Source code for armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_gridBlueprints

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tests for grid blueprints."""
import io
import os
import unittest

from armi import configure, isConfigured

if not isConfigured():
from armi.reactor import systemLayoutInput
from armi.reactor.blueprints import Blueprints
from armi.reactor.blueprints.gridBlueprint import Grids, saveToStream
from armi.utils.directoryChangers import TemporaryDirectoryChanger

    geom: hex_corners_up
    symmetry: full
    lattice map: |
       - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
        - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
         - - - - - - - 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
          - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
            - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
             - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
              - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
               - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                      1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
                       1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                        1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
                         1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    geom: cartesian
    symmetry: full
    lattice map: |
        2 2 2 2 2
        2 1 1 1 2
        2 1 3 1 2
        2 3 1 1 2
        2 2 2 2 2

sfp quarter:
    geom: cartesian
    symmetry: quarter through center assembly
    lattice map: |
        2 2 2 2 2
        2 1 1 1 2
        2 1 3 1 2
        2 3 1 1 2
        2 2 2 2 2

sfp quarter even:
    geom: cartesian
    symmetry: quarter core
    lattice map: |
        2 2 2 2 2
        2 1 1 1 2
        2 1 3 1 2
        2 3 1 1 2
        2 2 2 2 2

sfp even:
    geom: cartesian
    symmetry: full
    lattice map: |
        1 2 2 2 2 2
        1 2 1 1 1 2
        1 2 1 4 1 2
        1 2 2 1 1 2
        1 2 2 2 2 2
        1 1 1 1 1 1

    geom: thetarz
    symmetry: eighth core periodic
    grid bounds:
            - 0.0
            - 14.2857142857
            - 28.5714285714
            - 42.8571428571
            - 57.1428571429
            - 71.4285714286
            - 85.7142857143
            - 100.001
            - 115.001
            - 130.001
            - 0.0
            - 0.11556368446681414
            - 0.2311273689343264
            - 0.34669105340061696
            - 0.43870710999683127
            - 0.5542707944631219
            - 0.6698344789311578
            - 0.7853981633974483
    grid contents:
        [0,0]: assembly1_1 fuel
        [0,1]: assembly1_2 fuel
        [0,2]: assembly1_3 fuel
        [0,3]: assembly1_4 fuel
        [0,4]: assembly1_5 fuel
        [0,5]: assembly1_6 fuel
        [0,6]: assembly1_7 fuel

        [1,0]: assembly2_1 fuel
        [1,1]: assembly2_2 fuel
        [1,2]: assembly2_3 fuel
        [1,3]: assembly2_4 fuel
        [1,4]: assembly2_5 fuel
        [1,5]: assembly2_6 fuel
        [1,6]: assembly2_7 fuel

        [2,0]: assembly3_1 fuel
        [2,1]: assembly3_2 fuel
        [2,2]: assembly3_3 fuel
        [2,3]: assembly3_4 fuel
        [2,4]: assembly3_5 fuel
        [2,5]: assembly3_6 fuel
        [2,6]: assembly3_7 fuel

        [3,0]: assembly4_1 fuel
        [3,1]: assembly4_2 fuel
        [3,2]: assembly4_3 fuel
        [3,3]: assembly4_4 fuel
        [3,4]: assembly4_5 fuel
        [3,5]: assembly4_6 fuel
        [3,6]: assembly4_7 fuel

        [4,0]: assembly5_1 fuel
        [4,1]: assembly5_2 fuel
        [4,2]: assembly5_3 fuel
        [4,3]: assembly5_4 fuel
        [4,4]: assembly5_5 fuel
        [4,5]: assembly5_6 fuel
        [4,6]: assembly5_7 fuel

        [5,0]: assembly6_1 fuel
        [5,1]: assembly6_2 fuel
        [5,2]: assembly6_3 fuel
        [5,3]: assembly6_4 fuel
        [5,4]: assembly6_5 fuel
        [5,5]: assembly6_6 fuel
        [5,6]: assembly6_7 fuel

        [6,0]: assembly7_1 fuel
        [6,1]: assembly7_2 fuel
        [6,2]: assembly7_3 fuel
        [6,3]: assembly7_4 fuel
        [6,4]: assembly7_5 fuel
        [6,5]: assembly7_6 fuel
        [6,6]: assembly7_7 fuel

