Source code for armi.utils.densityTools

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"""Assorted utilities to help with basic density calculations."""
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict

from armi.nucDirectory import nucDir, nuclideBases, elements
from armi.utils import units
from armi import runLog

[docs]def getNDensFromMasses(rho, massFracs, normalize=False): """ Convert density (g/cc) and massFracs vector into a number densities vector (#/bn-cm). .. impl:: Number densities are retrievable from masses. :id: I_ARMI_UTIL_MASS2N_DENS :implements: R_ARMI_UTIL_MASS2N_DENS Loops over all provided nuclides (given as keys in the ``massFracs`` vector) and calculates number densities of each, at a given material ``density``. Mass fractions can be provided either as normalized to 1, or as unnormalized with subsequent normalization calling ``normalizeNuclideList`` via the ``normalize`` flag. Parameters ---------- rho : float density in (g/cc) massFracs : dict vector of mass fractions -- normalized to 1 -- keyed by their nuclide name Returns ------- numberDensities : dict vector of number densities (#/bn-cm) keyed by their nuclide name """ if normalize: massFracs = normalizeNuclideList(massFracs, normalization=normalize) numberDensities = {} rho = rho * units.MOLES_PER_CC_TO_ATOMS_PER_BARN_CM for nucName, massFrac in massFracs.items(): atomicWeight = nuclideBases.byName[nucName].weight numberDensities[nucName] = massFrac * rho / atomicWeight return numberDensities
[docs]def getMassFractions(numberDensities): """ Convert number densities (#/bn-cm) into mass fractions. Parameters ---------- numberDensities : dict number densities (#/bn-cm) keyed by their nuclide name Returns ------- massFracs : dict mass fractions -- normalized to 1 -- keyed by their nuclide name """ nucMassFracs = {} totalWeight = 0.0 for nucName, numDensity in numberDensities.items(): weightI = numDensity * nucDir.getAtomicWeight(nucName) nucMassFracs[nucName] = weightI # will be normalized at end totalWeight += weightI if totalWeight != 0: for nucName in numberDensities: nucMassFracs[nucName] /= totalWeight else: for nucName in numberDensities: nucMassFracs[nucName] = 0.0 return nucMassFracs
[docs]def calculateMassDensity(numberDensities): """ Calculates the mass density. Parameters ---------- numberDensities : dict vector of number densities (atom/bn-cm) indexed by nuclides names Returns ------- rho : float density in (g/cc) """ rho = 0 for nucName, nDensity in numberDensities.items(): atomicWeight = nuclideBases.byName[nucName].weight rho += nDensity * atomicWeight / units.MOLES_PER_CC_TO_ATOMS_PER_BARN_CM return rho
[docs]def calculateNumberDensity(nucName, mass, volume): """ Calculates the number density. Parameters ---------- mass : float volume : volume nucName : armi nuclide name -- e.g. 'U235' Returns ------- number density : float number density (#/bn-cm) See Also -------- armi.reactor.blocks.Block.setMass """ A = nucDir.getAtomicWeight(nucName) try: return units.MOLES_PER_CC_TO_ATOMS_PER_BARN_CM * mass / (volume * A) except ZeroDivisionError: if mass == 0 and volume == 0: return 0 raise ValueError( "Could not calculate number density with input.\n" "mass : {}\nvolume : {}\natomic weight : {}\n".format(mass, volume, A) )
[docs]def getMassInGrams(nucName, volume, numberDensity=None): """ Gets mass of a nuclide of a known volume and know number density. Parameters ---------- nucName : str name of nuclide -- e.g. 'U235' volume : float volume in (cm3) numberDensity : float number density in (at/bn-cm) Returns ------- mass : float mass of nuclide (g) """ if not numberDensity: return 0.0 A = nucDir.getAtomicWeight(nucName) return numberDensity * volume * A / units.MOLES_PER_CC_TO_ATOMS_PER_BARN_CM
