Source code for armi.mpiActions

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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This module provides an abstract class to be used to implement "MPI actions.".

MPI actions are tasks, activities, or work that can be executed on the worker nodes. The standard
workflow is essentially that the primary node creates an :py:class:`~armi.mpiActions.MpiAction`,
sends it to the workers, and then both the primary and the workers
:py:meth:`invoke() <armi.mpiActions.MpiAction.invoke>` together. For example:

.. list-table:: Sample MPI Action Workflow
   :widths: 5 60 35
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Step
     - Code
     - Notes
   * - 1
     - **primary**: :py:class:`distributeState = DistributeStateAction() <armi.mpiActions.MpiAction>`

       **worker**: :code:`action = context.MPI_COMM.bcast(None, root=0)`
     - **primary**: Initializing a distribute state action.

       **worker**: Waiting for something to do, as determined by the primary, this happens within the
       worker's :py:meth:`~armi.operators.MpiOperator.workerOperate`.
   * - 2
     - **primary**: :code:`context.MPI_COMM.bcast(distributeState, root=0)`

       **worker**: :code:`action = context.MPI_COMM.bcast(None, root=0)`
     - **primary**: Broadcasts a distribute state action to all the worker nodes

       **worker**: Receives the action from the primary, which is a
   * - 3
     - **primary**: :code:`distributeState.invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs)`

       **worker**: :code:`action.invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs)`
     - Both invoke the action, and are in sync. Any broadcast or receive within the action should
       also be synced up.

In order to create a new, custom MPI Action, inherit from :py:class:`~armi.mpiActions.MpiAction`,
and override the :py:meth:`~armi.mpiActions.MpiAction.invokeHook` method.
import collections
import gc
import math
import timeit

from six.moves import cPickle
import tabulate

from armi import context
from armi import interfaces
from armi import runLog
from armi import settings
from armi import utils
from armi.reactor import reactors
from armi.reactor.parameters import parameterDefinitions
from armi.utils import iterables

