# Copyright 2020 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Support for dumping XDMF files.
`XDMF <http://www.xdmf.org/index.php/Main_Page>`_ is a data interchange format that
allows for separate representation of the data itself and a description of how those
data are to be interpreted. The data description ("light" data) lives in an XML file,
while the actual data (in our case, data to be plotted), as well as the data describing
the mesh ("hard" data) can be stored in HDF5 files, binary files, or embedded directly
into the XML file. In most cases, this allows for visualizing data directly out of an
ARMI database file. Using the ``XdmfDumper`` will produce an XML file (with an ``.xdmf``
extension) containing the description of data, as well as an HDF5 file containing the
mesh. Together with the input database, the ``.xdmf`` file can be opened in a
visualization tool that supports XDMF.
.. note::
Paraview seems to have rather good support for XDMF, while VisIt does not. The main
issue seems to be that VisIt does not properly render the general polyhedra that
XDMF supports. Unfortunately, we __need__ to use this to show hexagonal geometries,
since it's the only way to get a hexagonal prism without splitting up the mesh into
wedges. To do that would require splitting the parameter data, which would defeat
the main benefit of using XMDF in the first place (to be able to plot out of the
original Database file). Cartesian and R-X-Theta geometries in VisIt seem to work
fine. Support for polyhedra is being tracked in `#1287
import io
import math
import pathlib
from typing import Optional, Set, List, Tuple, Dict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom
import numpy
import h5py
from armi import runLog
from armi.reactor import assemblies
from armi.reactor import composites
from armi.reactor import reactors
from armi.reactor import blocks
from armi.bookkeeping.db import database3
from armi.bookkeeping.visualization import dumper
from armi.bookkeeping.visualization import utils
_VTK_TO_XDMF_CELLS = {16: 16}
# The topology of a hexagonal prism, represented as a general polyhedron. To get this in
# proper XDMF, these need to be offset to the proper vertex indices in the full mesh,
# and have the number of face vertices inserted into the proper locations (notice the
# [0] placeholders).
_HEX_PRISM_TOPO = numpy.array(
+ list(range(6))
+ [0]
+ list(range(6, 12))
+ [0]
+ [0, 1, 7, 6]
+ [0]
+ [1, 2, 8, 7]
+ [0]
+ [2, 3, 9, 8]
+ [0]
+ [3, 4, 10, 9]
+ [0]
+ [4, 5, 11, 10]
+ [0]
+ [5, 0, 6, 11]
# The indices of the placeholder zeros from _HEX_PRISM_TOPO array above
_HEX_PRISM_FACE_SIZE_IDX = numpy.array([0, 7, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39])
# The number of vertices for each face
_HEX_PRISM_FACE_SIZES = numpy.array([6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4])
def _getAttributesFromDataset(d: h5py.Dataset) -> Dict[str, str]:
dataType = {
numpy.dtype("int32"): "Int",
numpy.dtype("int64"): "Int",
numpy.dtype("float32"): "Float",
numpy.dtype("float64"): "Float",
precision = {
numpy.dtype("int32"): "4",
numpy.dtype("int64"): "8",
numpy.dtype("float32"): "4",
numpy.dtype("float64"): "8",
return {
"Dimensions": " ".join(str(i) for i in d.shape),
"DataType": dataType,
"Precision": precision,
"Format": "HDF",
[docs]class XdmfDumper(dumper.VisFileDumper):
VisFileDumper implementation for XDMF format.
The general strategy of this dumper is to create a new HDF5 file that contains just
the necessary mesh information for each dumped time step. The XML that
describes/points to these data is stored internally as ``ElementTree`` objects until
the end. When all time steps have been processed, these elements have time
information added to them, and are collected into a "TemporalCollection" Grid and
written to an ``.xdmf`` file.
def __init__(self, baseName: str, inputName: Optional[str] = None):
self._baseName = baseName
if inputName is None:
"No input database name was given, so only an XMDF mesh will be created"
self._inputName = inputName
# Check that the inputName is a relative path. XDMF doesn't seem to like
# absolute paths; at least on windows with ParaView
if pathlib.Path(inputName).is_absolute():
raise ValueError(
"XDMF tools tend not to like absolute paths; provide a "
"relative path to the input database."
self._meshH5 = None
self._inputDb = None
self._times = []
self._blockGrids = []
self._assemGrids = []
def __enter__(self):
Prepare to write states.
