Source code for armi.reactor.reactors

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Reactor objects represent the highest level in the hierarchy of structures that compose the system
to be modeled. Core objects represent collections of assemblies.

Core is a high-level object in the data model in ARMI. They contain assemblies which in turn contain
more refinement in representing the physical reactor. The reactor is the owner of many of the plant-
wide state variables such as keff, cycle, and node.
from typing import Optional
import collections
import copy
import itertools
import os
import time

import numpy
import tabulate

from armi import getPluginManagerOrFail, materials, nuclearDataIO
from armi import runLog
from armi.nuclearDataIO import xsLibraries
from armi.reactor import composites
from armi.reactor import geometry
from armi.reactor import grids
from armi.reactor import parameters
from armi.reactor import reactorParameters
from armi.reactor import zones
from armi.reactor.assemblyLists import SpentFuelPool
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.reactor.systemLayoutInput import SystemLayoutInput
from armi.settings.fwSettings.globalSettings import (
from armi.utils import createFormattedStrWithDelimiter, units
from armi.utils import directoryChangers
from armi.utils.iterables import Sequence
from armi.utils.mathematics import average1DWithinTolerance

[docs]class Reactor(composites.Composite): """ Top level of the composite structure, potentially representing all components in a reactor. This class contains the core and any ex-core structures that are to be represented in the ARMI model. Historically, the ``Reactor`` contained only the core. To support better representation of ex-core structures, the old ``Reactor`` functionality was moved to the newer `Core` class, which has a ``Reactor`` parent. .. impl:: The user-specified reactor. :id: I_ARMI_R :implements: R_ARMI_R The :py:class:`Reactor <armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor>` is the top level of the composite structure, which can represent all components within a reactor core. The reactor contains a :py:class:`Core <armi.reactor.reactors.Core>`, which contains a collection of :py:class:`Assembly <armi.reactor.assemblies.Assembly>` objects arranged in a hexagonal or Cartesian grid. Each Assembly consists of a stack of :py:class:`Block <armi.reactor.blocks.Block>` objects, which are each composed of one or more :py:class:`Component <armi.reactor.components.component.Component>` objects. Each :py:class:`Interface <armi.interfaces.Interface>` is able to interact with the reactor and its child :py:class:`Composites <armi.reactor.composites.Composite>` by retrieving data from it or writing new data to it. This is the main medium through which input information and the output of physics calculations is exchanged between interfaces and written to an ARMI database. """ pDefs = reactorParameters.defineReactorParameters() def __init__(self, name, blueprints): composites.Composite.__init__(self, "R-{}".format(name)) self.o = None self.spatialGrid = None self.spatialLocator = None self.p.maxAssemNum = 0 self.p.cycle = 0 self.p.flags |= Flags.REACTOR self.core = None self.sfp = None self.blueprints = blueprints def __getstate__(self): """Applies a settings and parent to the reactor and components.""" state = composites.Composite.__getstate__(self) state["o"] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): composites.Composite.__setstate__(self, state) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): memo[id(self)] = newR = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) newR.__setstate__(copy.deepcopy(self.__getstate__(), memo)) = + "-copy" return newR def __repr__(self): return "<{}: {} id:{}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,, id(self))
[docs] def add(self, container): composites.Composite.add(self, container) cores = self.getChildrenWithFlags(Flags.CORE) if cores: if len(cores) != 1: raise ValueError( "Only 1 core may be specified at this time. Please adjust input. " "Cores found: {}".format(cores) ) self.core = cores[0] if isinstance(container, SpentFuelPool): self.sfp = container
[docs] def incrementAssemNum(self): """ Increase the max assembly number by one and returns the current value. Notes ----- The "max assembly number" is not currently used in the Reactor. So the idea is that we return the current number, then iterate it for the next assembly. Obviously, this method will be unused for non-assembly-based reactors. Returns ------- int The new max Assembly number. """ val = int(self.p.maxAssemNum) self.p.maxAssemNum += 1 return val
[docs] def normalizeNames(self): """ Renumber and rename all the Assemblies and Blocks. This method normalizes the names in the Core then the SFP. Returns ------- int The new max Assembly number. """ self.p.maxAssemNum = 0 ind = self.core.normalizeNames(self.p.maxAssemNum) self.p.maxAssemNum = ind ind = self.sfp.normalizeNames(self.p.maxAssemNum) self.p.maxAssemNum = ind return ind
[docs]def loadFromCs(cs) -> Reactor: """ Load a Reactor based on the input settings. Parameters ---------- cs: Settings A relevant settings object Returns ------- Reactor Reactor loaded from settings file """ from armi.reactor import blueprints bp = blueprints.loadFromCs(cs) return factory(cs, bp)
[docs]def factory(cs, bp, geom: Optional[SystemLayoutInput] = None) -> Reactor: """Build a reactor from input settings, blueprints and geometry.""" from armi.reactor import blueprints runLog.header("=========== Constructing Reactor and Verifying Inputs ===========") # just before reactor construction, update the material "registry" with user settings, # if it is set. Often it is set by the application. if cs[CONF_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE_ORDER]: materials.setMaterialNamespaceOrder(cs[CONF_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE_ORDER]) r = Reactor(cs.caseTitle, bp) if cs[CONF_GEOM_FILE]: blueprints.migrate(bp, cs) if not any(structure.typ == "sfp" for structure in bp.systemDesigns.values()): bp.addDefaultSFP() with directoryChangers.DirectoryChanger(cs.inputDirectory, dumpOnException=False): # always construct the core first (for assembly serial number purposes) if not bp.systemDesigns: raise ValueError( "The input must define a `core` system, but does not. Update inputs" ) for structure in bp.systemDesigns: bpGeom = geom if == "core" else None structure.construct(cs, bp, r, geom=bpGeom) runLog.debug("Reactor: {}".format(r)) # return a Reactor object if cs[CONF_SORT_REACTOR]: r.sort() else: runLog.warning( "DeprecationWarning: This Reactor is not being sorted on blueprint read. " f"Due to the setting {CONF_SORT_REACTOR}, this Reactor is unsorted. " "But this feature is temporary and will be removed by 2024." ) return r
[docs]class Core(composites.Composite): """ Reactor structure made up of assemblies. Could be a Core, spent fuel pool, reactor head, etc. This has the bulk of the data management operations. .. impl:: Represent a reactor core as a composite object. :id: I_ARMI_R_CORE :implements: R_ARMI_R_CORE A :py:class:`Core <armi.reactor.reactors.Core>` object is typically a child of a :py:class:`Reactor <armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor>` object. A Reactor can contain multiple objects of the Core type. The instance attribute name ``r.core`` is reserved for the object representating the active core. A reactor may also have a spent fuel pool instance attribute, ``r.sfp``, which is also of type :py:class:`core <armi.reactor.reactors.Core>`. Most of the operations to retrieve information from the ARMI reactor data model are mediated through Core objects. For example, :py:meth:`getAssemblies() <armi.reactor.reactors.Core.getAssemblies>` is used to get a list of all assemblies in the Core. Attributes ---------- params : dict Core-level parameters are scalar values that have time dependence. Examples are keff, maxPercentBu, etc. assemblies : list List of assembly objects that are currently in the core """ pDefs = reactorParameters.defineCoreParameters() def __init__(self, name): """ Initialize the reactor object. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the object. Flags will inherit from this. """ composites.Composite.__init__(self, name) self.p.flags = Flags.fromStringIgnoreErrors(name) self.assembliesByName = {} self.circularRingList = {} self.blocksByName = {} # lookup tables self.numRings = 0 self.spatialGrid = None self.xsIndex = {} self.p.numMoves = 0 self._lib = None # placeholder for ISOTXS object self.locParams = {} # location-based parameters # overridden in to include pre-reactor time. self.timeOfStart = time.time() self.zones = zones.Zones() # initialize with empty Zones object # initialize the list that holds all shuffles self.moveList = {} self.scalarVals = {} self._nuclideCategories = {} self.typeList = [] # list of block types to convert name - to -number. # leftover default "settings" that are intended to eventually be elsewhere. self._freshFeedType = "feed fuel" self._trackAssems = False self._circularRingMode = False self._circularRingPitch = 1.0 self._automaticVariableMesh = False self._minMeshSizeRatio = 0.15 self._detailedAxialExpansion = False
