Source code for armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings

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"""Settings for generic fuel cycle code."""
from armi.operators import settingsValidation
from armi.settings import setting

CONF_ASSEM_ROTATION_STATIONARY = "assemblyRotationStationary"
CONF_ASSEMBLY_ROTATION_ALG = "assemblyRotationAlgorithm"
CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_MODE = "circularRingMode"
CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_ORDER = "circularRingOrder"
CONF_FUEL_HANDLER_NAME = "fuelHandlerName"
CONF_JUMP_RING_NUM = "jumpRingNum"
CONF_LEVELS_PER_CASCADE = "levelsPerCascade"
CONF_PLOT_SHUFFLE_ARROWS = "plotShuffleArrows"
CONF_RUN_LATTICE_BEFORE_SHUFFLING = "runLatticePhysicsBeforeShuffling"
CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC = "shuffleLogic"

[docs]def getFuelCycleSettings(): """Define settings for fuel cycle.""" settings = [ setting.Setting( CONF_ASSEMBLY_ROTATION_ALG, default="", label="Assembly Rotation Algorithm", description="The algorithm to use to rotate the detail assemblies while shuffling", options=["", "buReducingAssemblyRotation", "simpleAssemblyRotation"], enforcedOptions=True, ), setting.Setting( CONF_ASSEM_ROTATION_STATIONARY, default=False, label="Rotate stationary assems", description=( "Whether or not to rotate assemblies that are not shuffled." "This can only be True if 'rotation' is true." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_MODE, default=False, description="Toggle between circular ring definitions to hexagonal ring definitions", label="Use Circular Rings", ), setting.Setting( CONF_CIRCULAR_RING_ORDER, default="angle", description="Order by which locations are sorted in circular rings for equilibrium shuffling", label="Eq. circular sort type", options=["angle", "distance", "distanceSmart"], ), setting.Setting( CONF_CUSTOM_FUEL_MANAGEMENT_INDEX, default=0, description=( "An index that determines which of various options is used in management. " "Useful for optimization sweeps. " ), label="Custom Shuffling Index", ), setting.Setting( CONF_RUN_LATTICE_BEFORE_SHUFFLING, default=False, description=( "Forces the Generation of Cross Sections Prior to Shuffling the Fuel Assemblies. " "Note: This is recommended when performing equilibrium shuffling branching searches." ), label="Generate XS Prior to Fuel Shuffling", ), setting.Setting( CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC, default="", label="Shuffle Logic", description=( "Python script written to handle the fuel shuffling for this case. " "This is user-defined per run as a dynamic input." ), ), setting.Setting( CONF_FUEL_HANDLER_NAME, default="", label="Fuel Handler Name", description="The name of the FuelHandler class in the shuffle logic module to activate", ), setting.Setting( CONF_PLOT_SHUFFLE_ARROWS, default=False, description="Make plots with arrows showing each move.", label="Plot shuffle arrows", ), setting.Setting( CONF_JUMP_RING_NUM, default=8, label="Jump Ring Number", description="None" ), setting.Setting( CONF_LEVELS_PER_CASCADE, default=14, label="Move per cascade", description="None", ), ] return settings
[docs]def getFuelCycleSettingValidators(inspector): queries = [] queries.append( settingsValidation.Query( lambda: bool(inspector.cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC]) ^ bool(inspector.cs[CONF_FUEL_HANDLER_NAME]), "A value was provided for `fuelHandlerName` or `shuffleLogic`, but not " "the other. Either both `fuelHandlerName` and `shuffleLogic` should be " "defined, or neither of them.", "", inspector.NO_ACTION, ) ) queries.append( settingsValidation.Query( lambda: " " in inspector.cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC], "Spaces are not allowed in shuffleLogic file location. You have specified {0}. " "Shuffling will not occur.".format(inspector.cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC]), "", inspector.NO_ACTION, ) ) def _clearShufflingInput(): inspector._assignCS(CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC, "") inspector._assignCS(CONF_FUEL_HANDLER_NAME, "") queries.append( settingsValidation.Query( lambda: inspector.cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC] and not inspector._csRelativePathExists(inspector.cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC]), "The specified shuffle logic file '{0}' cannot be found. " "Shuffling will not occur.".format(inspector.cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC]), "Clear specified file value?", _clearShufflingInput, ) ) return queries