2000, label="Memory per Node", description="Memory requested per cluster node", ), setting.Setting( CONF_MPI_TASKS_PER_NODE, default=0, label="MPI Tasks per Node", description="Number of independent processes that are allocated to each " "cluster node. 0 means 1 process per CPU.", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_N_CYCLES, default=1, label="Number of Cycles", description="Number of cycles that will be simulated. Fuel management " "happens at the beginning of each cycle. Can include active (full-power) " "cycles as well as post-shutdown decay-heat steps. For restart cases, " "this value should include both cycles from the restart plus any additional " "cycles to be run after `startCycle`.", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_NUM_CONTROL_BLOCKS, default=6, label="Number of Control Blocks", description="Number of blocks with control for a REBUS poison search", ), setting.Setting( CONF_NUM_COUPLED_ITERATIONS, default=0, label="Tight Coupling Iterations", description="Number of tight coupled physics iterations to occur at each " "timestep", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_OPERATOR_LOCATION, default="", label="Operator Location", description="The path to the operator code to execute for this run (for " "custom behavior)", ), setting.Setting( CONF_OUTPUT_FILE_EXTENSION, default="jpg", label="Plot File Extension", description="The default extension for plots", options=["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_PLOTS, default=False, label="Plot Results", description="Generate additional plots throughout the ARMI analysis", ), setting.Setting( CONF_POWER, default=0.0, label="Reactor Thermal Power (W)", description="Nameplate thermal power of the reactor. Can be varied by " "setting the powerFractions setting.", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_REMOVE_PER_CYCLE, default=3, label="Move per Cycle", description="None" ), setting.Setting( CONF_RUN_TYPE, default="Standard", label="Run Type", description="Type of run that this is, e.g. a normal run through all " "cycles, a snapshot-loaded reactivity coefficient run, etc.", options=["Standard", "Equilibrium", "Snapshots"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_EXPLICIT_REPEAT_SHUFFLES, default="", label="Explicit Shuffles File", description="Path to file that contains a detailed shuffling history that " "is to be repeated exactly.", oldNames=[("movesFile", None), ("shuffleFileName", None)], ), setting.Setting( CONF_SKIP_CYCLES, default=0, label="Number of Cycles to Skip", description="Number of cycles to be skipped during the calculation. Note: " "This is typically used when repeating only a portion of a calculation or " "repeating a run.", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_SMALL_RUN, default=False, label="Clean Up Files at EOL", description="Clean up intermediate files after the run completes (EOL)", ), setting.Setting( CONF_REALLY_SMALL_RUN, default=False, label="Clean Up Files at BOC", description="Clean up files at the beginning of each cycle (BOC)", ), setting.Setting( CONF_STATIONARY_BLOCK_FLAGS, default=["GRID_PLATE"], label="stationary Block Flags", description="Blocks with these flags will not move in moves. " "Used for fuel management.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_TARGET_K, default=1.005, label="Criticality Search Target (k-effective)", description="Target criticality (k-effective) for cycle length, branch, " "and equilibrium search", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_TRACK_ASSEMS, default=False, label="Save Discharged Assemblies", description="Track assemblies for detailed fuel histories. For instance, " "assemblies are tracked after they come out of a reactor by putting them " "in a Spent Fuel Pool. This might be necessary for your work, but it " "certainly increases the memory usage of the program.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_VERBOSITY, default="info", label="Primary Log Verbosity", description="How verbose the output will be", options=[ "debug", "extra", "info", "important", "prompt", "warning", "error", ], isEnvironment=True, ), setting.Setting( CONF_ZONE_DEFINITIONS, default=[], label="Zone Definitions", description="Definitions of zones as lists of assembly locations (e.g. " "'zoneName: loc1, loc2, loc3') . Zones are groups of assemblies used by " "various summary and calculation routines.