dif3ddemo.cli package Submodules dif3ddemo.cli.makeTestFixtures module

Run suite of small inputs with a variety of settings.

This runs:

  • A 3x3 matrix of runs 1/3-core DIF3D runs varying solver (Nodal, Finite Difference, VARIANT diffusion) as well as solution type (real, adjoint, both).

  • One VARIANT P3P1 transport case

  • One DIF3D nodal full-core real flux case

Each case uses the DRAGON plugin to generate cross sections.

Site-specific executable paths and library paths should be passed in on the command line. For example:

dif3ddemo make-fixture-suite --dragonDataPath=\dragon\data\draglibendfb8r0SHEM361 > fixtures.log
class dif3ddemo.cli.makeTestFixtures.MakeFixtures[source]

Bases: armi.cli.entryPoint.EntryPoint

Build and run case suite for building test fixtures.

This runs a specialized run based on an ARMI sample case and then overwrites the binary interface files in the test fixture folder. This captures the process for making the fixture files as well as providing a mechanism to update them as different features are needed.

name: Optional[str] = 'make-fixture-suite'

The <command-name> that is used to call the command from the command line

settingsArgument: Optional[str] = None

One of {‘optional’, ‘required’, None}, or unspecified. Specifies whether a settings file argument is to be added to the command’s argument parser. If settingsArgument == ‘required’, then a settings file is a required positional argument. If settingsArgument == ‘optional’, then it is an optional positional argument. Finally, if settingsArgument is None, then no settings file argument is added.


Add additional command line options.

Values of options added to self.parser will be available on self.args. Values added with createOptionFromSetting will override the setting values in the settings input file.

See also


A method often called from here to creat CLI options from application settings.


Often called from here using self.parser.add_argument to add custom argparse arguments.


Body of the entry point.

This is an abstract method, and must must be overridden in sub-classes.


exitcode – Implementations should return an exit code, or None, which is interpreted the same as zero (successful completion).

Return type

int or None

class dif3ddemo.cli.makeTestFixtures.CopyFixtureFiles[source]

Bases: armi.cli.entryPoint.EntryPoint

Move fixture files to fixture.

Specifically moves files to the test fixture for unit testing.

name: Optional[str] = 'copy-fixture-files'

The <command-name> that is used to call the command from the command line

settingsArgument: Optional[str] = None

One of {‘optional’, ‘required’, None}, or unspecified. Specifies whether a settings file argument is to be added to the command’s argument parser. If settingsArgument == ‘required’, then a settings file is a required positional argument. If settingsArgument == ‘optional’, then it is an optional positional argument. Finally, if settingsArgument is None, then no settings file argument is added.


Body of the entry point.

This is an abstract method, and must must be overridden in sub-classes.


exitcode – Implementations should return an exit code, or None, which is interpreted the same as zero (successful completion).

Return type

int or None Module contents