Source code for armi.reactor.tests.test_components

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"""Tests functionalities of components within ARMI."""
import copy
import math
import unittest

from armi.materials.material import Material
from armi.reactor import components
from armi.reactor import flags
from armi.reactor.components import (
from armi.reactor.components import materials
from armi.materials import air, alloy200

[docs]class TestComponentFactory(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def getCircleVoidDict(self): return dict( shape="circle", name="gap", Tinput=25, Thot=600, od=2.1, id=0.0, mult=7, material="Void", isotopics="", )
[docs] def getCircleFuelDict(self): return dict( shape="circle", name="fuel", Tinput=25, Thot=600, od=2.1, id=0.0, mult=7, material="UZr", isotopics="", )
[docs] def test_factory(self): """Creating and verifying void and fuel components. .. test:: Example void and fuel components are initialized. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_DEF0 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_DEF """ voidAttrs = self.getCircleVoidDict() voidComp = components.factory(voidAttrs.pop("shape"), [], voidAttrs) fuelAttrs = self.getCircleFuelDict() fuelComp = components.factory(fuelAttrs.pop("shape"), [], fuelAttrs) self.assertIsInstance(voidComp, components.Circle) self.assertIsInstance(voidComp.material, materials.Void) self.assertIsInstance(fuelComp, components.Circle) self.assertIsInstance(fuelComp.material, materials.UZr)
[docs] def test_componentInitializationAndDuplication(self): """Initialize and duplicate a component, veifying the parameters. .. test:: Verify the parameters of an initialized component. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_DEF1 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_DEF """ # populate the class/signature dict, and create a basis attrs attrs = self.getCircleVoidDict() del attrs["shape"] del attrs["od"] del attrs["id"] del attrs["mult"] for i, (name, klass) in enumerate(ComponentType.TYPES.items()): # hack together a dictionary input thisAttrs = {k: 1.0 for k in set(klass.INIT_SIGNATURE).difference(attrs)} del thisAttrs["components"] thisAttrs.update(attrs) thisAttrs["name"] = "banana{}".format(i) if "modArea" in thisAttrs: thisAttrs["modArea"] = None component = components.factory(name, [], thisAttrs) duped = copy.deepcopy(component) for key, val in component.p.items(): if key not in ["area", "volume", "serialNum"]: # they get recomputed self.assertEqual( val, duped.p[key], msg="Key: {}, val1: {}, val2: {}".format( key, val, duped.p[key] ), )
[docs] def test_factoryBadShapeName(self): badDict = self.getCircleFuelDict() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): components.factory("turtle", [], badDict)
[docs] def test_invalidCoolantComponentAssignment(self): invalidComponentTypes = [Component, NullComponent] for CompType in invalidComponentTypes: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): _c = CompType("coolant", "Sodium", 0, 0)
[docs]class TestGeneralComponents(unittest.TestCase): """Base test for all individual component tests.""" componentCls = Component componentMaterial = "HT9" componentDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 25.0} def setUp(self, component=None): """ Most of the time nothing will be passed as `component` and the result will be stored in self, but you can also pass a component object as `component`, in which case the object will be returned with the `parent` attribute assigned. """ class _Parent: def getSymmetryFactor(self): return 1.0 def getHeight(self): return 1.0 def clearCache(self): pass def getChildren(self): return [] derivedMustUpdate = False if component is None: self.component = self.componentCls( "TestComponent", self.componentMaterial, **self.componentDims ) self.component.parent = _Parent() else: component.parent = _Parent() return component
[docs]class TestComponent(TestGeneralComponents): """Test the base component.""" componentCls = Component
[docs] def test_initializeComponentMaterial(self): """Creating component with single material. .. test:: Components are made of one material. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_1MAT0 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_1MAT """ expectedName = "TestComponent" actualName = self.component.getName() expectedMaterialName = "HT9" actualMaterialName = self.component.material.getName() self.assertEqual(expectedName, actualName) self.assertEqual(expectedMaterialName, actualMaterialName)
[docs] def test_setNumberDensity(self): """Test setting a single number density. .. test:: Users can set Component number density. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_NUCLIDE_FRACS0 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_NUCLIDE_FRACS """ component = self.component self.assertAlmostEqual(component.getNumberDensity("C"), 0.000780, 6) component.setNumberDensity("C", 0.57) self.assertEqual(component.getNumberDensity("C"), 0.57)
[docs] def test_setNumberDensities(self): """Test setting multiple number densities. .. test:: Users can set Component number densities. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_NUCLIDE_FRACS1 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_NUCLIDE_FRACS """ component = self.component self.assertAlmostEqual(component.getNumberDensity("MN"), 0.000426, 6) component.setNumberDensities({"C": 1, "MN": 0.58}) self.assertEqual(component.getNumberDensity("C"), 1.0) self.assertEqual(component.getNumberDensity("MN"), 0.58)
[docs] def test_solid_material(self): """Determine if material is solid. .. test:: Determine if material is solid. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_SOLID :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_SOLID .. test:: Components have material properties. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_MAT :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_MAT """ self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.component.getProperties(), Material)) self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.component.material, "density")) self.assertIn("HT9", str(self.component.getProperties())) self.component.material = air.Air() self.assertFalse(self.component.containsSolidMaterial()) self.component.material = alloy200.Alloy200() self.assertTrue(self.component.containsSolidMaterial()) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.component.getProperties(), Material)) self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.component.material, "density")) self.assertIn("Alloy200", str(self.component.getProperties()))