[docs] def setOptionsFromCs(self, cs): from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import ( CONF_JUMP_RING_NUM, CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_MODE, ) # these are really "user modifiable modeling constants" self.p.jumpRing = cs[CONF_JUMP_RING_NUM] self._freshFeedType = cs[CONF_FRESH_FEED_TYPE] self._trackAssems = cs[CONF_TRACK_ASSEMS] self._circularRingMode = cs[CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_MODE] self._circularRingPitch = cs[CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_PITCH] self._automaticVariableMesh = cs[CONF_AUTOMATIC_VARIABLE_MESH] self._minMeshSizeRatio = cs[CONF_MIN_MESH_SIZE_RATIO] self._detailedAxialExpansion = cs[CONF_DETAILED_AXIAL_EXPANSION]
def __getstate__(self): """Applies a settings and parent to the core and components.""" state = composites.Composite.__getstate__(self) return state def __setstate__(self, state): composites.Composite.__setstate__(self, state) self.regenAssemblyLists() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): memo[id(self)] = newC = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) newC.__setstate__(copy.deepcopy(self.__getstate__(), memo)) = + "-copy" return newC def __repr__(self): return "<{}: {} id:{}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,, id(self)) def __iter__(self): """ Override the base Composite __iter__ to produce stable sort order. See Also -------- getAssemblies() """ return iter(self._children) @property def r(self): if isinstance(self.parent, Reactor): return self.parent return None @property def symmetry(self) -> geometry.SymmetryType: """Getter for symmetry type. .. impl:: Get core symmetry. :id: I_ARMI_R_SYMM :implements: R_ARMI_R_SYMM This property getter returns the symmetry attribute of the spatialGrid instance attribute. The spatialGrid is an instance of a child of the abstract base class :py:class:`Grid <armi.reactor.grids.grid.Grid>` type. The symmetry attribute is an instance of the :py:class:`SymmetryType <armi.reactor.geometry.SymmetryType>` class, which is a wrapper around the :py:class:`DomainType <armi.reactor.geometry.DomainType>` and :py:class:`BoundaryType <armi.reactor.geometry.BoundaryType>` enumerations used to classify the domain (e.g., 1/3 core, quarter core, full core) and symmetry boundary conditions (e.g., periodic, reflective, none) of a reactor, respectively. Only specific combinations of :py:class:`Grid <armi.reactor.grids.grid.Grid>` type, :py:class:`DomainType <armi.reactor.geometry.DomainType>`, and :py:class:`BoundaryType <armi.reactor.geometry.BoundaryType>` are valid. The validity of a user-specified geometry and symmetry is verified by a settings :py:class:`Inspector <armi.operators.settingsValidation.Inspector`. """ if not self.spatialGrid: raise ValueError("Cannot access symmetry before a spatialGrid is attached.") return self.spatialGrid.symmetry @symmetry.setter def symmetry(self, val: str): """Setter for symmetry type.""" self.spatialGrid.symmetry = str(val) self.clearCache() @property def geomType(self) -> geometry.GeomType: if not self.spatialGrid: raise ValueError("Cannot access geomType before a spatialGrid is attached.") return self.spatialGrid.geomType @property def powerMultiplier(self): """ Symmetry factor for this model. 1 for full core, 3 for 1/3 core, etc. Notes ----- This should not be a state variable because it just reflects the current geometry. It changes automatically if the symmetry changes (e.g. from a geometry conversion). """ return self.symmetry.symmetryFactor() @property def lib(self) -> Optional[xsLibraries.IsotxsLibrary]: """ Return the microscopic cross section library if one exists. - If there is a library currently associated with the core, it will be returned - Otherwise, an ``ISOTXS`` file will be searched for in the working directory, opened as ``ISOTXS`` object and returned. - Finally, if no ``ISOTXS`` file exists in the working directory, a None will be returned. """ isotxsFileName = nuclearDataIO.getExpectedISOTXSFileName() if self._lib is None and os.path.exists(isotxsFileName):"Loading microscopic cross section library `{isotxsFileName}`") self._lib = nuclearDataIO.isotxs.readBinary(isotxsFileName) return self._lib @lib.setter def lib(self, value): """Set the microscopic cross section library.""" runLog.extra( f"Updating cross section library on {self}.\n" f"Initial: {self._lib}\n" f"Updated: {value}." ) self._lib = value @property def isFullCore(self): """Return True if reactor is full core, otherwise False.""" # Avoid using `not core.isFullCore` to check if third core geometry # use `core.symmetry.domain == geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE return self.symmetry.domain == geometry.DomainType.FULL_CORE @property def refAssem(self): """ Return the "reference" assembly for this Core. The reference assembly is defined as the center-most assembly with a FUEL flag, if any are present, or the center-most of any assembly otherwise. Warning ------- The convenience of this property should be weighed against it's somewhat arbitrary nature for any particular client. The center-most fueled assembly is not particularly representative of the state of the core as a whole. """ key = lambda a: a.spatialLocator.getRingPos() assems = self.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL, sortKey=key) if not assems: assems = self.getAssemblies(sortKey=key) return assems[0]
[docs] def sortAssemsByRing(self): """Sorts the reactor assemblies by ring and position.""" sortKey = lambda a: a.spatialLocator.getRingPos() self._children = sorted(self._children, key=sortKey)
[docs] def summarizeReactorStats(self): """Writes a summary of the reactor to check the mass and volume of all of the blocks.""" totalMass = 0.0 fissileMass = 0.0 heavyMetalMass = 0.0 totalVolume = 0.0 numBlocks = len(self.getBlocks()) for block in self.getBlocks(): totalMass += block.getMass() fissileMass += block.getFissileMass() heavyMetalMass += block.getHMMass() totalVolume += block.getVolume() totalMass = totalMass * self.powerMultiplier / 1000.0 fissileMass = fissileMass * self.powerMultiplier / 1000.0 heavyMetalMass = heavyMetalMass * self.powerMultiplier / 1000.0 totalVolume = totalVolume * self.powerMultiplier runLog.extra( "Summary of {}\n".format(self) + tabulate.tabulate( [ ("Number of Blocks", numBlocks), ("Total Volume (cc)", totalVolume), ("Total Mass (kg)", totalMass), ("Fissile Mass (kg)", fissileMass), ("Heavy Metal Mass (kg)", heavyMetalMass), ], tablefmt="armi", ) )
[docs] def setPowerFromDensity(self): """Set the power from the powerDensity.""" self.p.power = self.p.powerDensity * self.getHMMass()
[docs] def setPowerIfNecessary(self): """Set the core power, from the power density. If the power density is set, but the power isn't, calculate the total heavy metal mass of the reactor, and set the total power. Which will then be the real source of truth again. """ if self.p.power == 0 and self.p.powerDensity > 0: self.setPowerFromDensity()
[docs] def setBlockMassParams(self): """Set the parameters kgHM and kgFis for each block and calculate Pu fraction.""" for b in self.getBlocks(): b.p.kgHM = b.getHMMass() / units.G_PER_KG b.p.kgFis = b.getFissileMass() / units.G_PER_KG b.p.puFrac = ( b.getPuMoles() / b.p.molesHmBOL if b.p.molesHmBOL > 0.0 else 0.0 )
[docs] def getScalarEvolution(self, key): return self.scalarVals[key]
[docs] def locateAllAssemblies(self): """ Store the current location of all assemblies. This is required for shuffle printouts, repeat shuffling, and MCNP shuffling. """ for a in self.getAssemblies(includeAll=True): a.lastLocationLabel = a.getLocation()
[docs] def removeAssembly(self, a1, discharge=True): """ Takes an assembly and puts it out of core. Parameters ---------- a1 : assembly The assembly to remove discharge : bool, optional Discharge the assembly, including adding it to the SFP. Default: True Notes ----- Please expect this method will delete your assembly (instead of moving it to a Spent Fuel Pool) unless you set the ``trackAssems`` to True in your settings file. Originally, this held onto all assemblies in the spend fuel pool. However, having this sitting in memory becomes constraining for large simulations. It is more memory-efficient to only save the assemblies that are required for detailed history tracking. In fact, there's no need to save the assembly object at all, just have the history interface save the relevant parameters. See Also -------- add : adds an assembly """ paramDefs = set(parameters.ALL_DEFINITIONS) paramDefs.difference_update(set(parameters.forType(Core))) paramDefs.difference_update(set(parameters.forType(Reactor))) for paramDef in paramDefs: if paramDef.assigned & parameters.SINCE_ANYTHING: paramDef.assigned = parameters.SINCE_ANYTHING if discharge: runLog.debug("Removing {0} from {1}".format(a1, self)) else: runLog.debug("Purging {0} from {1}".format(a1, self)) self.childrenByLocator.pop(a1.spatialLocator) a1.p.dischargeTime = self.r.p.time self.remove(a1) if discharge and self._trackAssems: if self.parent.sfp is not None: self.parent.sfp.add(a1) else:"No Spent Fuel Pool is found, can't track assemblies.") else: self._removeListFromAuxiliaries(a1)
[docs] def removeAssembliesInRing(self, ringNum, cs, overrideCircularRingMode=False): """ Removes all of the assemblies in a given ring. Parameters ---------- ringNum : int The ring to remove cs: Settings A relevant settings object overrideCircularRingMode : bool, optional False ~ default: use circular/square/hex rings, just as the reactor defines them True ~ If you know you don't want to use the circular ring mode, and instead want square or hex. See Also -------- getAssembliesInRing : definition of a ring """ for a in self.getAssembliesInRing( ringNum, overrideCircularRingMode=overrideCircularRingMode ): self.removeAssembly(a) self.processLoading(cs)
