Source code for armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc.isotxs

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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This module reads and writes ISOTXS files.

ISOTXS is a binary file that contains multigroup microscopic cross sections.
ISOTXS stands for  *Isotope Cross Sections*.

ISOTXS files are often created by a lattice physics code such as MC2 or DRAGON and
used as input to a global flux solver such as DIF3D.

This module implements reading and writing of the
ISOTXS file format, consistent with [CCCC-IV]_.

>>> from armi.nuclearDataIO.cccc import isotxs
>>> myLib = isotxs.readBinary('ISOTXS-ref')
>>> nuc = myLib.getNuclide('U235','AA')
>>> fis5 = nuc.micros.fission[5]
>>> scat = nuc.micros.scatter[(0, 5, 6, 1)] # 1st order elastic scatter from group 5->6
>>> nuc.micros.fission[7] = fis5*1.01       # you can modify the isotxs too.
>>> captureEnergy = nuc.isotxsMetadata["ecapt"]
>>> isotxs.writeBinary(myLib, 'ISOTXS-modified')


import traceback
import itertools

import numpy
from scipy import sparse

from armi import runLog
from armi.nuclearDataIO import cccc
from armi.nuclearDataIO import xsNuclides
from armi.nuclearDataIO import xsLibraries
from armi.utils import properties

# scattering block definitions from ISOTXS
# The definition is:
TOTAL_SCATTER = 0  # 000 + NN = total scattering for Legendre Order NN
N2N_SCATTER = 300  # 300 + NN, (N,2N) SCATTERING

[docs]def compareSet(fileNames, tolerance=0.0, verbose=False): """ takes a list of strings and reads all binaries with that name comparing them in all combinations. Notes ----- useful for finding mcc bugs when you want to compare a series of very similar isotxs outputs Verbose gets VERY long """ comparisons = [] xsLibs = [readBinary(fileName) for fileName in fileNames] for thisXSLib, thatXSLib in itertools.combinations( xsLibs, 2 ): # all unique combinations with 2 itmes "\n*****\n*****comparing {} and {}\n*****".format(thisXSLib, thatXSLib) ) comparisons.append( (compare(thisXSLib, thatXSLib, tolerance, verbose), thisXSLib, thatXSLib) ) sameFileNames = "\n" for comparison in comparisons: if comparison[0]: sameFileNames += "\t{} and {}\n".format(comparison[1], comparison[2]) sameFileNames = ( sameFileNames + "None were the same" if sameFileNames == "\n" else sameFileNames ) "the following libraries are the same within the specified tolerance:{}".format( sameFileNames ) )
[docs]def compare(lib1, lib2, tolerance=0.0, verbose=False): """ Compare two XSLibraries, and return True if equal, or False if not. Notes ----- Tolerance allows the user to ignore small changes that may be caused by small library differences or floating point cacluations the closer to zero the more differences will be shown 10**-5 is a good tolerance to use if not using default. Verbose shows the XS matrixes that are not equal """ equal = True # first check the lib properties (also need to unlock to prevent from getting an exception). equal &= xsLibraries.compareLibraryNeutronEnergies(lib1, lib2, tolerance) # compare the meta data equal &=, lib1, lib2) # check the nuclides for nucName in set(lib1.nuclideLabels + lib2.nuclideLabels): nuc1 = lib1.get(nucName, None) nuc2 = lib2.get(nucName, None) if nuc1 is None or nuc2 is None: warning = "Nuclide {:>20} in library {} is not present in library {} and cannot be compared" if nuc1: runLog.warning(warning.format(nuc1, 1, 2)) if nuc2: runLog.warning(warning.format(nuc2, 2, 1)) equal = False continue equal &= compareNuclideXS(nuc1, nuc2, tolerance, verbose) return equal
[docs]def compareNuclideXS(nuc1, nuc2, tolerance=0.0, verbose=False): equal =, nuc1, nuc2) equal &=, [], tolerance, verbose) return equal