[docs]class TestNullComponent(TestGeneralComponents): componentCls = NullComponent
[docs] def test_cmp(self): """Test null component.""" cur = self.component ref = DerivedShape("DerivedShape", "Material", 0, 0) self.assertLess(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_nonzero(self): cur = bool(self.component) ref = False self.assertEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_getDimension(self): """Test getting empty component. .. test:: Retrieve a null dimension. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_DIMS0 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_DIMS """ for temp in range(400, 901, 25): self.assertEqual(self.component.getDimension("", Tc=temp), 0.0)
[docs]class TestUnshapedComponent(TestGeneralComponents): componentCls = UnshapedComponent componentMaterial = "HT9" componentDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "area": math.pi}
[docs] def test_getComponentArea(self): # a case without thermal expansion self.assertEqual(self.component.getComponentArea(cold=True), math.pi) # a case with thermal expansion self.assertEqual( self.component.getComponentArea(cold=False), math.pi * self.component.getThermalExpansionFactor(self.component.temperatureInC) ** 2, ) # show that area expansion is consistent with the density change in the material hotDensity = self.component.density() hotArea = self.component.getArea() thermalExpansionFactor = self.component.getThermalExpansionFactor( self.component.temperatureInC ) coldComponent = self.setUp( UnshapedComponent( name="coldComponent", material=self.componentMaterial, Tinput=self.component.inputTemperatureInC, Thot=self.component.inputTemperatureInC, area=math.pi, ) ) coldDensity = coldComponent.density() coldArea = coldComponent.getArea() self.assertGreater(thermalExpansionFactor, 1) # thermalExpansionFactor accounts for density being 3D while area is 2D self.assertAlmostEqual( (coldDensity * coldArea), (thermalExpansionFactor * hotDensity * hotArea), )
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): # a case without thermal expansion self.assertEqual(self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True), 2.0) # a case with thermal expansion self.assertEqual( self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=False), 2.0 * self.component.getThermalExpansionFactor(self.component.temperatureInC), )
[docs] def test_component_less_than(self): """Ensure that comparisons between components properly reference bounding circle outer diameter. .. test:: Order components by their outermost diameter :id: T_ARMI_COMP_ORDER :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_ORDER """ componentCls = UnshapedComponent componentMaterial = "HT9" smallDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "area": 0.5 * math.pi} sameDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "area": 1.0 * math.pi} bigDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "area": 2.0 * math.pi} smallComponent = componentCls("TestComponent", componentMaterial, **smallDims) sameComponent = componentCls("TestComponent", componentMaterial, **sameDims) bigComponent = componentCls("TestComponent", componentMaterial, **bigDims) self.assertTrue(smallComponent < self.component) self.assertFalse(bigComponent < self.component) self.assertFalse(sameComponent < self.component)
[docs] def test_fromComponent(self): circle = components.Circle("testCircle", "HT9", 25, 500, 1.0) unshaped = components.UnshapedComponent.fromComponent(circle) self.assertEqual(circle.getComponentArea(), unshaped.getComponentArea())
[docs]class TestShapedComponent(TestGeneralComponents): """Abstract class for all shaped components."""
[docs] def test_preserveMassDuringThermalExpansion(self): """Test that when we thermally expand any arbitrary shape, mass is conserved.""" if not self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS: return temperatures = [25.0, 30.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 430.0] masses = [] report = "Temperature, mass, volume, dLL\n" for ht in temperatures: self.component.setTemperature(ht) mass = self.component.getMass() masses.append(mass) report += "{:10.1f}, {:7.5e}, {:7.5e}, {:7.5e}\n".format( ht, mass, self.component.getVolume(), self.component.getThermalExpansionFactor(), ) for mass in masses: self.assertNotAlmostEqual(mass, 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual( masses[0], mass, msg="Masses are not preserved during thermal expansion of component {} at {} C. " "Original Mass: {}, Thermally Expanded Mass: {}\n{}" "".format(self.component, ht, masses[0], mass, report), )
[docs] def test_volumeAfterClearCache(self): """ Test volume after cache has been cleared. .. test:: Clear cache after a dimensions updated. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL0 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ c = UnshapedVolumetricComponent("testComponent", "Custom", 0, 0, volume=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(c.getVolume(), 1, 6) c.clearCache() self.assertAlmostEqual(c.getVolume(), 1, 6)
[docs] def test_densityConsistent(self): """Testing the Component matches quick hand calc.""" c = self.component # no volume defined if isinstance(c, (DerivedShape, UnshapedVolumetricComponent)): return elif type(c) == Component: return # basic density sanity test self.assertAlmostEqual(c.density(), c.getMass() / c.getVolume()) # test 2D expanding density if c.temperatureInC == c.inputTemperatureInC: self.assertAlmostEqual( c.density(), c.material.pseudoDensity(Tc=c.temperatureInC), delta=0.001 ) if not c.is3D: self.assertAlmostEqual( c.getArea() * c.parent.getHeight() * c.density(), self.component.getMass(), )
[docs] def test_density(self): """Testing the Component density gets the correct 3D material density.""" class StrangeMaterial(Material): """material designed to make the test easier to understand.""" def pseduoDensity(self, Tk=None, Tc=None): return 1.0 def density(self, Tk=None, Tc=None): return 3.0 c = Sphere( name="strangeBall", material=StrangeMaterial(), Tinput=200, Thot=500, od=1, id=0, mult=1, ) # we expect to see the 3D material density here self.assertEqual(c.density(), 3.0)