def _removeListFromAuxiliaries(self, assembly): """ Remove an assembly from all auxiliary reference tables and lists. Otherwise it will get added back into assembliesByName, etc. History will fail if it tries to summarize an assembly that has been purged. """ del self.assembliesByName[assembly.getName()] for b in assembly: try: del self.blocksByName[b.getName()] except KeyError: runLog.warning( "Cannot delete block {0}. It is not in the Core.blocksByName structure" "".format(b), single=True, label="cannot dereference: lost block", )
[docs] def removeAllAssemblies(self, discharge=True): """ Clears the core. Notes ----- must clear auxiliary bookkeeping lists as well or else a regeneration step will auto-add assemblies back in. """ assems = set(self) for a in assems: self.removeAssembly(a, discharge) if hasattr(self.parent, "sfp"): self.parent.sfp.removeAll() self.blocksByName = {} self.assembliesByName = {} self.parent.p.maxAssemNum = 0
[docs] def normalizeNames(self, startIndex=0): """ Renumber and rename all the Assemblies and Blocks. Parameters ---------- startIndex : int, optional The default is to start counting at zero. But if you are renumbering assemblies across the entire Reactor, you may want to start at a different number. Returns ------- int The new max Assembly number. """ ind = startIndex for a in self: oldName = a.getName() newName = a.makeNameFromAssemNum(ind) if oldName == newName: ind += 1 continue a.p.assemNum = ind a.setName(newName) for b in a: axialIndex = int("-")[-1]) = b.makeName(ind, axialIndex) ind += 1 self.normalizeInternalBookeeping() return ind
[docs] def normalizeInternalBookeeping(self): """Update some bookkeeping dictionaries of assembly and block names in this Core.""" self.assembliesByName = {} self.blocksByName = {} for assem in self: self.assembliesByName[assem.getName()] = assem for b in assem: self.blocksByName[b.getName()] = b
[docs] def add(self, a, spatialLocator=None): """ Adds an assembly to the reactor. An object must be added before it is placed in a particular cell in the reactor's spatialGrid. When an object is added to a reactor it get placed in a generic location at the center of the reactor unless a spatialLocator is passed in as well. Parameters ---------- a : ArmiObject The object to add to the reactor spatialLocator : SpatialLocator object, optional The location in the reactor to add the new object to. Must be unoccupied. See Also -------- removeAssembly : removes an assembly """ # Negative assembly IDs are placeholders, and we need to renumber the assembly if a.p.assemNum < 0: a.renumber(self.r.incrementAssemNum()) # resetting .assigned forces database to be rewritten for shuffled core paramDefs = set(parameters.ALL_DEFINITIONS) paramDefs.difference_update(set(parameters.forType(Core))) paramDefs.difference_update(set(parameters.forType(Reactor))) for paramDef in paramDefs: if paramDef.assigned & parameters.SINCE_ANYTHING: paramDef.assigned = parameters.SINCE_ANYTHING # could speed up output by passing format args as an arg and only process if verb good. runLog.debug("Adding {0} to {1}".format(a, self)) composites.Composite.add(self, a) aName = a.getName() spatialLocator = spatialLocator or a.spatialLocator if spatialLocator is not None and spatialLocator in self.childrenByLocator: raise ValueError( "Cannot add {} because location {} is already filled by {}." "".format( aName, a.spatialLocator, self.childrenByLocator[a.spatialLocator] ) ) if spatialLocator is not None: # transfer spatialLocator to Core one spatialLocator = self.spatialGrid[tuple(spatialLocator.indices)] if not self.spatialGrid.locatorInDomain( spatialLocator, symmetryOverlap=True ): raise LookupError( "Location `{}` outside of the represented domain: `{}`".format( spatialLocator, self.spatialGrid.symmetry.domain ) ) a.moveTo(spatialLocator) self.childrenByLocator[spatialLocator] = a # build a lookup table for history tracking. if aName in self.assembliesByName and self.assembliesByName[aName] != a: # try to keep assem numbering correct runLog.error( "The assembly {1} in the reactor already has the name {0}.\nCannot add {2}. " "Current assemNum is {3}" "".format(aName, self.assembliesByName[aName], a, self.r.p.maxAssemNum) ) raise RuntimeError("Core already contains an assembly with the same name.") self.assembliesByName[aName] = a for b in a: self.blocksByName[b.getName()] = b if self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.HEX: ring, _loc = self.spatialGrid.getRingPos( a.spatialLocator.getCompleteIndices() ) if ring > self.numRings: self.numRings = ring # track the highest assem Num so when we load from a DB the future assemNums remain constant aNum = a.p.assemNum if aNum > self.p.maxAssemNum: self.p.maxAssemNum = aNum if a.lastLocationLabel != a.DATABASE: # time the assembly enters the core in days a.p.chargeTime = self.r.p.time # cycle that the assembly enters the core a.p.chargeCycle = self.r.p.cycle # convert to kg a.p.chargeFis = a.getFissileMass() / 1000.0 a.p.chargeBu = a.getMaxParam("percentBu")
[docs] def genAssembliesAddedThisCycle(self): """ Yield the assemblies that have been added in the current cycle. This uses the reactor's cycle parameter and the assemblies' chargeCycle parameters. """ for a in self: if a.p.chargeCycle == self.r.p.cycle: yield a
[docs] def getNumRings(self, indexBased=False): """ Returns the number of rings in this reactor. Based on location so indexing will start at 1. Circular ring shuffling changes the interpretation of this result. .. impl:: Retrieve number of rings in core. :id: I_ARMI_R_NUM_RINGS :implements: R_ARMI_R_NUM_RINGS This method determines the number of rings in the reactor. If the setting ``circularRingMode`` is enabled (by default it is false), the assemblies will be grouped into roughly circular rings based on their positions and the number of circular rings is returned. Otherwise, the number of hex rings is returned. This parameter is mostly used to facilitate certain fuel management strategies where the fuel is categorized and moved based on ring indexing. Warning ------- If you loop through range(maxRing) then ring+1 is the one you want! Parameters ---------- indexBased : bool, optional If true, will force location-index interpretation, even if "circular shuffling" is enabled. """ if self.circularRingList and not indexBased: return max(self.circularRingList) else: return self.getNumHexRings()
[docs] def getNumHexRings(self): """Returns the number of hex rings in this reactor. Based on location so indexing will start at 1.""" maxRing = 0 for a in self.getAssemblies(): ring, _pos = self.spatialGrid.getRingPos(a.spatialLocator) maxRing = max(maxRing, ring) return maxRing
[docs] def getNumAssembliesWithAllRingsFilledOut(self, nRings): """ Returns nAssmWithBlanks (see description immediately below). Parameters ---------- nRings : int The number of hex assembly rings in this core, including partially-complete (non-full) rings. Returns ------- nAssmWithBlanks: int The number of assemblies that WOULD exist in this core if all outer assembly hex rings were "filled out". """ if self.powerMultiplier == 1: return 3 * nRings * (nRings - 1) + 1 else: return nRings * (nRings - 1) + (nRings + 1) // 2
[docs] def getNumEnergyGroups(self): """ Return the number of energy groups used in the problem. See Also -------- armi.nuclearDataIO.ISOTXS.read1D : reads the number of energy groups off the ISOTXS library. """ return self.lib.numGroups
[docs] def countBlocksWithFlags(self, blockTypeSpec, assemTypeSpec=None): """ Return the total number of blocks in an assembly in the reactor that meets the specified type. Parameters ---------- blockTypeSpec : Flags or list of Flags The types of blocks to be counted in a single assembly assemTypeSpec : Flags or list of Flags The types of assemblies that are to be examine for the blockTypes of interest. None is every assembly. Returns ------- maxBlocks : int The maximum number of blocks of the specified types in a single assembly in the entire core. """ assems = self.getAssemblies(typeSpec=assemTypeSpec) try: return max(sum(b.hasFlags(blockTypeSpec) for b in a) for a in assems) except ValueError: # In case assems is empty return 0
[docs] def countFuelAxialBlocks(self): """ Return the maximum number of fuel type blocks in any assembly in the core. See Also -------- getFirstFuelBlockAxialNode """ fuelblocks = ( a.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL) for a in self.getAssemblies(includeBolAssems=True) ) try: return max(len(fuel) for fuel in fuelblocks) except ValueError: # thrown when iterator is empty return 0
[docs] def getFirstFuelBlockAxialNode(self): """ Determine the offset of the fuel from the grid plate in the assembly with the lowest fuel block. This assembly will dictate at what block level the SASSYS reactivity coefficients will start to be generated """ try: return min( i for a in self.getAssemblies(includeBolAssems=True) for (i, b) in enumerate(a) if b.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL) ) except ValueError: """ValueError is thrown if min is called on an empty sequence. Since this is expected to be a rare case, try/except is more efficient than an if/else condition that checks whether the iterator is empty (the latter would require generating a list or tuple, which further adds to the inefficiency). Hence Python's mantra, "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission." In fact it's quicker to ask forgiveness than permission.""" return float("inf")
