Source code for armi.reactor.converters.tests.test_geometryConverters

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Module to test geometry converters."""
import math
import os
import unittest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose

from armi import runLog
from armi.reactor import blocks
from armi.reactor import geometry
from armi.reactor import grids
from armi.reactor.converters import geometryConverters
from armi.reactor.converters import uniformMesh
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.reactor.tests.test_reactors import loadTestReactor, reduceTestReactorRings
from armi.tests import TEST_ROOT, mockRunLogs
from armi.utils import directoryChangers

THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

[docs]class TestGeometryConverters(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.o, self.r = loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) self.cs = self.o.cs
[docs] def test_addRing(self): """Tests that ``addRing`` adds the correct number of fuel assemblies to the test reactor.""" converter = geometryConverters.FuelAssemNumModifier(self.cs) converter.numFuelAssems = 7 converter.ringsToAdd = 1 * ["radial shield"] converter.convert(self.r) numAssems = len(self.r.core.getAssemblies()) self.assertEqual( numAssems, 13 ) # should end up with 6 reflector assemblies per 1/3rd Core locator = self.r.core.spatialGrid.getLocatorFromRingAndPos(4, 1) shieldtype = self.r.core.childrenByLocator[locator].getType() self.assertEqual( shieldtype, "radial shield" ) # check that the right thing was added # one more test with an uneven number of rings converter.numFuelAssems = 8 converter.convert(self.r) numAssems = len(self.r.core.getAssemblies()) self.assertEqual( numAssems, 19 ) # should wind up with 11 reflector assemblies per 1/3rd core
[docs] def test_setNumberOfFuelAssems(self): """Tests that ``setNumberOfFuelAssems`` properly changes the number of fuel assemblies.""" # tests ability to add fuel assemblies converter = geometryConverters.FuelAssemNumModifier(self.cs) converter.numFuelAssems = 60 converter.convert(self.r) numFuelAssems = 0 for assem in self.r.core.getAssemblies(): if assem.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL): numFuelAssems += 1 self.assertEqual(numFuelAssems, 60) # checks that existing fuel assemblies are preserved locator = self.r.core.spatialGrid.getLocatorFromRingAndPos(1, 1) fueltype = self.r.core.childrenByLocator[locator].getType() self.assertEqual(fueltype, "igniter fuel") # checks that existing control rods are preserved locator = self.r.core.spatialGrid.getLocatorFromRingAndPos(5, 1) controltype = self.r.core.childrenByLocator[locator].getType() self.assertEqual(controltype, "primary control") # checks that existing reflectors are overwritten with feed fuel locator = self.r.core.spatialGrid.getLocatorFromRingAndPos(9, 5) oldshieldtype = self.r.core.childrenByLocator[locator].getType() self.assertEqual(oldshieldtype, "feed fuel") # checks that outer assemblies are removed locator = self.r.core.spatialGrid.getLocatorFromRingAndPos(9, 1) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): _ = self.r.core.childrenByLocator[locator] # tests ability to remove fuel assemblies converter.numFuelAssems = 20 converter.convert(self.r) numFuelAssems = 0 for assem in self.r.core.getAssemblies(): if assem.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL): numFuelAssems += 1 self.assertEqual(numFuelAssems, 20)
[docs] def test_getAssembliesInSector(self): allAssems = self.r.core.getAssemblies() fullSector = geometryConverters.HexToRZConverter._getAssembliesInSector( self.r.core, 0, 360 ) self.assertGreaterEqual( len(fullSector), len(allAssems) ) # could be > due to edge assems third = geometryConverters.HexToRZConverter._getAssembliesInSector( self.r.core, 0, 30 ) # could solve this analytically based on test core size self.assertAlmostEqual(25, len(third)) oneLine = geometryConverters.HexToRZConverter._getAssembliesInSector( self.r.core, 0, 0.001 ) self.assertAlmostEqual(5, len(oneLine)) # same here
