armi.reactor.blocks module¶
Defines blocks, which are axial chunks of assemblies. They contain most of the state variables, including power, flux, and homogenized number densities.
Assemblies are made of blocks.
Blocks are made of components.
- class armi.reactor.blocks.Block(name, height=1.0, location=None)[source]¶
A homogenized axial slab of material.
Blocks are stacked together to form assemblies.
Builds a new ARMI block
- caseSettingsSettings object, optional
The settings object to use to build the block
- namestr, optional
The name of this block
- heightfloat, optional
The height of the block in cm. Defaults to 1.0 so that getVolume assumes unit height.
- uniqID = 0¶
- PITCH_COMPONENT_TYPE: ClassVar[Optional[Tuple[Type[armi.reactor.components.component.Component], ...]]] = None¶
- pDefs = <armi.reactor.parameters.parameterDefinitions.ParameterDefinitionCollection object>¶
- property core¶
- property r¶
A block should only have a reactor through a parent assembly.
It may make sense to try to factor out usage of
.For now, this is presumptive of the structure of the composite hierarchy; i.e. the parent of a CORE must be the reactor. Fortunately, we probably don’t ultimately want to return the reactor in the first place. Rather, we probably want the core anyways, since practically all b.r calls are historically b.r.core. It may be prefereable to remove this property, replace with self.core, which can return the core. Then refactor all of the b.r.cores, to b.core.
- makeName(assemNum, axialIndex)[source]¶
Generate a standard block from assembly number.
This also sets the block-level assembly-num param.
Once, we used a axial-character suffix to represent the axial index, but this is inherently limited so we switched to a numerical name. The axial suffix needs can be brought in in plugins that require them.
>>> makeName(120, 5) 'B0120-005'
- makeUnique()[source]¶
Assign a unique id (integer value) for each block.
This should be called whenever creating a block that is intended to be treated as a unique object. For example, if you were to broadcast or pickle a block it should have the same ID across all nodes. Likewise, if you deepcopy a block for a temporary purpose to it should have the same ID. However, ARMI’s assembly construction also uses deepcopy, and in order to keep that functionality, this method needs to be called after creating a fresh assembly (from deepcopy).
- getSmearDensity(cold=True)[source]¶
Compute the smear density of pins in this block.
Smear density is the area of the fuel divided by the area of the space available for fuel inside the cladding. Other space filled with solid materials is not considered available. If all the area is fuel, it has 100% smear density. Lower smear density allows more room for swelling.
This requires circular fuel and circular cladding. Designs that vary from this will be wrong. It may make sense in the future to put this somewhere a bit more design specific.
This only considers circular objects. If you have a cladding that is not a circle, it will be ignored.
Negative areas can exist for void gaps in the fuel pin. A negative area in a gap represents overlap area between two solid components. To account for this additional space within the pin cladding the abs(negativeArea) is added to the inner cladding area.
- autoCreateSpatialGrids()[source]¶
Creates a spatialGrid for a Block.
Blocks do not always have a spatialGrid from Blueprints, but, some Blocks can have their spatialGrids inferred based on the multiplicty of their components. This would add the ability to create a spatialGrid for a Block and give its children the corresponding spatialLocators if certain conditions are met.
- Raises
ValueError – If the multiplicities of the block are not only 1 or N or if generated ringNumber leads to more positions than necessary.
- getMgFlux(adjoint=False, average=False, volume=None, gamma=False)[source]¶
Returns the multigroup neutron flux in [n/cm^2/s]
The first entry is the first energy group (fastest neutrons). Each additional group is the next energy group, as set in the ISOTXS library.
It is stored integrated over volume on self.p.mgFlux
- Parameters
adjoint (bool, optional) – Return adjoint flux instead of real
average (bool, optional) – If true, will return average flux between latest and previous. Doesn’t work for pin detailed yet
volume (float, optional) – If average=True, the volume-integrated flux is divided by volume before being returned. The user may specify a volume here, or the function will obtain the block volume directly.
gamma (bool, optional) – Whether to return the neutron flux or the gamma flux.