[docs] def getAssembliesInRing( self, ring, typeSpec=None, exactType=False, exclusions=None, overrideCircularRingMode=False, ): """ Returns the assemblies in a specified ring. Definitions of rings can change with problem parameters. This function acts as a switch between two separate functions that define what a ring is based on a cs setting 'circularRingMode' Parameters ---------- ring : int The ring number typeSpec : str, list a string or list of assembly types of interest exactType : bool flag to match the assembly type exactly exclusions : list of assemblies list of assemblies that are not to be considered overrideCircularRingMode : bool, optional False ~ default: use circular/square/hex rings, just as the reactor defines them True ~ If you know you don't want to use the circular ring mode, and instead want square or hex. Returns ------- aList : list of assemblies A list of assemblies that match the criteria within the ring """ if self._circularRingMode and not overrideCircularRingMode: getter = self.getAssembliesInCircularRing else: getter = self.getAssembliesInSquareOrHexRing return getter( ring=ring, typeSpec=typeSpec, exactType=exactType, exclusions=exclusions )
[docs] def getMaxAssembliesInHexRing(self, ring, fullCore=False): """ Returns the maximum number of assemblies possible for a given Hexagonal ring. ring - The ring of interest to calculate the maximum number of assemblies. numEdgeAssems - The number of edge assemblies in the reactor model (1/3 core). Notes ----- Assumes that odd rings do not have an edge assembly in third core geometry. These should be removed in: self._modifyGeometryAfterLoad during importGeom """ numAssemsUpToOuterRing = self.getNumAssembliesWithAllRingsFilledOut(ring) numAssemsUpToInnerRing = self.getNumAssembliesWithAllRingsFilledOut(ring - 1) maxAssemsInRing = numAssemsUpToOuterRing - numAssemsUpToInnerRing # See note* if not fullCore: ringMod = ring % 2 if ringMod == 1: maxAssemsInRing -= 1 return maxAssemsInRing
[docs] def getAssembliesInSquareOrHexRing( self, ring, typeSpec=None, exactType=False, exclusions=None ): """ Returns the assemblies in a specified ring. Definitions of rings can change with problem parameters. Parameters ---------- ring : int The ring number typeSpec : Flags or [Flags], optional a Flags instance or list of Flags with assembly types of interest exactType : bool flag to match the assembly type exactly exclusions : list of assemblies list of assemblies that are not to be considered Returns ------- assems : list of assemblies A list of assemblies that match the criteria within the ring """ assems = Sequence(self) if exclusions: exclusions = set(exclusions) assems.drop(lambda a: a in exclusions) # filter based on geomType if ( self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.CARTESIAN ): # a ring in cartesian is basically a square. lambda a: any(xy == ring for xy in abs(a.spatialLocator.indices[:2])) ) else: a: (a.spatialLocator.getRingPos()[0] == ring)) # filter based on typeSpec if typeSpec: a: a.hasFlags(typeSpec, exact=exactType)) return list(assems)
[docs] def getAssembliesInCircularRing( self, ring, typeSpec=None, exactType=False, exclusions=None ): """ Gets an assemblies within a circular range of the center of the core. This function allows for more circular styled assembly shuffling instead of the current hex approach. Parameters ---------- ring : int The ring number typeSpec : Flags or list of Flags a Flags instance or list of Flags with assembly types of interest exactType : bool flag to match the assembly type exactly exclusions : list of assemblies list of assemblies that are not to be considered Returns ------- assems : list of assemblies A list of assemblies that match the criteria within the ring """ if self.geomType == geometry.GeomType.CARTESIAN: # a ring in cartesian is basically a square. raise RuntimeError( "A circular ring in cartesian coordinates has not been defined yet." ) # determine if the circularRingList has been generated # TODO: make circularRingList a property that is generated on request if not self.circularRingList: self.circularRingList = self.buildCircularRingDictionary( self._circularRingPitch ) assems = Sequence(self) # Remove exclusions if exclusions: exclusions = set(exclusions) assems.drop(lambda a: a in exclusions) # get assemblies at locations locSet = self.circularRingList[ring] a: a.getLocation() in locSet) if typeSpec: a: a.hasFlags(typeSpec, exact=exactType)) return list(assems)
[docs] def buildCircularRingDictionary(self, ringPitch=1.0): """ Builds a dictionary of all circular rings in the core. This is required information for getAssembliesInCircularRing. The purpose of this function is to allow for more circular core shuffling in the hex design. Parameters ---------- ringPitch : float, optional The relative pitch that should be used to define the spacing between each ring. """ runLog.extra( "Building a circular ring dictionary with ring pitch {}".format(ringPitch) ) referenceAssembly = self.childrenByLocator[self.spatialGrid[0, 0, 0]] refLocation = referenceAssembly.spatialLocator pitchFactor = ringPitch / self.spatialGrid.pitch circularRingDict = collections.defaultdict(set) for a in self: dist = a.spatialLocator.distanceTo(refLocation) # To reduce numerical sensitivity, round distance to 6 decimal places # before truncating. index = int(round(dist * pitchFactor, 6)) or 1 # 1 is the smallest ring. circularRingDict[index].add(a.getLocation()) return circularRingDict
def _getAssembliesByName(self): """ If the assembly name-to-assembly object map is deleted or out of date, then this will regenerate it. """ runLog.extra("Generating assemblies-by-name map.") # NOTE: eliminated unnecessary repeated lookups in self for self.assembliesByName self.assembliesByName = assymap = {} # don't includeAll b/c detailed ones are not ready yet for assem in self.getAssemblies(includeBolAssems=True, includeSFP=True): aName = assem.getName() if aName in assymap and assymap[aName] != assem: # dangerous situation that can occur in restart runs where the global assemNum isn't # updated. !=assem clause added because sometimes an assem is in one of the # includeAll lists that is also in the core and that's ok. runLog.error( "Two (or more) assemblies in the reactor (and associated lists) have the name " "{0},\nincluding {1} and {2}.".format(aName, assem, assymap[aName]) ) raise RuntimeError("Assembly name collision.") assymap[aName] = assem
[docs] def getAssemblyByName(self, name): """ Find the assembly that has this name. .. impl:: Get assembly by name. :id: I_ARMI_R_GET_ASSEM_NAME :implements: R_ARMI_R_GET_ASSEM_NAME This method returns the :py:class:`assembly <armi.reactor.core.assemblies.Assembly>` with a name matching the value provided as an input parameter to this function. The ``name`` of an assembly is based on the ``assemNum`` parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str the assembly name e.g. 'A0001' Returns ------- assembly See Also -------- getAssembly : more general version of this method """ return self.assembliesByName[name]
[docs] def getAssemblies( self, typeSpec=None, sortKey=None, includeBolAssems=False, includeSFP=False, includeAll=False, zones=None, exact=False, ): """ Return a list of all the assemblies in the reactor. Assemblies from the Core itself are sorted based on the Assemblies' comparison operators (location-based). This is done so that two reactors with physically identical properties are more likely to behave similarly when their assemblies may have been added in different orders. In the future this will likely be replaced by sorting the _children list itself internally, as there is still opportunity for inconsistencies. Parameters ---------- typeSpec : Flags or iterable of Flags, optional List of assembly types that will be returned sortKey : callable, optional Sort predicate to use when sorting the assemblies. includeBolAssems : bool, optional Include the BOL assemblies as well as the ones that are in the core. Default: False includeSFP : bool, optional Include assemblies in the SFP includeAll : bool, optional Will include ALL assemblies. zones : iterable, optional Only include assemblies that are in this these zones """ if includeAll: includeBolAssems = includeSFP = True assems = [] if ( includeBolAssems and self.parent is not None and self.parent.blueprints is not None ): assems.extend(self.parent.blueprints.assemblies.values()) assems.extend(a for a in sorted(self, key=sortKey)) if includeSFP and self.parent is not None and self.parent.sfp is not None: assems.extend(self.parent.sfp.getChildren()) if typeSpec: assems = [a for a in assems if a.hasFlags(typeSpec, exact=exact)] if zones: zoneLocs = self.zones.getZoneLocations(zones) assems = [a for a in assems if a.getLocation() in zoneLocs] return assems
[docs] def getNozzleTypes(self): """ Get a dictionary of all of the assembly ``nozzleType``s in the core. Returns ------- nozzles : dict A dictionary of ``{nozzleType: nozzleID}`` pairs, where the nozzleIDs are numbers corresponding to the alphabetical order of the ``nozzleType`` names. Notes ----- Getting the ``nozzleID`` by alphabetical order could cause a problem if a new ``nozzleType`` is added during a run. This problem should not occur with the ``includeBolAssems=True`` argument provided. """ nozzleList = list( set(a.p.nozzleType for a in self.getAssemblies(includeBolAssems=True)) ) return {nozzleType: i for i, nozzleType in enumerate(sorted(nozzleList))}