[docs]def formatMaterialCard( densities, matNum=0, minDens=1e-15, sigFigs=8, mcnp6Compatible=False, mcnpLibrary=None, ): """ Formats nuclides and densities into a MCNP material card. .. impl:: Create MCNP material card. :id: I_ARMI_UTIL_MCNP_MAT_CARD :implements: R_ARMI_UTIL_MCNP_MAT_CARD Loops over a vector of nuclides (of type ``nuclideBase``) provided in ``densities`` and formats them into a list of strings consistent with MCNP material card syntax, skipping dummy nuclides and LFPs. A ``matNum`` may optionally be provided for the created material card: if not provided, it is left blank. The desired number of significant figures for the created card can be optionally provided by ``sigFigs``. Nuclides whose number density falls below a threshold (optionally specified by ``minDens``) are set to the threshold value. The boolean ``mcnp6Compatible`` may optionally be provided to include the nuclide library at the end of the vector of individual nuclides using the "nlib=" syntax leveraged by MCNP. If this boolean is turned on, the associated value ``mcnpLibrary`` should generally also be provided, as otherwise, the library will be left blank in the resulting material card string. Parameters ---------- densities : dict number densities indexed by nuclideBase matNum : int mcnp material number minDens : float minimum density sigFigs : int significant figures for the material card Returns ------- mCard : list list of material card strings """ if all( isinstance(nuc, (nuclideBases.LumpNuclideBase, nuclideBases.DummyNuclideBase)) for nuc in densities ): return [] # no valid nuclides to write if matNum >= 0: mCard = ["m{matNum}\n".format(matNum=matNum)] else: mCard = ["m{}\n"] for nuc, dens in sorted(densities.items()): # skip LFPs and Dummies. if isinstance(nuc, (nuclideBases.LumpNuclideBase)): runLog.important( "The material card returned will ignore LFPs.", single=True ) continue elif isinstance(nuc, nuclideBases.DummyNuclideBase):"Omitting dummy nuclides such as {}".format(nuc), single=True) continue mcnpNucName = nuc.getMcnpId() newEntry = (" {nucName:5d} {ndens:." + str(sigFigs) + "e}\n").format( nucName=int(mcnpNucName), ndens=max(dens, minDens) ) # 0 dens is invalid mCard.append(newEntry) if mcnp6Compatible: mCard.append(" nlib={lib}c\n".format(lib=mcnpLibrary)) return mCard
[docs]def filterNuclideList(nuclideVector, nuclides): """ Filter out nuclides not in the nuclide vector. Parameters ---------- nuclideVector : dict dictionary of values indexed by nuclide identifiers -- e.g. nucNames or nuclideBases nuclides : list list of nuclide identifiers Returns ------- nuclideVector : dict dictionary of values indexed by nuclide identifiers -- e.g. nucNames or nuclideBases """ if not isinstance(list(nuclideVector.keys())[0], nuclides[0].__class__): raise ValueError( "nuclide vector is indexed by {} where as the nuclides list is {}".format( nuclideVector.keys()[0].__class__, nuclides[0].__class__ ) ) for nucName in list(nuclideVector.keys()): if nucName not in nuclides: del nuclideVector[nucName] return nuclideVector
[docs]def normalizeNuclideList(nuclideVector, normalization=1.0): """ Normalize the nuclide vector. .. impl:: Normalize nuclide vector. :id: I_ARMI_UTIL_DENS_TOOLS :implements: R_ARMI_UTIL_DENS_TOOLS Given a vector of nuclides ``nuclideVector`` indexed by nuclide identifiers (``nucNames`` or ``nuclideBases``), normalizes to the provided ``normalization`` value. Parameters ---------- nuclideVector : dict dictionary of values -- e.g. floats, ints -- indexed by nuclide identifiers -- e.g. nucNames or nuclideBases normalization : float Returns ------- nuclideVector : dict dictionary of values indexed by nuclide identifiers -- e.g. nucNames or nuclideBases """ normalizationFactor = sum(nuclideVector.values()) / normalization for nucName, mFrac in nuclideVector.items(): nuclideVector[nucName] = mFrac / normalizationFactor return nuclideVector
[docs]def expandElementalMassFracsToNuclides( massFracs: dict, elementExpansionPairs: Tuple[elements.Element, List[nuclideBases.NuclideBase]], ): """ Expand elemental mass fractions to natural nuclides. Modifies the input ``massFracs`` in place to contain nuclides. Notes ----- This indirectly updates number densities through mass fractions. .. impl:: Expand mass fractions to nuclides. :id: I_ARMI_UTIL_EXP_MASS_FRACS :implements: R_ARMI_UTIL_EXP_MASS_FRACS Given a vector of elements and nuclides with associated mass fractions (``massFracs``), expands the elements in-place into a set of nuclides using ``expandElementalNuclideMassFracs``. Isotopes to expand into are provided for each element by specifying them with ``elementExpansionPairs``, which maps each element to a list of