[docs]class TestDerivedShape(TestShapedComponent): componentCls = DerivedShape componentMaterial = "Sodium" componentDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 400.0, "area": 1.0}
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): self.assertGreater( self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True), 0.0 )
[docs] def test_computeVolume(self): """Test the computeVolume method on a number of components in a block. .. test:: Compute the volume of a DerivedShape inside solid shapes. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_FLUID :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_FLUID """ from armi.reactor.tests.test_blocks import buildSimpleFuelBlock # Calculate the total volume of the block b = buildSimpleFuelBlock() totalVolume = b.getVolume() # calculate the total volume by adding up all the components c = b.getComponent(flags.Flags.COOLANT) totalByParts = 0 for co in b.getComponents(): totalByParts += co.computeVolume() self.assertAlmostEqual(totalByParts, totalVolume) # test the computeVolume method on the one DerivedShape in thi block self.assertAlmostEqual(c.computeVolume(), 1386.5232044586771)
[docs]class TestCircle(TestShapedComponent): """Test circle shaped component.""" componentCls = Circle _id = 5.0 _od = 10 _coldTemp = 25.0 componentDims = { "Tinput": _coldTemp, "Thot": 25.0, "od": _od, "id": _id, "mult": 1.5, }
[docs] def test_getThermalExpansionFactorConservedMassByLinearExpansionPercent(self): """Test that when ARMI thermally expands a circle, mass is conserved. .. test:: Calculate thermal expansion. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_EXPANSION0 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_EXPANSION """ hotTemp = 700.0 dLL = self.component.material.linearExpansionFactor( Tc=hotTemp, T0=self._coldTemp ) ref = 1.0 + dLL cur = self.component.getThermalExpansionFactor(Tc=hotTemp) self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_getDimension(self): """Test getting component dimension at specific temperature. .. test:: Retrieve a dimension at a temperature. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_DIMS1 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_DIMS .. test:: Calculate thermal expansion. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_EXPANSION1 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_EXPANSION """ for hotTemp in range(600, 901, 25): ref = self._od * self.component.getThermalExpansionFactor(Tc=hotTemp) cur = self.component.getDimension("od", Tc=hotTemp) self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a circle.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): ref = self._od cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(self._id, cur)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["od", "id", "mult"] ref = [True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of circle. .. test:: Calculate area of circle. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL1 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ # show we can calculate the area once od = self.component.getDimension("od") idd = self.component.getDimension("id") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = math.pi * ((od / 2) ** 2 - (idd / 2) ** 2) * mult cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref) # show we can clear the cache, change the temp, and correctly re-calc the area for newTemp in range(500, 690, 19): self.component.clearCache() # re-calc area self.component.temperatureInC = newTemp od = self.component.getDimension("od", Tc=newTemp) idd = self.component.getDimension("id", Tc=newTemp) ref = math.pi * ((od / 2) ** 2 - (idd / 2) ** 2) * mult cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_componentInteractionsLinkingByDimensions(self): """Tests linking of Components by dimensions. The component ``gap``, representing the fuel-clad gap filled with Void, is defined with dimensions that depend on the fuel outer diameter and clad inner diameter. The :py:meth:`~armi.reactor.components.component.Component.resolveLinkedDims` method links the gap dimensions appropriately when the Component is constructed, and the test shows the area of the gap is calculated correctly based on the thermally-expanded dimensions of the fuel and clad Components. .. test:: Show the dimensions of a liquid Component can be defined to depend on the solid Components that bound it. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_FLUID1 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_FLUID """ nPins = 217 fuelDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 0.9, "id": 0.0, "mult": nPins} cladDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 1.1, "id": 1.0, "mult": nPins} fuel = Circle("fuel", "UZr", **fuelDims) clad = Circle("clad", "HT9", **cladDims) gapDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": "", "id": "fuel.od", "mult": nPins, } gapDims["components"] = {"clad": clad, "fuel": fuel} gap = Circle("gap", "Void", **gapDims) mult = gap.getDimension("mult") od = gap.getDimension("od") idd = gap.getDimension("id") ref = mult * math.pi * ((od / 2.0) ** 2 - (idd / 2.0) ** 2) cur = gap.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_badComponentName(self): """This shows that resolveLinkedDims cannot support names with periods in them.""" nPins = 12 fuelDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 0.9, "id": 0.0, "mult": nPins} cladDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 1.1, "id": 1.0, "mult": nPins} fuel = Circle("fuel", "UZr", **fuelDims) clad = Circle("clad_4.2.3", "HT9", **cladDims) gapDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": "", "id": "fuel.od", "mult": nPins, } gapDims["components"] = {"clad_4.2.3": clad, "fuel": fuel} with self.assertRaises(ValueError): _gap = Circle("gap", "Void", **gapDims)
[docs] def test_componentInteractionsLinkingBySubtraction(self): """Tests linking of components by subtraction.""" nPins = 217 gapDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 1.0, "id": 0.9, "mult": nPins} gap = Circle("gap", "Void", **gapDims) fuelDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 0.9, "id": 0.0, "mult": nPins, "modArea": "gap.sub", } fuel = Circle("fuel", "UZr", components={"gap": gap}, **fuelDims) gapArea = ( gap.getDimension("mult") * math.pi * ( (gap.getDimension("od") / 2.0) ** 2 - (gap.getDimension("id") / 2.0) ** 2 ) ) fuelArea = ( fuel.getDimension("mult") * math.pi * ( (fuel.getDimension("od") / 2.0) ** 2 - (fuel.getDimension("id") / 2.0) ** 2 ) ) ref = fuelArea - gapArea cur = fuel.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_getNumberDensities(self): """Test that demonstrates that number densities can be retrieved on from component.""" self.component.p.numberDensities = {"NA23": 1.0} self.assertEqual(self.component.getNumberDensity("NA23"), 1.0)
