Source code for armi.utils.codeTiming

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Utilities related to profiling code."""

import copy
import os
import time
import functools

[docs]def timed(*args): """ Decorate functions to measure how long they take. Examples -------- :: @timed # your timer will be called the module+method name def mymethod(stuff): do stuff @timed('call my timer this instead') def mymethod2(stuff) do even more stuff """ def time_decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def time_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): generated_name = "::".join( [ os.path.split(func.__code__.co_filename)[1], str(func.__code__.co_firstlineno), func.__code__.co_name, ] ) MasterTimer.startTimer(label or generated_name) return_value = func(*args, **kwargs) MasterTimer.endTimer(label or generated_name) return return_value return time_wrapper if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]): label = None return time_decorator(args[0]) elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): label = args[0] return time_decorator else: raise ValueError( "The timed decorator has been misused. Input args were {}".format(args) )
[docs]def getMasterTimer(): """Duplicate function to the MasterTimer.getMasterTimer method. Provided for convenience and developer preference of which to use """ return MasterTimer.getMasterTimer()
[docs]class MasterTimer: _instance = None def __init__(self): if MasterTimer._instance: raise RuntimeError( "{} is a pseudo singleton, do not attempt to make more than one.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) MasterTimer._instance = self self.timers = {} self.start_time = time.time() self.end_time = None
[docs] @staticmethod def getMasterTimer(): if not MasterTimer._instance: MasterTimer() return MasterTimer._instance
[docs] @staticmethod def getTimer(event_name): """Return a timer with no special action take. ``with timer: ...`` friendly! """ master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() if event_name in master.timers: timer = master.timers[event_name] else: timer = _Timer(event_name, False) return timer
[docs] @staticmethod def startTimer(event_name): """Return a timer with a start call, or a newly made started timer. ``with timer: ...`` unfriendly! """ master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() if event_name in master.timers: timer = master.timers[event_name] timer.start() else: timer = _Timer(event_name, True) return timer
[docs] @staticmethod def endTimer(event_name): """Return a timer with a stop call, or a newly made unstarted timer. ``with timer: ...`` unfriendly! """ master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() if event_name in master.timers: timer = master.timers[event_name] timer.stop() else: timer = _Timer(event_name, False) return timer
[docs] @staticmethod def time(): """System time offset by when this master timer was initialized.""" master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() if master.end_time: return master.end_time - master.start_time else: return time.time() - master.start_time
[docs] @staticmethod def startAll(): """Starts all timers, won't work after a stopAll command.""" master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() for timer in master.timers.values(): timer.start()
[docs] @staticmethod def stopAll(): """Kills the timer run, can't easily be restarted.""" master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() for timer in master.timers.values(): timer.over_start = 0 # deal with what recursion may have caused timer.stop() _Timer._frozen = True master.end_time = time.time()
[docs] @staticmethod def getActiveTimers(): master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() return [t for t in master.timers.values() if t.isActive]
[docs] @staticmethod def report(inclusion_cutoff=0.1, total_time=False): """ Write a string report of the timers. Parameters ---------- inclusion_cutoff : float, optional Will not show results that have less than this fraction of the total time. total_time : bool, optional Use either the ratio of total time or time since last report for consideration against the cutoff See Also -------- armi.utils.codeTiming._Timer.__str__ : prints out the results for each individual line item """ master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() table = [ "{:60s} {:^20} {:^20} {:^20} {:^8} {}\t".format( "TIMER REPORTS", "SINCE LAST (s)", "CUMULATIVE (s)", "AVERAGE (s)", "PAUSES", "ACTIVE", ) ] for timer in sorted(master.timers.values(), key=lambda x: x.time): if total_time: time_ratio = timer.time / master.time() else: time_ratio = timer.timeSinceReport / master.time() if time_ratio < inclusion_cutoff: continue table.append(str(timer)) return "\n".join(table)
