Source code for armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.tests.test_fissionProductModel

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"""Test the fission product module to ensure all FP are available."""
import unittest

from armi import nuclideBases
from armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel import fissionProductModel
from armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.tests import test_lumpedFissionProduct
from armi.physics.neutronics.isotopicDepletion.isotopicDepletionInterface import (
from armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.fissionProductModelSettings import (
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.reactor.tests.test_reactors import (

[docs]class TestFissionProductModelLumpedFissionProducts(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests the fission product model interface behavior when lumped fission products are enabled. Notes ----- This loads the global fission products from a file stream. """ def setUp(self): o = buildOperatorOfEmptyHexBlocks() o.removeAllInterfaces() self.fpModel = fissionProductModel.FissionProductModel(o.r, o.cs) o.addInterface(self.fpModel) # Load the fission products from a file stream. dummyLFPs = test_lumpedFissionProduct.getDummyLFPFile() self.fpModel.setGlobalLumpedFissionProducts(dummyLFPs.createLFPsFromFile()) # Set up the global LFPs and check that they are setup. self.fpModel.interactBOL() self.assertTrue(self.fpModel._useGlobalLFPs)
[docs] def test_loadGlobalLFPsFromFile(self): """Tests that loading lumped fission products from a file.""" self.assertEqual(len(self.fpModel._globalLFPs), 3) lfps = self.fpModel.getGlobalLumpedFissionProducts() self.assertIn("LFP39", lfps)
[docs] def test_getAllFissionProductNames(self): """Tests retrieval of the fission product names within all the lumped fission products of the core.""" fissionProductNames = self.fpModel.getAllFissionProductNames() self.assertGreater(len(fissionProductNames), 5) self.assertIn("XE135", fissionProductNames)
[docs] def test_fpApplication(self): o, r = loadTestReactor() fpModel = fissionProductModel.FissionProductModel(o.r, o.cs) # Set up the global LFPs and check that they are setup. self.assertTrue(fpModel._useGlobalLFPs) fpModel.interactBOL() for b in r.core.getBlocks(): if b.isFuel(): self.assertTrue(b._lumpedFissionProducts is not None) else: self.assertTrue(b._lumpedFissionProducts is None) # now check if all depletable blocks do not have all nuclides if not detailedAxialExpansion fpModel.allBlocksNeedAllNucs = False fpModel.interactBOL() allNucsInProblem = set(r.blueprints.allNuclidesInProblem) for b in r.core.getBlocks(): if isDepletable(b): if len(allNucsInProblem - set(b.getNuclides())) > 0: break else: self.assertTrue(False, "All blocks have all nuclides!")
[docs]class TestFissionProductModelExplicitMC2Library(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the fission product model interface behavior when explicit fission products are enabled.""" def setUp(self): o, r = loadTestReactor( customSettings={ CONF_FP_MODEL: "explicitFissionProducts", CONF_FISSION_PRODUCT_LIBRARY_NAME: "MC2-3", } ) self.r = r self.fpModel = fissionProductModel.FissionProductModel(o.r, o.cs) # Set up the global LFPs and check that they are setup. self.assertFalse(self.fpModel._useGlobalLFPs)
[docs] def test_nuclideFlags(self): """Test that the nuclide flags contain the set of MC2-3 modeled nuclides.""" # Run the ``interactBOL`` here to trigger setting up the fission # products in the reactor data model. self.fpModel.interactBOL() for nb in nuclideBases.byMcc3Id.values(): self.assertIn(, self.r.blueprints.nuclideFlags.keys())
[docs] def test_nuclidesInModelFuel(self): """Test that the fuel blocks contain all the MC2-3 modeled nuclides.""" # Run the ``interactBOL`` here to trigger setting up the fission # products in the reactor data model. self.fpModel.interactBOL() b = self.r.core.getFirstBlock(Flags.FUEL) nuclideList = b.getNuclides() for nb in nuclideBases.byMcc3Id.values(): self.assertIn(, nuclideList)
[docs] def test_nuclidesInModelAllDepletableBlocks(self): """Test that the depletable blocks contain all the MC2-3 modeled nuclides. .. test:: Determine if any component is depletable. :id: T_ARMI_DEPL_DEPLETABLE :tests: R_ARMI_DEPL_DEPLETABLE """ # Check that there are some fuel and control blocks in the core model. fuelBlocks = self.r.core.getBlocks(Flags.FUEL) controlBlocks = self.r.core.getBlocks(Flags.CONTROL) self.assertGreater(len(fuelBlocks), 0) self.assertGreater(len(controlBlocks), 0) # prove that the control blocks are not depletable for b in controlBlocks: self.assertFalse(isDepletable(b)) # as a corrolary of the above, prove that no components in the control blocks are depletable for b in controlBlocks: for c in b.getComponents(): self.assertFalse(isDepletable(c)) # Force the the first component in the control blocks # to be labeled as depletable for checking that explicit # fission products can be assigned. for b in controlBlocks: c = b.getComponents()[0] c.p.flags |= Flags.DEPLETABLE # now each control block should be depletable for b in controlBlocks: self.assertTrue(isDepletable(b)) # as a corrolary of the above, prove that only the first component in each control block is depletable for b in controlBlocks: comps = list(b.getComponents()) for i, c in enumerate(comps): if i == 0: self.assertTrue(isDepletable(c)) else: self.assertFalse(isDepletable(c)) # Run the ``interactBOL`` here to trigger setting up the fission # products in the reactor data model. self.fpModel.interactBOL() # Check that the depletable blocks have all explicit # fission products in them. for b in self.r.core.getBlocks(): nuclideList = b.getNuclides() if isDepletable(b): for nb in nuclideBases.byMcc3Id.values(): self.assertIn(, nuclideList) else: self.assertLess(len(b.getNuclides()), len(nuclideBases.byMcc3Id))