- Returns
- Return type
multigroup neutron flux in [n/cm^2/s]
- setPinMgFluxes(fluxes, numPins, adjoint=False, gamma=False)[source]¶
Store the pin-detailed multi-group neutron flux
The [g][i] indexing is transposed to be a list of lists, one for each pin. This makes it simple to do depletion for each pin, etc.
- Parameters
fluxes (2-D list of floats) – The block-level pin multigroup fluxes. fluxes[g][i] represents the flux in group g for pin i. Flux units are the standard n/cm^2/s. The “ARMI pin ordering” is used, which is counter-clockwise from 3 o’clock.
numPins (int) – The number of pins in this block.
adjoint (bool, optional) – Whether to set real or adjoint data.
gamma (bool, optional) – Whether to set gamma or neutron data.
Outputs –
------- –
self.p.pinMgFluxes (2-D array of floats) – The block-level pin multigroup fluxes. pinMgFluxes[g][i] represents the flux in group g for pin i. Flux units are the standard n/cm^2/s. The “ARMI pin ordering” is used, which is counter-clockwise from 3 o’clock.
- getMicroSuffix()[source]¶
Returns the microscopic library suffix (e.g. ‘AB’) for this block.
DIF3D and MC2 are limited to 6 character nuclide labels. ARMI by convention uses the first 4 for nuclide name (e.g. U235, PU39, etc.) and then uses the 5th character for cross-section type and the 6th for burnup group. This allows a variety of XS sets to be built modeling substantially different blocks.
The single-letter use for xsType and buGroup limit users to 26 groups of each. ARMI will allow 2-letter xsType designations if and only if the buGroups setting has length 1 (i.e. no burnup groups are defined). This is useful for high-fidelity XS modeling of V&V models such as the ZPPRs.
- setHeight(modifiedHeight, conserveMass=False, adjustList=None)[source]¶
Set a new height of the block.
- Parameters
There is a coupling between block heights, the parent assembly axial mesh, and the ztop/zbottom/z params of the sibling blocks. When you set a height, all those things are invalidated. Thus, this method has to go through and update them via
. This could be inefficient though it has not been identified as a bottleneck. Possible improvements include deriving z/ztop/zbottom on the fly and invalidating the parent mesh with some kind of flag, signaling it to recompute itself on demand. Developers can get around some of the O(N^2) scaling of this by settingp.height
directly but they must know to update the dependent objects after they do that. Use with care.See also
May need to be called after this.
Recalculates z-coords, automatically called by this.
- getFlowAreaPerPin()[source]¶
Return the flowing coolant area in cm^2.
NumPins looks for max number of fuel, clad, control, etc. .. seealso:
:obj:`getNumPins` figures out numPins.
- getHydraulicDiameter()[source]¶
Return the hydraulic diameter in this block in cm.
Hydraulic diameter is 4A/P where A is the flow area and P is the wetted perimeter. In a hex assembly, the wetted perimeter includes the cladding, the wire wrap, and the inside of the duct. The flow area is the inner area of the duct minus the area of the pins and the wire.
To convert the inner hex pitch into a perimeter, first convert to side, then multiply by 6.
- p=sqrt(3)*s
l = 6*p/sqrt(3)
- adjustUEnrich(newEnrich)[source]¶
Adjust U-235/U-238 mass ratio to a mass enrichment
- Parameters
newEnrich (float) – New U-235 enrichment in mass fraction
actually (completeInitialLoading must be run because adjusting the enrichment) –
burnups (changes the mass slightly and you can get negative) –
want. (which you do not) –
- setBuLimitInfo(cs)[source]¶
Sets burnup limit based on igniter, feed, etc. (will implement general grouping later)
- getMaxVolume()[source]¶
The maximum volume of this object if it were totally full.
- Returns
vol – volume in cm^3.
- Return type
- getArea(cold=False)[source]¶
Return the area of a block for a full core or a 1/3 core model.
Area is consistent with the area in the model, so if you have a central assembly in a 1/3 symmetric model, this will return 1/3 of the total area of the physical assembly. This way, if you take the sum of the areas in the core (or count the atoms in the core, etc.), you will have the proper number after multiplying by the model symmetry.
- Parameters
cold (bool) – flag to indicate that cold (as input) dimensions are required
This might not work for a 1/6 core model (due to symmetry line issues).