[docs] def getBlockByName(self, name): """ Finds a block based on its name. Parameters ---------- name : str Block name e.g. A0001A Returns ------- Block : the block with the name Notes ----- The blocksByName structure must be up to date for this to work properly. """ try: return self.blocksByName[name] except AttributeError: self._genBlocksByName() return self.blocksByName[name]
[docs] def getBlocksByIndices(self, indices): """Get blocks in assemblies by block indices.""" blocks = [] for i, j, k in indices: assem = self.childrenByLocator[self.spatialGrid[i, j, 0]] blocks.append(assem[k]) return blocks
def _genBlocksByName(self): """If self.blocksByName is deleted, then this will regenerate it.""" self.blocksByName = { block.getName(): block for block in self.getBlocks(includeAll=True) } # TODO: (Idea) wrap this in an "if not self.blocksByLocName:" # This will likely fail, but it will help diagnose why property approach # wasn't working correctly
[docs] def genBlocksByLocName(self): """If self.blocksByLocName is deleted, then this will regenerate it or update it if things change.""" self.blocksByLocName = { block.getLocation(): block for block in self.getBlocks(includeAll=True) }
[docs] def getBlocks(self, bType=None, **kwargs): """ Returns an iterator over all blocks in the reactor in order. Parameters ---------- bType : list or Flags, optional Restrict results to a specific block type such as Flags.FUEL, Flags.SHIELD, etc. includeBolAssems : bool, optional Include the BOL-Assembly blocks as well. These blocks are created at BOL and used to create new assemblies, etc. If true, the blocks in these assemblies will be returned as well as the ones in the reactor. kwargs : dict Any keyword argument from R.getAssemblies() Returns ------- blocks : iterator all blocks in the reactor (or of type requested) See Also -------- getAssemblies : locates the assemblies in the search """ blocks = [b for a in self.getAssemblies(**kwargs) for b in a] if bType: blocks = [b for b in blocks if b.hasFlags(bType)] return blocks
[docs] def getFirstBlock(self, blockType=None, exact=False): """ Return the first block of the requested type in the reactor, or return first block. exact=True will only match fuel, not testfuel, for example. Parameters ---------- blockType : Flags, optional The type of block to return exact : bool, optional Requires an exact match on blockType Returns ------- b : Block object (or None if no such block exists) """ for a in self: for b in a: if b.hasFlags(blockType, exact): return b return None
[docs] def getFirstAssembly(self, typeSpec=None, exact=False): """ Gets the first assembly in the reactor. Warning ------- This function should be used with great care. There are **very** few circumstances in which one wants the "first" of a given sort of assembly, `whichever that may happen to be`. Precisely which assembly is returned is sensitive to all sorts of implementation details in Grids, etc., which make the concept of "first" rather slippery. Prefer using some sort of precise logic to pick a specific assembly from the Core. Parameters ---------- typeSpec : Flags or iterable of Flags, optional """ if typeSpec: try: return next(a for a in self if a.hasFlags(typeSpec, exact)) except StopIteration: runLog.warning("No assem of type {0} in reactor".format(typeSpec)) return None # Assumes at least one assembly in `self` return next(iter(self))
[docs] def regenAssemblyLists(self): """ If the attribute lists which contain assemblies are deleted (such as by reactors.detachAllAssemblies), then this function will call the other functions to regrow them. """ self._getAssembliesByName() self._genBlocksByName() self._genChildByLocationLookupTable()
[docs] def getAllXsSuffixes(self): """Return all XS suffices (e.g. AA, AB, etc.) in the core.""" return sorted(set(b.getMicroSuffix() for b in self.getBlocks()))
[docs] def getNuclideCategories(self): """ Categorize nuclides as coolant, fuel and structure. Notes ----- This is used to categorize nuclides for Doppler broadening. Control nuclides are treated as structure. The categories are defined in the following way: 1. Add nuclides from coolant components to coolantNuclides 2. Add nuclides from fuel components to fuelNuclides (this may be incomplete, e.g. at BOL there are no fission products) 3. Add nuclides from all other components to structureNuclides 4. Since fuelNuclides may be incomplete, add anything else the user wants to model that isn't already listed in coolantNuclides or structureNuclides. Returns ------- coolantNuclides : set set of nuclide names fuelNuclides : set set of nuclide names structureNuclides : set set of nuclide names """ if not self._nuclideCategories: coolantNuclides = set() fuelNuclides = set() structureNuclides = set() for c in self.iterComponents(): # get only nuclides with non-zero number density # nuclides could be present at 0.0 density just for XS generation nuclides = [ nuc for nuc, dens in c.getNumberDensities().items() if dens > 0.0 ] if c.getName() == "coolant": coolantNuclides.update(nuclides) elif "fuel" in c.getName(): fuelNuclides.update(nuclides) else: structureNuclides.update(nuclides) structureNuclides -= coolantNuclides structureNuclides -= fuelNuclides remainingNuclides = ( set(self.parent.blueprints.allNuclidesInProblem) - structureNuclides - coolantNuclides ) fuelNuclides.update(remainingNuclides) self._nuclideCategories["coolant"] = coolantNuclides self._nuclideCategories["fuel"] = fuelNuclides self._nuclideCategories["structure"] = structureNuclides self.summarizeNuclideCategories() return ( self._nuclideCategories["coolant"], self._nuclideCategories["fuel"], self._nuclideCategories["structure"], )
[docs] def summarizeNuclideCategories(self): """Write summary table of the various nuclide categories within the reactor.""" "Nuclide categorization for cross section temperature assignments:\n" + tabulate.tabulate( [ ( "Fuel", createFormattedStrWithDelimiter( self._nuclideCategories["fuel"] ), ), ( "Coolant", createFormattedStrWithDelimiter( self._nuclideCategories["coolant"] ), ), ( "Structure", createFormattedStrWithDelimiter( self._nuclideCategories["structure"] ), ), ], headers=["Nuclide Category", "Nuclides"], tablefmt="armi", ) )
[docs] def getLocationContents(self, locs, assemblyLevel=False, locContents=None): """ Given a list of locations, this goes through and finds the blocks or assemblies. Parameters ---------- locs : list of location objects or strings The locations you'd like to find assemblies in assemblyLevel : bool, optional If True, will find assemblies rather than blocks locContents : dict, optional A lookup table with location string keys and block/assembly values useful if you want to call this function many times and would like a speedup. Returns ------- blockList : iterable List of blocks or assemblies that correspond to the locations passed in Notes ----- Useful in reading the db. See Also -------- makeLocationLookup : allows caching to speed this up if you call it a lot. """ # Why isn't locContents an attribute of reactor? It could be another # property that is generated on demand if not locContents: locContents = self.makeLocationLookup(assemblyLevel) try: # now look 'em up return [locContents[str(loc)] for loc in locs] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("There is nothing in core location {0}.".format(e))
[docs] def makeLocationLookup(self, assemblyLevel=False): """ Build a location-keyed lookup table to figure out which block (or assembly, if assemblyLevel=True) is in which location. Used within getLocationContents, but can also be used to pre-build a cache for that function, speeding the lookup with a cache. See Also -------- getLocationContents : can use this lookup table to go faster. """ # build a lookup table one time. if assemblyLevel: return {a.getLocation(): a for a in self} else: return {b.getLocation(): b for a in self for b in a}
# TODO: Can be cleaned up, but need test case to guard agains breakage
[docs] def getFluxVector( self, energyOrder=0, adjoint=False, extSrc=False, volumeIntegrated=True ): """ Return the multigroup real or adjoint flux of the entire reactor as a vector. Order of meshes is based on getBlocks Parameters ---------- energyOrder : int, optional A value of 0 implies that the flux will have all energy groups for the first mesh point, and then all energy groups for the next mesh point, etc. A value of 1 implies that the flux will have values for all mesh points of the first energy group first, followed by all mesh points for the second energy group, etc. adjoint : bool, optional If True, will return adjoint flux instead of real flux. extSrc : bool, optional If True, will return external source instead of real flux. volumeIntegrated : bool, optional If true (default), flux units will be #-cm/s. If false, they will be #-cm^2/s Returns ------- vals : list The values you requested. length is NxG. """ flux = [] blocks = list(self.getBlocks()) groups = range(self.lib.numGroups) # build in order 0 for b in blocks: if adjoint: vals = b.p.adjMgFlux elif extSrc: vals = b.p.extSrc else: vals = b.p.mgFlux if not volumeIntegrated: vol = b.getVolume() vals = [v / vol for v in vals] flux.extend(vals) if energyOrder == 1: # swap order. newFlux = [] for g in groups: oneGroup = [flux[i] for i in range(g, len(flux), len(groups))] newFlux.extend(oneGroup) flux = newFlux return numpy.array(flux)