[docs] def test_changeNumberDensities(self): """Test that demonstates that the number densities on a component can be modified.""" self.component.p.numberDensities = {"NA23": 1.0} self.assertEqual(self.component.getNumberDensity("NA23"), 1.0) self.component.changeNDensByFactor(3.0) self.assertEqual(self.component.getNumberDensity("NA23"), 3.0)
[docs] def test_fuelMass(self): nominalMass = self.component.getMass() self.component.p.flags = flags.Flags.FUEL self.assertEqual(self.component.getFuelMass(), nominalMass) self.component.p.flags = flags.Flags.MODERATOR self.assertEqual(self.component.getFuelMass(), 0.0)
[docs]class TestComponentExpansion(unittest.TestCase): tCold = 20 tWarm = 50 tHot = 500 coldOuterDiameter = 1.0
[docs] def test_HT9Expansion(self): self.runExpansionTests(mat="HT9", isotope="FE")
[docs] def test_UZrExpansion(self): self.runExpansionTests(mat="UZr", isotope="U235")
[docs] def test_B4CExpansion(self): self.runExpansionTests(mat="B4C", isotope="B10")
[docs] def runExpansionTests(self, mat: str, isotope: str): self.componentMassIndependentOfInputTemp(mat) self.expansionConservationHotHeightDefined(mat, isotope) self.expansionConservationColdHeightDefined(mat)
[docs] def componentMassIndependentOfInputTemp(self, mat: str): circle1 = Circle("circle", mat, self.tCold, self.tHot, self.coldOuterDiameter) # pick the input dimension to get the same hot component hotterDim = self.coldOuterDiameter * ( 1 + circle1.material.linearExpansionFactor(self.tCold + 200, self.tCold) ) circle2 = Circle("circle", mat, self.tCold + 200, self.tHot, hotterDim) self.assertAlmostEqual(circle1.getDimension("od"), circle2.getDimension("od")) self.assertAlmostEqual(circle1.getArea(), circle2.getArea()) self.assertAlmostEqual(circle1.density(), circle2.density())
[docs] def expansionConservationHotHeightDefined(self, mat: str, isotope: str): """ Demonstrate tutorial for how to expand and relationships conserved at during expansion. Notes ----- - height taken as hot height and show how quantity is conserved with inputHeightsConsideredHot = True (the default) """ hotHeight = 1.0 circle1 = Circle("circle", mat, self.tCold, self.tWarm, self.coldOuterDiameter) circle2 = Circle("circle", mat, self.tCold, self.tHot, self.coldOuterDiameter) # mass density is proportional to Fe number density and derived from # all the number densities and atomic masses self.assertAlmostEqual( circle1.p.numberDensities[isotope] / circle2.p.numberDensities[isotope], circle1.density() / circle2.density(), ) # the colder one has more because it is the same cold outer diameter # but it would be taller at the same temperature mass1 = circle1.density() * circle1.getArea() * hotHeight mass2 = circle2.density() * circle2.getArea() * hotHeight self.assertGreater(mass1, mass2) # they are off by factor of thermal exp self.assertAlmostEqual( mass1 * circle1.getThermalExpansionFactor(), mass2 * circle2.getThermalExpansionFactor(), ) # material.pseudoDensity is the 2D density of a material # material.density is true density and not equal in this case for circle in [circle1, circle2]: # 2D density is not equal after application of coldMatAxialExpansionFactor # which happens during construction self.assertNotAlmostEqual( circle.density(), circle.material.pseudoDensity(Tc=circle.temperatureInC), ) # 2D density is off by the material thermal exp factor percent = circle.material.linearExpansionPercent(Tc=circle.temperatureInC) thermalExpansionFactorFromColdMatTemp = 1 + percent / 100 self.assertAlmostEqual( circle.density() * thermalExpansionFactorFromColdMatTemp, circle.material.pseudoDensity(Tc=circle.temperatureInC), ) self.assertAlmostEqual( circle.density(), circle.material.density(Tc=circle.temperatureInC), ) # brief 2D expansion with set temp to show mass is conserved hot height would come from # block value warmMass = circle1.density() * circle1.getArea() * hotHeight circle1.setTemperature(self.tHot) hotMass = circle1.density() * circle1.getArea() * hotHeight self.assertAlmostEqual(warmMass, hotMass) circle1.setTemperature(self.tWarm) # Change temp to circle 2 temp to show equal to circle2 and then change back to show # recoverable to original values oldArea = circle1.getArea() initialDens = circle1.density() # when block.setHeight is called (which effectively changes component height) # component.setNumberDensity is called (for solid isotopes) to adjust the number density so # that now the 2D expansion will be approximated/expanded around the hot temp which is akin # to these adjustments heightFactor = circle1.getHeightFactor(self.tHot) circle1.adjustDensityForHeightExpansion(self.tHot) # apply temp at new height circle1.setTemperature(self.tHot) # now its density is same as hot component self.assertAlmostEqual( circle1.density(), circle2.density(), ) # show that mass is conserved after expansion circle1NewHotHeight = hotHeight * heightFactor self.assertAlmostEqual( mass1, circle1.density() * circle1.getArea() * circle1NewHotHeight ) self.assertAlmostEqual( circle1.density(), circle1.material.density(Tc=circle1.temperatureInC), ) # change back to old temp circle1.adjustDensityForHeightExpansion(self.tWarm) circle1.setTemperature(self.tWarm) # check for consistency self.assertAlmostEqual(initialDens, circle1.density()) self.assertAlmostEqual(oldArea, circle1.getArea()) self.assertAlmostEqual(mass1, circle1.density() * circle1.getArea() * hotHeight)
