Source code for armi.operators.settingsValidation

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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A system to check user settings for validity and provide users with meaningful
suggestions to fix.

This allows developers to define a rich set of rules and suggestions for user settings.
These then pop up during initialization of a run, either on the command line or as
dialogues in the GUI. They say things like: "Your ___ setting has the value ___, which
is impossible. Would you like to switch to ___?"
import itertools
import os
import re
import shutil

from armi import context
from armi import getPluginManagerOrFail
from armi import runLog
from armi.physics import neutronics
from armi.reactor import geometry
from armi.reactor import systemLayoutInput
from armi.settings.settingsIO import (
from armi.utils import directoryChangers
from armi.utils import pathTools
from armi.utils.mathematics import expandRepeatedFloats

[docs]class Query: """ An individual setting validator. .. impl:: Rules to validate and customize a setting's behavior. :id: I_ARMI_SETTINGS_RULES :implements: R_ARMI_SETTINGS_RULES This class is meant to represent a generic validation test against a setting. The goal is: developers create new settings and they want to make sure those settings are used correctly. As an implementation, users pass in a ``condition`` function to this class that returns ``True`` or ``False`` based on the setting name and value. And then this class has a ``resolve`` method which tests if the condition is met. Optionally, this class also contains a ``correction`` function that allows users to automatically correct a bad setting, if the developers can find a clear path forward. """ def __init__(self, condition, statement, question, correction): """ Construct a query. Parameters ---------- condition : callable A callable that returns True or False. If True, then the query activates its question and potential correction. statement : str A statement of the problem indicated by a True condition question : str A question asking the user for confirmation of the proposed fix. correction : callable A callable that when called fixes the situation. See :py:meth:`Inspector.NO_ACTION` for no-ops. """ self.condition = condition self.statement = statement self.question = question self.correction = correction # True if the query is `passed` and does not result in an immediate failure self.corrected = False self._passed = False self.autoResolved = True def __repr__(self): # Add representation so that it's possible to identify which one # is being referred to when there are errors. return "<Query: {}>".format(self.statement) def __bool__(self): try: return bool(self.condition()) except TypeError: runLog.error( f"Invalid setting validation query. Update validator for: {self})" ) raise __nonzero__ = __bool__ # Python2 compatibility
[docs] def isCorrective(self): return self.correction is not Inspector.NO_ACTION
[docs] def resolve(self): """Standard i/o prompt for resolution of an individual query.""" if context.MPI_RANK != 0: return if self.condition(): try: if self.isCorrective(): try: make_correction = prompt( "INSPECTOR: " + self.statement, self.question, "YES_NO", "NO_DEFAULT", "CANCEL", ) if make_correction: self.correction() self.corrected = True self._passed = True except RunLogPromptCancel as ki: raise KeyboardInterrupt from ki else: try: continue_submission = prompt( "INSPECTOR: " + self.statement, "Continue?", "YES_NO", "NO_DEFAULT", "CANCEL", ) if not continue_submission: raise KeyboardInterrupt except RunLogPromptCancel as ki: raise KeyboardInterrupt from ki except RunLogPromptUnresolvable: self.autoResolved = False self._passed = True
[docs]class Inspector: """ This manages queries which assert certain states of the data model, generally presenting themselves to the user, offering information on the potential problem, a question and the action to take on an affirmative and negative answer from the user. In practice very useful for making sure setting values are as intended and without bad interplay with one another. One Inspector will contain multiple Queries and be associated directly with an :py:class:`~armi.operators.operator.Operator`. """
[docs] @staticmethod def NO_ACTION(): """Convenience callable used to generate Queries that can't be easily auto-resolved.""" return None
def __init__(self, cs): """ Construct an inspector. Parameters ---------- cs : Settings """ self.queries = [] self.cs = cs self.geomType = None self.coreSymmetry = None self._inspectBlueprints() self._setGeomType() self._inspectSettings() # Gather and attach validators from all plugins # This runs on all registered plugins, not just active ones. pluginQueries = getPluginManagerOrFail().hook.defineSettingsValidators( inspector=self ) for queries in pluginQueries: self.queries.extend(queries)
