Source code for armicontrib.dif3d.settings

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Define DIF3D-specific ARMI user-configurable settings.

This module implements the :py:meth:`ArmiPlugin.defineSettings()
<armi:armi.plugins.ArmiPlugin.defineSettings()>` and
<armi:armi.plugins.ArmiPlugin.defineSettingsValidators()>` Plugin APIs. Aside from the
settings that control DIF3D's behavior specifically, this provides new options to the
ARMI built-in ``neutronicsKernel`` setting:

    * "DIF3D-Nodal": Enable DIF3D with nodal solver.
    * "DIF3D-FD": Enable DIF3D with finite-difference solver.
    * "VARIANT": Enable DIF3D with VARIANT Pn solver.
import shutil

from armi.physics.neutronics import settings as neutronicsSettings
from armi.settings import setting
from armi.operators import settingsValidation
from armi.physics import neutronics

CONF_LIST_ISOTXS = "listIsotxs"
CONF_NODAL_APPROX_Z = "nodalApproxZ"
CONF_COARSE_MESH_REBALANCE = "coarseMeshRebalance"
CONF_D3D_MEM = "d3dMem"
CONF_D3D_MEM2 = "d3dMem2"
CONF_DIF3D_PATH = "dif3dExePath"
CONF_ERF = "erf"
CONF_NEGLECT_FIS = "neglectFis"
CONF_NIP_MEM = "nipMem"
CONF_OUTERS = "outers"
CONF_INNERS = "inners"
CONF_XS_MEM = "xsMem"
CONF_EPS_BURN_TIME = "epsBurnTime"
CONF_EPS_CYCLIC = "epsCyclic"
CONF_EPS_NDENS = "epsNdens"
CONF_DIF3D_DB = "writeDif3dDb"


# This should live in the gamma plugin, but the DIF3D plugin is still using it to do
# something with input file declarations. Should refactor and migrate this.