[docs] def getAssembliesOfType(self, typeSpec, exactMatch=False): """Return a list of assemblies in the core that are of type assemType.""" return self.getChildrenWithFlags(typeSpec, exactMatch=exactMatch)
[docs] def getAssembly( self, assemNum=None, locationString=None, assemblyName=None, *args, **kwargs ): """ Finds an assembly in the core. Parameters ---------- assemNum : int, optional Returns the assembly with this assemNum locationString : str A location string assemblyName : str, optional The assembly name *args : additional optional arguments for self.getAssemblies Returns ------- a : Assembly The assembly that matches, or None if nothing is found See Also -------- getAssemblyByName getAssemblyWithStringLocation getLocationContents : a much more efficient way to look up assemblies in a list of locations """ if assemblyName: return self.getAssemblyByName(assemblyName) for a in self.getAssemblies(*args, **kwargs): if a.getLocation() == locationString: return a if a.getNum() == assemNum: return a return None
[docs] def getAssemblyWithAssemNum(self, assemNum): """ Retrieve assembly with a particular assembly number from the core. Parameters ---------- assemNum : int The assembly number of interest Returns ------- foundAssembly : Assembly object or None The assembly found, or None """ return self.getAssembly(assemNum=assemNum)
[docs] def getAssemblyWithStringLocation(self, locationString): """Returns an assembly or none if given a location string like '001-001'. .. impl:: Get assembly by location. :id: I_ARMI_R_GET_ASSEM_LOC :implements: R_ARMI_R_GET_ASSEM_LOC This method returns the :py:class:`assembly <armi.reactor.core.assemblies.Assembly>` located in the requested location. The location is provided to this method as an input parameter in a string with the format "001-001". For a :py:class:`HexGrid <armi.reactor.grids.hexagonal.HexGrid>`, the first number indicates the hexagonal ring and the second number indicates the position within that ring. For a :py:class:`CartesianGrid <armi.reactor.grids.cartesian.CartesianGrid>`, the first number represents the x index and the second number represents the y index. If there is no assembly in the grid at the requested location, this method returns None. """ ring, pos, _ = grids.locatorLabelToIndices(locationString) loc = self.spatialGrid.getLocatorFromRingAndPos(ring, pos) assem = self.childrenByLocator.get(loc) return assem
[docs] def getAssemblyPitch(self): """ Find the assembly pitch for the whole core. This returns the pitch according to the spatialGrid. To capture any thermal/hydraulic feedback of the core pitch, T/H modules will need to modify the grid pitch directly based on the relevant mechanical assumptions. Returns ------- pitch : float The assembly pitch. """ return self.spatialGrid.pitch
[docs] def findNeighbors( self, a, showBlanks=True, duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary=False ): """ Find assemblies that are next to this assembly. Return a list of neighboring assemblies. For a hexagonal grid, the list begins from the 30 degree point (point 1) then moves counterclockwise around. For a Cartesian grid, the order of the neighbors is east, north, west, south. .. impl:: Retrieve neighboring assemblies of a given assembly. :id: I_ARMI_R_FIND_NEIGHBORS :implements: R_ARMI_R_FIND_NEIGHBORS This method takes an :py:class:`Assembly <armi.reactor.assemblies.Assembly>` as an input parameter and returns a list of the assemblies neighboring that assembly. There are 6 neighbors in a hexagonal grid and 4 neighbors in a Cartesian grid. The (i, j) indices of the neighbors are provided by :py:meth:`getNeighboringCellIndices <armi.reactor.grids.StructuredGrid.getNeighboringCellIndices>`. For a hexagonal grid, the (i, j) indices are converted to (ring, position) indexing using the ``core.spatialGrid`` instance attribute. The ``showBlanks`` option determines whether non-existing assemblies will be indicated with a ``None`` in the list or just excluded from the list altogether. The ``duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary`` setting only works for 1/3 core symmetry with periodic boundary conditions. For these types of geometries, if this setting is ``True``, neighbor lists for assemblies along a periodic boundary will include the assemblies along the opposite periodic boundary that are effectively neighbors. Parameters ---------- a : Assembly object The assembly to find neighbors of. showBlanks : Boolean, optional If True, the returned array of 6 neighbors will return "None" for neighbors that do not explicitly exist in the 1/3 core model (including many that WOULD exist in a full core model). If False, the returned array will not include the "None" neighbors. If one or more neighbors does not explicitly exist in the 1/3 core model, the returned array will have a length of less than 6. duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary : Boolean, optional If True, findNeighbors duplicates neighbor assemblies into their "symmetric identicals" so that even assemblies that border symmetry lines will have 6 neighbors. The only assemblies that will have fewer than 6 neighbors are those that border the outer core boundary (usually vacuum). If False, findNeighbors returns None for assemblies that do not exist in a 1/3 core model (but WOULD exist in a full core model). For example, applying findNeighbors for the central assembly (ring, pos) = (1, 1) in 1/3 core symmetry (with duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary = True) would return a list of 6 assemblies, but those 6 would really only be assemblies (2, 1) and (2, 2) repeated 3 times each. Note that the value of duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary only really matters if showBlanks == True. This will have no effect if the model is full core since asymmetric models could find many duplicates in the other thirds Notes ----- The duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary setting only works for third core symmetry. This uses the 'mcnp' index map (MCNP GEODST hex coordinates) instead of the standard (ring, pos) map. because neighbors have consistent indices this way. We then convert over to (ring, pos) using the lookup table that a reactor has. Returns ------- neighbors : list of assembly objects This is a list of "nearest neighbors" to assembly a. If showBlanks = False, it will return fewer than the maximum number of neighbors if not all neighbors explicitly exist in the core model. For a hexagonal grid, the maximum number of neighbors is 6. For a Cartesian grid, the maximum number is 4. If showBlanks = True and duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary = False, it will have a "None" for assemblies that do not exist in the 1/3 model. If showBlanks = True and duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary = True, it will return the existing "symmetric identical" assembly of a non-existing assembly. It will only return "None" for an assembly when that assembly is non-existing AND has no existing "symmetric identical". See Also -------- grids.Grid.getSymmetricEquivalents """ neighborIndices = self.spatialGrid.getNeighboringCellIndices( *a.spatialLocator.getCompleteIndices() ) dupReflectors = ( self.symmetry.domain == geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE and self.symmetry.boundary == geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC and duplicateAssembliesOnReflectiveBoundary ) neighbors = [] for iN, jN, kN in neighborIndices: neighborLoc = self.spatialGrid[iN, jN, kN] neighbor = self.childrenByLocator.get(neighborLoc) if neighbor is not None: neighbors.append(neighbor) elif showBlanks: if dupReflectors: symmetricAssem = self._getReflectiveDuplicateAssembly(neighborLoc) neighbors.append(symmetricAssem) else: neighbors.append(None) return neighbors
def _getReflectiveDuplicateAssembly(self, neighborLoc): """ Return duplicate assemblies across symmetry line. Notes ----- If an existing symmetric identical has been found, return it. If an existing symmetric identical has NOT been found, return a None (it's empty). """ duplicates = [] otherTwoLocations = self.spatialGrid.getSymmetricEquivalents(neighborLoc) for i, j in otherTwoLocations: neighborLocation2 = self.spatialGrid[i, j, 0] duplicateAssem = self.childrenByLocator.get(neighborLocation2) if duplicateAssem is not None: duplicates.append(duplicateAssem) # should always be 0 or 1 nDuplicates = len(duplicates) if nDuplicates == 1: return duplicates[0] elif nDuplicates > 1: raise ValueError("Too many neighbors found!") return None
[docs] def setMoveList(self, cycle, oldLoc, newLoc, enrichList, assemblyType, assemName): """Tracks the movements in terms of locations and enrichments.""" data = (oldLoc, newLoc, enrichList, assemblyType, assemName) # NOTE: moveList is actually a moveDict (misnomer) if self.moveList.get(cycle) is None: self.moveList[cycle] = [] if data in self.moveList[cycle]: # remove the old version and throw the new on at the end. self.moveList[cycle].remove(data) self.moveList[cycle].append(data)
[docs] def createFreshFeed(self, cs=None): """ Creates a new feed assembly. Parameters ---------- cs : Settings Global settings for the case See Also -------- createAssemblyOfType: creates an assembly """ return self.createAssemblyOfType(assemType=self._freshFeedType, cs=cs)