[docs] def expansionConservationColdHeightDefined(self, mat: str): """ Demonstrate that material is conserved at during expansion. Notes ----- - height taken as cold height and show how quantity is conserved with inputHeightsConsideredHot = False """ coldHeight = 1.0 circle1 = Circle("circle", mat, self.tCold, self.tWarm, self.coldOuterDiameter) circle2 = Circle("circle", mat, self.tCold, self.tHot, self.coldOuterDiameter) # same as 1 but we will make like 2 circle1AdjustTo2 = Circle( "circle", mat, self.tCold, self.tWarm, self.coldOuterDiameter ) # make it hot like 2 circle1AdjustTo2.adjustDensityForHeightExpansion(self.tHot) circle1AdjustTo2.setTemperature(self.tHot) # check that its like 2 self.assertAlmostEqual(circle2.density(), circle1AdjustTo2.density()) self.assertAlmostEqual(circle2.getArea(), circle1AdjustTo2.getArea()) for circle in [circle1, circle2, circle1AdjustTo2]: self.assertAlmostEqual( circle.density(), circle.material.density(Tc=circle.temperatureInC), ) # total mass consistent between hot and cold # Hot height will be taller hotHeight = coldHeight * circle.getThermalExpansionFactor() self.assertAlmostEqual( coldHeight * circle.getArea(cold=True) * circle.material.density(Tc=circle.inputTemperatureInC), hotHeight * circle.getArea() * circle.density(), )
[docs]class TestTriangle(TestShapedComponent): """Test triangle shaped component.""" componentCls = Triangle componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "base": 3.0, "height": 2.0, "mult": 30, }
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of triangle. .. test:: Calculate area of triangle. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL2 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL .. test:: Triangle shaped component :id: T_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES1 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES """ b = self.component.getDimension("base") h = self.component.getDimension("height") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = mult * 0.5 * b * h cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a triangle.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["base", "height", "mult"] ref = [True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestRectangle(TestShapedComponent): """Test rectangle shaped component.""" componentCls = Rectangle componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "lengthOuter": 6.0, "lengthInner": 4.0, "widthOuter": 5.0, "widthInner": 3.0, "mult": 2, }
[docs] def test_negativeArea(self): dims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "lengthOuter": 1.0, "lengthInner": 2.0, "widthOuter": 5.0, "widthInner": 6.0, "mult": 2, } refArea = dims["mult"] * ( dims["lengthOuter"] * dims["widthOuter"] - dims["lengthInner"] * dims["widthInner"] ) negativeRectangle = Rectangle("test", "Void", **dims) self.assertAlmostEqual(negativeRectangle.getArea(), refArea) with self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError): negativeRectangle = Rectangle("test", "UZr", **dims) negativeRectangle.getArea()
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): """Get outer diameter bounding circle. .. test:: Rectangle shaped component :id: T_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES2 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES """ ref = math.sqrt(61.0) cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur) # verify the area of the rectangle is correct ref = self.componentDims["lengthOuter"] * self.componentDims["widthOuter"] ref -= self.componentDims["lengthInner"] * self.componentDims["widthInner"] ref *= self.componentDims["mult"] cur = self.component.getArea(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(math.sqrt(25.0), cur)
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of rectangle. .. test:: Calculate area of rectangle. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL3 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ outerL = self.component.getDimension("lengthOuter") innerL = self.component.getDimension("lengthInner") outerW = self.component.getDimension("widthOuter") innerW = self.component.getDimension("widthInner") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = mult * (outerL * outerW - innerL * innerW) cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a rectangle.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = [ "lengthInner", "lengthOuter", "widthInner", "widthOuter", "mult", ] ref = [True, True, True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestSolidRectangle(TestShapedComponent): componentCls = SolidRectangle componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "lengthOuter": 5.0, "widthOuter": 5.0, "mult": 1, }
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): """Test get bounding circle of the outer diameter.""" ref = math.sqrt(50) cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of solid rectangle. .. test:: Calculate area of solid rectangle. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL4 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ outerL = self.component.getDimension("lengthOuter") outerW = self.component.getDimension("widthOuter") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = mult * (outerL * outerW) cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a solid rectangle.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["lengthOuter", "widthOuter", "mult"] ref = [True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestSquare(TestShapedComponent): """Test square shaped component.""" componentCls = Square componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "widthOuter": 3.0, "widthInner": 2.0, "mult": 1, }
[docs] def test_negativeArea(self): dims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "widthOuter": 1.0, "widthInner": 5.0, "mult": 1, } refArea = dims["mult"] * ( dims["widthOuter"] * dims["widthOuter"] - dims["widthInner"] * dims["widthInner"] ) negativeRectangle = Square("test", "Void", **dims) self.assertAlmostEqual(negativeRectangle.getArea(), refArea) with self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError): negativeRectangle = Square("test", "UZr", **dims) negativeRectangle.getArea()