[docs]class MpiAction: """Base of all MPI actions. MPI Actions are tasks that can be executed without needing lots of other information. When a worker node sits in its main loop, and receives an MPI Action, it will simply call :py:meth:`~armi.mpiActions.MpiAction.invoke`. """ def __init__(self): self.o = None self.r = None self.cs = None self.serial = False # items can be set to exclusive if they will take considerably longer # they will be queued first, and the CPUs for this action will not # be used for any other purpose (except when number of exclusive actions > num CPU groups) self.runActionExclusive = False # lower number is higher; halfway between 1-10.. probably dont need more # than 10 priorities but negative nums work too... self.priority = 5 @property def parallel(self): return not self.serial
[docs] @classmethod def invokeAsMaster(cls, o, r, cs): """Simplified method to call from the primary process. This can be used in place of: someInstance = MpiAction() someInstance = COMM_WORLD.bcast(someInstance, root=0) someInstance.invoke(o, r, cs) Interestingly, the code above can be used in two ways: 1. Both the primary and worker can call the above code at the same time, or 2. the primary can run the above code, which will be handled by the worker's main loop. Option number 2 is the most common usage. .. warning:: This method will not work if the constructor (i.e. :code:`__init__`) requires additional arguments. Since the method body is so simple, it is strong discouraged to add a :code:`*args` or :code:`**kwargs` arguments to this method. Parameters ---------- o : :py:class:`armi.operators.Operator` If an operator is not necessary, supply :code:`None`. r : :py:class:`armi.operators.Reactor` If a reactor is not necessary, supply :code:`None`. """ instance = cls() instance.broadcast() return instance.invoke(o, r, cs)
def _mpiOperationHelper(self, obj, mpiFunction): """Strips off the operator, reactor, cs from the mpiAction before.""" if obj is None or obj is self: # prevent sending o, r, and cs, they should be handled appropriately by the other nodes # reattach with finally obj = self o, r, cs = self.o, self.r, self.cs self.o = self.r = self.cs = None try: return mpiFunction(obj, root=0) except cPickle.PicklingError as error: runLog.error("Failed to {} {}.".format(mpiFunction.__name__, obj)) runLog.error(error) raise finally: if obj is self: self.o, self.r, self.cs = o, r, cs
[docs] def broadcast(self, obj=None): """ A wrapper around ``bcast``, on the primary node can be run with an equals sign, so that it can be consistent within both primary and worker nodes. Parameters ---------- obj : This is any object that can be broadcast, if it is None, then it will broadcast itself, which triggers it to run on the workers (assuming the workers are in the worker main loop. See Also -------- armi.operators.operator.OperatorMPI.workerOperate : receives this on the workers and calls ``invoke`` Notes ----- The standard ``bcast`` method creates a new instance even for the root process. Consequently, when passing an object, references can be broken to the original object. Therefore, this method, returns the original object when called by the primary node, or the broadcasted object when called on the worker nodes. """ if self.serial: return obj if obj is not None else self if context.MPI_SIZE > 1: result = self._mpiOperationHelper(obj, context.MPI_COMM.bcast) # the following if-branch prevents the creation of duplicate objects on the primary node # if the object is large with lots of links, it is prudent to call gc.collect() if obj is None and context.MPI_RANK == 0: return self elif context.MPI_RANK == 0: return obj else: return result
[docs] def gather(self, obj=None): """A wrapper around ``MPI_COMM.gather``. Parameters ---------- obj : This is any object that can be gathered, if it is None, then it will gather itself. Notes ----- The returned list will contain a reference to the original gathered object, without making a copy of it. """ if self.serial: return [obj if obj is not None else self] if context.MPI_SIZE > 1: result = self._mpiOperationHelper(obj, context.MPI_COMM.gather) if context.MPI_RANK == 0: # this cannot be result[0] = obj or self, because 0.0, 0, [] all eval to False if obj is None: result[0] = self else: result[0] = obj else: result = [] else: result = [obj if obj is not None else self] return result
[docs] def invoke(self, o, r, cs): """ This method is called by worker nodes, and passed the worker node's operator, reactor and settings file. Parameters ---------- o : :py:class:`armi.operators.operator.Operator` the operator for this process r : :py:class:`armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor` the reactor represented in this process cs : :py:class:`armi.settings.caseSettings.Settings` the case settings Returns ------- result : object result from invokeHook """ self.o = o self.r = r self.cs = cs return self.invokeHook()
[docs] @staticmethod def mpiFlatten(allCPUResults): """ Flatten results to the same order they were in before making a list of mpiIter results. See Also -------- mpiIter : used for distributing objects/tasks """ return iterables.flatten(allCPUResults)