[docs] def createAssemblyOfType(self, assemType=None, enrichList=None, cs=None): """ Create an assembly of a specific type and apply enrichments if they are specified. Parameters ---------- assemType : str The assembly type to create enrichList : list weight percent enrichments of each block cs : Settings Global settings for the case Returns ------- a : Assembly A new assembly Notes ----- This and similar fuel shuffle-enabling functionality on the Core are responsible for coupling between the Core and Blueprints. Technically, it should not be required to involve Blueprints at all in the construction of a Reactor model. Therefore in some circumstances, this function will not work. Ultimately, this should be purely the domain of blueprints themselves, and may be migrated out of Core in the future. See Also -------- armi.fuelHandler.doRepeatShuffle : uses this to repeat shuffling """ a = self.parent.blueprints.constructAssem(cs, name=assemType) # check to see if a default bol assembly is being used or we are adding more information if enrichList: # got an enrichment list that should be the same height as the fuel blocks if isinstance(enrichList, float): # make endlessly iterable if float was passed in enrichList = itertools.cycle([enrichList]) elif len(a) != len(enrichList): raise RuntimeError( "{0} and enrichment list do not have the same number of blocks.".format( a ) ) for b, enrich in zip(a, enrichList): if enrich == 0.0: # don't change blocks when enrich specified as 0 continue if abs(b.getUraniumMassEnrich() - enrich) > 1e-10: # only adjust block enrichment if it's different. # WARNING: If this is not fresh fuel, this messes up the number of moles of HM at BOL and # therefore breaks the burnup metric. b.adjustUEnrich(enrich) if not self._detailedAxialExpansion: # if detailedAxialExpansion: False, make sure that the assembly being created has the correct core mesh a.setBlockMesh( self.p.referenceBlockAxialMesh[1:], conserveMassFlag="auto" ) # pass [1:] to skip 0.0 return a
[docs] def saveAllFlux(self, fName="allFlux.txt"): """Dump all flux to file for debugging purposes.""" blocks = list(self.getBlocks()) groups = range(self.lib.numGroups) with open(fName, "w") as f: for block in blocks: for gi in groups: f.write( "{:10s} {:10d} {:12.5E} {:12.5E} {:12.5E}\n" "".format( block.getName(), gi, block.p.mgFlux[gi], block.p.adjMgFlux[gi], block.getVolume(), ) ) if len(block.p.mgFlux) > len(groups) or len(block.p.adjMgFlux) > len( groups ): raise ValueError( "Too many flux values: {}\n{}\n{}".format( block, block.p.mgFlux, block.p.adjMgFlux ) )
[docs] def getAssembliesOnSymmetryLine(self, symmetryLineID): """Find assemblies that are on a symmetry line in a symmetric core.""" assembliesOnLine = [] for a in self: if a.isOnWhichSymmetryLine() == symmetryLineID: assembliesOnLine.append(a) # in order of innermost to outermost (for averaging) assembliesOnLine.sort(key=lambda a: a.spatialLocator.getRingPos()) return assembliesOnLine
[docs] def getCoreRadius(self): """Returns a radius that the core would fit into.""" return self.getNumRings(indexBased=True) * self.getFirstBlock().getPitch()
[docs] def findAllMeshPoints(self, assems=None, applySubMesh=True): """ Return all mesh positions in core including both endpoints. .. impl:: Construct a mesh based on core blocks. :id: I_ARMI_R_MESH :implements: R_ARMI_R_MESH This method iterates through all of the assemblies provided, or all assemblies in the core if no list of ``assems`` is provided, and constructs a tuple of three lists which contain the unique i, j, and k mesh coordinates, respectively. The ``applySubMesh`` setting controls whether the mesh will include the submesh coordinates. For a standard assembly-based reactor geometry with a hexagonal or Cartesian assembly grid, this method is only used to produce axial (k) mesh points. If multiple assemblies are provided with different axial meshes, the axial mesh list will contain the union of all unique mesh points. Duplicate mesh points are removed. Parameters ---------- assems : list, optional assemblies to consider when determining the mesh points. If not given, all in-core assemblies are used. applySubMesh : bool, optional Apply submeshing parameters to make mesh points smaller than blocks. Default=True. Returns ------- meshVals : tuple ((i-vals), (j-vals,), (k-vals,)) See Also -------- armi.reactor.assemblies.Assembly.getAxialMesh : get block mesh Notes ----- These include all mesh points, not just block boundaries. There may be multiple mesh points per block. If a large block with multiple mesh points is in the same core as arbitrarily-expanded fuel blocks from fuel performance, an imbalanced axial mesh may result. There is a challenge with TRZ blocks because we need the mesh centroid in terms of RZT, not XYZ When determining the submesh, it is important to not use too small of a rounding precision. It was found that when using a precision of units.FLOAT_DIMENSION_DECIMALS, that the division in `step` can produce mesh points that are the same up to the 9th or 10th digit, resulting in a repeated mesh point. This repetition results in problems in downstream methods, such as the uniform mesh converter. """ runLog.debug("Finding all mesh points.") if assems is None: assems = list(self) iMesh, jMesh, kMesh = set(), set(), set() for a in assems: for b in a: # these params should be combined into a new b.p.meshSubdivisions tuple numPoints = ( (a.p.AziMesh, a.p.RadMesh, b.p.axMesh) if applySubMesh else (1, 1, 1) ) base = b.spatialLocator.getGlobalCellBase() # make sure this is in mesh coordinates (important to have TRZ, not XYZ in TRZ cases top = b.spatialLocator.getGlobalCellTop() for axis, (collection, subdivisions) in enumerate( zip((iMesh, jMesh, kMesh), numPoints) ): axisVal = float(base[axis]) # convert from numpy.float64 step = float(top[axis] - axisVal) / subdivisions for _subdivision in range(subdivisions): collection.add(round(axisVal, units.FLOAT_DIMENSION_DECIMALS)) axisVal += step # add top too (only needed for last point) collection.add(round(axisVal, units.FLOAT_DIMENSION_DECIMALS)) iMesh, jMesh, kMesh = map(sorted, (iMesh, jMesh, kMesh)) return iMesh, jMesh, kMesh
[docs] def findAllAxialMeshPoints(self, assems=None, applySubMesh=True): """Return a list of all z-mesh positions in the core including zero and the top.""" _i, _j, k = self.findAllMeshPoints(assems, applySubMesh) return k
[docs] def updateAxialMesh(self): """ Update axial mesh based on perturbed meshes of the assemblies that are linked to the ref assem. Notes ----- While processLoading finds *all* axial mesh points, this method only updates the values of the known mesh with the current assembly heights. **This does not change the number of mesh points**. If ``detailedAxialExpansion`` is active, the global axial mesh param still only tracks the refAssem. Otherwise, thousands upon thousands of mesh points would get created. See Also -------- processLoading : sets up the primary mesh that this perturbs. """ # most of the time, we want fuel, but they should mostly have the same number of blocks # if this becomes a problem, we might find either the # 1. mode: (len(a) for a in self).mode(), or # 2. max: max(len(a) for a in self) # depending on what makes the most sense refAssem = self.refAssem refMesh = self.findAllAxialMeshPoints([refAssem]) avgHeight = average1DWithinTolerance( numpy.array( [ [ h for b in a for h in [(b.p.ztop - b.p.zbottom) / b.p.axMesh] * b.p.axMesh ] for a in self if self.findAllAxialMeshPoints([a]) == refMesh ] ) ) self.p.axialMesh = list(numpy.append([0.0], avgHeight.cumsum()))
[docs] def findAxialMeshIndexOf(self, heightCm): """ Return the axial index of the axial node corresponding to this height. If the height lies on the boundary between two nodes, the lower node index is returned. Parameters ---------- heightCm : float The height (cm) from the assembly bottom. Returns ------- zIndex : int The axial index (beginning with 0) of the mesh node containing the given height. """ for zi, currentHeightCm in enumerate(self.p.axialMesh[1:]): if currentHeightCm >= heightCm: return zi raise ValueError( "The value {} cm is not within range of the reactor axial mesh with max {}" "".format(heightCm, currentHeightCm) )
[docs] def addMoreNodes(self, meshList): """Add additional mesh points in the the meshList so that the ratio of mesh sizes does not vary too fast.""" ratio = self._minMeshSizeRatio for i, innerMeshVal in enumerate(meshList[1:-1], start=1): dP0 = innerMeshVal - meshList[i - 1] dP1 = meshList[i + 1] - innerMeshVal if dP0 / (dP0 + dP1) < ratio: runLog.warning( "Mesh gap too small. Adjusting mesh to be more reasonable." ) meshList.append(innerMeshVal + dP1 * ratio) meshList.sort() return meshList, False elif dP0 / (dP0 + dP1) > (1.0 - ratio): runLog.warning( "Mesh gap too large. Adjusting mesh to be more reasonable." ) meshList.append(meshList[i - 1] + dP0 * (1.0 - ratio)) meshList.sort() return meshList, False return meshList, True
[docs] def findAllAziMeshPoints(self, extraAssems=None, applySubMesh=True): """ Returns a list of all azimuthal (theta)-mesh positions in the core. Parameters ---------- extraAssems : list additional assemblies to consider when determining the mesh points. They may be useful in the MCPNXT models to represent the fuel management dummies. applySubMesh : bool generates submesh points to further discretize the theta reactor mesh """ i, _, _ = self.findAllMeshPoints(extraAssems, applySubMesh) return i
