Source code for armi.physics.fuelCycle.tests.test_utils

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import copy
from unittest import TestCase

import numpy as np

from armi.physics.fuelCycle import utils
from armi.reactor.blocks import Block
from armi.reactor.components import Circle
from armi.reactor.flags import Flags
from armi.reactor.grids import IndexLocation, MultiIndexLocation

[docs]class FuelCycleUtilsTests(TestCase): """Tests for geometry indifferent fuel cycle routines.""" N_PINS = 169 def setUp(self): self.block = Block("test block") self.fuel = Circle( "test pin", material="UO2", Tinput=20, Thot=20, mult=self.N_PINS, id=0.0, od=1.0, ) clad = Circle( "clad", material="HT9", Tinput=20, Thot=300, id=1.0, od=1.1, ) self.block.add(self.fuel) self.block.add(clad) # Force no fuel flags self.fuel.p.flags = Flags.PIN
[docs] def test_maxBurnupLocationFromComponents(self): """Test that the ``Component.p.pinPercentBu`` parameter can reveal max burnup location.""" self.fuel.spatialLocator = MultiIndexLocation(None) locations = [] for i in range(self.N_PINS): loc = IndexLocation(i, 0, 0, None) self.fuel.spatialLocator.append(loc) locations.append(loc) self.fuel.p.pinPercentBu = np.ones(self.N_PINS, dtype=float) # Pick an arbitrary index for the pin with the most burnup maxBuIndex = self.N_PINS // 3 self.fuel.p.pinPercentBu[maxBuIndex] *= 2 expectedLoc = locations[maxBuIndex] actual = utils.maxBurnupLocator(self.block) self.assertEqual(actual, expectedLoc)
[docs] def test_singleLocatorWithBurnup(self): """Test that a single component with burnup can be used to find the highest burnup.""" freeComp = Circle( "free fuel", material="UO2", Tinput=200, Thot=200, id=0, od=1, mult=1 ) freeComp.spatialLocator = IndexLocation(2, 4, 0, None) freeComp.p.pinPercentBu = [ 0.01, ] loc = utils.maxBurnupLocator([freeComp]) self.assertIs(loc, freeComp.spatialLocator)
[docs] def test_maxBurnupLocatorWithNoBurnup(self): """Ensure we catch an error if no burnup is found across components.""" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "No burnups found"): utils.maxBurnupLocator([])
[docs] def test_maxBurnupLocatorMismatchedData(self): """Ensure pin burnup and locations must agree.""" freeComp = Circle( "free fuel", material="UO2", Tinput=200, Thot=200, id=0, od=1, mult=1 ) freeComp.spatialLocator = IndexLocation(2, 4, 0, None) freeComp.p.pinPercentBu = [ 0.01, 0.02, ] with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Pin burnup.*pin locations.*differ"): utils.maxBurnupLocator([freeComp])
[docs] def test_assemblyHasPinPower(self): """Test the ability to check if an assembly has fuel pin powers.""" fakeAssem = [self.block] # No fuel blocks, no pin power on blocks => no pin powers self.assertFalse(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinBurnup(fakeAssem)) # Yes fuel blocks, no pin power on blocks => no pin powers self.block.p.flags |= Flags.FUEL self.assertFalse(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinPowers(fakeAssem)) # Yes fuel blocks, yes pin power on blocks => yes pin powers self.block.p.linPowByPin = np.arange(self.N_PINS, dtype=float) self.assertTrue(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinPowers(fakeAssem)) # Yes fuel blocks, yes pin power assigned but all zeros => no pin powers self.block.p.linPowByPin = np.zeros(self.N_PINS, dtype=float) self.assertFalse(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinPowers(fakeAssem))
[docs] def test_assemblyHasPinBurnups(self): """Test the ability to check if an assembly has fuel pin burnup.""" fakeAssem = [self.block] # No fuel components => no assembly burnups self.assertFalse(self.block.getChildrenWithFlags(Flags.FUEL)) self.assertFalse(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinBurnup(fakeAssem)) # No fuel with burnup => no assembly burnups self.block.p.flags |= Flags.FUEL self.fuel.p.flags |= Flags.FUEL self.assertFalse(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinBurnup(fakeAssem)) # Fuel pin has burnup => yes assembly burnup self.fuel.p.pinPercentBu = np.arange(self.N_PINS, dtype=float) self.assertTrue(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinBurnup(fakeAssem)) # Fuel pin has empty burnup => no assembly burnup self.fuel.p.pinPercentBu = np.zeros(self.N_PINS) self.assertFalse(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinBurnup(fakeAssem)) # Yes burnup but no fuel flags => no assembly burnup self.fuel.p.flags ^= Flags.FUEL self.assertFalse(self.fuel.hasFlags(Flags.FUEL)) self.fuel.p.pinPercentBu = np.arange(self.N_PINS, dtype=float) self.assertFalse(utils.assemblyHasFuelPinBurnup(fakeAssem))
[docs] def test_maxBurnupBlock(self): """Test the ability to find maximum burnup block in an assembly.""" reflector = Block("reflector") assem = [reflector, self.block] self.block.p.percentBuPeak = 40 expected = utils.maxBurnupBlock(assem) self.assertIs(expected, self.block) # add a new block with more burnup higher up the stack hotter = copy.deepcopy(self.block) hotter.p.percentBuPeak *= 2 expected = utils.maxBurnupBlock( [reflector, self.block, hotter, self.block, reflector] ) self.assertIs(expected, hotter)
[docs] def test_maxBurnupBlockNoBlocks(self): """Ensure a more helpful error is provided for empty sequence.""" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Error finding max burnup"): utils.maxBurnupBlock([])
[docs] def test_maxBurnupBlockNoBurnup(self): """Ensure that we will not return a block with zero burnup.""" self.block.p.percentBuPeak = 0.0 with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Error finding max burnup"): utils.maxBurnupBlock([self.block])