[docs] @staticmethod def mpiIter(objectsForAllCoresToIter): """ Generate the subset of objects one node is responsible for in MPI. Notes ----- Each CPU will get similar number of objects. E.G. if there are 12 objects and 5 CPUs, the first 2 CPUs will get 3 objects and the last 3 CPUS will get 2. Parameters ---------- objectsForAllCoresToIter: list List of all objects that need to have an MPI calculation performed on. Note, that since len() is needed this method cannot accept a generator. See Also -------- mpiFlatten : used for collecting results """ ntasks = len(objectsForAllCoresToIter) numLocalObjects, deficit = divmod(ntasks, context.MPI_SIZE) if deficit > context.MPI_RANK: numLocalObjects += 1 first = context.MPI_RANK * numLocalObjects else: first = context.MPI_RANK * numLocalObjects + deficit for objIndex in range(first, first + numLocalObjects): yield objectsForAllCoresToIter[objIndex]
[docs] def invokeHook(self): """This method must be overridden in sub-clases. This method is called by worker nodes, and has access to the worker node's operator, reactor, and settings (through :code:`self.o`, :code:`self.r`, and :code:`self.cs`). It must return a boolean value of :code:`True` or :code:`False`, otherwise the worker node will raise an exception and terminate execution. Returns ------- result : object Dependent on implementation """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def runActions(o, r, cs, actions, numPerNode=None, serial=False): """Run a series of MpiActions in parallel, or in series if :code:`serial=True`. Notes ----- The number of actions DOES NOT need to match :code:`context.MPI_SIZE`. Calling this method may invoke MPI Split which will change the MPI_SIZE during the action. This allows someone to call MPI operations without being blocked by tasks which are not doing the same thing. """ if not context.MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE or serial: return runActionsInSerial(o, r, cs, actions) useForComputation = [True] * context.MPI_SIZE if numPerNode is not None: if numPerNode < 1: raise ValueError("numPerNode must be >= 1") numThisNode = {nodeName: 0 for nodeName in context.MPI_NODENAMES} for rank, nodeName in enumerate(context.MPI_NODENAMES): # if we have more processors than tasks, disable the extra useForComputation[rank] = numThisNode[nodeName] < numPerNode numThisNode[nodeName] += 1 queue, numBatches = _makeQueue(actions, useForComputation) runLog.extra( "Running {} MPI actions in parallel over {} batches".format( len(actions), numBatches ) ) results = [] batchNum = 0 while queue: actionsThisRound = [] for useRank in useForComputation: actionsThisRound.append(queue.pop(0) if useRank and queue else None) useForComputation = _disableForExclusiveTasks( actionsThisRound, useForComputation ) realActions = [ (context.MPI_NODENAMES[rank], rank, act) for rank, act in enumerate(actionsThisRound) if act is not None ] batchNum += 1 runLog.extra( "Distributing {} MPI actions for parallel processing (batch {} of {}):\n{}".format( len(realActions), batchNum, numBatches, tabulate.tabulate(realActions, headers=["Nodename", "Rank", "Action"]), ) ) distrib = DistributionAction(actionsThisRound) distrib.broadcast() results.append(distrib.invoke(o, r, cs)) return results
def _disableForExclusiveTasks(actionsThisRound, useForComputation): # disable processors that are exclusive for next indicesToDisable = [ i for i, action in enumerate(actionsThisRound) if action is not None and action.runActionExclusive ] for i in indicesToDisable: useForComputation[i] = False return useForComputation def _makeQueue(actions, useForComputation): """ Sort actions by priority in a queue, if more exclusive than CPUs makes all non-exclusive. Notes ----- All exclusive actions will occur first regardless of the priority. All non-exclusive actions will be after all exclusive actions regardless of the priority. Within these 2 bins, priority matters. In the event that more exclusive actions are requested than CPUs - 1, all actions will be changed to non-exclusive but previously evaluated order will remain. CPUs - 1 is to reserve at least 1 CPU for non-exclusive actions. """ def sortActionPriority(action): # exclusive actions first and those groups of CPUs only get 1 action exclusivePriority = 1 if action.runActionExclusive else 2 return (exclusivePriority, action.priority) queue = list(sorted(actions, key=sortActionPriority)) minCPUsForRemainingTasks = 1 nExclusiveCPUs = len([action for action in queue if action.runActionExclusive]) nCPUsAvailable = len([rank for rank in useForComputation if rank]) if nExclusiveCPUs + minCPUsForRemainingTasks > nCPUsAvailable: # there are more exclusive tasks than sets of CPUs, so just make them all # non-exclusive and evenly balance them for action in queue: action.runActionExclusive = False numBatches = int(math.ceil(len(actions) / float(nCPUsAvailable))) else: nLeftoverCPUs = nCPUsAvailable - nExclusiveCPUs nLeftoverActions = len(actions) - nExclusiveCPUs numBatches = int(math.ceil(nLeftoverActions / nLeftoverCPUs)) return queue, numBatches
[docs]def runActionsInSerial(o, r, cs, actions): """Run a series of MpiActions in serial. Notes ----- This will set the `MpiAction.serial` attribute to :code:`True`, and the `MpiAction.broadcast` and `MpiAction.gather` methods will basically just return the value being supplied. """ results = [] runLog.extra("Running {} MPI actions in serial".format(len(actions))) numActions = len(actions) for aa, action in enumerate(actions): canDistribute = context.MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE action.serial = True context.MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE = False runLog.extra("Running action {} of {}: {}".format(aa + 1, numActions, action)) results.append(action.invoke(o, r, cs)) action.serial = False # return to original state context.MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE = canDistribute return results