[docs] def run(self, cs=None): """ Run through each query and deal with it if possible. Returns ------- correctionsMade : bool Whether or not anything was updated. Raises ------ RuntimeError When a programming error causes queries to loop. """ if context.MPI_RANK != 0: return False # the following attribute changes will alter what the queries investigate when resolved correctionsMade = False self.cs = cs or self.cs runLog.debug("{} executing queries.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) if not any(self.queries): runLog.debug( "{} found no problems with the current state.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) else: for query in self.queries: query.resolve() if query.corrected: correctionsMade = True issues = [ query for query in self.queries if query and (query.isCorrective() and not query._passed) ] if any(issues): # something isn't resolved or was unresolved by changes raise RuntimeError( "The input inspection did not resolve all queries, " "some issues are creating cyclic resolutions: {}".format(issues) ) runLog.debug("{} has finished querying.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) if correctionsMade: # find unused file path to store original settings as to avoid overwrite strSkeleton = "{}_old".format(self.cs.path.split(".yaml")[0]) for num in itertools.count(): if num == 0: renamePath = f"{strSkeleton}.yaml" else: renamePath = f"{strSkeleton}{num}.yaml" if not self._csRelativePathExists(renamePath): break # preserve old file before saving settings file runLog.important( f"Preserving original settings file by renaming `{renamePath}`" ) shutil.copy(self.cs.path, renamePath) # save settings file self.cs.writeToYamlFile(self.cs.path) return correctionsMade
[docs] def addQuery(self, condition, statement, question, correction): """Convenience method, query must be resolved, else run fails.""" if not callable(correction): raise ValueError( 'Query for "{}" malformed. Expecting callable.'.format(statement) ) self.queries.append(Query(condition, statement, question, correction))
[docs] def addQueryBadLocationWillLikelyFail(self, settingName): """Add a query indicating the current path for ``settingName`` does not exist and will likely fail.""" self.addQuery( lambda: not os.path.exists(pathTools.armiAbsPath(self.cs[settingName])), "Setting {} points to nonexistent location\n{}\nFailure extremely likely".format( settingName, self.cs[settingName] ), "", self.NO_ACTION, )
[docs] def addQueryCurrentSettingMayNotSupportFeatures(self, settingName): """Add a query that the current value for ``settingName`` may not support certain features.""" self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs[settingName] != self.cs.getSetting(settingName).default, "{} set as:\n{}\nUsing this location instead of the default location\n{}\n" "may not support certain functions.".format( settingName, self.cs[settingName], self.cs.getSetting(settingName).default, ), "Revert to default location?", lambda: self._assignCS( settingName, self.cs.getSetting(settingName).default ), )
def _assignCS(self, key, value): """Lambda assignment workaround.""" # this type of assignment works, but be mindful of # scoping when trying different methods runLog.extra(f"Updating setting `{key}` to `{value}`") self.cs[key] = value def _raise(self): raise KeyboardInterrupt("Input inspection has been interrupted.") def _inspectBlueprints(self): """Blueprints early error detection and old format conversions.""" from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_LOADING_FILE # if there is a blueprints object, we don't need to check for a file if self.cs.filelessBP: return self.addQuery( lambda: not self.cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE], "No blueprints file loaded. Run will probably fail.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: not self._csRelativePathExists(self.cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE]), "Blueprints file {} not found. Run will fail.".format( self.cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE] ), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) def _csRelativePathExists(self, filename): csRelativePath = self._csRelativePath(filename) return os.path.exists(csRelativePath) and os.path.isfile(csRelativePath) def _csRelativePath(self, filename): return os.path.join(self.cs.inputDirectory, filename) def _setGeomType(self): if self.cs["geomFile"]: with directoryChangers.DirectoryChanger( self.cs.inputDirectory, dumpOnException=False ): geom = systemLayoutInput.SystemLayoutInput() geom.readGeomFromFile(self.cs["geomFile"]) self.geomType, self.coreSymmetry = geom.geomType, geom.symmetry def _correctCyclesToZeroBurnup(self): self._assignCS("nCycles", 