[docs] def findAllRadMeshPoints(self, extraAssems=None, applySubMesh=True): """ Return a list of all radial-mesh positions in the core. Parameters ---------- extraAssems : list additional assemblies to consider when determining the mesh points. They may be useful in the MCPNXT models to represent the fuel management dummies. applySubMesh : bool (not implemented) generates submesh points to further discretize the radial reactor mesh """ _, j, _ = self.findAllMeshPoints(extraAssems, applySubMesh) return j
[docs] def getMaxBlockParam(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get max param over blocks.""" if "generationNum" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "Cannot getMaxBlockParam over anything but blocks. Prefer `getMaxParam`." ) kwargs["generationNum"] = 2 return self.getMaxParam(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getTotalBlockParam(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get total param over blocks.""" if "generationNum" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "Cannot getTotalBlockParam over anything but blocks. Prefer `calcTotalParam`." ) kwargs["generationNum"] = 2 return self.calcTotalParam(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getMaxNumPins(self): """Find max number of pins of any block in the reactor.""" return max(b.getNumPins() for b in self.getBlocks())
[docs] def getMinimumPercentFluxInFuel(self, target=0.005): """ Starting with the outer ring, this method goes through the entire Reactor to determine what percentage of flux occurs at each ring. Parameters ---------- target : float This is the fraction of the total reactor fuel flux compared to the flux in a specific assembly in a ring Returns ------- targetRing, fraction of flux : tuple targetRing is the ring with the fraction of flux that best meets the target. """ # get the total number of assembly rings numRings = self.getNumRings() # old target assembly fraction fluxFraction = 0 targetRing = numRings allFuelBlocks = list(self.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL)) # loop there all of the rings for ringNumber in range(numRings, 0, -1): # compare to outer most ring # flatten list into one list of all blocks blocksInRing = list( itertools.chain( *[ a.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL) for a in self.getAssembliesInRing(ringNumber) ] ) ) # TODO: itertools.chain.from_iterable(...) totalPower = self.getTotalBlockParam("flux", objs=allFuelBlocks) ringPower = self.getTotalBlockParam("flux", objs=blocksInRing) # make sure that there is a non zero return if fluxFraction == 0 and ringPower > 0: fluxFraction = ringPower / totalPower targetRing = ringNumber # this will only get the leakage if the target fraction isn't too low if ( ringPower / totalPower < target and ringPower / totalPower > fluxFraction ): fluxFraction = ringPower / totalPower targetRing = ringNumber return targetRing, fluxFraction
[docs] def getAvgTemp(self, typeSpec, blockList=None, flux2Weight=False): """ get the volume-average fuel, cladding, coolant temperature in core. Parameters ---------- typeSpec : Flags or list of Flags Component types to consider. If typeSpec is a list, then you get the volume average temperature of all components. For instance, getAvgTemp([Flags.CLAD, Flags.WIRE, Flags.DUCT]) returns the avg. structure temperature. blockList : list, optional Blocks to consider. If None, all blocks in core will be considered flux2Weight : bool, optional If true, will weight temperature against flux**2 Returns ------- avgTemp : float The average temperature in C. """ num = 0.0 denom = 0.0 if not blockList: blockList = list(self.getBlocks()) for b in blockList: if flux2Weight: weight = b.p.flux**2.0 else: weight = 1.0 for c in b.iterComponents(typeSpec): vol = c.getVolume() num += c.temperatureInC * vol * weight denom += vol * weight if denom: return num / denom else: raise RuntimeError("no temperature average for {0}".format(typeSpec))
[docs] def growToFullCore(self, cs): """Copies symmetric assemblies to build a full core model out of a 1/3 core model. Returns ------- converter : GeometryConverter Geometry converter used to do the conversion. """ from armi.reactor.converters.geometryConverters import ( ThirdCoreHexToFullCoreChanger, ) converter = ThirdCoreHexToFullCoreChanger(cs) converter.convert(self.r) return converter
[docs] def setPitchUniform(self, pitchInCm): """Set the pitch in all blocks.""" for b in self.getBlocks(): b.setPitch(pitchInCm) # have to update the 2-D reactor mesh too. self.spatialGrid.changePitch(pitchInCm)
[docs] def calcBlockMaxes(self): """ Searches all blocks for maximum values of key params. See Also -------- armi.physics.optimize.OptimizationInterface.interactBOL : handles these maxes in optimization cases """ # restrict to fuel for k in self.p.paramDefs.inCategory("block-max").names: try: maxVal = self.getMaxBlockParam(k.replace("max", ""), Flags.FUEL) if maxVal != 0.0: self.p[k] = maxVal except KeyError: continue # add maxes based on pin-level max if it exists, block level max otherwise. # may want to use percentBuMax for pin-detailed cases. self.p.maxBuF = max( ( a.getMaxParam("percentBu") for a in self.getAssemblies(Flags.FEED | Flags.FUEL) ), default=0.0, ) self.p.maxBuI = max( ( a.getMaxParam("percentBu") for a in self.getAssemblies( [ Flags.IGNITER | Flags.FUEL, Flags.DRIVER | Flags.FUEL, Flags.STARTER | Flags.FUEL, ] ) ), default=0.0, )
[docs] def getFuelBottomHeight(self): """ Obtain the height of the lowest fuel in the core. This is the "axial coordinate shift" between ARMI and SASSYS. While ARMI sets z=0 at the bottom of the lowest block (usually the grid plate), SASSYS sets z=0 at the bottom of the fuel. Returns ------- lowestFuelHeightInCm : float The height (cm) of the lowest fuel in this core model. """ lowestFuelHeightInCm = self[0].getHeight() fuelBottoms = [] for a in self.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL): fuelHeightInCm = 0.0 for b in a: if b.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL): break else: fuelHeightInCm += b.getHeight() if fuelHeightInCm < lowestFuelHeightInCm: lowestFuelHeightInCm = fuelHeightInCm fuelBottoms.append(fuelHeightInCm) return lowestFuelHeightInCm
[docs] def processLoading(self, cs, dbLoad: bool = False): """ After nuclide densities are loaded, this goes through and prepares the reactor. Notes ----- This does a few operations : * It process boosters, * sets axial snap lists, * checks the geometry, * sets up location tables ( tracks where the initial feeds were (for moderation or something) See Also -------- updateAxialMesh : Perturbs the axial mesh originally set up here. """ self.setOptionsFromCs(cs) runLog.header( "=========== Initializing Mesh, Assembly Zones, and Nuclide Categories =========== " ) for b in self.getBlocks(): if b.p.molesHmBOL > 0.0: break else: # Good easter egg, but sometimes a user will want to use the framework do # only decay analyses and heavy metals are not required. runLog.warning( "The system has no heavy metal and therefore is not a nuclear reactor.\n" "Please make sure that this is intended and not a input error." ) if dbLoad: # reactor.blueprints.assemblies need to be populated # this normally happens during armi/reactor/blueprints/ # but for DB load, this is not called so it must be here. self.parent.blueprints._prepConstruction(cs) else: # set reactor level meshing params nonUniformAssems = [ Flags.fromStringIgnoreErrors(t) for t in cs[CONF_NON_UNIFORM_ASSEM_FLAGS] ] # some assemblies, like control assemblies, have a non-conforming mesh # and should not be included in self.p.referenceBlockAxialMesh and self.p.axialMesh uniformAssems = [ a for a in self.getAssemblies() if not any(a.hasFlags(f) for f in nonUniformAssems) ] self.p.referenceBlockAxialMesh = self.findAllAxialMeshPoints( assems=uniformAssems, applySubMesh=False, ) self.p.axialMesh = self.findAllAxialMeshPoints( assems=uniformAssems, applySubMesh=True, ) self.numRings = self.getNumRings() # TODO: why needed? self.getNuclideCategories() # Generate list of flags that are to be stationary during assembly shuffling stationaryBlockFlags = [] for stationaryBlockFlagString in cs[CONF_STATIONARY_BLOCK_FLAGS]: stationaryBlockFlags.append(Flags.fromString(stationaryBlockFlagString)) self.stationaryBlockFlagsList = stationaryBlockFlags self.setBlockMassParams() self.p.maxAssemNum = self.getMaxParam("assemNum") getPluginManagerOrFail().hook.onProcessCoreLoading( core=self, cs=cs, dbLoad=dbLoad )
[docs] def buildManualZones(self, cs): """ Build the Zones that are defined manually in the given Settings file, in the `zoneDefinitions` setting. Parameters ---------- cs : Settings The standard ARMI settings object Examples -------- Manual zones will be defined in a special string format, e.g.: >>> zoneDefinitions: >>> - ring-1: 001-001 >>> - ring-2: 002-001, 002-002 >>> - ring-3: 003-001, 003-002, 003-003 Notes ----- This function will just define the Zones it sees in the settings, it does not do any validation against a Core object to ensure those manual zones make sense. """ runLog.debug( "Building Zones by manual definitions in `zoneDefinitions` setting" ) stripper = lambda s: s.strip() self.zones = zones.Zones() # parse the special input string for zone definitions for zoneString in cs[CONF_ZONE_DEFINITIONS]: zoneName, zoneLocs = zoneString.split(":") zoneLocs = zoneLocs.split(",") zone = zones.Zone(zoneName.strip()) zone.addLocs(map(stripper, zoneLocs)) self.zones.addZone(zone) if not len(self.zones): runLog.debug("No manual zones defined in `zoneDefinitions` setting")