- Returns
- Return type
float (cm^2)
See also
return the full area of the physical assembly disregarding model symmetry
- getVolume()[source]¶
Return the volume of a block.
- Returns
volume – Block or component volume in cm^3
- Return type
- getSymmetryFactor()[source]¶
Return a scaling factor due to symmetry on the area of the block or its components.
Takes into account assemblies that are bisected or trisected by symmetry lines
In 1/3 symmetric cases, the central assembly is 1/3 a full area. If edge assemblies are included in a model, the symmetry factor along both edges for overhanging assemblies should be 2.0. However, ARMI runs in most scenarios with those assemblies on the 120-edge removed, so the symmetry factor should generally be just 1.0.
See also
- isOnWhichSymmetryLine()[source]¶
Block symmetry lines are determined by the reactor, not the parent.
- adjustDensity(frac, adjustList, returnMass=False)[source]¶
adjusts the total density of each nuclide in adjustList by frac.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
Mass difference in grams. If you subtract mass, mass will be negative. If returnMass is False (default), this will always be zero.
- completeInitialLoading(bolBlock=None)[source]¶
Does some BOL bookkeeping to track things like BOL HM density for burnup tracking.
This should run after this block is loaded up at BOC (called from Reactor.initialLoading).
The original purpose of this was to get the moles HM at BOC for the moles Pu/moles HM at BOL calculation.
This also must be called after modifying something like the smear density or zr fraction in an optimization case. In ECPT cases, a BOL block must be passed or else the burnup will try to get based on a pre-burned value.
- Parameters
bolBlock (Block, optional) – A BOL-state block of this block type, required for perturbed equilibrium cases. Must have the same enrichment as this block!
- Returns
hmDens – The heavy metal number density of this block.
- Return type
See also
- replaceBlockWithBlock(bReplacement)[source]¶
Replace the current block with the replacementBlock.
Typically used in the insertion of control rods.
- getComponentsThatAreLinkedTo(comp, dim)[source]¶
Determine which dimensions of which components are linked to a specific dimension of a particular component.
Useful for breaking fuel components up into individuals and making sure anything that was linked to the fuel mult (like the cladding mult) stays correct.
- getComponentsInLinkedOrder(componentList=None)[source]¶
Return a list of the components in order of their linked-dimension dependencies.
- Parameters
components (list, optional) – A list of components to consider. If None, this block’s components will be used.
This means that components other components are linked to come first.
- getSortedComponentsInsideOfComponent(component)[source]¶
Returns a list of components inside of the given component sorted from innermost to outermost.
- Parameters
component (object) – Component to look inside of.
If you just want sorted components in this block, use
. This will never include anyDerivedShape
objects. Since they have a derived area they don’t have a well-defined dimension. For now we just ignore them. If they are desired in the future some knowledge of their dimension will be required while they are being derived.
- mergeWithBlock(otherBlock, fraction)[source]¶
Turns this block into a mixture of this block and some other block
- Parameters
This merges on a high level (using number densities). Components will not be merged.
This is used e.g. for inserting a control block partially to get a very tight criticality control. In this case, a control block would be merged with a duct block. It is also used when a control rod is specified as a certain length but that length does not fit exactly into a full block.
- getComponentAreaFrac(typeSpec, exact=True)[source]¶
Returns the area fraction of the specified component(s) among all components in the block.
- Parameters
typeSpec (Flags or list of Flags) – Component types to look up
exact (bool, optional) – Match exact names only
>>> b.getComponentAreaFrac(Flags.CLAD) 0.15
- Returns
The area fraction of the component.
- Return type
- getDim(typeSpec, dimName)[source]¶
Search through blocks in this assembly and find the first component of compName. Then, look on that component for dimName.
- Parameters
typeSpec (Flags or list of Flags) – Component name, e.g. Flags.FUEL, Flags.CLAD, Flags.COOLANT, …
dimName (str) – Dimension name, e.g. ‘od’, …
- Returns
dimVal – The dimension in cm.
- Return type
>>> getDim(Flags.WIRE,'od') 0.01
- getPinCenterFlatToFlat(cold=False)[source]¶
Return the flat-to-flat distance between the centers of opposing pins in the outermost ring.
- getPitch(returnComp=False)[source]¶
Return the center-to-center hex pitch of this block.
