Source code for armi.reactor.converters.meshConverters

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"""Mesh specifiers update the mesh structure of a reactor by increasing or decreasing the number of mesh coordinates."""

import math
import collections
import itertools

import numpy

from armi import runLog
from armi.reactor import grids
from armi.utils import units

[docs]class MeshConverter: """ Base class for the reactor mesh conversions. Parameters ---------- converterSettings : dict A set of str, value settings used in mesh conversion. Required settings are implementation specific. """ def __init__(self, converterSettings: dict): self._converterSettings = converterSettings
[docs] def generateMesh(self, r=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def writeMeshData(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class RZThetaReactorMeshConverter(MeshConverter): """ Handles mesh conversions for r-z-theta reactor geometries. Attributes ---------- converterSettings: dict This is a dictionary of settings that are used for the RZThetaReactorMeshConverter. Required converter settings: ``uniformThetaMesh``,``thetaBins`` See Also -------- RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingCompositionAxialBins RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingCompositionAxialCoordinates """ def __init__(self, converterSettings): MeshConverter.__init__(self, converterSettings) self._useUniformThetaMesh = None self._numThetaMeshBins = None self._axialSegsPerBin = None self._ringsPerBin = None self._numRingsInCore = None self._assemsInCore = None self._coreAxialMeshCoords = None self.radialMesh = None self.axialMesh = None self.thetaMesh = None self.numRingBins = None self.numAxialMeshBins = None self.numThetaMeshBins = None
[docs] def generateMesh(self, r=None): core = r.core converterSettings = self._converterSettings self._useUniformThetaMesh = converterSettings["uniformThetaMesh"] self._numThetaMeshBins = converterSettings["thetaBins"] self._converterSettings = converterSettings self._numRingsInCore = core.getNumHexRings() self._assemsInCore = core.getAssemblies() self._coreAxialMeshCoords = core.findAllAxialMeshPoints(applySubMesh=False) self.setAxialMesh(core) self._checkAxialMeshList() self.setThetaMesh() self._checkThetaMeshList() self.setRingsToConvert(core) self._checkRingList(core) self.numRingBins = len(self.radialMesh) self.numAxialMeshBins = len(self.axialMesh) self.numThetaMeshBins = len(self.thetaMesh) self.writeMeshData() # Build mesh reactor mesh # thetaMesh doesn't include the zero point so add it back in. # axial mesh is handled on assemblies so make this 2-D. mesh = grids.ThetaRZGrid( bounds=([0.0] + self.thetaMesh, self.radialMesh, (0.0, 0.0)) ) return mesh
[docs] def writeMeshData(self): """ Write a summary table of the radial, axial, and theta bins that will be used for geometry conversion. Notes ----- This should be on the ``ThetaRZGrid`` object. """ binCombinations = ( self.numRingBins * self.numAxialMeshBins * self.numThetaMeshBins )"Total mesh bins (r, z, theta): {0}".format(binCombinations)) " Radial bins: {}\n" " Axial bins: {}\n" " Theta bins: {}".format( self.numRingBins, self.numAxialMeshBins, self.numThetaMeshBins ) ) self._writeMeshLogData()
def _writeMeshLogData(self): self._logMeshData(self.radialMesh, "Radial ring indices:", "int") self._logMeshData(self.axialMesh, "Axial mesh coordinates:", "float") self._logMeshData(self.thetaMesh, "Theta mesh coordinates:", "float") def _logMeshData(self, listType, listName, listDataType): if listDataType == "float": listType = ["{:<8.3f}".format(floatValue) for floatValue in listType] runLog.extra("{0} {1}".format(listName, listType))
[docs] def setRingsToConvert(self, core): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def setAxialMesh(self, core): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def setThetaMesh(self): """Generate a uniform theta mesh in radians.""" if self._useUniformThetaMesh is None: raise ValueError( "useUniformThetaMesh setting was not specified in the converterSettings" ) if self._numThetaMeshBins is None: raise ValueError("numThetaMeshBins were specified in the converterSettings") if self._useUniformThetaMesh: self._generateUniformThetaMesh() else: self._generateNonUniformThetaMesh()