1) self._assignCS("burnSteps", 0) self._assignCS("cycleLength", None) self._assignCS("cycleLengths", None) self._assignCS("availabilityFactor", None) self._assignCS("availabilityFactors", None) self._assignCS("cycles", []) def _checkForBothSimpleAndDetailedCyclesInputs(self): """ Because the only way to check if a setting has been "entered" is to check against the default, if the user specifies all the simple cycle settings _exactly_ as the defaults, this won't be caught. But, it would be very coincidental for the user to _specify_ all the default values when performing any real analysis. Also, we must bypass the `Settings` getter and reach directly into the underlying `__settings` dict to avoid triggering an error at this stage in the run. Otherwise an error will inherently be raised if the detailed cycles input is used because the simple cycles inputs have defaults. We don't care that those defaults are there, we only have a problem with those defaults being _used_, which will be caught later on. """ bothCyclesInputTypesPresent = ( self.cs._Settings__settings["cycleLength"].value != self.cs._Settings__settings["cycleLength"].default or self.cs._Settings__settings["cycleLengths"].value != self.cs._Settings__settings["cycleLengths"].default or self.cs._Settings__settings["burnSteps"].value != self.cs._Settings__settings["burnSteps"].default or self.cs._Settings__settings["availabilityFactor"].value != self.cs._Settings__settings["availabilityFactor"].default or self.cs._Settings__settings["availabilityFactors"].value != self.cs._Settings__settings["availabilityFactors"].default or self.cs._Settings__settings["powerFractions"].value != self.cs._Settings__settings["powerFractions"].default ) and self.cs["cycles"] != [] return bothCyclesInputTypesPresent def _inspectSettings(self): """Check settings for inconsistencies.""" from armi import operators from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import ( CONF_BC_COEFFICIENT, CONF_BOUNDARIES, CONF_XS_KERNEL, CONF_XS_SCATTERING_ORDER, ) self.addQueryBadLocationWillLikelyFail("operatorLocation") self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["outputFileExtension"] == "pdf" and self.cs["genReports"], "Output files of '.pdf' format are not supported by the reporting HTML generator. '.pdf' " "images will not be included.", "Switch to '.png'?", lambda: self._assignCS("outputFileExtension", "png"), ) self.addQuery( lambda: ( ( self.cs["beta"] and isinstance(self.cs["beta"], list) and not self.cs["decayConstants"] ) or (self.cs["decayConstants"] and not self.cs["beta"]) ), "Both beta components and decay constants should be provided if either are " "being supplied.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ), self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["skipCycles"] > 0 and not self.cs["reloadDBName"], "You have chosen to do a restart case without specifying a database to load from. " "Run will load from output files, if they exist but burnup, etc. will not be updated.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["runType"] != operators.RunTypes.SNAPSHOTS and self.cs["loadStyle"] == "fromDB" and self.cs["startCycle"] == 0 and self.cs["startNode"] == 0, "Starting from cycle 0, and time node 0 was chosen. Restart runs load from " "the time node just before the restart. There is no time node to load from " "before cycle 0 node 0. Either switch to the snapshot operator, start from " "a different time step or load from inputs rather than database as " "`loadStyle`.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["runType"] == operators.RunTypes.SNAPSHOTS and not (self.cs["dumpSnapshot"] or self.cs["defaultSnapshots"]), "The Snapshots operator was specified, but no dump snapshots were chosen." "Please specify snapshot steps with the `dumpSnapshot` setting.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs.caseTitle.lower() == os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.cs["reloadDBName"].lower()))[0], "Snapshot DB ({0}) and main DB ({1}) cannot have the same name." "Change name of settings file and resubmit.".format( self.cs["reloadDBName"], self.cs.caseTitle ), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["reloadDBName"] != "" and not os.path.exists(self.cs["reloadDBName"]), "Reload database {} does not exist. \nPlease point to an existing DB, " "or set to empty and load from input.".format(self.cs["reloadDBName"]), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) def _willBeCopiedFrom(fName): return any( fName == os.path.split(copyFile)[1] for copyFile in self.cs["copyFilesFrom"] ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["explicitRepeatShuffles"] and not self._csRelativePathExists(self.cs["explicitRepeatShuffles"]) and not _willBeCopiedFrom(self.cs["explicitRepeatShuffles"]), "The specified repeat shuffle file `{0}` does not exist, and won't be copied. " "Run will crash.".format(self.cs["explicitRepeatShuffles"]), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: not self.cs["power"] and not self.cs["powerDensity"], "No power or powerDensity set. You must always start by importing a base settings file.