[docs]class TestHexToRZConverter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.o, self.r = loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) reduceTestReactorRings(self.r, self.o.cs, 2) self.cs = self.o.cs runLog.setVerbosity("extra") self._expandReactor = False self._massScaleFactor = 1.0 if not self._expandReactor: self._massScaleFactor = 3.0 def tearDown(self): del self.o del self.cs del self.r
[docs] def test_convert(self): """Test HexToRZConverter.convert(). Notes ----- Ensure the converted reactor has 1) nuclides and nuclide masses that match the original reactor, 2) for a given (r,z,theta) location the expected block type exists, 3) the converted reactor has the right (r,z,theta) coordinates, and 4) the converted reactor blocks all have a single (homogenized) component. .. test:: Convert a 3D hex reactor core to an RZ-Theta core. :id: T_ARMI_CONV_3DHEX_TO_2DRZ :tests: R_ARMI_CONV_3DHEX_TO_2DRZ """ # make the reactor smaller, because of a test parallelization edge case for ring in [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]: self.r.core.removeAssembliesInRing(ring, self.o.cs) converterSettings = { "radialConversionType": "Ring Compositions", "axialConversionType": "Axial Coordinates", "uniformThetaMesh": True, "thetaBins": 1, "axialMesh": [25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 175], "thetaMesh": [2 * math.pi], } expectedMassDict, expectedNuclideList = self._getExpectedData() geomConv = geometryConverters.HexToRZConverter( self.cs, converterSettings, expandReactor=self._expandReactor ) geomConv.convert(self.r) newR = geomConv.convReactor self._checkBlockComponents(newR) self._checkNuclidesMatch(expectedNuclideList, newR) self._checkNuclideMasses(expectedMassDict, newR) self._checkBlockAtMeshPoint(geomConv) self._checkReactorMeshCoordinates(geomConv) _figs = geomConv.plotConvertedReactor() with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): geomConv.plotConvertedReactor("fname") # bonus test: reset() works after converter has filled in values geomConv.reset() self.assertIsNone(geomConv.convReactor) self.assertIsNone(geomConv._radialMeshConversionType) self.assertIsNone(geomConv._axialMeshConversionType) self.assertIsNone(geomConv._currentRadialZoneType) self.assertEqual(geomConv._newBlockNum, 0)
def _checkBlockAtMeshPoint(self, geomConv): b = geomConv._getBlockAtMeshPoint(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi, 0.0, 12.0, 50.0, 75.0) self.assertTrue(b.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL)) def _checkReactorMeshCoordinates(self, geomConv): thetaMesh, radialMesh, axialMesh = geomConv._getReactorMeshCoordinates() expectedThetaMesh = [math.pi * 2.0] expectedAxialMesh = [25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 150.0, 175.0] expectedRadialMesh = [ 8.794379, 23.26774, ] assert_allclose(expectedThetaMesh, thetaMesh) assert_allclose(expectedRadialMesh, radialMesh) assert_allclose(expectedAxialMesh, axialMesh) def _getExpectedData(self): """Retrieve the mass of all nuclides in the reactor prior to converting.""" expectedMassDict = {} expectedNuclideList = self.r.blueprints.allNuclidesInProblem for nuclide in sorted(expectedNuclideList): expectedMassDict[nuclide] = self.r.core.getMass(nuclide) return expectedMassDict, expectedNuclideList def _checkBlockComponents(self, newR): for b in newR.core.getBlocks(): if len(b) != 1: raise ValueError( "Block {} has {} components and should only have 1".format( b, len(b) ) ) def _checkNuclidesMatch(self, expectedNuclideList, newR): """Check that the nuclide lists match before and after conversion.""" actualNuclideList = newR.blueprints.allNuclidesInProblem if set(expectedNuclideList) != set(actualNuclideList): diffList = sorted(set(expectedNuclideList).difference(actualNuclideList)) diffList += sorted(set(actualNuclideList).difference(expectedNuclideList)) runLog.warning(diffList) raise ValueError( "{0} nuclides do not match between the original and converted reactor".format( len(diffList) ) ) def _checkNuclideMasses(self, expectedMassDict, newR): """Check that all nuclide masses in the new reactor are equivalent to before the conversion.""" massMismatchCount = 0 for nuclide in expectedMassDict.keys(): expectedMass = expectedMassDict[nuclide] actualMass = newR.core.getMass(nuclide) / self._massScaleFactor if round(abs(expectedMass - actualMass), 7) != 0.0: print( "{:6s} {:10.2f} {:10.2f}".format(nuclide, expectedMass, actualMass) ) massMismatchCount += 1 # Raise error if there are any inconsistent masses if massMismatchCount > 0: raise ValueError( "{0} nuclides have masses that are not consistent after the conversion".format( massMismatchCount ) )
