Source code for armi.nucDirectory.tests.test_elements

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"""Tests for elements"""
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,missing-class-docstring,protected-access,invalid-name,no-self-use,no-method-argument,import-outside-toplevel
import unittest

from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases  # required to init natural isotopics
from armi.nucDirectory import elements
from armi.tests import mockRunLogs

[docs]class TestElement(unittest.TestCase): # TODO: this thing needs to be investigated since it breaks the bound of 3000 so often # probably because it opens a file?
[docs] def test_factory(self): with mockRunLogs.BufferLog(): elements.factory()
[docs] def test_elements_elementBulkProperties(self): numElements = 118 self.assertEqual( sum(range(1, numElements + 1)), sum([ee.z for ee in elements.byZ.values()]) ) self.assertEqual(numElements, len(elements.byZ.values())) self.assertEqual(numElements, len(elements.byName)) self.assertEqual(numElements, len(elements.bySymbol)) self.assertEqual(numElements, len(elements.byZ))
[docs] def test_element_elementByNameReturnsElement(self): for ee in elements.byZ.values(): self.assertIs(ee, elements.byName[])
[docs] def test_element_elementByZReturnsElement(self): for ee in elements.byZ.values(): self.assertIs(ee, elements.byZ[ee.z])
[docs] def test_element_elementBySymbolReturnsElement(self): for ee in elements.byZ.values(): self.assertIs(ee, elements.bySymbol[ee.symbol])
[docs] def test_element_addExistingElementFails(self): for ee in elements.byZ.values(): with self.assertRaises(Exception): elements.Element(ee.z, ee.symbol,
[docs] def test_element_addedElementAppearsInElementList(self): self.assertNotIn("bacon", elements.byName) self.assertNotIn(999, elements.byZ) self.assertNotIn("BZ", elements.bySymbol) elements.Element(999, "BZ", "bacon") self.assertIn("bacon", elements.byName) self.assertIn(999, elements.byZ) self.assertIn("BZ", elements.bySymbol) # re-initialize the elements with mockRunLogs.BufferLog(): elements.destroy() elements.factory()
[docs] def test_element_isNaturallyOccurring(self): """ Test isNaturallyOccurring method by manually testing all elements. Uses RIPL definitions of naturally occurring. Protactinium is debated as naturally occurring. Yeah it exists as a U235 decay product but it's kind of pseudo-natural. """ for ee in elements.byZ.values(): if ee.z == 43 or ee.z == 61 or 84 <= ee.z <= 89 or ee.z == 91 or ee.z >= 93: self.assertFalse(ee.isNaturallyOccurring()) else: nat = ee.isNaturallyOccurring() self.assertTrue(nat)
[docs] def test_abundancesAddToOne(self): for ee in elements.byZ.values(): if not ee.isNaturallyOccurring(): continue totAbund = sum(iso.abundance for iso in ee.nuclideBases) maxDeviationInRIPL = 0.000030021 # Ca sums to 1.0003002 self.assertAlmostEqual( totAbund, 1.0, delta=maxDeviationInRIPL, msg="{} had a total abundance of {}".format(ee, totAbund), )
if __name__ == "__main__": # import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'TestElement.test_abundancesAddToOne'] unittest.main()