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["power"] > 0 and self.cs["powerDensity"] > 0, "The power and powerDensity are both set, please note the power will be used as the truth.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) # The gamma cross sections generated for MC2-3 by ANL were done with NJOY with # P3 scattering. MC2-3 would have to be modified and the gamma cross sections # re-generated with NJOY for MC2-3 to allow any other scattering order with # gamma cross sections enabled. self.addQuery( lambda: ( "MC2v3" in self.cs[CONF_XS_KERNEL] and neutronics.gammaXsAreRequested(self.cs) and self.cs[CONF_XS_SCATTERING_ORDER] != 3 ), "MC2-3 will crash if a scattering order is not set to 3 when generating gamma XS.", f"Would you like to set the `{CONF_XS_SCATTERING_ORDER}` to 3?", lambda: self._assignCS(CONF_XS_SCATTERING_ORDER, 3), ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["outputCacheLocation"] and not os.path.exists(self.cs["outputCacheLocation"]), "`outputCacheLocation` path {} does not exist. Please specify a location that exists.".format( self.cs["outputCacheLocation"] ), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: ( not self.cs["tightCoupling"] and self.cs["tightCouplingMaxNumIters"] != 4 ), "You've requested a non default number of tight coupling iterations but left tightCoupling: False." "Do you want to set tightCoupling to True?", "", lambda: self._assignCS("tightCoupling", True), ) self.addQuery( lambda: (not self.cs["tightCoupling"] and self.cs["tightCouplingSettings"]), "You've requested non default tight coupling settings but tightCoupling: False." "Do you want to set tightCoupling to True?", "", lambda: self._assignCS("tightCoupling", True), ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["startCycle"] and self.cs["nCycles"] < self.cs["startCycle"], "nCycles must be greater than or equal to startCycle in restart cases. nCycles" " is the _total_ number of cycles in the completed run (i.e. restarted +" " continued cycles). Please update the case settings.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["nCycles"] in [0, None], "Cannot run 0 cycles. Set burnSteps to 0 to activate a single time-independent case.", "Set 1 cycle and 0 burnSteps for single time-independent case?", self._correctCyclesToZeroBurnup, ) self.addQuery( self._checkForBothSimpleAndDetailedCyclesInputs, "If specifying detailed cycle history with `cycles`, you may not" " also use any of the simple cycle history inputs `cycleLength(s)`," " `burnSteps`, `availabilityFactor(s)`, or `powerFractions`." " Using the detailed cycle history.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) def _factorsAreValid(factors, maxVal=1.0): try: expandedList = expandRepeatedFloats(factors) except (ValueError, IndexError): return False return ( all(0.0 <= val <= maxVal for val in expandedList) and len(expandedList) == self.cs["nCycles"] ) if self.cs["cycles"] == []: self.addQuery( lambda: ( self.cs["availabilityFactors"] and not _factorsAreValid(self.cs["availabilityFactors"]) ), "`availabilityFactors` was not set to a list compatible with the number of cycles. " "Please update input or use constant duration.", "Use constant availability factor specified in `availabilityFactor` setting?", lambda: self._assignCS("availabilityFactors", []), ) self.addQuery( lambda: ( self.cs["powerFractions"] and not _factorsAreValid(self.cs["powerFractions"]) ), "`powerFractions` was not set to a compatible list. " "Please update input or use full power at all cycles.", "Use full power for all cycles?", lambda: self._assignCS("powerFractions", []), ) self.addQuery( lambda: ( self.cs["cycleLengths"] and not _factorsAreValid(self.cs["cycleLengths"], maxVal=1e10) ), "`cycleLengths` was not set to a list compatible with the number of cycles." " Please update input or use constant duration.", "Use constant cycle length specified in `cycleLength` setting?", lambda: self._assignCS("cycleLengths", []), ) self.addQuery( lambda: ( self.cs["runType"] == operators.RunTypes.STANDARD and self.cs["burnSteps"] == 0 and ( ( len(self.cs["cycleLengths"]) > 1 if self.cs["cycleLengths"] is not None else False ) or self.cs["nCycles"] > 1 ) ), "Cannot run multi-cycle standard cases with 0 burnSteps per cycle. Please update settings.