particular NuclideBases; if left unspecified, all naturally-occurring isotopes are included. Explicitly specifying the expansion isotopes provides a way for particular naturally-occurring isotopes to be excluded from the expansion, e.g. excluding O-18 from an expansion of elemental oxygen. Parameters ---------- massFracs : dict(str, float) dictionary of nuclide or element names with mass fractions. Elements will be expanded in place using natural isotopics. elementExpansionPairs : (Element, [NuclideBase]) pairs element objects to expand (from nuclidBase.element) and list of NuclideBases to expand into (or None for all natural) """ # expand elements for element, isotopicSubset in elementExpansionPairs: massFrac = massFracs.pop(element.symbol, None) if massFrac is None: continue expandedNucs = expandElementalNuclideMassFracs( element, massFrac, isotopicSubset ) massFracs.update(expandedNucs) total = sum(expandedNucs.values()) if massFrac > 0.0 and abs(total - massFrac) / massFrac > 1e-6: raise ValueError( "Mass fractions not normalized properly {}!".format((total, massFrac)) )
[docs]def expandElementalNuclideMassFracs( element: elements.Element, massFrac: float, isotopicSubset: List[nuclideBases.NuclideBase] = None, ): """ Return a dictionary of nuclide names to isotopic mass fractions. If an isotopic subset is passed in, the mass fractions get scaled up s.t. the total mass fraction remains constant. Parameters ---------- element : Element The element to expand to natural isotopics massFrac : float Mass fraction of the initial element isotopicSubset : list of NuclideBases Natural isotopes to include in the expansion. Useful e.g. for excluding O18 from an expansion of Oxygen. """ elementNucBases = element.getNaturalIsotopics() if isotopicSubset: expandedNucBases = [nb for nb in elementNucBases if nb in isotopicSubset] else: expandedNucBases = elementNucBases elementalWeightGperMole = sum(nb.weight * nb.abundance for nb in expandedNucBases) if not any(expandedNucBases): raise ValueError( "Cannot expand element `{}` into isotopes: `{}`" "".format(element, expandedNucBases) ) expanded = {} for nb in expandedNucBases: expanded[] = ( massFrac * nb.abundance * nb.weight / elementalWeightGperMole ) return expanded
[docs]def getChemicals(nuclideInventory): """ Groups the inventories of nuclides by their elements. Parameters ---------- nuclideInventory : dict nuclide inventories indexed by nuc -- either nucNames or nuclideBases Returns ------- chemicals : dict inventory of elements indexed by element symbol -- e.g. 'U' or 'PU' """ chemicals = {} for nuc, N in nuclideInventory.items(): nb = nuc if isinstance(nuc, nuclideBases.INuclide) else nuclideBases.byName[nuc] if nb.element.symbol in chemicals: chemicals[nb.element.symbol] += N else: chemicals[nb.element.symbol] = N return chemicals
[docs]def applyIsotopicsMix( material, enrichedMassFracs: Dict[str, float], fertileMassFracs: Dict[str, float] ): """ Update material heavy metal mass fractions based on its enrichment and two nuclide feeds. This will remix the heavy metal in a Material object based on the object's ``class1_wt_frac`` parameter and the input nuclide information. This can be used for inputting mixtures of two external custom isotopic feeds as well as for fabricating assemblies from two closed-cycle collections of material. See Also -------- armi.materials.material.FuelMaterial Parameters ---------- material : material.Material The object to modify. Must have a ``class1_wt_frac`` param set enrichedMassFracs : dict Nuclide names and weight fractions of the class 1 nuclides fertileMassFracs : dict Nuclide names and weight fractions of the class 2 nuclides """ total = sum(material.massFrac.values()) hm = 0.0 for nucName, massFrac in material.massFrac.items(): nb = nuclideBases.byName[nucName] if nb.isHeavyMetal(): hm += massFrac hmFrac = hm / total hmEnrich = material.class1_wt_frac for nucName in ( set(enrichedMassFracs.keys()) .union(set(fertileMassFracs.keys())) .union(set(material.massFrac.keys())) ): nb = nuclideBases.byName[nucName] if nb.isHeavyMetal(): material.massFrac[nucName] = hmFrac * ( hmEnrich * enrichedMassFracs.get(nucName, 0.0) + (1 - hmEnrich) * fertileMassFracs.get(nucName, 0.0) )