The dumper keeps track of ``<Grid>`` tags that need to be written into a
Collection at the end. This also opens an auxiliary HDF5 file for writing meshes
at each time step.
self._meshH5 = h5py.File(self._baseName + "_mesh.h5", "w")
if self._inputName is None:
# we could handle the case where the database wasnt passed by pumping state
# into a new h5 file, but why?
raise ValueError("Input database needed to generate XDMF output!")
self._inputDb = database3.Database3(self._inputName, "r")
with self._inputDb as db:
dbVersion = db.version
if math.floor(float(dbVersion)) != 3:
raise ValueError(
"XDMF output requires Database version 3. Got version `{}`".format(
self._times = []
self._blockGrids = []
self._assemGrids = []
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
Finalize file writing.
This writes all of the ``<Grid>`` tags into a Collection for all time steps, and
closes the input database and mesh-bearing HDF5 file.
self._meshH5 = None
if self._inputDb is not None:
self._inputDb = None
timeCollectionBlk = ET.Element(
"Grid", attrib={"GridType": "Collection", "CollectionType": "Temporal"}
timeCollectionAsm = ET.Element(
"Grid", attrib={"GridType": "Collection", "CollectionType": "Temporal"}
# make sure all times are unique. Paraview will crash if they are not
times = self._dedupTimes(self._times)
for aGrid, bGrid, time in zip(self._assemGrids, self._blockGrids, times):
timeElement = ET.Element(
"Time", attrib={"TimeType": "Single", "Value": str(time)}
for collection, typ in [
(timeCollectionBlk, "_blk"),
(timeCollectionAsm, "_asm"),
xdmf = ET.Element("Xdmf", attrib={"Version": "3.0"})
domain = ET.Element("Domain", attrib={"Name": "Reactor"})
# Write to an internal buffer so that we can print more fancy below
tree = ET.ElementTree(element=xdmf)
buf = io.StringIO()
tree.write(buf, encoding="unicode")
# Round-trip through minidom to do the pretty print
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(buf)
with open(self._baseName + typ + ".xdmf", "w") as f:
def _dedupTimes(times: List[float]) -> List[float]:
Make sure that no two times are the same.
Duplicates will be resolved by bumping each subsequent duplicate time forward by
some epsilon, cascading following duplicates by the same amount until no
duplicates remain. This will fail in the case where there are already times that
are within Ndup*epsilon of each other. In such cases, this function probably
isn't valid anyways.
assert all(
a <= b for a, b in zip(times, times[1:])
), "Input list must be sorted"
# This should be used as a multiplicative epsilon, to avoid precision issues
# with large times
_EPS = 1.0e-9
# ...except when close enough to 0. Floating-point is a pain
mapZeroToOne = lambda x: x if x > _EPS else 1.0
dups = [0] * len(times)
# We iterate in reverse so that each entry in dups will contain the number of
# duplicate entries that **precede** it
for i in reversed(range(len(times))):
ti = times[i]
nDup = 0
for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
if times[j] == ti:
nDup += 1
dups[i] = nDup
return [t + dups * _EPS * mapZeroToOne(t) for dups, t in zip(dups, times)]
[docs] def dumpState(
r: reactors.Reactor,
includeParams: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
excludeParams: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
Produce a ``<Grid>`` for a single timestep, as well as supporting HDF5 datasets.
cycle = r.p.cycle
node = r.p.timeNode
timeGroupName = database3.getH5GroupName(cycle, node)
# careful here! we are trying to use the database datasets as the source of hard
# data without copying, so the order that we make the mesh needs to be the same
# order as the data in the database. There is no guarantee that the way a loaded
# reactor is ordered is the same way that it was ordered in the database (though
# perhaps we should do some work to specify that better). We need to look at the
# layout in the input database to re-order the objects.
with self._inputDb as db:
layout = db.getLayout(cycle, node)
snToIdx = {sn: i for i, sn in zip(layout.indexInData, layout.serialNum)}
blks = r.getChildren(deep=True, predicate=lambda o: isinstance(o, blocks.Block))
blks = sorted(blks, key=lambda b: snToIdx[b.p.serialNum])
assems = r.getChildren(
deep=True, predicate=lambda o: isinstance(o, assemblies.Assembly)
assems = sorted(assems, key=lambda a: snToIdx[a.p.serialNum])
blockGrid = self._makeBlockMesh(r, snToIdx)
self._collectObjectData(blks, timeGroupName, blockGrid)
assemGrid = self._makeAssemblyMesh(r, snToIdx)
self._collectObjectData(assems, timeGroupName, assemGrid)
def _collectObjectData(
self, objs: List[composites.ArmiObject], timeGroupName, node: ET.Element
Scan for things that look plottable in the input database.
"Plottable" things are anything that have int or float data, and the same number
of elements as there are objects.