        [7,0]: assembly8_1 fuel
        [7,1]: assembly8_2 fuel
        [7,2]: assembly8_3 fuel
        [7,3]: assembly8_4 fuel
        [7,4]: assembly8_5 fuel
        [7,5]: assembly8_6 fuel
        [7,6]: assembly8_7 fuel

        [8,0]: assembly9_1 fuel
        [8,1]: assembly9_2 fuel
        [8,2]: assembly9_3 fuel
        [8,3]: assembly9_4 fuel
        [8,4]: assembly9_5 fuel
        [8,5]: assembly9_6 fuel
        [8,6]: assembly9_7 fuel

# ruff: noqa: E501
RTH_GEOM = """
<reactor geom="ThetaRZ" symmetry="eighth core periodic">
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly1_1 fuel" rad1="0.0" rad2="14.2857142857" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly1_2 fuel" rad1="0.0" rad2="14.2857142857" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly1_3 fuel" rad1="0.0" rad2="14.2857142857" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly1_4 fuel" rad1="0.0" rad2="14.2857142857" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly1_5 fuel" rad1="0.0" rad2="14.2857142857" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly1_6 fuel" rad1="0.0" rad2="14.2857142857" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly1_7 fuel" rad1="0.0" rad2="14.2857142857" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly2_1 fuel" rad1="14.2857142857" rad2="28.5714285714" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly2_2 fuel" rad1="14.2857142857" rad2="28.5714285714" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly2_3 fuel" rad1="14.2857142857" rad2="28.5714285714" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly2_4 fuel" rad1="14.2857142857" rad2="28.5714285714" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly2_5 fuel" rad1="14.2857142857" rad2="28.5714285714" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly2_6 fuel" rad1="14.2857142857" rad2="28.5714285714" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly2_7 fuel" rad1="14.2857142857" rad2="28.5714285714" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly3_1 fuel" rad1="28.5714285714" rad2="42.8571428571" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly3_2 fuel" rad1="28.5714285714" rad2="42.8571428571" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly3_3 fuel" rad1="28.5714285714" rad2="42.8571428571" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly3_4 fuel" rad1="28.5714285714" rad2="42.8571428571" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly3_5 fuel" rad1="28.5714285714" rad2="42.8571428571" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly3_6 fuel" rad1="28.5714285714" rad2="42.8571428571" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly3_7 fuel" rad1="28.5714285714" rad2="42.8571428571" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly4_1 fuel" rad1="42.8571428571" rad2="57.1428571429" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly4_2 fuel" rad1="42.8571428571" rad2="57.1428571429" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly4_3 fuel" rad1="42.8571428571" rad2="57.1428571429" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly4_4 fuel" rad1="42.8571428571" rad2="57.1428571429" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly4_5 fuel" rad1="42.8571428571" rad2="57.1428571429" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly4_6 fuel" rad1="42.8571428571" rad2="57.1428571429" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly4_7 fuel" rad1="42.8571428571" rad2="57.1428571429" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly5_1 fuel" rad1="57.1428571429" rad2="71.4285714286" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly5_2 fuel" rad1="57.1428571429" rad2="71.4285714286" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly5_3 fuel" rad1="57.1428571429" rad2="71.4285714286" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly5_4 fuel" rad1="57.1428571429" rad2="71.4285714286" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly5_5 fuel" rad1="57.1428571429" rad2="71.4285714286" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly5_6 fuel" rad1="57.1428571429" rad2="71.4285714286" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly5_7 fuel" rad1="57.1428571429" rad2="71.4285714286" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly6_1 fuel" rad1="71.4285714286" rad2="85.7142857143" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly6_2 fuel" rad1="71.4285714286" rad2="85.7142857143" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly6_3 fuel" rad1="71.4285714286" rad2="85.7142857143" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly6_4 fuel" rad1="71.4285714286" rad2="85.7142857143" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly6_5 fuel" rad1="71.4285714286" rad2="85.7142857143" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly6_6 fuel" rad1="71.4285714286" rad2="85.7142857143" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly6_7 fuel" rad1="71.4285714286" rad2="85.7142857143" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly7_1 fuel" rad1="85.7142857143" rad2="100.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly7_2 fuel" rad1="85.7142857143" rad2="100.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly7_3 fuel" rad1="85.7142857143" rad2="100.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly7_4 fuel" rad1="85.7142857143" rad2="100.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly7_5 fuel" rad1="85.7142857143" rad2="100.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly7_6 fuel" rad1="85.7142857143" rad2="100.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly7_7 fuel" rad1="85.7142857143" rad2="100.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly8_1 fuel" rad1="100.001" rad2="115.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly8_2 fuel" rad1="100.001" rad2="115.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly8_3 fuel" rad1="100.001" rad2="115.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly8_4 fuel" rad1="100.001" rad2="115.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly8_5 fuel" rad1="100.001" rad2="115.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly8_6 fuel" rad1="100.001" rad2="115.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly8_7 fuel" rad1="100.001" rad2="115.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly9_1 fuel" rad1="115.001" rad2="130.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.0" theta2="0.11556368446681414" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly9_2 fuel" rad1="115.001" rad2="130.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.11556368446681414" theta2="0.2311273689343264" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly9_3 fuel" rad1="115.001" rad2="130.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.2311273689343264" theta2="0.34669105340061696" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly9_4 fuel" rad1="115.001" rad2="130.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.34669105340061696" theta2="0.43870710999683127" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly9_5 fuel" rad1="115.001" rad2="130.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.43870710999683127" theta2="0.5542707944631219" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly9_6 fuel" rad1="115.001" rad2="130.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.5542707944631219" theta2="0.6698344789311578" />
    <assembly azimuthalMesh="4" name="assembly9_7 fuel" rad1="115.001" rad2="130.001" radialMesh="4" theta1="0.6698344789311578" theta2="0.7853981633974483" />