[docs] def test_createHomogenizedRZTBlock(self): newBlock = blocks.ThRZBlock("testBlock", self.cs) a = self.r.core[0] converterSettings = {} geomConv = geometryConverters.HexToRZConverter( self.cs, converterSettings, expandReactor=self._expandReactor ) volumeExpected = a.getVolume() ( _atoms, _newBlockType, _newBlockTemp, newBlockVol, ) = geomConv.createHomogenizedRZTBlock(newBlock, 0, a.getHeight(), [a]) # The volume of the radialZone and the radialThetaZone should be equal for RZ geometry self.assertAlmostEqual(volumeExpected, newBlockVol)
[docs]class TestEdgeAssemblyChanger(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Use the related setup in the testFuelHandlers module.""" self.o, self.r = loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) reduceTestReactorRings(self.r, self.o.cs, 3) def tearDown(self): del self.o del self.r
[docs] def test_edgeAssemblies(self): """Sanity check on adding edge assemblies. .. test:: Test adding/removing assemblies from a reactor. :id: T_ARMI_ADD_EDGE_ASSEMS :tests: R_ARMI_ADD_EDGE_ASSEMS """ def getAssemByRingPos(ringPos: tuple): for a in self.r.core.getAssemblies(): if a.spatialLocator.getRingPos() == ringPos: return a return None numAssemsOrig = len(self.r.core.getAssemblies()) # assert that there is no assembly in the (3, 4) (ring, position). self.assertIsNone(getAssemByRingPos((3, 4))) # add the assembly converter = geometryConverters.EdgeAssemblyChanger() converter.addEdgeAssemblies(self.r.core) numAssemsWithEdgeAssem = len(self.r.core.getAssemblies()) # assert that there is an assembly in the (3, 4) (ring, position). self.assertIsNotNone(getAssemByRingPos((3, 4))) self.assertTrue(numAssemsWithEdgeAssem > numAssemsOrig) # try to add the assembly again (you can't) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: converter.addEdgeAssemblies(self.r.core) self.assertIn("Skipping addition of edge assemblies", mock.getStdout()) self.assertTrue(numAssemsWithEdgeAssem, len(self.r.core.getAssemblies())) # must be added after geom transform for b in self.o.r.core.getBlocks(): b.p.power = 1.0 converter.scaleParamsRelatedToSymmetry(self.r) a = self.r.core.getAssembliesOnSymmetryLine(grids.BOUNDARY_0_DEGREES)[0] self.assertTrue(all(b.p.power == 2.0 for b in a), "Powers were not scaled") # remove the assembly that was added converter.removeEdgeAssemblies(self.r.core) self.assertIsNone(getAssemByRingPos((3, 4))) self.assertEqual(numAssemsOrig, len(self.r.core.getAssemblies()))
[docs]class TestThirdCoreHexToFullCoreChanger(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.o, self.r = loadTestReactor(TEST_ROOT) reduceTestReactorRings(self.r, self.o.cs, 3) # initialize the block powers to a uniform power profile, accounting for # the loaded reactor being 1/3 core numBlocksInFullCore = 0 for a in self.r.core: if a.getLocation() == "001-001": for b in a: numBlocksInFullCore += 1 else: for b in a: # account for the 1/3 symmetry numBlocksInFullCore += 3 for a in self.r.core: if a.getLocation() == "001-001": for b in a: b.p["power"] = self.o.cs["power"] / numBlocksInFullCore / 3 else: for b in a: b.p["power"] = self.o.cs["power"] / numBlocksInFullCore def tearDown(self): del self.o del self.r