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): """Get bounding circle outer diameter. .. test:: Square shaped component :id: T_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES3 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES """ ref = math.sqrt(18.0) cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur) # verify the area of the circle is correct ref = ( self.componentDims["widthOuter"] ** 2 - self.componentDims["widthInner"] ** 2 ) cur = self.component.getComponentArea(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): ref = math.sqrt(8.0) cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of square. .. test:: Calculate area of square. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL5 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ outerW = self.component.getDimension("widthOuter") innerW = self.component.getDimension("widthInner") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = mult * (outerW * outerW - innerW * innerW) cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a square.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["widthOuter", "widthInner", "mult"] ref = [True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestCube(TestShapedComponent): componentCls = Cube componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "lengthOuter": 5.0, "lengthInner": 4.0, "widthOuter": 5.0, "widthInner": 3.0, "heightOuter": 20.0, "heightInner": 10.0, "mult": 2, }
[docs] def test_negativeVolume(self): dims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "lengthOuter": 5.0, "lengthInner": 20.0, "widthOuter": 5.0, "widthInner": 30.0, "heightOuter": 20.0, "heightInner": 30.0, "mult": 2, } refVolume = dims["mult"] * ( dims["lengthOuter"] * dims["widthOuter"] * dims["heightOuter"] - dims["lengthInner"] * dims["widthInner"] * dims["heightInner"] ) negativeCube = Cube("test", "Void", **dims) self.assertAlmostEqual(negativeCube.getVolume(), refVolume) with self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError): negativeCube = Cube("test", "UZr", **dims) negativeCube.getVolume()
[docs] def test_getVolume(self): """Calculate area of cube. .. test:: Calculate area of cube. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL6 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ lengthO = self.component.getDimension("lengthOuter") widthO = self.component.getDimension("widthOuter") heightO = self.component.getDimension("heightOuter") lengthI = self.component.getDimension("lengthInner") widthI = self.component.getDimension("widthInner") heightI = self.component.getDimension("heightInner") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = mult * (lengthO * widthO * heightO - lengthI * widthI * heightI) cur = self.component.getVolume() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a cube.""" self.assertFalse(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs]class TestHexagon(TestShapedComponent): """Test hexagon shaped component.""" componentCls = Hexagon componentDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "op": 10.0, "ip": 5.0, "mult": 1}
[docs] def test_getPerimeter(self): """Get perimeter of hexagon. .. test:: Hexagon shaped component :id: T_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES4 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_SHAPES """ ip = self.component.getDimension("ip") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = 6 * (ip / math.sqrt(3)) * mult cur = self.component.getPerimeter() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): ref = 2.0 * 10 / math.sqrt(3) cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): ref = 2.0 * 5.0 / math.sqrt(3) cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of hexagon. .. test:: Calculate area of hexagon. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL7 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ cur = self.component.getArea() mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") op = self.component.getDimension("op") ip = self.component.getDimension("ip") ref = math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0 * (op**2 - ip**2) * mult self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a hexagon.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["op", "ip", "mult"] ref = [True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestHoledHexagon(TestShapedComponent): """Test holed hexagon shaped component.""" componentCls = HoledHexagon componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "op": 16.5, "holeOD": 3.6, "nHoles": 7, "mult": 1.0, }
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): ref = 2.0 * 16.5 / math.sqrt(3) cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): ref = 0 # there are multiple holes, so the function should return 0 cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertEqual(ref, cur) # make and test another one with just 1 hole simpleHoledHexagon = HoledHexagon( "hex", "Void", self.componentDims["Tinput"], self.componentDims["Thot"], self.componentDims["op"], self.componentDims["holeOD"], nHoles=1, ) self.assertEqual( self.componentDims["holeOD"], simpleHoledHexagon.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True), )
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of holed hexagon. .. test:: Calculate area of holed hexagon. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL8 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ op = self.component.getDimension("op") odHole = self.component.getDimension("holeOD") nHoles = self.component.getDimension("nHoles") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") hexarea = math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0 * (op**2) holeArea = nHoles * math.pi * ((odHole / 2.0) ** 2) ref = mult * (hexarea - holeArea) cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a holed hexagon.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["op", "holeOD", "mult"] ref = [True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestHexHoledCircle(TestShapedComponent): componentCls = HexHoledCircle componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 16.5, "holeOP": 3.6, "mult": 1.0, }
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): simpleHexHoledCircle = HexHoledCircle( "Circle", "Void", self.componentDims["Tinput"], self.componentDims["Thot"], self.componentDims["od"], self.componentDims["holeOP"], ) self.assertEqual( self.componentDims["holeOP"], simpleHexHoledCircle.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True), )
