Source code for armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.lumpedFissionProduct

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The lumped fission product (LFP)  module deals with representing LFPs and loading
them from files.

These are generally managed by the
import os

from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases
from armi import runLog
from armi.nucDirectory import elements

from armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.fissionProductModelSettings import (

[docs]class LumpedFissionProduct: r""" Lumped fission product. The yields are in number fraction and they sum to 2.0 in general so a fission of an actinide results in one LFP, which represents 2 real FPs. This object is a data structure and works a lot like a dictionary in terms of accessing and modifying the data. The yields are indexed by nuclideBase -- in self.yld the yield fraction is indexed by nuclideBases of the individual fission product isotopes Examples -------- >>> fpd = FissionProductDefinitionFile(stream) >>> lfp = fpd.createSingleLFPFromFile('LFP39') >>> lfp[<nuclidebase for EU151>] 2.9773e-05 See Also -------- armi.reactor.blocks.Block.getLumpedFissionProductCollection : how you should access these. """ def __init__(self, name=None): """ Make an LFP. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional A name for the LFP. Will be overwritten if you load from file. Provide only if you are spinning your own custom LFPs. """ = name self.yld = {}
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Make a copy of this w/o using deepcopy.""" new = self.__class__( for key, val in self.yld.items(): new.yld[key] = val return new
def __getitem__(self, fissionProduct): """ Return the yield of a particular fission product. This allows the LFP to be accessed via indexing, like this: ``lfp[fp]`` Returns ------- yld : yield of the fission product. """ return self.yld.get(fissionProduct, 0.0) def __setitem__(self, key, val): from armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.fissionProductModel import ( NUM_FISSION_PRODUCTS_PER_LFP, ) if val < 0.0: raise ValueError( f"Cannot set the yield of {key} in {self} to be " "less than zero as this is non-physical." ) if val > NUM_FISSION_PRODUCTS_PER_LFP: raise ValueError( f"Cannot set the yield of {key} in {self} to be " f"greater than {NUM_FISSION_PRODUCTS_PER_LFP}." ) self.yld[key] = val def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.yld def __repr__(self): return f"<Lumped Fission Product {}>"
[docs] def keys(self): return self.yld.keys()
[docs] def values(self): return self.yld.values()
[docs] def items(self): for nuc in self.keys(): yield nuc, self[nuc]
[docs] def getGaseousYieldFraction(self): """Return the yield fraction of the gaseous nuclides.""" yld = 0.0 for nuc in self.keys(): if not isGas(nuc): continue yld += self[nuc] return yld
[docs] def getTotalYield(self): """ Get the fractional yield of all nuclides in this lumped fission product. Accounts for any fission gas that may be removed. Returns ------- total yield of all fps """ return sum([self[nuc] for nuc in self.yld])
[docs] def getMassFracs(self): """ Return a dictionary of mass fractions indexed by nuclide. Returns ------- massFracs : dict mass fractions (floats) of LFP masses """ massFracs = {} for nuc in self.keys(): massFracs[nuc] = self.getMassFrac(nuclideBase=nuc) return massFracs
[docs] def getMassFrac(self, nucName=None, nuclideBase=None): """ Return the mass fraction of the given nuclide. Returns ------- nuclide mass fraction (float) """ massFracDenom = self.getMassFracDenom() if not nuclideBase: nuclideBase = nuclideBases.byName[nucName] return self.__getitem__(nuclideBase) * (nuclideBase.weight / massFracDenom)
[docs] def getMassFracDenom(self): """ See Also -------- armi.physics.neutronics.fissionProductModel.lumpedFissionProduct.LumpedFissionProduct.getMassFrac """ massFracDenom = 0.0 for nuc in self.keys(): massFracDenom += self[nuc] * nuc.weight return massFracDenom
[docs]class LumpedFissionProductCollection(dict): """ A set of lumped fission products. Typically there would be one of these on a block or on a global level. """ def __init__(self): self.collapsible = False
[docs] def duplicate(self): new = self.__class__() for lfpName, lfp in self.items(): new[lfpName] = lfp.duplicate() return new
[docs] def getLumpedFissionProductNames(self): return self.keys()
[docs] def getAllFissionProductNames(self): """Gets names of all fission products in this collection.""" fpNames = set() for lfp in self.values(): for fp in lfp.keys(): fpNames.add( return sorted(fpNames)
[docs] def getAllFissionProductNuclideBases(self): """Gets names of all fission products in this collection.""" nucs = set() for _lfpName, lfp in self.items(): for fp in lfp.keys(): nucs.add(fp) return sorted(nucs)