[docs]class DistributionAction(MpiAction): """ This MpiAction scatters the workload of multiple actions to available resources. Notes ----- This currently only works from the root (of COMM_WORLD). Eventually, it would be nice to make it possible for sub-tasks to manage their own communicators and spawn their own work within some sub-communicator. This performs an MPI Split operation and takes over the context.MPI_COMM and associated varaibles. For this reason, it is possible that when someone thinks they have distributed information to all nodes, it may only be a subset that was necessary to perform the number of actions needed by this DsitributionAction. """ def __init__(self, actions): MpiAction.__init__(self) self._actions = actions def __reduce__(self): """Reduce prevents from unnecessary actions to others, after all we only want to scatter. Consequently, the worker nodes _actions will be None. """ return DistributionAction, (None,)
[docs] def invokeHook(self): """ Overrides invokeHook to distribute work amongst available resources as requested. Notes ----- Two things about this method make it non-recursive """ canDistribute = context.MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE mpiComm = context.MPI_COMM mpiRank = context.MPI_RANK mpiSize = context.MPI_SIZE mpiNodeNames = context.MPI_NODENAMES if self.cs["verbosity"] == "debug" and mpiRank == 0: runLog.debug("Printing diagnostics for MPI actions!") objectCountDict = collections.defaultdict(int) for debugAction in self._actions: utils.classesInHierarchy(debugAction, objectCountDict) for objekt, count in objectCountDict.items(): runLog.debug( "There are {} {} in MPI action {}".format( count, objekt, debugAction ) ) actionResult = None try: action = mpiComm.scatter(self._actions, root=0) # create a new communicator that only has these specific dudes running hasAction = action is not None context.MPI_COMM = mpiComm.Split(int(hasAction)) context.MPI_RANK = context.MPI_COMM.Get_rank() context.MPI_SIZE = context.MPI_COMM.Get_size() context.MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE = context.MPI_SIZE > 1 context.MPI_NODENAMES = context.MPI_COMM.allgather(context.MPI_NODENAME) if hasAction: actionResult = action.invoke(self.o, self.r, self.cs) finally: # restore the global variables context.MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE = canDistribute context.MPI_COMM = mpiComm context.MPI_RANK = mpiRank context.MPI_SIZE = mpiSize context.MPI_NODENAMES = mpiNodeNames return actionResult
[docs]class MpiActionError(Exception): """Exception class raised when error conditions occur during an MpiAction."""
[docs]class DistributeStateAction(MpiAction): def __init__(self, skipInterfaces=False): MpiAction.__init__(self) self._skipInterfaces = skipInterfaces
[docs] def invokeHook(self): r"""Sync up all nodes with the reactor, the cs, and the interfaces. Notes ----- This is run by all workers and the primary any time the code needs to sync all processors. """ if context.MPI_SIZE <= 1: runLog.extra("Not distributing state because there is only one processor") return # Detach phase: # The Reactor and the interfaces have links to the Operator, which contains Un-MPI-able objects # like the MPI Comm and the SQL database connections."Distributing State") start = timeit.default_timer() try: cs = self._distributeSettings() self._distributeReactor(cs) DistributeStateAction._distributeParamAssignments() if self._skipInterfaces: self.o.reattach(self.r, cs) # may be redundant? else: self._distributeInterfaces() # lastly, make sure the reactor knows it is up to date # the operator/interface attachment may invalidate some of the cache, but since # all the underlying data is the same, ultimately all state should be (initially) the # same. # TODO: this is an indication we need to revamp either how the operator attachment works # or how the interfaces are distributed. self.r._markSynchronized() except (cPickle.PicklingError, TypeError) as error: runLog.error("Failed to transmit on distribute state root MPI bcast") runLog.error(error) # workers are still waiting for a reactor object if context.MPI_RANK == 0: _diagnosePickleError(self.o) context.MPI_COMM.bcast("quit") # try to get the workers to quit. raise if context.MPI_RANK != 0: self.r.core.regenAssemblyLists() # check to make sure that everything has been properly reattached if self.r.core.getFirstBlock().core.r is not self.r: raise RuntimeError("Block.core.r is not self.r. Reattach the blocks!") beforeCollection = timeit.default_timer() # force collection; we've just created a bunch of objects that don't need to be used again. runLog.debug("Forcing garbage collection.") gc.collect() stop = timeit.default_timer() runLog.extra( "Distributed state in {}s, garbage collection took {}s".format( beforeCollection - start, stop - beforeCollection ) )