[docs] @staticmethod def timeline(base_file_name, inclusion_cutoff=0.1, total_time=False): r"""Produces a timeline graphic of the timers. Parameters ---------- base_file_name : str whatever the leading file path should be this method generates the same file extension for every image to add to the base inclusion_cutoff : float, optional Will not show results that have less than this fraction of the total time. total_time : bool, optional Use either the ratio of total time or time since last report for consideration against the cutoff """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # initial set up master = MasterTimer.getMasterTimer() cur_time = master.time() color_map = y_values = [] # list of heights y_level = 0 # height of the timelines names = [] x_starts = [] x_stops = [] colors = [] # plot content gather for timer in sorted(master.timers.values(), key=lambda x: if total_time: time_ratio = timer.time / master.time() else: time_ratio = timer.timeSinceReport / master.time() if time_ratio < inclusion_cutoff: continue y_level += 1 names.append( for time_pair in timer.times: y_values.append(y_level) x_starts.append(time_pair[0]) x_stops.append(time_pair[1]) colors.append(color_map(time_ratio)) # plot set up # might not be necessary to scale the width with the height like this plt.figure( figsize=(3 + len(master.timers.values()), (3 + len(master.timers.values()))) ) plt.axis([0.0, cur_time, 0.0, y_level + 1]) plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.yticks( np.arange(y_level + 1), [""] + names ) # offset needed for some reason _loc, labels = plt.yticks() for tick in labels: tick.set_fontsize(40) plt.tight_layout() # plot content draw plt.hlines(y_values, x_starts, x_stops, colors) def flatMerge( l1, l2=None ): # duplicate a list flatly or merge them flatly (no tuples compared to zip) return [item for sublist in zip(l1, l2 or l1) for item in sublist] ymin = [y - 0.3 for y in y_values] ymax = [y + 0.3 for y in y_values] plt.vlines( flatMerge(x_starts, x_stops), flatMerge(ymin), flatMerge(ymax), flatMerge(colors), ) # done filename = base_file_name + ".code-timeline.png" plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
class _Timer: """Code timer to call at various points to measure performance. see MasterTimer.getTimer() for construction """ # If the master timer stops, all timers must freeze with no thaw. _frozen = False def __init__(self, name, start): = name MasterTimer.getMasterTimer().timers[] = self self._active = False self._times = [] # [(start, end), (start, end)...] self.over_start = 0 # necessary for recursion tracking self.reportedTotal = ( 0.0 # time elapsed since last asked to report time in __str__ ) if start: self.start() def __repr__(self): return "<{} name:'{}' pauses:{} active:{} time:{}>".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.pauses, self.isActive, self.time ) def __str__(self): str_ = "{:60s} {:>20.2f} {:>20.2f} {:>20.2f} {:^8} {}".format([:60], self.timeSinceReport, self.time, self.time / (self.pauses + 1), self.pauses, self.isActive, ) # needs to come after str generation because it resets the timeSinceReport self.reportedTotal = self.time return str_ def __enter__(self): self.start() def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.stop() @property def isActive(self): return self._active @property def pauses(self): """If this number seems high remember .start() twice in a row adds a pause.""" return len(self._times) - 1 if self._times else 0 @property def time(self): """Total time value.""" return sum([t[1] - t[0] for t in self.times]) @property def timeSinceReport(self): """The elapsed time since this timer was asked to report itself.""" return self.time - self.reportedTotal @property def times(self): """List of time start / stop pairs, if active the current time is used as the last stop.""" if self.isActive: times = copy.deepcopy(self._times) times[-1] = (self._times[-1][0], MasterTimer.time()) return times else: return self._times def _open_time_pair(self, cur_time): self._times.append((cur_time, None)) def _close_time_pair(self, cur_time): self._times[-1] = (self._times[-1][0], cur_time) def start(self): cur_time = MasterTimer.time() if self._frozen: return cur_time elif self.isActive: # call was made on an active timer, we're now over-started self.over_start += 1 self._close_time_pair(cur_time) self._active = True self._open_time_pair(cur_time) return cur_time def stop(self): cur_time = MasterTimer.time() if self._frozen: return cur_time if self.over_start: # can't end the timer as it's over-started self.over_start -= 1 elif self.isActive: self._active = False self._close_time_pair(cur_time) return cur_time