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of hex holed circle. .. test:: Calculate area of hex holed circle. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL9 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ od = self.component.getDimension("od") holeOP = self.component.getDimension("holeOP") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") hexarea = math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0 * (holeOP**2) holeArea = math.pi * ((od / 2.0) ** 2) ref = mult * (holeArea - hexarea) cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): """Test that ARMI can thermally expands a holed hexagon.""" self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["od", "holeOP", "mult"] ref = [True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestHoledRectangle(TestShapedComponent): """Tests HoledRectangle, and provides much support for HoledSquare test.""" componentCls = HoledRectangle componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "lengthOuter": 16.0, "widthOuter": 10.0, "holeOD": 3.6, "mult": 1.0, } dimsToTestExpansion = ["lengthOuter", "widthOuter", "holeOD", "mult"] def setUp(self): TestShapedComponent.setUp(self) self.setClassDims()
[docs] def setClassDims(self): # This enables subclassing testing for square self.length = self.component.getDimension("lengthOuter") self.width = self.component.getDimension("widthOuter")
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): # hypotenuse ref = (self.length**2 + self.width**2) ** 0.5 cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter() self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): ref = self.componentDims["holeOD"] cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of holed rectangle. .. test:: Calculate area of holed rectangle. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL10 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ rectArea = self.length * self.width odHole = self.component.getDimension("holeOD") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") holeArea = math.pi * ((odHole / 2.0) ** 2) ref = mult * (rectArea - holeArea) cur = self.component.getArea() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): ref = [True] * len(self.dimsToTestExpansion) ref[-1] = False # mult shouldn't expand for i, d in enumerate(self.dimsToTestExpansion): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs]class TestHoledSquare(TestHoledRectangle): """Test holed square shaped component.""" componentCls = HoledSquare componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "widthOuter": 16.0, "holeOD": 3.6, "mult": 1.0, } dimsToTestExpansion = ["widthOuter", "holeOD", "mult"]
[docs] def setClassDims(self): # This enables subclassing testing for square self.width = self.length = self.component.getDimension("widthOuter")
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): ref = self.componentDims["holeOD"] cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertEqual(ref, cur)
[docs]class TestHelix(TestShapedComponent): """Test helix shaped component.""" componentCls = Helix componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 0.25, "axialPitch": 1.0, "mult": 1.5, "helixDiameter": 2.0, "id": 0.1, }
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): ref = 2.0 + 0.25 cur = self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getCircleInnerDiameter(self): ref = 2.0 - 0.25 cur = self.component.getCircleInnerDiameter(cold=True) self.assertAlmostEqual(ref, cur)
[docs] def test_getArea(self): """Calculate area of helix. .. test:: Calculate area of helix. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL11 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ cur = self.component.getArea() axialPitch = self.component.getDimension("axialPitch") helixDiameter = self.component.getDimension("helixDiameter") innerDiameter = self.component.getDimension("id") outerDiameter = self.component.getDimension("od") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") c = axialPitch / (2.0 * math.pi) helixFactor = math.sqrt((helixDiameter / 2.0) ** 2 + c**2) / c ref = ( mult * math.pi * (outerDiameter**2 / 4.0 - innerDiameter**2 / 4.0) * helixFactor ) self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): self.assertTrue(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_dimensionThermallyExpands(self): expandedDims = ["od", "id", "axialPitch", "helixDiameter", "mult"] ref = [True, True, True, True, False] for i, d in enumerate(expandedDims): cur = d in self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS self.assertEqual(cur, ref[i])
[docs] def test_validParameters(self): """Testing the Helix class performs as expected with various inputs.""" # stupid/simple inputs h = Helix("thing", "Cu", 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.assertEqual(h.getDimension("axialPitch"), 1) # standard case / inputs ordered well h = Helix( "what", "Cu", Tinput=25.0, Thot=425.0, id=0.1, od=0.35, mult=1.0, axialPitch=1.123, helixDiameter=1.5, ) self.assertTrue(1.123 < h.getDimension("axialPitch") < 1.15) # inputs ordered crazy h = Helix( material="Cu", id=0.1, mult=1.0, Tinput=25.0, Thot=425.0, axialPitch=1.123, name="stuff", od=0.35, helixDiameter=1.5, ) self.assertTrue(1.123 < h.getDimension("axialPitch") < 1.15) # missing helixDiameter input with self.assertRaises(TypeError): h = Helix( name="helix", material="Cu", Tinput=25.0, Thot=425.0, id=0.1, od=0.35, mult=1.0, axialPitch=1.123, )
[docs]class TestSphere(TestShapedComponent): componentCls = Sphere componentDims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "od": 1.0, "id": 0.0, "mult": 3}
[docs] def test_getVolume(self): """Calculate area of sphere. .. test:: Calculate volume of sphere. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL12 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ od = self.component.getDimension("od") idd = self.component.getDimension("id") mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") ref = mult * 4.0 / 3.0 * math.pi * ((od / 2.0) ** 3 - (idd / 2.0) ** 3) cur = self.component.getVolume() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): self.assertFalse(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs]class TestRadialSegment(TestShapedComponent): componentCls = RadialSegment componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "inner_radius": 110, "outer_radius": 170, "height": 160, "mult": 1, }
[docs] def test_getVolume(self): mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") outerRad = self.component.getDimension("outer_radius") innerRad = self.component.getDimension("inner_radius") outerTheta = self.component.getDimension("outer_theta") innerTheta = self.component.getDimension("inner_theta") height = self.component.getDimension("height") radialArea = math.pi * (outerRad**2 - innerRad**2) aziFraction = (outerTheta - innerTheta) / (math.pi * 2.0) ref = mult * radialArea * aziFraction * height cur = self.component.getVolume() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): self.assertFalse(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): self.assertEqual( self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True), 170.0 )
