Source code for armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.tests.test_lumpedFissionProduct

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"""Tests for lumpedFissionProduce module."""
import unittest
import io
import math
import os

from armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel import (
from armi.context import RES
from armi.settings import Settings
from armi.reactor.tests.test_reactors import buildOperatorOfEmptyHexBlocks
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases
from armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.fissionProductModelSettings import (

LFP_TEXT = """LFP35 GE73   5.9000E-06
LFP35 GE74    1.4000E-05
LFP35 GE76    1.6000E-04
LFP35 AS75    8.9000E-05
LFP35 KR85    8.9000E-05
LFP35 MO99    8.9000E-05
LFP35 SM150   8.9000E-05
LFP35 XE135   8.9000E-05
LFP39 XE135   8.9000E-05
LFP38 XE135   8.9000E-05

[docs]def getDummyLFPFile(): return lumpedFissionProduct.FissionProductDefinitionFile(io.StringIO(LFP_TEXT))
[docs]class TestFissionProductDefinitionFile(unittest.TestCase): """Test of the fission product model.""" def setUp(self): self.fpd = getDummyLFPFile()
[docs] def test_createLFPs(self): """Test of the fission product model creation.""" lfps = self.fpd.createLFPsFromFile() xe135 = nuclideBases.fromName("XE135") self.assertEqual(len(lfps), 3) self.assertIn("LFP35", lfps) for lfp in lfps.values(): self.assertIn(xe135, lfp)
[docs] def test_createReferenceLFPs(self): """Test of the reference fission product model creation.""" with open(REFERENCE_LUMPED_FISSION_PRODUCT_FILE, "r") as LFP_FILE: LFP_TEXT = fpd = lumpedFissionProduct.FissionProductDefinitionFile(io.StringIO(LFP_TEXT)) fpd.fName = REFERENCE_LUMPED_FISSION_PRODUCT_FILE lfps = fpd.createLFPsFromFile() self.assertEqual(len(lfps), 5) LFP_IDS = [ "LFP35", "LFP38", "LFP39", "LFP40", "LFP41", ] for lfp_id in LFP_IDS: self.assertIn(lfp_id, lfps) mo99 = nuclideBases.fromName("MO99") ref_mo99_yields = [0.00091, 0.00112, 0.00099, 0.00108, 0.00101] for ref_fp_yield, lfp_id in zip(ref_mo99_yields, LFP_IDS): lfp = lfps[lfp_id] self.assertIn(mo99, lfp) error = math.fabs(ref_fp_yield - lfp[mo99]) / ref_fp_yield self.assertLess(error, 1e-6)
[docs]class TestLumpedFissionProduct(unittest.TestCase): """Test of the lumped fission product yields.""" def setUp(self): self.fpd = lumpedFissionProduct.FissionProductDefinitionFile( io.StringIO(LFP_TEXT) )
[docs] def test_getYield(self): """Test of the yield of a fission product.""" xe135 = nuclideBases.fromName("XE135") lfp = self.fpd.createSingleLFPFromFile("LFP39") lfp[xe135] = 1.2 val3 = lfp[xe135] self.assertEqual(val3, 1.2) self.assertEqual(lfp[5], 0.0)
[docs] def test_gaseousYieldFraction(self): lfp = self.fpd.createSingleLFPFromFile("LFP39") # This is equal to the Xe yield set in the dummy ``LFP_TEXT`` # data for these tests. self.assertEqual(lfp.getGaseousYieldFraction(), 8.9000e-05)
[docs] def test_isGas(self): """Tests that a nuclide is a gas or not at STP based on its chemical phase.""" nb = nuclideBases.byName["H1"] self.assertTrue(lumpedFissionProduct.isGas(nb)) nb = nuclideBases.byName["H2"] self.assertTrue(lumpedFissionProduct.isGas(nb)) nb = nuclideBases.byName["H3"] self.assertTrue(lumpedFissionProduct.isGas(nb)) nb = nuclideBases.byName["U235"] self.assertFalse(lumpedFissionProduct.isGas(nb)) nb = nuclideBases.byName["O16"] self.assertTrue(lumpedFissionProduct.isGas(nb)) nb = nuclideBases.byName["XE135"] self.assertTrue(lumpedFissionProduct.isGas(nb))