- Parameters
returnComp (bool, optional) – If true, will return the component that has the maximum pitch as well
- Returns
pitch (float or None) – Hex pitch in cm, if well-defined. If there is no clear component for determining pitch, returns None
component (Component or None) – Component that has the max pitch, if returnComp == True. If no component is found to define the pitch, returns None
The block stores a reference to the component that defines the pitch, making the assumption that while the dimensions can change, the component containing the largest dimension will not. This lets us skip the search for largest component. We still need to ask the largest component for its current dimension in case its temperature changed, or was otherwise modified.
See also
sets pitch
- getPinPitch(cold=False)[source]¶
Return sub-block pitch in blocks.
This assumes the spatial grid is defined by unit steps
- getLargestComponent(dimension)[source]¶
Find the component with the largest dimension of the specified type.
- Parameters
dimension (str) – The name of the dimension to find the largest component of.
- Returns
largestComponent – The component with the largest dimension of the specified type.
- Return type
- setPitch(val, updateBolParams=False)[source]¶
Sets outer pitch to some new value.
This sets the settingPitch and actually sets the dimension of the outer hexagon.
During a load (importGeom), the setDimension doesn’t usually do anything except set the setting See Issue 034
But during a actual case modification (e.g. in an optimization sweep, then the dimension has to be set as well.
See also
gets the pitch
- getMfp(gamma=False)[source]¶
Calculate the mean free path for neutron or gammas in this block.
\[<\Sigma> = \frac{\sum_E(\phi_e \Sigma_e dE)}{\sum_E (\phi_e dE)} = \frac{\sum_E(\phi_e N \sum_{\text{type}}(\sigma_e) dE}{\sum_E (\phi_e dE))}\]Block macro is the sum of macros of all nuclides.
phi_g = flux*dE already in multigroup method.
- getBurnupPeakingFactor()[source]¶
Get the radial peaking factor to be applied to burnup and DPA
This may be informed by previous runs which used detailed pin reconstruction and rotation. In that case, it should be set on the cs setting
.Otherwise, it just takes the current flux peaking, which is typically conservatively high.
- Returns
burnupPeakingFactor – The peak/avg factor for burnup and DPA.
- Return type
See also
uses this
also uses this
- getBlocks()[source]¶
This method returns all the block(s) included in this block its implemented so that methods could iterate over reactors, assemblies or single blocks without checking to see what the type of the reactor-family object is.
- updateComponentDims()[source]¶
This method updates all the dimensions of the components
This is VERY useful for defining a ThRZ core out of differentialRadialSegements whose dimensions are connected together some of these dimensions are derivative and can be updated by changing dimensions in a Parameter Component or other linked components
See also
- breakFuelComponentsIntoIndividuals()[source]¶
Split block-level components (in fuel blocks) into pin-level components.
The fuel component will be broken up according to its multiplicity.
Order matters! The first pin component will be located at a particular (x, y), which will be used in the fluxRecon module to determine the interpolated flux.
The fuel will become fuel001 through fuel169 if there are 169 pins.
- getIntegratedMgFlux(adjoint=False, gamma=False)[source]¶
Return the volume integrated multigroup neutron tracklength in [n-cm/s].
The first entry is the first energy group (fastest neutrons). Each additional group is the next energy group, as set in the ISOTXS library.
- getLumpedFissionProductCollection()[source]¶
Get collection of LFP objects. Will work for global or block-level LFP models.
- Returns
lfps – lfpName keys , lfp object values
- Return type
- getReactionRates(nucName, nDensity=None)[source]¶
- Parameters
str (nucName -) – nuclide name – e.g. ‘U235’
float (nDensity -) – number Density
- Returns
rxnRates – dictionary of reaction rates (rxn/s) for nG, nF, n2n, nA and nP
- Return type
If you set nDensity to 1/CM2_PER_BARN this makes 1 group cross section generation easier
- paramCollectionType¶
alias of
- class armi.reactor.blocks.HexBlock(name, height=1.0, location=None)[source]¶
Builds a new ARMI block
- caseSettingsSettings object, optional
The settings object to use to build the block
- namestr, optional
The name of this block
- heightfloat, optional
The height of the block in cm. Defaults to 1.0 so that getVolume assumes unit height.