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) def decayCyclesHaveInputThatWillBeIgnored(): """Check if there is any decay-related input that will be ignored.""" try: powerFracs = expandRepeatedFloats(self.cs["powerFractions"]) availabilities = expandRepeatedFloats( self.cs["availabilityFactors"] ) or ([self.cs["availabilityFactor"]] * self.cs["nCycles"]) except: # noqa: bare-except return True # This will be a full decay step and any power fraction will be ignored. May be ok. return any( pf > 0.0 and af == 0.0 for pf, af in zip(powerFracs, availabilities) ) self.addQuery( lambda: ( self.cs["cycleLengths"] and self.cs["powerFractions"] and decayCyclesHaveInputThatWillBeIgnored() and not self.cs["cycles"] ), "At least one cycle has a non-zero power fraction but an availability of zero. Please " "update the input.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["operatorLocation"] and self.cs["runType"] != operators.RunTypes.STANDARD, "The `runType` setting is set to `{0}` but there is a `custom operator location` defined".format( self.cs["runType"] ), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["operatorLocation"] and self.cs["runType"] != operators.RunTypes.STANDARD, "The `runType` setting is set to `{0}` but there is a `custom operator location` defined".format( self.cs["runType"] ), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["skipCycles"] > 0 and not os.path.exists(self.cs.caseTitle + ".restart.dat"), "This is a restart case, but the required restart file {0}.restart.dat is not found".format( self.cs.caseTitle ), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["deferredInterfacesCycle"] > self.cs["nCycles"], "The deferred interface activation cycle exceeds set cycle occurrence. " "Interfaces will not be activated in this run!", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: ( self.cs[CONF_BOUNDARIES] != neutronics.GENERAL_BC and self.cs[CONF_BC_COEFFICIENT] ), f"General neutronic boundary condition was not selected, but `{CONF_BC_COEFFICIENT}` was defined. " f"Please enable `Generalized` neutronic boundary condition or disable `{CONF_BC_COEFFICIENT}`.", "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["geomFile"] and str(self.geomType) not in geometry.VALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE, "{} is not a valid geometry Please update geom type on the geom file. " "Valid (case insensitive) geom types are: {}".format( self.geomType, geometry.VALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE ), "", self.NO_ACTION, ) self.addQuery( lambda: self.cs["geomFile"] and not geometry.checkValidGeomSymmetryCombo( self.geomType, self.coreSymmetry ), "{}, {} is not a valid geometry and symmetry combination. Please update " "either geometry or symmetry on the geom file.".format( str(self.geomType), str(self.coreSymmetry) ), "", self.NO_ACTION, )
[docs]def createQueryRevertBadPathToDefault(inspector, settingName, initialLambda=None): """ Return a query to revert a bad path to its default. Parameters ---------- inspector: Inspector the inspector who's settings are being queried settingName: str name of the setting to inspect initialLambda: None or callable function If ``None``, the callable argument for :py:meth:`addQuery` is does the setting's path exist. If more complicated callable arguments are needed, they can be passed in as the ``initialLambda`` setting. """ if initialLambda is None: initialLambda = lambda: ( not os.path.exists(pathTools.armiAbsPath(inspector.cs[settingName])) and inspector.cs.getSetting(settingName).offDefault ) # solution is to revert to default query = Query( initialLambda, "Setting {} points to a nonexistent location:\n{}".format( settingName, inspector.cs[settingName] ), "Revert to default location?", inspector.cs.getSetting(settingName).revertToDefault, ) return query
[docs]def validateVersion(versionThis: str, versionRequired: str) -> bool: """Helper function to allow users to verify that their version matches the settings file. Parameters ---------- versionThis: str The version of this ARMI, App, or Plugin. This MUST be in the form: 1.2.3 versionRequired: str The version to compare against, say in a Settings file. This must be in one of the forms: 1.2.3, 1.2, or 1 Returns ------- bool Does this version match the version in the Settings file/object? """ fullV = "\d+\.\d+\.\d+" medV = "\d+\.\d+" minV = "\d+" if versionRequired == "uncontrolled": # This default flag means we don't want to check the version. return True elif, versionThis) is None: raise ValueError( "The input version ({0}) does not match the required format: {1}".format( versionThis, fullV ) ) elif, versionRequired) is not None: return versionThis == versionRequired elif, versionRequired) is not None: return ".".join(versionThis.split(".")[:2]) == versionRequired elif, versionRequired) is not None: return versionThis.split(".")[0] == versionRequired else: raise ValueError( "The required version is not a valid format: {}".format(versionRequired) )