[docs]def addDummyNuclidesToLibrary(lib, dummyNuclides): """ This method adds DUMMY nuclides to the current ISOTXS library. Parameters ---------- lib : obj ISOTXS library object dummyNuclides: list List of DUMMY nuclide objects that will be copied and added to the GAMISO file Notes ----- Since MC2-3 does not write DUMMY nuclide information for GAMISO files, this is necessary to provide a consistent set of nuclide-level data across all the nuclides in a :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.xsLibraries.XSLibrary`. """ if not dummyNuclides: runLog.important("No dummy nuclide data provided to be added to {}".format(lib)) return False elif len(lib.xsIDs) > 1: runLog.warning( "Cannot add dummy nuclide data to ISOTXS library {} containing data for more than 1 XS ID.".format( lib ) ) return False dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary = [] for dummyNuclide in dummyNuclides: dummyKey = dummyNuclide.nucLabel if len(lib.xsIDs): dummyKey += lib.xsIDs[0] if dummyKey in lib: continue newDummy = xsNuclides.XSNuclide(lib, dummyKey) newDummy.micros = dummyNuclide.micros # Copy isotxs metadata from the isotxs metadata of the given dummy nuclide for kk, vv in dummyNuclide.isotxsMetadata.items(): if kk in ["jj", "jband"]: newDummy.isotxsMetadata[kk] = {} for mm in vv: newDummy.isotxsMetadata[kk][mm] = 1 else: newDummy.isotxsMetadata[kk] = vv lib[dummyKey] = newDummy dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary.append(dummyKey) return any(dummyNuclideKeysAddedToLibrary)
[docs]class IsotxsIO(cccc.Stream): """ A semi-abstract stream for reading and writing to a :py:class:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.isotxs.Isotxs`. Notes ----- This is a bit of a special case compared to most other CCCC files because of the special nuclide-level container in addition to the XSLibrary container. The :py:meth:`~armi.nuclearDataIO.isotxs.IsotxsIO.readWrite` defines the ISOTXS file structure as specified in """ _FILE_LABEL = "ISOTXS" def __init__(self, fileName, lib, fileMode, getNuclideFunc): cccc.Stream.__init__(self, fileName, fileMode) self._lib = lib self._metadata = self._getFileMetadata() self._metadata.fileNames.append(fileName) self._getNuclide = getNuclideFunc def _getFileMetadata(self): return self._lib.isotxsMetadata def _getNuclideIO(self): return _IsotxsNuclideIO @classmethod def _read(cls, fileName, fileMode): lib = xsLibraries.IsotxsLibrary() return cls._readWrite( lib, fileName, fileMode, lambda containerKey: xsNuclides.XSNuclide(lib, containerKey), ) @classmethod def _write(cls, lib, fileName, fileMode): return cls._readWrite( lib, fileName, fileMode, lambda containerKey: lib[containerKey] ) @classmethod def _readWrite(cls, lib, fileName, fileMode, getNuclideFunc): with cls(fileName, lib, fileMode, getNuclideFunc) as rw: rw.readWrite() return lib def _rwMessage(self): runLog.debug( "{} ISOTXS data {}".format( "Reading" if "r" in self._fileMode else "Writing", self ) ) def _updateFileLabel(self): """ Update the file label when reading in the ISOTXS-like file if it differs from its expected value. Notes ----- This occurs when MC2-3 is preparing GAMISO files. The merging of ISOTXS-like files fail if the labels are not unique (i.e. merging ISOTXS into GAMISO with each file having a file label of `ISOTXS`. """ if self._metadata["label"] != self._FILE_LABEL: runLog.debug( "File label in {} is not the expected type. Updating the label from {} to {}".format( self, self._metadata["label"], self._FILE_LABEL ) ) self._metadata["label"] = self._FILE_LABEL