- PITCH_COMPONENT_TYPE: ClassVar[Optional[Tuple[Type[armi.reactor.components.component.Component], ...]]] = (<class 'armi.reactor.components.basicShapes.Hexagon'>,)¶
- setPinPowers(powers, numPins, imax, jmax, gamma=False, removeSixCornerPins=False, powerKeySuffix='')[source]¶
Updates the pin powers of this block for the current rotation.
- Parameters
powers (list of floats) – The block-level pin linear power densities. pinPowers[i] represents the average linear power density of pin i. Power units are Watts/cm (Watts produced per cm of pin length). The “ARMI pin ordering” is used, which is counter-clockwise from 3 o’clock.
This handles rotations using the pinLocation parameters.
This sets:
- self.p.pinPowers1-D numpy array
The block-level pin linear power densities. pinPowers[i] represents the average linear power density of pin i. Power units are Watts/cm (Watts produced per cm of pin length). The “ARMI pin ordering” is used, which is counter-clockwise from 3 o’clock.
- rotatePins(rotNum, justCompute=False)[source]¶
Rotate an assembly, which means rotating the indexing of pins.
Changing (x,y) positions of pins does NOT constitute rotation, because the indexing of pin atom densities must be re-ordered. Re-order indexing of pin-level quantities, NOT (x,y) locations of pins. Otherwise, subchannel input will be in wrong order.
How rotations works is like this. There are pins with unique pin numbers in each block. These pin numbers will not change no matter what happens to a block, so if you have pin 1, you always have pin 1. However, these pins are all in pinLocations, and these are what change with rotations. At BOL, a pin’s pinLocation is equal to its pin number, but after a rotation, this will no longer be so.
So, all params that don’t care about exactly where in space the pin is (such as depletion) can just use the pin number, but anything that needs to know the spatial location (such as fluxRecon, which interpolates the flux spatially, or subchannel codes, which needs to know where the power is) need to map through the pinLocation parameters.
This method rotates the pins by changing the pinLocations.
- Parameters
rotNum (int) – An integer from 0 to 5, indicating the number of counterclockwise 60-degree rotations from the CURRENT orientation. Degrees of counter-clockwise rotation = 60*rot
justCompute (Boolean, optional) – If True, rotateIndexLookup will be returned but NOT assigned to the object variable self.rotateIndexLookup. If False, rotateIndexLookup will be returned AND assigned to the object variable self.rotateIndexLookup. Useful for figuring out which rotation is best to minimize burnup, etc.
- Returns
rotateIndexLookup – This is an index lookup (or mapping) between pin ids and pin locations The pin indexing is 1-D (not ring,pos or GEODST). The “ARMI pin ordering” is used for location, which is counter-clockwise from 3 o’clock. Pin numbers start at 1, pin locations also start at 1.
- Return type
dict of ints
rotateIndexLookup[i_after_rotation-1] = i_before_rotation-1
- getPinToDuctGap(cold=False)[source]¶
Returns the distance in cm between the outer most pin and the duct in a block.
- Parameters
cold (boolean) – Determines whether the results should be cold or hot dimensions.
- Returns
pinToDuctGap – Returns the diameteral gap between the outer most pins in a hex pack to the duct inner face to face in cm.
- Return type
- getRotationNum()[source]¶
Get index 0 through 5 indicating number of rotations counterclockwise around the z-axis.
- setRotationNum(rotNum)[source]¶
Set orientation based on a number 0 through 5 indicating number of rotations counterclockwise around the z-axis.
- getSymmetryFactor()[source]¶
Return a factor between 1 and N where 1/N is how much cut-off by symmetry lines this mesh cell is.
Reactor-level meshes have symmetry information so we have a reactor for this to work. That’s why it’s not implemented on the grid/locator level.
When edge-assemblies are included on both edges (i.e. MCNP or DIF3D-FD 1/3-symmetric cases), the edge assemblies have symmetry factors of 2.0. Otherwise (DIF3D-nodal) there’s a full assembly on the bottom edge (overhanging) and no assembly at the top edge so the ones at the bottom are considered full (symmetryFactor=1).
If this block is not in any grid at all, then there can be no symmetry so return 1.
