Plot a reactor facemap.

Load a test reactor from the test suite and plot a dummy power distribution from it. You can plot any block parameter.

run reactorFacemap
=========== Case Information ===========
=========== Input File Information ===========
=========== Machine Information ===========
=========== System Information ===========
=========== Reactor Cycle Information ===========
=========== Constructing Reactor and Verifying Inputs ===========
=========== Adding Composites to <Core: core id:140138399097040> ===========
=========== Verifying Assembly Configurations ===========
=========== Summarizing Source of Material Data for <Core: core id:140138399097040> ===========
=========== Applying Geometry Modifications ===========
=========== Initializing Mesh, Assembly Zones, and Nuclide Categories ===========
=========== Adding Composites to <SpentFuelPool: Spent Fuel Pool id:140138398216144> ===========
=========== Creating Interfaces ===========
=========== Interface Stack Summary  ===========
===========  Triggering Init Event ===========
=========== 01 - main                           Init            ===========
=========== 02 - fissionProducts                Init            ===========
=========== 03 - fuelHandler                    Init            ===========
=========== 04 - xsGroups                       Init            ===========
=========== 05 - history                        Init            ===========
=========== 06 - database                       Init            ===========
=========== 07 - memoryProfiler                 Init            ===========
=========== 08 - snapshot                       Init            ===========
===========  Completed Init Event ===========

from armi import configure
from armi.reactor.tests import test_reactors
from armi.utils import plotting

# configure ARMI

operator, reactor = test_reactors.loadTestReactor()
# set dummy power
for b in reactor.core.getBlocks():
    x, y, z = b.spatialLocator.getGlobalCoordinates()
    b.p.pdens = x**2 + y**2 + z**2

plotting.plotFaceMap(reactor.core, param="pdens", labelFmt="{0:.1e}")

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.671 seconds)

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