[docs] def readWrite(self): """Read and write ISOTSX file. .. impl:: Tool to read and write ISOTXS files. :id: I_ARMI_NUCDATA_ISOTXS :implements: R_ARMI_NUCDATA_ISOTXS Reading and writing ISOTXS files is performed using the general nuclear data I/O functionalities described in :need:`I_ARMI_NUCDATA`. Reading/writing a ISOTXS file is performed through the following steps: #. Read/write file ID record #. Read/write file 1D record, which includes: * Number of energy groups (``NGROUP``) * Maximum number of up-scatter groups (``MAXUP``) * Maximum number of down-scatter groups (``MAXDN``) * Maximum scattering order (``MAXORD``) * File-wide specification on fission spectrum type, i.e. vector or matrix (``ICHIST``) * Maximum number of blocks of scattering data (``MSCMAX``) * Subblocking control for scatter matrices (``NSBLOK``) #. Read/write file 2D record, which includes: * Library IDs for each isotope (``HSETID(I)``) * Isotope names (``HISONM(I)``) * Global fission spectrum (``CHI(J)``) if file-wide spectrum is specified (``ICHIST`` = 1) * Energy group structure (``EMAX(J)`` and ``EMIN``) * Locations of each nuclide record in the file (``LOCA(I)``) .. note:: The offset data is not read from the binary file because the ISOTXS reader can dynamically calculate the offset itself. Therefore, during a read operation, this data is ignored. #. Read/write file 4D record for each nuclide, which includes isotope-dependent, group-independent data. #. Read/write file 5D record for each nuclide, which includes principal cross sections. #. Read/write file 6D record for each nuclide, which includes fission spectrum if it is flagged as a matrix (``ICHI`` > 1). #. Read/write file 7D record for each nuclide, which includes the scattering matrices. """ self._rwMessage() properties.unlockImmutableProperties(self._lib) try: self._fileID() numNucs = self._rw1DRecord(len(self._lib)) nucNames = self._rw2DRecord(numNucs, self._lib.nuclideLabels) if self._metadata["fileWideChiFlag"] > 1: self._rw3DRecord() for nucLabel in nucNames: # read nuclide name, other global stuff from the ISOTXS library nuc = self._getNuclide(nucLabel) if "r" in self._fileMode: # on add nuclides when reading self._lib[nucLabel] = nuc nuclideIO = self._getNuclideIO()(nuc, self, self._lib) nuclideIO.rwNuclide() except: # noqa: bare-except raise OSError( "Failed to read/write {} \n\n\n{}".format(self, traceback.format_exc()) ) finally: properties.lockImmutableProperties(self._lib)
def _fileID(self): with self.createRecord() as record: self._metadata["label"] = record.rwString(self._metadata["label"], 24) self._metadata["fileId"] = record.rwInt(self._metadata["fileId"]) self._updateFileLabel() def _rw1DRecord(self, numNucs): with self.createRecord() as record: self._metadata["numGroups"] = record.rwInt(self._metadata["numGroups"]) numNucs = record.rwInt(numNucs) self._metadata["maxUpScatterGroups"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["maxUpScatterGroups"] ) self._metadata["maxDownScatterGroups"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["maxDownScatterGroups"] ) self._metadata["maxScatteringOrder"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["maxScatteringOrder"] ) self._metadata["fileWideChiFlag"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["fileWideChiFlag"] ) self._metadata["maxScatteringBlocks"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["maxScatteringBlocks"] ) self._metadata["subblockingControl"] = record.rwInt( self._metadata["subblockingControl"] ) return numNucs def _rw2DRecord(self, numNucs, nucNames): """ Read 2D ISOTXS record. Notes ----- Contains isotope names, global chi distribution, energy group structure, and locations of each nuclide record in the file """ with self.createRecord() as record: # skip "merger test..." string self._metadata["libraryLabel"] = record.rwString( self._metadata["libraryLabel"], 12 * 8 ) nucNames = record.rwList(nucNames, "string", numNucs, 8) if self._metadata["fileWideChiFlag"] == 1: # file-wide chi distribution vector listed here. self._metadata["chi"] = record.rwMatrix( self._metadata["chi"], self._metadata["numGroups"] ) self._rwLibraryEnergies(record) self._metadata["minimumNeutronEnergy"] = record.rwFloat( self._metadata["minimumNeutronEnergy"] ) record.rwList(self._computeNuclideRecordOffset(), "int", numNucs) return