- getPinCoordinates()[source]¶
Compute the centroid coordinates of any pins in this block.
- Returns
localCoordinates – list of (x,y,z) pairs representing each pin in the order they are listed as children
- Return type
This assumes hexagonal pin lattice and needs to be upgraded once more generic geometry options are needed.
A block with fully-defined pins could just use their individual spatialLocators in a block-level 2-D grid. However most cases do not have this to minimize overhead and maximize speed. Thus we want to just come up with a uniform mesh of pins if they’re not explicitly placed in the grid.
- autoCreateSpatialGrids()[source]¶
Given a block without a spatialGrid, create a spatialGrid and give its children the corresponding spatialLocators (if it is a simple block).
In this case, a simple block would be one that has either multiplicity of components equal to 1 or N but no other multiplicities. Also, this should only happen when N fits exactly into a given number of hex rings. Otherwise, do not create a grid for this block.
If the block meets all the conditions, we gather all components to either be a multiIndexLocation containing all of the pin positions, otherwise, locator is the center (0,0).
- Raises
ValueError – If the multiplicities of the block are not only 1 or N or if generated ringNumber leads to more positions than necessary.
- getPinCenterFlatToFlat(cold=False)[source]¶
Return the flat-to-flat distance between the centers of opposing pins in the outermost ring.
- getPinPitch(cold=False)[source]¶
Get the pin pitch in cm.
Assumes that the pin pitch is defined entirely by contacting cladding tubes and wire wraps. Grid spacers not yet supported.
- Parameters
cold (boolean) – Determines whether the dimensions should be cold or hot
- Returns
pinPitch – pin pitch in cm
- Return type
- paramCollectionType¶
alias of
- uniqID = 1802¶
- class armi.reactor.blocks.CartesianBlock(name, height=1.0, location=None)[source]¶
Builds a new ARMI block
- caseSettingsSettings object, optional
The settings object to use to build the block
- namestr, optional
The name of this block
- heightfloat, optional
The height of the block in cm. Defaults to 1.0 so that getVolume assumes unit height.
- PITCH_DIMENSION = 'widthOuter'¶
- setPitch(val, updateBolParams=False)[source]¶
Sets outer pitch to some new value.
This sets the settingPitch and actually sets the dimension of the outer hexagon.
During a load (importGeom), the setDimension doesn’t usually do anything except set the setting See Issue 034
But during a actual case modification (e.g. in an optimization sweep, then the dimension has to be set as well.
See also
gets the pitch
- getSymmetryFactor()[source]¶
Return a factor between 1 and N where 1/N is how much cut-off by symmetry lines this mesh cell is.
- getPinCenterFlatToFlat(cold=False)[source]¶
Return the flat-to-flat distance between the centers of opposing pins in the outermost ring.
- paramCollectionType¶
alias of
- uniqID = 920¶
- class armi.reactor.blocks.ThRZBlock(name, height=1.0, location=None)[source]¶
Builds a new ARMI block
- caseSettingsSettings object, optional
The settings object to use to build the block
- namestr, optional
The name of this block
- heightfloat, optional
The height of the block in cm. Defaults to 1.0 so that getVolume assumes unit height.
- paramCollectionType¶
alias of
- uniqID = 57¶
- class armi.reactor.blocks.Point(name=None)[source]¶
Points quack like blocks. This Point object represents a single point in space within a Block. The Point object masquerades as a Block so that any Block parameter (such as DPA) can be assigned to it with the same functionality.
Builds a new ARMI block
- caseSettingsSettings object, optional
The settings object to use to build the block
- namestr, optional
The name of this block
- heightfloat, optional
The height of the block in cm. Defaults to 1.0 so that getVolume assumes unit height.
- getVolume()[source]¶
Return the volume of a block.
- Returns
volume – Block or component volume in cm^3
- Return type
- getBurnupPeakingFactor()[source]¶
Get the radial peaking factor to be applied to burnup and DPA
This may be informed by previous runs which used detailed pin reconstruction and rotation. In that case, it should be set on the cs setting
.Otherwise, it just takes the current flux peaking, which is typically conservatively high.
- Returns
burnupPeakingFactor – The peak/avg factor for burnup and DPA.
- Return type
See also
uses this
also uses this
- paramCollectionType¶
alias of