[docs]class TestDifferentialRadialSegment(TestShapedComponent): componentCls = DifferentialRadialSegment componentDims = { "Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 430.0, "inner_radius": 110, "radius_differential": 60, "inner_axial": 60, "height": 160, }
[docs] def test_getVolume(self): mult = self.component.getDimension("mult") outerRad = self.component.getDimension("outer_radius") innerRad = self.component.getDimension("inner_radius") outerTheta = self.component.getDimension("outer_theta") innerTheta = self.component.getDimension("inner_theta") height = self.component.getDimension("height") radialArea = math.pi * (outerRad**2 - innerRad**2) aziFraction = (outerTheta - innerTheta) / (math.pi * 2.0) ref = mult * radialArea * aziFraction * height cur = self.component.getVolume() self.assertAlmostEqual(cur, ref)
[docs] def test_updateDims(self): """ Test Update dimensions. .. test:: Dimensions can be updated. :id: T_ARMI_COMP_VOL13 :tests: R_ARMI_COMP_VOL """ self.assertEqual(self.component.getDimension("inner_radius"), 110) self.assertEqual(self.component.getDimension("radius_differential"), 60) self.component.updateDims() self.assertEqual(self.component.getDimension("outer_radius"), 170) self.assertEqual(self.component.getDimension("outer_axial"), 220) self.assertEqual(self.component.getDimension("outer_theta"), 2 * math.pi)
[docs] def test_thermallyExpands(self): self.assertFalse(self.component.THERMAL_EXPANSION_DIMS)
[docs] def test_getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(self): self.assertEqual(self.component.getBoundingCircleOuterDiameter(cold=True), 170)
[docs]class TestMaterialAdjustments(unittest.TestCase): """Tests to make sure enrichment and mass fractions can be adjusted properly.""" def setUp(self): dims = {"Tinput": 25.0, "Thot": 600.0, "od": 10.0, "id": 5.0, "mult": 1.0} self.fuel = Circle("fuel", "UZr", **dims) class fakeBlock: def getHeight(self): # unit height return 1.0 def getSymmetryFactor(self): return 1.0 self.fuel.parent = fakeBlock()
[docs] def test_setMassFrac(self): """Make sure we can set a mass fraction properly.""" target35 = 0.2 self.fuel.setMassFrac("U235", target35) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U235"), target35)
[docs] def test_setMassFracOnComponentMaterial(self): """Checks for valid and invalid mass fraction assignments on a component's material.""" # Negative value is not acceptable. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.fuel.material.setMassFrac("U235", -0.1) # Greater than 1.0 value is not acceptable. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.fuel.material.setMassFrac("U235", 1.1) # String is not acceptable. with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.fuel.material.setMassFrac("U235", "") # `NoneType` is not acceptable. with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.fuel.material.setMassFrac("U235", None) # Zero is acceptable self.fuel.material.setMassFrac("U235", 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.material.getMassFrac("U235"), 0.0) # One is acceptable self.fuel.material.setMassFrac("U235", 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.material.getMassFrac("U235"), 1.0)
[docs] def test_adjustMassFrac_invalid(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.fuel.adjustMassFrac(nuclideToAdjust="ZR", val=-0.23) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.fuel.adjustMassFrac(nuclideToAdjust="ZR", val=1.12) alwaysFalse = lambda a: False self.fuel.parent = None self.assertIsNone(self.fuel.getAncestorAndDistance(alwaysFalse))
[docs] def test_adjustMassFrac_U235(self): zrMass = self.fuel.getMass("ZR") uMass = self.fuel.getMass("U") zrFrac = zrMass / (uMass + zrMass) enrichmentFrac = 0.3 u235Frac = enrichmentFrac * uMass / (uMass + zrMass) u238Frac = (1.0 - enrichmentFrac) * uMass / (uMass + zrMass) self.fuel.adjustMassFrac( nuclideToAdjust="U235", elementToHoldConstant="ZR", val=u235Frac ) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U235"), u235Frac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U238"), u238Frac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("ZR"), zrFrac)
[docs] def test_adjustMassFrac_U(self): self.fuel.adjustMassFrac(elementToAdjust="U", val=0.7) uFrac = self.fuel.getMassFrac("U") u235Enrichment = 0.1 u238Frac = (1.0 - u235Enrichment) * uFrac u235Frac = u235Enrichment * uFrac self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U235"), u235Frac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U238"), u238Frac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("ZR"), 0.30)
[docs] def test_adjustMassFrac_clear_ZR(self): self.fuel.adjustMassFrac(nuclideToAdjust="ZR", val=0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("ZR"), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getNumberDensity("ZR"), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual( self.fuel.getMassFrac("U235") + self.fuel.getMassFrac("U238"), 1.0 )
[docs] def test_adjustMassFrac_set_ZR(self): u235Enrichment = 0.1 zrFrac = 0.1 uFrac = 1.0 - zrFrac u238Frac = (1.0 - u235Enrichment) * uFrac u235Frac = u235Enrichment * uFrac self.fuel.adjustMassFrac(nuclideToAdjust="ZR", val=zrFrac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U235"), u235Frac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U238"), u238Frac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("ZR"), zrFrac)
[docs] def test_adjustMassFrac_leave_same(self): zrFrac = 0.1 u238Enrichment = 0.9 uFrac = 1.0 - zrFrac u238Frac = uFrac * u238Enrichment self.fuel.adjustMassFrac(nuclideToAdjust="ZR", val=zrFrac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U238"), u238Frac) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("ZR"), zrFrac)
[docs] def test_adjustMassEnrichment(self): self.fuel.adjustMassEnrichment(0.2) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U235"), 0.18) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("U238"), 0.72) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getMassFrac("ZR"), 0.1)
[docs] def test_getEnrichment(self): self.fuel.adjustMassEnrichment(0.3) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.fuel.getEnrichment(), 0.3)