armi.materials.custom module

Custom materials are ones that you can specify all the number densities yourself.

Useful for benchmarking when you have a particular specified material density. Use the isotopic input described in The Blueprints Input File.

The density function gets applied from custom isotopics by armi.reactor.blueprints.isotopicOptions.CustomIsotopic.apply().

class armi.materials.custom.Custom[source]

Bases: armi.materials.material.Material

Custom Materials have user input properties.

During construction, set default density to 1.0. That way, people can set number densities without having to set a density and it will work. This will generally be overwritten in practice by a constant user-input density.

name = 'Custom Material'
enrichedNuclide = 'U235'

Name of enriched nuclide to be interpreted by enrichment modification methods

correctDensityAfterApplyInputParams = False
density(Tk=None, Tc=None)[source]

The density value is set in the loading input.

In some cases it needs to be set after full core assemblies are populated (e.g. for CustomLocation materials), so the missing density warning will appear no matter what.

setMassFrac(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Adjust the composition of this object so the mass fraction of nucName is val.

See also


efficiently set multiple mass fractions at the same time.


alias of armi.reactor.parameters.parameterCollections.MaterialParameterCollection