SMALL_HEX = """core:
  geom: hex
  symmetry: third periodic
  lattice map: |
    F F
    F F
  geom: hex
  symmetry: full
  lattice map: |
    -   -   FP
      -   FP  FP
    -   CL  CL  CL
      FP  FP  FP  FP
    FP  FP  FP  FP  FP
      CL  CL  CL  CL
    FP  FP  FP  FP  FP
      FP  FP  FP  FP
    CL  CL  CL  CL  CL
      FP  FP  FP  FP
    FP  FP  FP  FP  FP
      CL  CL  CL  CL
    FP  FP  FP  FP  FP
      FP  FP  FP  FP
        CL  CL  CL
          FP  FP

TINY_GRID = """core:
    geom: hex
    lattice map:
    grid bounds:
    symmetry: full
    grid contents:
       ? - 0
         - 0
       : IF

[docs]class TestGridBPRoundTrip(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.grids = Grids.load(SMALL_HEX)
[docs] def test_contents(self): self.assertIn("core", self.grids)
[docs] def test_roundTrip(self): """ Test saving blueprint data to a stream. .. test:: Grid blueprints can be written to disk. :id: T_ARMI_BP_TO_DB0 :tests: R_ARMI_BP_TO_DB """ stream = io.StringIO() saveToStream(stream, self.grids, False, True) gridBp = Grids.load(stream) self.assertIn("third", gridBp["core"].symmetry)
[docs] def test_tinyMap(self): """ Test that a lattice map can be defined, written, and read in from blueprint file. .. test:: Define a lattice map in reactor core. :id: T_ARMI_BP_GRID1 :tests: R_ARMI_BP_GRID """ grid = Grids.load(TINY_GRID) stream = io.StringIO() saveToStream(stream, grid, full=True, tryMap=True) text = self.assertIn("IF", text) gridBp = Grids.load(stream) self.assertIn("full", gridBp["core"].symmetry) self.assertIn("IF", gridBp["core"].latticeMap)
[docs]class TestGridBlueprintsSection(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for lattice blueprint section.""" def setUp(self): = TemporaryDirectoryChanger() self.grids = Grids.load(LATTICE_BLUEPRINT.format(self._testMethodName)) def tearDown(self):, None, None)
[docs] def test_simpleRead(self): gridDesign = self.grids["control"] _ = gridDesign.construct() self.assertEqual(gridDesign.gridContents[-8, 0], "6") # Cartesian full, odd gridDesign2 = self.grids["sfp"] _ = gridDesign2.construct() self.assertEqual(gridDesign2.gridContents[1, 1], "1") self.assertEqual(gridDesign2.gridContents[0, 0], "3") self.assertEqual(gridDesign2.gridContents[-1, -1], "3") # Cartesian quarter, odd gridDesign3 = self.grids["sfp quarter"] grid = gridDesign3.construct() self.assertEqual(gridDesign3.gridContents[0, 0], "2") self.assertEqual(gridDesign3.gridContents[1, 1], "3") self.assertEqual(gridDesign3.gridContents[2, 2], "3") self.assertEqual(gridDesign3.gridContents[3, 3], "1") self.assertTrue(grid.symmetry.isThroughCenterAssembly) # cartesian quarter, even not through center gridDesign3 = self.grids["sfp quarter even"] grid = gridDesign3.construct() self.assertFalse(grid.symmetry.isThroughCenterAssembly) # Cartesian full, even/odd hybrid gridDesign4 = self.grids["sfp even"] grid = gridDesign4.construct() self.assertEqual(gridDesign4.gridContents[0, 0], "4") self.assertEqual(gridDesign4.gridContents[-1, -1], "2") self.assertEqual(gridDesign4.gridContents[2, 2], "2") self.assertEqual(gridDesign4.gridContents[-3, -3], "1") with self.assertRaises(KeyError): self.assertEqual(gridDesign4.gridContents[-4, -3], "1")