def _generateUniformThetaMesh(self): """Create a uniform theta mesh over 2*pi using the user specified number of theta bins.""" self.thetaMesh = list( numpy.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, self._numThetaMeshBins + 1)[1:] ) def _generateNonUniformThetaMesh(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Non-uniform theta mesh not implemented. Use uniform theta mesh." ) def _checkRingList(self, core): """Check for any errors in the radial rings.""" minRingNum = 1 self.radialMesh = sorted(self.radialMesh) rings = checkLastValueInList( self.radialMesh, "rings", self._numRingsInCore + 1, adjustLastValue=True ) maxAssemsInOuterRing = core.getMaxAssembliesInHexRing(self._numRingsInCore) assemsInOuterRing = len( core.getAssembliesInSquareOrHexRing(self._numRingsInCore) ) if (maxAssemsInOuterRing - assemsInOuterRing) > 0 and len(self.thetaMesh) > 1: self._combineLastTwoRadialBins() checkListBounds(rings, "rings", minRingNum, self._numRingsInCore + 1) def _combineLastTwoRadialBins(self): if (self.radialMesh[-1] - self.radialMesh[-2]) == 1: runLog.extra( "Outermost ring of the core {} is not fully filled and will be homogenized with the " "previous ring {}".format(self.radialMesh[-1], self.radialMesh[-2]) ) self.radialMesh.pop(-1) self.radialMesh.pop(-2) self.radialMesh.append(self.radialMesh[-1]) def _checkAxialMeshList(self): """Check for errors in the axial mesh coordinates.""" minAxialCoordInReactor = self._coreAxialMeshCoords[0] maxAxialCoordInReactor = self._coreAxialMeshCoords[-1] self.axialMesh = sorted(set(self.axialMesh)) checkListBounds( self.axialMesh, "axialMesh", minAxialCoordInReactor, maxAxialCoordInReactor ) self.axialMesh = checkLastValueInList( self.axialMesh, "axialMesh", maxAxialCoordInReactor, adjustLastValue=True ) def _checkThetaMeshList(self): """Check for errors in the theta mesh coordinates.""" self.thetaMesh = sorted(set(self.thetaMesh)) checkListBounds(self.thetaMesh, "thetaMesh", 0.0, 2 * math.pi) self.thetaMesh = checkLastValueInList(self.thetaMesh, "axialMesh", 2 * math.pi)
class _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialCoordinates(RZThetaReactorMeshConverter): """Generate an axial mesh based on user provided axial mesh coordinates.""" def setAxialMesh(self, core): """Set up the reactor's new radial rings based on a user-specified axial coordinate list (axial mesh).""" self.axialMesh = self._converterSettings["axialMesh"] class _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialBins(RZThetaReactorMeshConverter): """ Generate an axial mesh based on user provided axial bins. Notes ----- The new mesh structure is formed by merging multiply "bins" together (i.e. numPerBin = 2 and the original mesh is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], the new mesh structure will be [2, 4, 6, 8]). """ def setAxialMesh(self, core): """ Set up axial mesh coordinates using user-specified number of axial segments per bins. Notes ----- Example: Original core axial mesh list - [25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 175.0] cm axialSegsPerBin = 2 Merged core axial mesh list - [50.0, 100.0, 175.0] cm """ self._axialSegsPerBin = self._converterSettings["axialSegsPerBin"] self._mergeAxialMeshByAxialSegsPerBin() def _mergeAxialMeshByAxialSegsPerBin(self): axialStartNum = 0 totalAxialSegsInCore = len(self._coreAxialMeshCoords) - 1 axialMeshIndices = generateBins( totalAxialSegsInCore, self._axialSegsPerBin, axialStartNum ) self.axialMesh = [0] * len(axialMeshIndices) for axialMeshIndex, locIndex in enumerate(axialMeshIndices): self.axialMesh[axialMeshIndex] = self._coreAxialMeshCoords[locIndex] class _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialFlags(RZThetaReactorMeshConverter): """Generate an axial mesh based on examining the block flags axially across the core.""" def setAxialMesh(self, core): """ Generate an axial mesh based on examining the block flags axially across the core. Notes ----- This approach is useful as it will create the largest material regions possible to minimize number of axially regions within the converted reactor core. This class not only looks at the block flags axially, but will add new mesh points for regions where the blocks of the same flag differ by XSID. """ axialMeshCoordinates = collections.defaultdict(set) for a in core.getAssemblies(): blockFlags = set([(b.p.flags, b.getMicroSuffix()) for b in a]) for flags, xsID in blockFlags: meshes = [] for b in a.getBlocks(flags): # Skip this block if it has a different XS ID than the # current target. if b.getMicroSuffix() != xsID: continue # Neglect any zero mesh points as zero points are implicit if b.p.zbottom != 0.0: meshes.append( round(b.p.zbottom, units.FLOAT_DIMENSION_DECIMALS) ) if b.p.ztop != 0.0: meshes.append(round(b.p.ztop, units.FLOAT_DIMENSION_DECIMALS)) axialMeshCoordinates[a].add(min(meshes)) axialMeshCoordinates[a].add(max(meshes)) self.axialMesh = sorted(set(itertools.chain(*axialMeshCoordinates.values()))) class _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingComposition(RZThetaReactorMeshConverter): """Generate a new mesh based on the radial compositions in the core.""" def __init__(self, cs): RZThetaReactorMeshConverter.