nucNames def _rwLibraryEnergies(self, record): # neutron velocity (cm/s) self._lib.neutronVelocity = record.rwMatrix( self._lib.neutronVelocity, self._metadata["numGroups"] ) # read emax for each group in descending eV. self._lib.neutronEnergyUpperBounds = record.rwMatrix( self._lib.neutronEnergyUpperBounds, self._metadata["numGroups"] ) def _rw3DRecord(self): """Read file-wide chi-distribution matrix.""" raise NotImplementedError def _computeNuclideRecordOffset(self): """ Compute the record offset of each nuclide. Notes ----- The offset data is not read from the binary file because the ISOTXS reader can dynamically calculate the offset itself. Therefore, during a read operation, this data is ignored. """ recordsPerNuclide = [ self._computeNumIsotxsRecords(nuc) for nuc in self._lib.nuclides ] return [sum(recordsPerNuclide[0:ii]) for ii in range(len(self._lib))] def _computeNumIsotxsRecords(self, nuclide): """Compute the number of ISOTXS records for a specific nuclide.""" numRecords = 2 metadata = self._getNuclideIO()(nuclide, self, self._lib)._getNuclideMetadata() if metadata["chiFlag"] > 1: numRecords += 1 numRecords += sum(1 for _ord in metadata["ords"] if _ord > 0) return numRecords
readBinary = IsotxsIO.readBinary readAscii = IsotxsIO.readAscii writeBinary = IsotxsIO.writeBinary writeAscii = IsotxsIO.writeAscii class _IsotxsNuclideIO: """ A reader/writer class for ISOTXS nuclides. Notes ----- This is to be used in conjunction with an IsotxsIO object. """ def __init__(self, nuclide, isotxsIO, lib): self._nuclide = nuclide self._metadata = self._getNuclideMetadata() self._isotxsIO = isotxsIO self._lib = lib self._fileWideChiFlag = self._getFileMetadata()["fileWideChiFlag"] self._fileWideChi = self._getFileMetadata()["chi"] self._numGroups = self._getFileMetadata()["numGroups"] self._maxScatteringBlocks = self._getFileMetadata()["maxScatteringBlocks"] self._subblockingControl = self._getFileMetadata()["subblockingControl"] def _getFileMetadata(self): return self._lib.isotxsMetadata def _getNuclideMetadata(self): return self._nuclide.isotxsMetadata def _getMicros(self): return self._nuclide.micros def rwNuclide(self): """Read nuclide name, other global stuff from the ISOTXS library.""" properties.unlockImmutableProperties(self._nuclide) try: self._rw4DRecord() self._nuclide.updateBaseNuclide() self._rw5DRecord() if self._metadata["chiFlag"] > 1: self._rw6DRecord() # get scatter matrix for blockNumIndex in range(self._maxScatteringBlocks): for subBlock in range(self._subblockingControl): if self._metadata["ords"][blockNumIndex] > 0: # ords flag == 1 implies this scatter type of scattering exists on this nuclide. self._rw7DRecord(blockNumIndex, subBlock) finally: properties.lockImmutableProperties(self._nuclide) def _rw4DRecord(self): """ Read 4D ISOTXS record. Notes ----- Read the following individual nuclide XS record. Load data into nuc. This record contains non-mg data like atomic mass, temperature, and some flags. """ with self._isotxsIO.createRecord() as nucRecord: # read string data for datum in ["nuclideId", "libName", "isoIdent"]: self._metadata[datum] = nucRecord.rwString(self._metadata[datum], 8) # read float data for datum in ["amass", "efiss", "ecapt", "temp", "sigPot", "adens"]: self._metadata[datum] = nucRecord.rwFloat(self._metadata[datum]) # read integer data for datum in [ "classif", "chiFlag", "fisFlag", "nalph", "np", "n2n", "nd", "nt", "ltot", "ltrn", "strpd", ]: self._metadata[datum] = nucRecord.rwInt(self._metadata[datum]) # defines what kind of scattering block each block is; total, inelastic, elastic, n2n self._metadata["scatFlag"] = nucRecord.rwList( self._metadata["scatFlag"], "int", self._maxScatteringBlocks ) # number of scattering orders in this block. if 0, this block isn't present. self._metadata["ords"] = nucRecord.rwList( self._metadata["ords"], "int", self._maxScatteringBlocks ) # bandwidth of this block: number of groups that scatter into this group, including this one. jband = self._metadata["jband"] or {} for n in range(self._maxScatteringBlocks): for j in range(self._numGroups): jband[j, n] = nucRecord.rwInt(jband.get((j, n), None)) self._metadata["jband"] = jband # position of in-group scattering for scattering data in group j jj = self._metadata["jj"] or {} # Some mcc**2 cases seem to just have a bunch of 1's listed here. # does this mean we never have upscatter? possibly. for n in range(self._maxScatteringBlocks): for j in range(self._numGroups): jj[j, n] = nucRecord.rwInt(jj.get((j, n), None)) self._metadata["jj"] = jj def _rw5DRecord(self): """Read principal microscopic MG XS data for a nuclide.""" with self._isotxsIO.createRecord() as record: micros = self._getMicros() nuc = self._nuclide numGroups = self._numGroups micros.transport = record.rwMatrix( micros.transport, self._metadata["ltrn"], numGroups ) = record.rwMatrix(, self._metadata["ltot"], numGroups ) micros.nGamma = record.rwMatrix(micros.nGamma, numGroups) if self._metadata["fisFlag"] > 0: micros.fission = record.rwMatrix(micros.fission, numGroups) micros.neutronsPerFission = record.rwMatrix( micros.neutronsPerFission, numGroups ) else: micros.fission = micros.getDefaultXs(numGroups) micros.neutronsPerFission = micros.getDefaultXs(numGroups) if self._metadata["chiFlag"] == 1: micros.chi = record.rwMatrix(micros.chi, numGroups) elif self._metadata["fisFlag"] > 0: if self._fileWideChiFlag != 1: raise OSError( "Fissile nuclide {} in library but no individual or global chi!".format( nuc ) ) micros.chi = self._fileWideChi else: micros.chi = micros.getDefaultXs(numGroups) # read some other important XS, if they exist for xstype in ["nalph", "np", "n2n", "nd", "nt"]: if self._metadata[xstype]: micros.__dict__[xstype] = record.rwMatrix( micros.__dict__[xstype], numGroups ) else: micros.__dict__[xstype] = micros.getDefaultXs(numGroups) # coordinate direction transport cross section (for various coordinate directions) if self._metadata["strpd"] > 0: micros.strpd = record.rwMatrix( micros.strpd, self._metadata["strpd"], numGroups ) else: micros.strpd = micros.getDefaultXs(numGroups) def _rw6DRecord(self): """Reads nuclide-level chi dist.""" raise NotImplementedError def _rw7DRecord(self, blockNumIndex, subBlock): """ Read scatter matrix. Parameters ---------- blockNumIndex : int Index of the scattering block (aka type of scattering) in this nuclide subBlock : int Index-tracking integer. Since neutrons don't scatter to and from all energies, there is a bandwidth defined to save on storage. Notes ----- The data is stored as a giant array, and read in as a CSR matrix. The below matrix is lower triangular, where periods are non-zero. . 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . . . 0 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . The data is read in rows starting at the top and going to the bottom. Per row, there are JBAND non-zero entries. Per row, there are JJ non-zero entries on or beyond the diagonal. . 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Additionally, the data is reversed for whatever reason. So, let's say we are reading the third row in our ficitious matrix. JBAND is 2, JJ is 1. We will read "1" first, and then "2" from the ISOTXS. Since they are backwards, we need to reverse the numbers before putting them into the matrix. . 0 0 0 0 0 . . - - - - . 