[docs]def defineSettings(): settings = [ setting.Setting( CONF_DIF3D_DB, default=False, label="Output database with DIF3D neutronics mesh", description="If enabled, a database will be created containing the results " "of the most recent DIF3D invocation before converting back to the input " "mesh. This is useful for visualizing/analyzing the direct results of the " "DIF3D run without any mesh conversions taking place.", ), setting.Option(CONF_OPT_DIF3DNODAL, neutronicsSettings.CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL), setting.Option(CONF_OPT_DIF3DFD, neutronicsSettings.CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL), setting.Option(CONF_OPT_VARIANT, neutronicsSettings.CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL), setting.Setting( CONF_ASYMP_EXTRAP_OF_OVER_RELAX_CALC, default=0, label="Acceleration of optimum overrelaxation factor calculation", description=( "Asymptotic source extrapolation of power iterations used to estimate " "the spectral radius of each within group iteration matrix. Intended " "for problems with overrelaxation factor > 1.8." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_ASYMP_EXTRAP_OF_NODAL_CALC, default=0, label="Perform asymptotic source extrapolation.", description=( "Perform asymptotic source extrapolation on the the nodal outer " "iterations. Applies to DIF3D-Nodal and VARIANT." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_LIST_ISOTXS, default=False, label="listIsotxs", description="list ISOTXS in the DIF3D output file", ), setting.Setting( CONF_NODAL_APPROX_XY, default=40, label="XY Nodal approx", description=( "Approximation controls in XY-Plane (LMN). L can either be 0 (diffusion) " "or 1 (transport), M is the flux approximation order (2: quadratic, " "3: cubic, or 4: quartic), and N is the leakage approximation order " "(0: constant or 2: quadratic). For details, see A.DIF3D file formats " "document, under TYPE 10." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_NODAL_APPROX_Z, default=32, label="Z Nodal approx", description=( "Approximation controls in Z-direction. M is the flux approximation " "order (2: quadratic, 3: cubic, or 4: quartic), and N is the leakage approximation " "order (0: constant or 2: quadratic). For details, see A.DIF3D file formats" " document, under TYPE 10." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_COARSE_MESH_REBALANCE, default=0, label="Coarse mesh rebalance", description=( "Sets the coarse-mesh rebalance acceleration to something other than the " "default." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_D3D_MEM, default=24000000, label="Extended Core Memory Size", description=( "POINTR container array size in extended core memory for A.DIF3D card of " "DIF3D/REBUS. Max recommended=159999000" ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_D3D_MEM2, default=40000000, label="Fast Core Memory Size", description=( "POINTR container array size in fast core memory in REAL*8 words " "in A.DIF3D card of DIF3D/REBUS. Max recommended=40000000" ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_DIF3D_PATH, default="dif3d", label="DIF3D path", description="The path do the DIF3D executable", options=[], ), setting.Setting( CONF_ERF, default=0.04, label="Inner iteration error reduction factor", description=( "Error reduction factor to be achieved by each series of inner " "iteration for each group during a shape calculation in DIF3D/REBUS. " "Reduce to 0.01 if dominance ratio estimate is sporadic, or if pointwise " "fission source convergence is not monotonic." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_NEGLECT_FIS, default=0.001, label="Min. fission source", description=( "Any pointwise fission source will be neglected in the pointwise " "fission source convergence test if it is less than this factor " "times the RMS fission source in DIF3D/REBUS" ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_NIP_MEM, default=40000000, label="Memory for A.NIP3", description=( "Size of main core storage array for geometry processing module " "(GNIP4C) in A.NIP card of DIF3D/REBUS. Max recommended=40000000" ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_OUTERS, default=100, label="Max Outer Iterations", description="Max number of outer iterations to converge", ), setting.Setting( CONF_INNERS, default=0, label="Inner Iterations", description=( "XY and Axial partial current sweep inner iterations. 0 is let DIF3D " "pick or use default if can't pick." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_XS_MEM, default=40000000, label="XS Processing Memory Size", description=( "Size of main core storage array for cross section processing modules. " "Max recommended=40000000" ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_VARIANT_TRANSPORT_AND_SCATTER_ORDER, default="", label="VARIANT Flux/Leakage Angle and Scattering Orders", description=( "The flux/leakage angle and scattering orders to use with neutronics " "kernel VARIANT." ), options=["", "P1P0", "P3P1", "P3P3", "P5P1", "P5P3"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_EPS_BURN_TIME, default=1.0, label="Burn time eps", description=( "Burn time eps (Cycle length convergence. " "Set to 1.0 if the cycle length is known.)" ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_EPS_CYCLIC, default=0.001, label="Cyclic density eps", description="max relative error in isotope stage density during cyclics (0.001)", ), setting.Setting( CONF_EPS_NDENS, default=0.001, label="Region Ndens eps", description="max relative error in any isotope in region density (0.001)", ), setting.Setting( CONF_NEUTRONICS_OUTPUTS_TO_SAVE, default="Input/Output", label="Save DIF3D Files", description=( "Defines outputs from DIF3D-based neutronics kernel to be copied from " "the fast path to the network drive for inspection, restarts, debugging, " "etc." ), options=["", "Input/Output", "Flux files", "Restart files", "All"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_USE_RADIAL_INNER_ITERATION_ALGORITHM, default=False, label="Use Radial Inner Iter Algorithm", description=( "Use the VARIANT Radial Inner Iteration Algorithm which is helpful for " "cases with small node mesh. Type 12 card in A.DIF3D" ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_VARIANT_NODAL_SPATIAL_APPROXIMATION, default="20501", # minimum required for hex label="VARIANT Nodal Spatial Approx.", description=( "The Nodal Spatial polynomial approximation in VARIANT. See Type 12 card " "in A.DIF3D for information." ), ), ] return settings
[docs]def defineSettingValidators(inspector): """Define DIF3D-related setting validations.""" queries = [ settingsValidation.Query( lambda: ( inspector.cs[neutronicsSettings.CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL] == CONF_OPT_DIF3DNODAL and neutronics.adjointCalculationRequested(inspector.cs) ) and inspector.cs[CONF_COARSE_MESH_REBALANCE] > -1, "The DIF3D nodal approximation will not converge for the adjoint flux solution if the " f"`{CONF_COARSE_MESH_REBALANCE}` setting is enabled.", f"Disable `{CONF_COARSE_MESH_REBALANCE}`?", lambda: inspector._assignCS(CONF_COARSE_MESH_REBALANCE, -1), ), settingsValidation.Query( lambda: inspector.cs[neutronicsSettings.CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL] == CONF_OPT_DIF3DNODAL and inspector.cs[CONF_ASYMP_EXTRAP_OF_NODAL_CALC] == -1, f"The value of `{CONF_ASYMP_EXTRAP_OF_NODAL_CALC}` is not valid " f"for {CONF_OPT_DIF3DNODAL}", "Set value to 0 to perform asymptotic source extrapolation?", lambda: inspector._assignCS(CONF_ASYMP_EXTRAP_OF_NODAL_CALC, 0), ), settingsValidation.Query( lambda: inspector.cs[neutronicsSettings.CONF_NEUTRONICS_KERNEL] == CONF_OPT_VARIANT and not inspector.cs[CONF_VARIANT_TRANSPORT_AND_SCATTER_ORDER], f"The value of `{CONF_VARIANT_TRANSPORT_AND_SCATTER_ORDER}` must be set " f"for {CONF_OPT_VARIANT}", "Set value to P3P3?", lambda: inspector._assignCS( CONF_VARIANT_TRANSPORT_AND_SCATTER_ORDER, "P3P3" ), ), settingsValidation.Query( lambda: shutil.which( inspector.cs[CONF_DIF3D_PATH] ) is None, "The provided DIF3D executable cannot be found: {}".format(inspector.cs[CONF_DIF3D_PATH]), "Please update executable location to the valid location.", inspector.NO_ACTION, ), ] return queries