.. warning::
This makes some assumptions as to the structure of the database.
if self._inputDb is None:
# If we weren't given a database to draw data from, we will just skip this
# for now. Most of the time, a dumper should have an input database.
# Otherwise, this **could** extract from the reactor state.
typeNames = {type(o).__name__ for o in objs}
if len(typeNames) != 1:
raise ValueError("Currently only supporting homogeneous block types")
typeName = next(iter(typeNames))
dataGroupName = "/".join((timeGroupName, typeName))
with self._inputDb as db:
for key, val in db.h5db[dataGroupName].items():
if val.shape != (len(objs),):
dataItem = ET.Element(
"DataItem", attrib=_getAttributesFromDataset(val)
except KeyError:
dataItem.text = ":".join((db.fileName, val.name))
attrib = ET.Element(
attrib={"Name": key, "Center": "Cell", "AttributeType": "Scalar"},
def _makeBlockMesh(self, r: reactors.Reactor, indexMap) -> ET.Element:
cycle = r.p.cycle
node = r.p.timeNode
blks = r.getChildren(deep=True, predicate=lambda o: isinstance(o, blocks.Block))
blks = sorted(blks, key=lambda b: indexMap[b.p.serialNum])
groupName = "c{}n{}".format(cycle, node)
# VTK stuff turns out to be pretty flexible
blockMesh = utils.VtkMesh.empty()
for b in blks:
verts = blockMesh.vertices
verticesInH5 = groupName + "/blk_vertices"
self._meshH5[verticesInH5] = verts
topoValues = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.int32)
offset = 0
for b in blks:
nVerts, cellTopo = _getTopologyFromShape(b, offset)
topoValues = numpy.append(topoValues, cellTopo)
offset += nVerts
topoInH5 = groupName + "/blk_topology"
self._meshH5[topoInH5] = topoValues
return self._makeGenericMesh(
"Blocks", len(blks), self._meshH5[verticesInH5], self._meshH5[topoInH5]
def _makeAssemblyMesh(self, r: reactors.Reactor, indexMap) -> ET.Element:
cycle = r.p.cycle
node = r.p.timeNode
asys = r.getChildren(
deep=True, predicate=lambda o: isinstance(o, assemblies.Assembly)
asys = sorted(asys, key=lambda b: indexMap[b.p.serialNum])
groupName = "c{}n{}".format(cycle, node)
# VTK stuff turns out to be pretty flexible
assemMesh = utils.VtkMesh.empty()
for assem in asys:
verts = assemMesh.vertices
verticesInH5 = groupName + "/asy_vertices"
self._meshH5[verticesInH5] = verts
topoValues = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.int32)
offset = 0
for a in asys:
nVerts, cellTopo = _getTopologyFromShape(a[0], offset)
topoValues = numpy.append(topoValues, cellTopo)
offset += nVerts
topoInH5 = groupName + "/asy_topology"
self._meshH5[topoInH5] = topoValues
return self._makeGenericMesh(
"Assemblies", len(asys), self._meshH5[verticesInH5], self._meshH5[topoInH5]
def _makeGenericMesh(
name: str, nCells: int, vertexData: h5py.Dataset, topologyData: h5py.Dataset
) -> ET.Element:
grid = ET.Element("Grid", attrib={"GridType": "Uniform", "Name": name})
geometry = ET.Element("Geometry", attrib={"GeometryType": "XYZ"})
geomData = ET.Element(
"Dimensions": "{} {}".format(*vertexData.shape),
"NumberType": "Float",
"Format": "HDF",
geomData.text = ":".join((vertexData.file.filename, vertexData.name))
topology = ET.Element(
attrib={"TopologyType": "Mixed", "NumberOfElements": str(nCells)},
topoData = ET.Element(
"Dimensions": "{}".format(topologyData.size),
"NumberType": "Int",
"Format": "HDF",
topoData.text = ":".join((topologyData.file.filename, topologyData.name))
return grid
def _getTopologyFromShape(b: blocks.Block, offset: int) -> Tuple[int, List[int]]:
Returns the number of vertices used to make the shape, and XDMF topology values.
The size of the XDMF topology values cannot be used directly in computing the next
offset because it sometimes contains vertex indices __and__ sizing information.
if isinstance(b, blocks.HexBlock):
# polyhedron, 8 faces
prefix = [_POLYHEDRON, 8]
topo = _HEX_PRISM_TOPO + offset
topo = numpy.append(prefix, topo)
return 12, topo
if isinstance(b, blocks.CartesianBlock):
return (
+ list(range(offset, offset + 8)),
if isinstance(b, blocks.ThRZBlock):
return 20, [_QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON] + list(range(offset, offset + 20))
raise TypeError("Unsupported block type `{}`".format(type(b)))