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_ACCEPTABLE_BLOCK_AREA_ERROR, default=1e-05, label="Acceptable Block Area Error", description="The limit of error between a block's cross-" "sectional area and the reference block used during the assembly area " "consistency check", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, min_included=False)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_RING_ZONES, default=[], label="Ring Zones", description="Define zones by concentric radial rings. Each zone will get " "independent reactivity coefficients.", schema=vol.Schema([int]), ), setting.Setting( CONF_SPLIT_ZONES, default=True, label="Split Zones", description="Automatically split defined zones further based on number of " "blocks and assembly types", ), setting.Setting( CONF_INDEPENDENT_VARIABLES, default=[], label="Independent Variables", description="List of (independentVarName, value) tuples to inform " "optimization post-processing", ), setting.Setting( CONF_HCF_CORETYPE, default="TWRC", label="Hot Channel Factor Set", description="Switch to apply different sets of hot channel factors based " "on design being analyzed", options=["TWRC", "TWRP", "TWRC-HEX"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_LOOSE_COUPLING, default=False, label="Activate Loose Physics Coupling", description="Update material densities and dimensions after running " "thermal-hydraulics. Note: Thermal-hydraulics calculation is needed " "to perform the loose physics coupling calculation.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_T_IN, default=360.0, label="Inlet Temperature", description="The inlet temperature of the reactor in C", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=-273.15)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_T_OUT, default=510.0, label="Outlet Temperature", description="The outlet temperature of the reactor in C", schema=vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=-273.15)), ), setting.Setting( CONF_USE_INPUT_TEMPERATURES_ON_DBLOAD, default=False, label="Temperatures From Input on DB Load", description="When loading from a database, first set all component " "temperatures to the input temperatures. Required when a coupled TH " "case is being derived from a case without any coupled TH.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DEFERRED_INTERFACES_CYCLE, default=0, label="Deferred Interface Start Cycle", description="The supplied list of interface names in deferredInterfaceNames" " will begin normal operations on this cycle number", ), setting.Setting( CONF_DEFERRED_INTERFACE_NAMES, default=[], label="Deferred Interface Names", description="Interfaces to delay the normal operations of for special " "circumstance problem avoidance", ), setting.Setting( CONF_OUTPUT_CACHE_LOCATION, default="", label="Location of Output Cache", description="Location where cached calculations are stored and " "retrieved if exactly the same as the calculation requested. Empty " "string will not cache.", isEnvironment=True, ), setting.Setting( CONF_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE_ORDER, default=[], label="Material Namespace Order", description=( "Ordered list of Python namespaces for finding materials by class name. " "This allows users to choose between different implementations of reactor " "materials. For example, the framework comes with a basic UZr material, " "but power users will want to override it with their own UZr subclass. " "This allows users to specify to get materials out of a plugin rather " "than from the framework." ), ), # It may make sense to remove this setting when MILs become more stable. setting.Setting( CONF_BLOCK_AUTO_GRID, default=True, label="Auto-generate Block grids", description="Should block blueprints attempt to auto-generate a spatial " "grid upon construction? This feature makes heavy use of multi-index " "locations, which are not yet universally supported.", ), setting.Setting( CONF_CYCLES, default=[], label="Cycle information", description="YAML list defining the cycle history of the case. Options" " at each cycle include: `name`, `cumulative days`, `step days`, `availability" " factor`, `cycle length`, `burn steps`, and `power fractions`." " If specified, do not use any of the case settings `cycleLength(s)`," " `availabilityFactor(s)`, `powerFractions`, or `burnSteps`. Must also" " specify `nCycles` and `power`.", schema=vol.Schema( [ vol.All( { "name": str, "cumulative days": vol.All( [vol.Any(float, int)], _isMonotonicIncreasing ), "step days": [vol.Coerce(str)], "power fractions": [vol.Coerce(str)], "availability factor": vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0, max=1) ), "cycle length": vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0) ), "burn steps": vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=0)), }, _mutuallyExclusiveCyclesInputs, ) ] ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_USER_PLUGINS, default=[], label=CONF_USER_PLUGINS, description="YAML list defining the locations of UserPlugin subclasses. " "You can enter the full armi import path: armi.test.test_what.MyPlugin, " "or you can enter the full file path: /path/to/my/ ", schema=vol.Any([vol.Coerce(str)], None), ), ] return settings
def _isMonotonicIncreasing(inputList): if isMonotonic(inputList, "<"): return inputList else: raise vol.error.Invalid(f"List must be monotonicically increasing: {inputList}") def _mutuallyExclusiveCyclesInputs(cycle): cycleKeys = cycle.keys() if ( sum( [ "cumulative days" in cycleKeys, "step days" in cycleKeys, "cycle length" in cycleKeys or "burn steps" in cycleKeys, ] ) != 1 ): baseErrMsg = ( "Must have exactly one of either 'cumulative days', 'step days', or" " 'cycle length' + 'burn steps' in each cycle definition." ) raise vol.Invalid( (baseErrMsg + " Check cycle {}.".format(cycle["name"])) if "name" in cycleKeys else baseErrMsg ) return cycle