[docs] def test_growToFullCoreFromThirdCore(self): """Test that a hex core can be converted from a third core to a full core geometry. .. test:: Convert a third-core to a full-core geometry and then restore it. :id: T_ARMI_THIRD_TO_FULL_CORE0 :tests: R_ARMI_THIRD_TO_FULL_CORE """ def getLTAAssems(): aList = [] for a in self.r.core.getAssemblies(): if a.getType == "lta fuel": aList.append(a) return aList # Check the initialization of the third core model self.assertFalse(self.r.core.isFullCore) self.assertEqual( self.r.core.symmetry, geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC ), ) initialNumBlocks = len(self.r.core.getBlocks()) assems = getLTAAssems() expectedLoc = [(3, 2)] for i, a in enumerate(assems): self.assertEqual(a.spatialLocator.getRingPos(), expectedLoc[i]) self.assertAlmostEqual( self.r.core.getTotalBlockParam("power"), self.o.cs["power"] / 3, places=5 ) self.assertGreater( self.r.core.getTotalBlockParam("power", calcBasedOnFullObj=True), self.o.cs["power"] / 3, ) # Perform reactor conversion changer = geometryConverters.ThirdCoreHexToFullCoreChanger(self.o.cs) changer.convert(self.r) # Check the full core conversion is successful self.assertTrue(self.r.core.isFullCore) self.assertGreater(len(self.r.core.getBlocks()), initialNumBlocks) self.assertEqual(self.r.core.symmetry.domain, geometry.DomainType.FULL_CORE) assems = getLTAAssems() expectedLoc = [(3, 2), (3, 6), (3, 10)] for i, a in enumerate(assems): self.assertEqual(a.spatialLocator.getRingPos(), expectedLoc[i]) # ensure that block power is handled correctly self.assertAlmostEqual( self.r.core.getTotalBlockParam("power"), self.o.cs["power"], places=5 ) self.assertAlmostEqual( self.r.core.getTotalBlockParam("power", calcBasedOnFullObj=True), self.o.cs["power"], places=5, ) # Check that the geometry can be restored to a third core changer.restorePreviousGeometry(self.r) self.assertEqual(initialNumBlocks, len(self.r.core.getBlocks())) self.assertEqual( self.r.core.symmetry, geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC ), ) self.assertFalse(self.r.core.isFullCore) self.assertAlmostEqual( self.r.core.getTotalBlockParam("power"), self.o.cs["power"] / 3, places=5 ) assems = getLTAAssems() expectedLoc = [(3, 2)] for i, a in enumerate(assems): self.assertEqual(a.spatialLocator.getRingPos(), expectedLoc[i])
[docs] def test_initNewFullReactor(self): """Test that initNewReactor will growToFullCore if necessary.""" # Perform reactor conversion changer = geometryConverters.ThirdCoreHexToFullCoreChanger(self.o.cs) changer.convert(self.r) converter = uniformMesh.NeutronicsUniformMeshConverter(self.o.cs) newR = converter.initNewReactor(self.r, self.o.cs) # Check the full core conversion is successful self.assertTrue(self.r.core.isFullCore) self.assertTrue(newR.core.isFullCore) self.assertEqual(newR.core.symmetry.domain, geometry.DomainType.FULL_CORE)
[docs] def test_skipGrowToFullCoreWhenAlreadyFullCore(self): """Test that hex core is not modified when third core to full core changer is called on an already full core geometry. .. test: Convert a one-third core to full core and restore back to one-third core. :id: T_ARMI_THIRD_TO_FULL_CORE2 :tests: R_ARMI_THIRD_TO_FULL_CORE """ # Check the initialization of the third core model and convert to a full core self.assertFalse(self.r.core.isFullCore) self.assertEqual( self.r.core.symmetry, geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC ), ) numBlocksThirdCore = len(self.r.core.getBlocks()) # convert the third core to full core changer = geometryConverters.ThirdCoreHexToFullCoreChanger(self.o.cs) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: changer.convert(self.r) self.assertIn("Expanding to full core geometry", mock.getStdout()) numBlocksFullCore = len(self.r.core.getBlocks()) self.assertEqual(self.r.core.symmetry.domain, geometry.DomainType.FULL_CORE) # try to convert to full core again (it shouldn't do anything) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: changer.convert(self.r) self.assertIn( "Detected that full core reactor already exists. Cannot expand.", mock.getStdout(), ) self.assertEqual(self.r.core.symmetry.domain, geometry.DomainType.FULL_CORE) self.assertEqual(numBlocksFullCore, len(self.r.core.getBlocks())) # restore back to 1/3 core with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: changer.restorePreviousGeometry(self.r) self.assertIn("revert from full to 1/3 core", mock.getStdout()) self.assertEqual(numBlocksThirdCore, len(self.r.core.getBlocks())) self.assertEqual( self.r.core.symmetry, geometry.SymmetryType( geometry.DomainType.THIRD_CORE, geometry.BoundaryType.PERIODIC ), )