Source code for armi.materials.mox

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Mixed-oxide (MOX) ceramic fuel.

A definitive source for these properties is [#ornltm20002]_.

.. [#ornltm20002] Thermophysical Properties of MOX and UO2 Fuels Including the Effects of
    Irradiation. S.G. Popov,  Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

from armi import runLog
from armi.materials import material
from armi.materials.uraniumOxide import UraniumOxide
from armi.nucDirectory import nucDir

[docs] class MOX(UraniumOxide): """ MOX fuel. Some parameters (density, thermal conductivity, etc) are inherited from UraniumOxide. These parameters are sufficiently equivalent to pure UO2 in the literature to leave them unchanged. Specific MOX mixtures may be defined in blueprints under custom isotopics. """ enrichedNuclide = "U235" def __init__(self): UraniumOxide.__init__(self)
[docs] def applyInputParams( self, U235_wt_frac=None, TD_frac=None, mass_frac_PU02=None, *args, **kwargs ): if U235_wt_frac is not None: self.adjustMassEnrichment(U235_wt_frac) td = TD_frac if td is not None: if td > 1.0: runLog.warning( "Theoretical density frac for {0} is {1}, which is >1" "".format(self, td), single=True, label="Large theoretical density", ) elif td == 0: runLog.warning( "Theoretical density frac for {self} is zero!", single=True, label="Zero theoretical density", ) self.adjustTD(td) if mass_frac_PU02 is not None: self.setMassFracPuO2(mass_frac_PU02) material.FuelMaterial.applyInputParams(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getMassFracPuO2(self): massFracPu = sum( [self.getMassFrac(n) for n in nucDir.getNuclideNames(elementSymbol="PU")] ) massFracU = sum( [self.getMassFrac(n) for n in nucDir.getNuclideNames(elementSymbol="U")] ) return massFracPu / (massFracPu + massFracU)
[docs] def setMassFracPuO2(self, massFracPuO2): massFracPu = sum( [self.getMassFrac(n) for n in nucDir.getNuclideNames(elementSymbol="PU")] ) massFracU = sum( [self.getMassFrac(n) for n in nucDir.getNuclideNames(elementSymbol="U")] ) total = massFracU + massFracPu for Pu in nucDir.getNuclideNames("PU"): self.setMassFrac( Pu, self.getMassFrac(Pu) / massFracPu * massFracPuO2 * total ) for U in nucDir.getNuclideNames("PU"): self.setMassFrac( U, self.getMassFrac(U) / massFracU * (1 - massFracPuO2) * total )
[docs] def getMolFracPuO2(self): molweightUO2 = ( 270.02771 # Approximation, does not include variance due to isotopes ) molweightPuO2 = ( 275.9988 # Approximation, does not include variance due to isotopes ) massFracPuO2 = self.getMassFracPuO2() massFracUO2 = 1 - massFracPuO2 return massFracPuO2 * molweightUO2 / massFracUO2 / molweightPuO2
[docs] def setDefaultMassFracs(self): r"""UO2 + PuO2 mixture mass fractions. Pu238: 238.0495599 g/mol Pu239: 239.0521634 g/mol Pu240: 240.0538135 g/mol Pu241: 241.0568515 g/mol Pu242: 242.0587426 g/mol Am241: 241.0568291 g/mol U-235: 235.0439299 g/mol U-238: 238.0507882 g/mol Oxygen: 15.9994 g/mol JOYO MOX mass fraction calculation: Pu mixture: 0.1% Pu238 + 76.82% Pu239 + 19.23% Pu240 + 2.66% Pu241 + 0.55% Pu242 + 0.64% Am241 Pu atomic mass: 239.326469 g/mol U mixture: 22.99% U-235 + 77.01% U-238 U atomic mass: 237.359511 g/mol UPu mixture: 17.7% Pu mixture + 82.3% U mixture UPu atomic mass: 237.70766 g/mol 2 moles of oxygen/1 mole of UPu grams of UPu = 237.70766 g/mol* 1 mol = 237.70766 g grams of oxygen= 15.9994 g/mol * 2 mol = 31.9988 g total= 269.70646 g. Mass fraction UPu : 237.70766/269.70646 = 0.881357 Mass fraction Pu mixture: 0.177*237.70766/269.70646 = 0.156000 Mass fraction U mixture: 0.823*237.70766/269.70646 = 0.725356 Mass fraction Pu238: 0.001*42.074256/269.70646 = 0.000156 Mass fraction Pu239: 0.7682*42.074256/269.70646 = 0.119839 Mass fraction Pu240: 0.1923*42.074256/269.70646 = 0.029999 Mass fraction Pu241: 0.0266*42.074256/269.70646 = 0.004150 Mass fraction Pu242: 0.0055*42.074256/269.70646 = 0.000858 Mass fraction Am241: 0.0064*42.074256/269.70646 = 0.000998 Mass fraction U-235: 0.2299*195.633404/269.70646 = 0.166759 Mass fraction U-238: 0.7701*195.633404/269.70646 = 0.558597 Mass fraction O: 31.9988/269.70646 = 0.118643 """ self.setMassFrac("PU238", 0.000156) self.setMassFrac("PU239", 0.119839) self.setMassFrac("PU240", 0.029999) self.setMassFrac("PU241", 0.004150) self.setMassFrac("PU242", 0.000858) self.setMassFrac("AM241", 0.000998) self.setMassFrac("U235", 0.166759) self.setMassFrac("U238", 0.558597) self.setMassFrac("O16", 0.118643)
[docs] def meltingPoint(self): """ Melting point in K - ORNL/TM-2000/351. Melting point is a function of PuO2 mol fraction. The liquidus Tl and solidus Ts temperatures in K are given by: Tl(y) = 3120.0 - 388.1*y - 30.4*y^2 Ts(y) = 3120.0 - 655.3*y + 336.4*y^2 - 99.9*y^3 where y is the mole fraction of PuO2 This function returns the solidus temperature. Does not take into account changes in the melting temp due to burnup. """ molFracPuO2 = self.getMolFracPuO2() return ( 3120.0 - 655.3 * molFracPuO2 + 336.4 * molFracPuO2**2 - 99.9 * molFracPuO2**3 )