[docs] def test_simpleReadLatticeMap(self): """Read lattice map and create a grid. .. test:: Define a lattice map in reactor core. :id: T_ARMI_BP_GRID0 :tests: R_ARMI_BP_GRID """ from armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_blockBlueprints import FULL_BP # Cartesian full, even/odd hybrid gridDesign4 = self.grids["sfp even"] _grid = gridDesign4.construct() # test that we can correctly save this to a YAML bp = Blueprints.load(FULL_BP) filePath = "TestGridBlueprintsSection__test_simpleReadLatticeMap.log" with open(filePath, "w") as stream: saveToStream(stream, bp, True) # test that the output looks valid, and includes a lattice map with open(filePath, "r") as f: outText = self.assertIn("blocks:", outText) self.assertIn("shape: Circle", outText) self.assertIn("assemblies:", outText) self.assertIn("flags: fuel test", outText) self.assertIn("grid contents:", outText) self.assertIn("lattice map:", outText) before, after = outText.split("lattice map:") self.assertGreater(len(before), 100) self.assertGreater(len(after), 20) self.assertIn("1 3 1 2 1 3 1", after, msg="lattice map not showing up") self.assertNotIn( "- -3", after, msg="grid contents are showing up when they shouldn't" ) self.assertNotIn("readFromLatticeMap", outText) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filePath))
[docs] def test_simpleReadNoLatticeMap(self): from armi.reactor.blueprints.tests.test_blockBlueprints import FULL_BP_GRID # Cartesian full, even/odd hybrid gridDesign4 = self.grids["sfp even"] _grid = gridDesign4.construct() # test that we can correctly save this to a YAML bp = Blueprints.load(FULL_BP_GRID) filePath = "TestGridBlueprintsSection__test_simpleReadNoLatticeMap.log" with open(filePath, "w") as stream: saveToStream(stream, bp, True) # test that the output looks valid, and includes a lattice map with open(filePath, "r") as f: outText = self.assertIn("blocks:", outText) self.assertIn("shape: Circle", outText) self.assertIn("assemblies:", outText) self.assertIn("flags: fuel test", outText) self.assertIn("grid contents:", outText) self.assertIn("lattice map:", outText) before, after = outText.split("grid contents:") self.assertGreater(len(before), 100) self.assertGreater(len(after), 20) self.assertIn("- -3", after, msg="grid contents not showing up") self.assertNotIn( "1 3 1 2 1 3 1", after, msg="lattice map showing up when it shouldn't" ) self.assertNotIn("readFromLatticeMap", outText) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filePath))
[docs]class TestRZTGridBlueprint(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for R-Z-Theta grid inputs.""" def setUp(self): self.grids = Grids.load(RZT_BLUEPRINT)
[docs] def test_construct(self): gridDesign = self.grids["rzt_core"] grid = gridDesign.construct() self.assertEqual(gridDesign.gridContents[2, 2], "assembly3_3 fuel") self.assertEqual( grid.indicesOfBounds( 57.1428571429, 71.4285714286, 0.5542707944631219, 0.6698344789311578 ), (5, 4, 0), )
[docs] def test_geomFile(self): geom = systemLayoutInput.SystemLayoutInput() geom.readGeomFromStream(io.StringIO(RTH_GEOM)) gridDesign = geom.toGridBlueprints("test_grid")[0] self.assertEqual(, "test_grid") self.assertEqual(gridDesign.geom, "thetarz") self.assertEqual(gridDesign.symmetry, "eighth periodic") self.assertEqual(gridDesign.geom, "thetarz")