Source code for armi.physics.fuelCycle.fuelHandlerInterface

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"""A place for the FuelHandler's Interface."""

from armi import interfaces
from armi import runLog
from armi.physics.fuelCycle import fuelHandlerFactory
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import CONF_PLOT_SHUFFLE_ARROWS
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import CONF_RUN_LATTICE_BEFORE_SHUFFLING
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC
from armi.utils import plotting

[docs]class FuelHandlerInterface(interfaces.Interface): """ Moves and/or processes fuel in a Standard Operator. Fuel management traditionally runs at the beginning of a cycle, before power or temperatures have been updated. This allows pre-run fuel management steps for highly customized fuel loadings. In typical runs, no fuel management occurs at the beginning of the first cycle and the as-input state is left as is. .. impl:: ARMI provides a shuffle logic interface. :id: I_ARMI_SHUFFLE :implements: R_ARMI_SHUFFLE This interface allows for a user to define custom shuffle logic that modifies to the core model. Being based on the :py:class:`~armi.interfaces.Interface` class, it has direct access to the current core model. User logic is able to be executed from within the :py:meth:`~armi.physics.fuelCycle.fuelHandlerInterface.FuelHandlerInterface.manageFuel` method, which will use the :py:meth:`~armi.physics.fuelCycle.fuelHandlerFactory.fuelHandlerFactory` to search for a Python file specified by the case setting ``shuffleLogic``. If it exists, the fuel handler with name specified by the user via the ``fuelHandlerName`` case setting will be imported, and any actions in its ``outage`` method will be executed at the :py:meth:`~armi.physics.fuelCycle.fuelHandlerInterface.FuelHandlerInterface.interactBOC` hook. If no class with the name specified by the ``fuelHandlerName`` setting is found in the file with path ``shuffleLogic``, an error is returned. See the user manual for how the custom shuffle logic file should be constructed. """ name = "fuelHandler" def __init__(self, r, cs): interfaces.Interface.__init__(self, r, cs) # assembly name key, (x, y) values. used for making shuffle arrows. self.oldLocations = {} # need order due to nature of moves but with fast membership tests self.moved = [] self.cycle = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def specifyInputs(cs): files = { cs.getSetting(settingName): [ cs[settingName], ] for settingName in [CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC, "explicitRepeatShuffles"] if cs[settingName] } return files
[docs] def interactBOC(self, cycle=None): """ Move and/or process fuel. Also, if requested, first have the lattice physics system update XS. """ # if lattice physics is requested, compute it here instead of after fuel management. # This enables XS to exist for branch searching, etc. mc2 = self.o.getInterface(function="latticePhysics") xsgm = self.o.getInterface("xsGroups") if mc2 and self.cs[CONF_RUN_LATTICE_BEFORE_SHUFFLING]: runLog.extra( f'Running {mc2} lattice physics before fuel management due to the "{CONF_RUN_LATTICE_BEFORE_SHUFFLING}"' " setting being activated." ) xsgm.interactBOC(cycle=cycle) mc2.interactBOC(cycle=cycle) if self.enabled() and ( self.cs["loadStyle"] != "fromDB" or self.cs["startNode"] == 0 or (self.cs["startCycle"] != cycle) ): # in restart cases, only do this if restarting at BOC to avoid duplicating shuffles # the logic to accomplish this is a bit long because we don't pass the # timeNode into interactBOC hooks. Otherwise it would be much easier # to determine when to call this or not self.manageFuel(cycle)
[docs] def interactEOC(self, cycle=None): if self.r.sfp is not None: runLog.extra( f"There are {len(self.r.sfp)} assemblies in the Spent Fuel Pool" )
[docs] def interactEOL(self): """Make reports at EOL.""" self.makeShuffleReport()
[docs] def manageFuel(self, cycle): """Perform the fuel management for this cycle.""" fh = fuelHandlerFactory.fuelHandlerFactory(self.o) fh.prepCore() fh.prepShuffleMap() # take note of where each assembly is located before the outage # for mapping after the outage self.r.core.locateAllAssemblies() shuffleFactors, _ = fh.getFactorList(cycle) fh.outage(shuffleFactors) # move the assemblies around if self.cs[CONF_PLOT_SHUFFLE_ARROWS]: arrows = fh.makeShuffleArrows() plotting.plotFaceMap( self.r.core, "percentBu", labelFmt=None, fName="{}.shuffles_{}.png".format(self.cs.caseTitle, self.r.p.cycle), shuffleArrows=arrows, )
[docs] def makeShuffleReport(self): """ Create a data file listing all the shuffles that occurred in a case. This can be used to export shuffling to an external code or to perform explicit repeat shuffling in a restart. It creates a ``*SHUFFLES.txt`` file based on the Reactor.moveList structure See Also -------- readMoves : reads this file and parses it. """ fname = self.cs.caseTitle + "-SHUFFLES.txt" out = open(fname, "w") for cycle in range(self.cs["nCycles"]): # do cycle+1 because cycle 0 at t=0 isn't usually interesting # remember, we put cycle 0 in so we could do BOL branch searches. # This also syncs cycles up with external physics kernel cycles. out.write("Before cycle {0}:\n".format(cycle + 1)) movesThisCycle = self.r.core.moveList.get(cycle) if movesThisCycle is not None: for ( fromLoc, toLoc, chargeEnrich, assemblyType, movingAssemName, ) in movesThisCycle: enrichLine = " ".join( ["{0:.8f}".format(enrich) for enrich in chargeEnrich] ) if fromLoc in ["ExCore", "SFP"]: # this is a re-entering assembly. Give extra info so repeat shuffles can handle it out.write( "{0} moved to {1} with assembly type {2} ANAME={4} with enrich list: {3}\n" "".format( fromLoc, toLoc, assemblyType, enrichLine, movingAssemName, ) ) else: # skip extra info. regular expression in readMoves will handle it just fine. out.write( "{0} moved to {1} with assembly type {2} with enrich list: {3}\n" "".format(fromLoc, toLoc, assemblyType, enrichLine) ) out.write("\n") out.close()
[docs] def workerOperate(self, cmd): """Delegate mpi command to the fuel handler object.""" fh = fuelHandlerFactory.fuelHandlerFactory(self.o) return fh.workerOperate(cmd)