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - However, since we are reading a CSR, we can just add the indices in reverse (this is fast) and read the data in as is (which is a bit slower). Then we will allow the CSR matrix to fix the order later on, if necessary. """ scatter = self._getScatterMatrix(blockNumIndex) if scatter is not None: scatter = scatter.toarray() with self._isotxsIO.createRecord() as record: ng = self._numGroups nsblok = self._subblockingControl m = ( subBlock + 1 ) # fix starting at zero problem and use same indices as CCCC specification # be careful with starting indices at 0 here!! lordn = self._metadata["ords"][blockNumIndex] # this is basically how many scattering cross sections there are for this scatter type for this nuclide jl = (m - 1) * ((ng - 1) // nsblok + 1) + 1 jup = m * ((ng - 1) // nsblok + 1) ju = min(ng, jup) metadata = self._metadata indptr = [0] indices = [] dataVals = [] for _scatterLoopOrder in range(lordn): for g in range(jl - 1, ju): jup = g + metadata["jj"][g, blockNumIndex] bandWidth = metadata["jband"][g, blockNumIndex] jdown = jup - bandWidth if scatter is None: indptr.append(len(indices) + bandWidth) # add the indices in reverse indices.extend(range(jup - 1, jdown - 1, -1)) # read the data as-is for _ in range(bandWidth): dataVals.append(record.rwFloat(0.0)) else: for xs in reversed(scatter[g, jdown:jup].tolist()): record.rwFloat(xs) if scatter is None: # we're reading. scatter = sparse.csr_matrix( (numpy.array(dataVals), indices, indptr), shape=(ng, ng) ) scatter.eliminate_zeros() self._setScatterMatrix(blockNumIndex, scatter) def _getScatterBlockNum(self, scatterType): """ Determine which scattering block is elastic scattering. This information is stored in the scatFlab libparam and is possibly different for each nuclide (e.g. C, B-10, etc.) Parameters ---------- scatterType : int ISOTXS-defined special int flag for a scatter type (100 for elastic, etc.) Returns ------- blockNum : int A index of the scatter matrix. """ try: return numpy.where(self._metadata["scatFlag"] == scatterType)[0][0] except IndexError: return None def _getElasticScatterBlockNumIndex(self, legendreOrder=0): return self._getScatterBlockNum(ELASTIC_SCATTER + legendreOrder) def _getInelasticScatterBlockNumIndex(self): return self._getScatterBlockNum(INELASTIC_SCATTER) def _getN2nScatterBlockNumIndex(self): return self._getScatterBlockNum(N2N_SCATTER) def _getTotalScatterBlockNumIndex(self): return self._getScatterBlockNum(TOTAL_SCATTER) def _setScatterMatrix(self, blockNumIndex, scatterMatrix): """ Sets scatter matrix data to the proper ``scatterMatrix`` for this ``blockNum``. blockNumIndex : int Index of a scattering block. """ if blockNumIndex == self._getElasticScatterBlockNumIndex(): self._getMicros().elasticScatter = scatterMatrix elif blockNumIndex == self._getInelasticScatterBlockNumIndex(): self._getMicros().inelasticScatter = scatterMatrix elif blockNumIndex == self._getN2nScatterBlockNumIndex(): self._getMicros().n2nScatter = scatterMatrix elif blockNumIndex == self._getTotalScatterBlockNumIndex(): self._getMicros().totalScatter = scatterMatrix elif blockNumIndex == self._getElasticScatterBlockNumIndex(1): self._getMicros().elasticScatter1stOrder = scatterMatrix else: self._getMicros().higherOrderScatter[blockNumIndex] = scatterMatrix def _getScatterMatrix(self, blockNumIndex): """ Get the scatter matrix for a particular blockNum. Note: This is stupid and the logic should be combined with _setScatterMatrix. Please recommend a better way to do it during code review. """ if blockNumIndex == self._getElasticScatterBlockNumIndex(): scatterMatrix = self._getMicros().elasticScatter elif blockNumIndex == self._getInelasticScatterBlockNumIndex(): scatterMatrix = self._getMicros().inelasticScatter elif blockNumIndex == self._getN2nScatterBlockNumIndex(): scatterMatrix = self._getMicros().n2nScatter elif blockNumIndex == self._getTotalScatterBlockNumIndex(): scatterMatrix = self._getMicros().totalScatter elif blockNumIndex == self._getElasticScatterBlockNumIndex(1): scatterMatrix = self._getMicros().elasticScatter1stOrder else: scatterMatrix = self._getMicros().higherOrderScatter.get( blockNumIndex, None ) return scatterMatrix