def _distributeSettings(self): if context.MPI_RANK == 0: runLog.debug("Sending the settings object") self.cs = cs = self.broadcast(self.o.cs) if isinstance(cs, settings.Settings): runLog.setVerbosity( cs["verbosity"] if context.MPI_RANK == 0 else cs["branchVerbosity"] ) runLog.debug("Received settings object") else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to transmit settings, received: {}".format(cs)) if context.MPI_RANK != 0: self.o.cs = cs return cs def _distributeReactor(self, cs): runLog.debug("Sending the Reactor object") r = self.broadcast(self.r) if isinstance(r, reactors.Reactor): runLog.debug("Received reactor") else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to transmit reactor, received: {}".format(r)) if context.MPI_RANK == 0: # on the primary node this unfortunately created a __deepcopy__ of the reactor, delete it del r else: # maintain original reactor object on primary self.r = r self.o.r = r self.r.o = self.o runLog.debug( "The reactor has {} assemblies".format(len(self.r.core.getAssemblies())) ) # attach here so any interface actions use a properly-setup reactor. self.o.reattach(self.r, cs) # sets r and cs @staticmethod def _distributeParamAssignments(): data = dict() if context.MPI_RANK == 0: data = { (pName, pdType.__name__): pDef.assigned for ( pName, pdType, ), pDef in parameterDefinitions.ALL_DEFINITIONS.items() } data = context.MPI_COMM.bcast(data, root=0) if context.MPI_RANK != 0: for (pName, pdType), pDef in parameterDefinitions.ALL_DEFINITIONS.items(): pDef.assigned = data[pName, pdType.__name__] def _distributeInterfaces(self): """ Distribute the interfaces to all MPI nodes. Interface copy description Since interfaces store information that can influence a calculation, it is important in branch searches to make sure that no information is carried forward from these runs on either the primary node or the workers. However, there are interfaces that cannot be distributed, making this a challenge. To solve this problem, any interface that cannot be distributed is simply re-initialized. If any information needs to be given to the worker nodes on a non-distributable interface, additional function definitions (and likely soul searching as to why needed distributable information is on a non-distributable interface) are required to pass the information around. See Also -------- armi.interfaces.Interface.preDistributeState : runs on primary before DS armi.interfaces.Interface.postDistributeState : runs on primary after DS armi.interfaces.Interface.interactDistributeState : runs on workers after DS """ if context.MPI_RANK == 0: # These run on the primary node. (Worker nodes run sychronized code below) toRestore = {} for i in self.o.getInterfaces(): if i.distributable() == interfaces.Interface.Distribute.DUPLICATE: runLog.debug("detaching interface {0}".format( i.detachReactor() toRestore[i] = i.preDistributeState() # Verify that the interface stacks are identical. runLog.debug("Sending the interface names and flags") _dumIList = self.broadcast( [(, i.distributable()) for i in self.o.getInterfaces()] ) # transmit interfaces for i in self.o.getInterfaces(): # avoid sending things that don't pickle, like the database. if i.distributable() == interfaces.Interface.Distribute.DUPLICATE: runLog.debug("Sending the interface {0}".format(i)) _idum = self.broadcast(i) # don't send the reactor or operator i.postDistributeState(toRestore[i]) i.attachReactor(self.o, self.r) else: # These run on the worker nodes. # verify identical interface stack # This list is (interfaceName, distributable) tuples) interfaceList = self.broadcast(None) for iName, distributable in interfaceList: iOld = self.o.getInterface(iName) if distributable == interfaces.Interface.Distribute.DUPLICATE: # expect a transmission of the interface as a whole. runLog.debug("Receiving new {0}".format(iName)) iNew = self.broadcast(None) runLog.debug("Received {0}".format(iNew)) if iNew == "quit": return self.o.removeInterface(iOld) self.o.addInterface(iNew) iNew.interactDistributeState() elif distributable == interfaces.Interface.Distribute.NEW: runLog.debug("Initializing new interface {0}".format(iName)) # make a fresh instance of the non-transmittable interface. self.o.removeInterface(iOld) iNew = iOld.__class__(self.r, self.cs) if not iNew: for i in self.o.getInterfaces(): runLog.warning(i) raise RuntimeError( "Non-distributable interface {0} exists on the primary MPI process " "but not on the workers. " "Cannot distribute state.".format(iName) ) self.o.addInterface(iNew) iNew.interactInit() iNew.interactBOL() else: runLog.debug("Skipping broadcast of interface {0}".format(iName)) if iOld: iOld.interactDistributeState()
def _diagnosePickleError(o): r""" Scans through various parts of the reactor to identify which part cannot be pickled. Notes ----- So, you're having a pickle error and you don't know why. This method will help you find the problem. It doesn't always catch everything, but it does help. We also find that modifying the Python library as documented here tells us which object can't be pickled by printing it out. """ checker = utils.tryPickleOnAllContents3"-------- Pickle Error Detection -------") "For reference, the operator is {0} and the reactor is {1}\n" "Watch for other reactors or operators, and think about where they came from.".format( o, o.r ) )"Scanning the Reactor for pickle errors") checker(o.r)"Scanning all assemblies for pickle errors") for a in o.r.core.getAssemblies(includeAll=True): checker(a)"Scanning all blocks for pickle errors") for b in o.r.core.getBlocks(includeAll=True): checker(b)"Scanning blocks by name for pickle errors") for _bName, b in o.r.core.blocksByName.items(): checker(b)"Scanning the ISOTXS library for pickle errors") checker(o.r.core.lib) for interface in o.getInterfaces():"Scanning {} for pickle errors".format(interface)) checker(interface)