[docs]class TestLumpedFissionProductCollection(unittest.TestCase): """Test of the fission product collection.""" def setUp(self): fpd = lumpedFissionProduct.FissionProductDefinitionFile(io.StringIO(LFP_TEXT)) self.lfps = fpd.createLFPsFromFile()
[docs] def test_getAllFissionProductNames(self): """Test to ensure the fission product names are present.""" names = self.lfps.getAllFissionProductNames() self.assertIn("XE135", names) self.assertIn("KR85", names)
[docs] def test_getAllFissionProductNuclideBases(self): """Test to ensure the fission product nuclide bases are present.""" clideBases = self.lfps.getAllFissionProductNuclideBases() xe135 = nuclideBases.fromName("XE135") kr85 = nuclideBases.fromName("KR85") self.assertIn(xe135, clideBases) self.assertIn(kr85, clideBases)
[docs] def test_duplicate(self): """Test to ensure that when we duplicate, we don't adjust the original file.""" newLfps = self.lfps.duplicate() ba = nuclideBases.fromName("XE135") lfp1 = self.lfps["LFP39"] lfp2 = newLfps["LFP39"] v1 = lfp1[ba] lfp1[ba] += 1.3 # make sure copy doesn't change w/ first. v2 = lfp2[ba] self.assertEqual(v1, v2)
[docs] def test_getNumberDensities(self): o = buildOperatorOfEmptyHexBlocks() assems = o.r.core.getAssemblies(Flags.FUEL) blocks = assems[0].getBlocks(Flags.FUEL) b = blocks[0] fpDensities = self.lfps.getNumberDensities(objectWithParentDensities=b) for fp in ["GE73", "GE74", "GE76", "AS75", "KR85", "MO99", "SM150", "XE135"]: self.assertEqual(fpDensities[fp], 0.0)
# basic test reactor has no fission products in it
[docs] def test_getMassFrac(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.lfps.getMassFrac(oldMassFrac=None) oldMassFrac = { "LFP35": 0.5, "LFP38": 0.2, "LFP39": 0.3, } newMassFracs = self.lfps.getMassFrac(oldMassFrac) refMassFrac = { "GE73": 0.0034703064077030933, "GE74": 0.00834728937688672, "GE76": 0.09797894499881823, "AS75": 0.053783069618403435, "KR85": 0.0609551394006646, "MO99": 0.07100169460812283, "SM150": 0.1076193196365748, "XE135": 0.5968442359528263, } for fp, newMassFrac in newMassFracs.items(): self.assertAlmostEqual(newMassFrac, refMassFrac[])
[docs]class TestLumpedFissionProductsFromReferenceFile(unittest.TestCase): """Tests loading from the `referenceFissionProducts.dat` file."""
[docs] def test_fissionProductYields(self): """Test that the fission product yields for the lumped fission products sums to 2.0.""" cs = Settings() cs[CONF_FP_MODEL] = "infinitelyDilute" cs[CONF_LFP_COMPOSITION_FILE_PATH] = os.path.join( RES, "referenceFissionProducts.dat" ) self.lfps = lumpedFissionProduct.lumpedFissionProductFactory(cs) for lfp in self.lfps.values(): self.assertAlmostEqual(lfp.getTotalYield(), 2.0, places=3)
[docs]class TestLumpedFissionProductsExplicit(unittest.TestCase): """Tests loading fission products with explicit modeling."""
[docs] def test_explicitFissionProducts(self): """Tests that there are no lumped fission products added when the `explicitFissionProducts` model is enabled.""" cs = Settings() cs[CONF_FP_MODEL] = "explicitFissionProducts" self.lfps = lumpedFissionProduct.lumpedFissionProductFactory(cs) self.assertIsNone(self.lfps)
[docs]class TestMo99LFP(unittest.TestCase): """Test of the fission product model from Mo99.""" def setUp(self): self.lfps = lumpedFissionProduct._buildMo99LumpedFissionProduct()
[docs] def test_getAllFissionProductNames(self): """Test to ensure that Mo99 is present, but other FP are not.""" names = self.lfps.getAllFissionProductNames() self.assertIn("MO99", names) self.assertNotIn("KR85", names) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.lfps["LFP35"].getTotalYield(), 2.0)