[docs] def getNumberDensities(self, objectWithParentDensities=None, densFunc=None): """ Gets all FP number densities in collection. Parameters ---------- objectWithParentDensities : ArmiObject object (probably block) that can be called with getNumberDensity('LFP35'), etc. to get densities of LFPs. densFunc : function, optional Optional method to extract LFP densities Returns ------- fpDensities : dict keys are fp names, vals are fission product number density in atoms/bn-cm. """ if not densFunc: densFunc = lambda lfpName: objectWithParentDensities.getNumberDensity( lfpName ) fpDensities = {} for lfpName, lfp in self.items(): lfpDens = densFunc(lfpName) for fp, fpFrac in lfp.items(): fpDensities[] = fpDensities.get(, 0.0) + fpFrac * lfpDens return fpDensities
[docs] def getMassFrac(self, oldMassFrac=None): """Returns the mass fraction vector of the collection of lumped fission products.""" if not oldMassFrac: raise ValueError("You must define a massFrac vector") massFrac = {} for lfpName, lfp in self.items(): lfpMFrac = oldMassFrac[lfpName] for nuc, mFrac in lfp.getMassFracs().items(): try: massFrac[nuc] += lfpMFrac * mFrac except KeyError: massFrac[nuc] = lfpMFrac * mFrac return massFrac
[docs]class FissionProductDefinitionFile: """ Reads a file that has definitions of one or more LFPs in it to produce LFPs. The format for this file is as follows:: LFP35 GE73 5.9000E-06 LFP35 GE74 1.4000E-05 LFP35 GE76 1.6000E-04 LFP35 AS75 8.9000E-05 and so on Examples -------- >>> fpd = FissionProductDefinitionFile(stream) >>> lfps = fpd.createLFPsFromFile() The path to this file is specified by the `lfpCompositionFilePath` user setting. """ def __init__(self, stream): = stream
[docs] def createLFPsFromFile(self): """ Read the file and create LFPs from the contents. Returns ------- lfps : list List of LumpedFissionProducts contained in the file """ lfps = LumpedFissionProductCollection() for lfpLines in self._splitIntoIndividualLFPLines(): lfp = self._readOneLFP(lfpLines) lfps[] = lfp return lfps
[docs] def createSingleLFPFromFile(self, name): """Read one LFP from the file.""" lfpLines = self._splitIntoIndividualLFPLines(name) lfp = self._readOneLFP(lfpLines[0]) # only one LFP expected. Use it. return lfp
def _splitIntoIndividualLFPLines(self, lfpName=None): """ The lfp file can contain one or more LFPs. This splits them. Ignores DUMPs. Parameters ---------- lfpName : str, optional Restrict to just these names if desired. Returns ------- allLFPLines : list of list each entry is a list of lines that define one LFP """ lines = allLFPLines = [] thisLFPLines = [] lastName = None for line in lines: name = line.split()[0] if "DUMP" in name or (lfpName and lfpName not in name): continue if lastName and name != lastName: allLFPLines.append(thisLFPLines) thisLFPLines = [] thisLFPLines.append(line) lastName = name if thisLFPLines: allLFPLines.append(thisLFPLines) return allLFPLines def _readOneLFP(self, linesOfOneLFP): lfp = LumpedFissionProduct() totalYield = 0.0 for line in linesOfOneLFP: data = line.split() parent = data[0] nucLibId = data[1] nuc = nuclideBases.byName[nucLibId] yld = float(data[2]) lfp.yld[nuc] = yld totalYield += yld = parent # e.g. LFP38 runLog.debug( "Loaded {0} {1} nuclides for a total yield of {2}" "".format(len(lfp.yld),, totalYield) ) return lfp
[docs]def lumpedFissionProductFactory(cs): """Build lumped fission products.""" if cs[CONF_FP_MODEL] == "explicitFissionProducts": return None if cs[CONF_FP_MODEL] == "MO99": return _buildMo99LumpedFissionProduct() lfpPath = cs[CONF_LFP_COMPOSITION_FILE_PATH] if not lfpPath or not os.path.exists(lfpPath): raise ValueError( "The fission product reference file does " f"not exist or is not a valid path. Path provided: {lfpPath}" ) runLog.extra(f"Loading global lumped fission products (LFPs) from {lfpPath}") with open(lfpPath) as lfpStream: lfpFile = FissionProductDefinitionFile(lfpStream) lfps = lfpFile.createLFPsFromFile() return lfps
def _buildMo99LumpedFissionProduct(): """ Build a dummy MO-99 LFP collection. This is a very bad FP approximation from a physics standpoint but can be very useful for rapid-running test cases. """ mo99 = nuclideBases.byName["MO99"] mo99LFPs = LumpedFissionProductCollection() for lfp in nuclideBases.where( lambda nb: isinstance(nb, nuclideBases.LumpNuclideBase) ): # Not all lump nuclides bases defined are fission products, so ensure that only fission # products are considered. if not ("FP" in or "REGN" in continue mo99FP = LumpedFissionProduct( mo99FP[mo99] = 2.0 mo99LFPs[] = mo99FP return mo99LFPs
[docs]def isGas(nuc): """True if nuclide is considered a gas.""" # ruff: noqa: SIM110 for element in elements.getElementsByChemicalPhase(elements.ChemicalPhase.GAS): if element == nuc.element: return True return False