__init__(self, cs) self._ringCompositions = None def setRingsToConvert(self, core): """Set up the reactor's new radial rings based on the ring compositions (assembly types).""" self.radialMesh, self._ringCompositions = self._getCompositionTypesPerRing(core) def _getCompositionTypesPerRing(self, core): """Set composition of each ring in the reactor by the assembly type.""" ringIndices = [] ringCompositions = [] numRings = [r for r in range(1, self._numRingsInCore + 1)] for _i, ring in enumerate(numRings): # Note that this needs to be in a HEX ring - Circular ring mode # is not supported. assemsInRing = core.getAssembliesInSquareOrHexRing(ring) compsInRing = [] for a in assemsInRing: assemType = a.getType().lower() if assemType not in compsInRing: compsInRing.append(assemType) for c in compsInRing: ringIndices.append(ring + 1) ringCompositions.append(c) return ringIndices, ringCompositions def _checkRingList(self, core): """Check for initialization errors in the radial ring list provided by the user.""" minRingNum = 1 self.radialMesh = sorted(self.radialMesh) rings = checkLastValueInList( self.radialMesh, "rings", self._numRingsInCore + 1, adjustLastValue=True ) checkListBounds(rings, "rings", minRingNum, self._numRingsInCore + 1) def _writeMeshLogData(self): radialIndices = [i + 1 for i in range(len(self.radialMesh))] self._logMeshData(radialIndices, "Radial ring indices:", "int") self._logMeshData(self._ringCompositions, "Radial ring compositions:", "str") self._logMeshData(self.axialMesh, "Axial mesh coordinates:", "float") self._logMeshData(self.thetaMesh, "Theta mesh coordinates:", "float")
[docs]class RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingCompositionAxialBins( _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingComposition, _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialBins, ): """ Generate a new mesh based on the radial compositions and axial bins in the core. See Also -------- _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingComposition _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialBins """ pass
[docs]class RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingCompositionAxialCoordinates( _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingComposition, _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialCoordinates, ): """ Generate a new mesh based on the radial compositions and axial coordinates in the core. See Also -------- _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingComposition _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialCoordinates """ pass
[docs]class RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingCompositionAxialFlags( _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingComposition, _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialFlags, ): """ Generate a new mesh based on the radial compositions and axial material (based on block flags) regions in the core. See Also -------- _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByRingComposition _RZThetaReactorMeshConverterByAxialFlags """ pass
[docs]def checkLastValueInList( inputList, listName, expectedValue, eps=0.001, adjustLastValue=False ): """Check that the last value in the list is equal to the expected value within +/- eps.""" msg = "The last value in {} is {} and should be {}".format( listName, inputList[-1], expectedValue ) if not numpy.isclose(inputList[-1], expectedValue, eps): if adjustLastValue: del inputList[-1] inputList.append(expectedValue) runLog.extra(msg) runLog.extra( "Updating {} in {} to {}".format(inputList[-1], listName, expectedValue) ) else: raise ValueError(msg) return inputList
[docs]def checkListBounds(inputList, listName, minVal, maxVal, eps=0.001): """Ensure that each value in a list does not exceed the allowable bounds.""" for value in inputList: minDiff = value - minVal maxDiff = value - maxVal if minDiff < -eps or maxDiff > eps: raise ValueError( "Invalid values {} out of expected bounds {} to {}".format( listName, minVal - eps, maxVal + eps ) )
[docs]def generateBins(totalNumDataPoints, numPerBin, minNum): """Fill in a list based on the total number of data points and the number of data points per bin.""" listToFill = [] if numPerBin >= totalNumDataPoints: listToFill.append(totalNumDataPoints) else: currentNum = 0 while currentNum < totalNumDataPoints: currentNum += numPerBin if currentNum > totalNumDataPoints: currentNum = totalNumDataPoints if currentNum > minNum: listToFill.append(currentNum) return listToFill