# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Interfaces are objects of code that interact with ARMI. They read information off the state,
perform calculations (or run external codes), and then store the results back in the state.
Learn all about interfaces in :doc:`/developer/guide`
See Also
armi.operators : Schedule calls to various interfaces
armi.plugins : Register various interfaces
import copy
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Union
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from armi import getPluginManagerOrFail, runLog, settings, utils
from armi.reactor import parameters
from armi.utils import textProcessors
class STACK_ORDER: # noqa: N801
Constants that help determine the order of modules in the interface stack.
Each module defines an ``ORDER`` constant that specifies where in this order it should be placed
in the Interface Stack.
.. impl:: Define an ordered list of interfaces.
At each time node during a simulation, an ordered colletion of Interfaces are run (referred
to as the interface stack). But ARMI does not force the order upon the analyst. Instead,
each Interface registers where in that ordered list it belongs by giving itself an order
number (which can be an integer or a decimal). This class defines a set of constants which
can be imported and used by Interface developers to define that Interface's position in the
The constants defined are given names, based on common stack orderings in the ARMI
ecosystem. But in the end, these are just constant values, and the names they are given are
merely suggestions.
See Also
BEFORE = -0.1
AFTER = 0.1
class TightCoupler:
Data structure that defines tight coupling attributes that are implemented
within an Interface and called upon when ``interactAllCoupled`` is called.
.. impl:: The TightCoupler defines the convergence criteria for physics coupling.
During a simulation, the developers of an ARMI application frequently want to
iterate on some physical calculation until that calculation has converged to
within some small tolerance. This is typically done to solve the nonlinear
dependence of different physical properties of the reactor, like fuel
performance. However, what parameter is being tightly coupled is configurable
by the developer.
This class provides a way to calculate if a single parameter has converged
based on some convergence tolerance. The user provides the parameter,
tolerance, and a maximum number of iterations to define a basic convergence
calculation. If in the ``isConverged`` method the parameter has not converged,
the number of iterations is incremented, and this class will wait, presuming
another iteration is forthcoming.
param : str
The name of a parameter defined in the ARMI Reactor model.
tolerance : float
Defines the allowable error between the current and previous parameter values
to determine if the selected coupling parameter has converged.
maxIters : int
Maximum number of tight coupling iterations allowed
_SUPPORTED_TYPES = [float, int, list, np.ndarray]
def __init__(self, param, tolerance, maxIters):
self.parameter = param
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.maxIters = maxIters
self._numIters = 0
self._previousIterationValue = None
self.eps = np.inf
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"<{self.__class__.__name__}, Parameter: {self.parameter}, Convergence Criteria: "
+ f"{self.tolerance}, Maximum Coupled Iterations: {self.maxIters}>"
def storePreviousIterationValue(self, val: _SUPPORTED_TYPES):
Stores the previous iteration value of the given parameter.
the value to store. Is commonly equal to interface.getTightCouplingValue()
Checks the type of the val against ``_SUPPORTED_TYPES`` before storing.
If invalid, a TypeError is raised.
if type(val) not in self._SUPPORTED_TYPES:
raise TypeError(
f"{val} supplied has type {type(val)} which is not supported in {self}. "
f"Supported types: {self._SUPPORTED_TYPES}"
self._previousIterationValue = val
def isConverged(self, val: _SUPPORTED_TYPES) -> bool:
Return boolean indicating if the convergence criteria between the current and previous
iteration values are met.
The most recent value for computing convergence critera. Is commonly equal to
True (False) interface is (not) converged
- On convergence, this class is automatically reset to its initial condition to avoid
retaining or holding a stale state. Calling this method will increment a counter that when
exceeded will clear the state. A warning will be reported if the state is cleared prior to
the convergence criteria being met.
- For computing convergence of arrays, only up to 2D is allowed. 3D arrays would arise from
considering component level parameters. However, converging on component level parameters
is not supported at this time.
If the previous iteration value has not been assigned. The
``storePreviousIterationValue`` method must be called first.
Only support calculating norms for up to 2D arrays.
if self._previousIterationValue is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot check convergence of {self} with no previous iteration value set. "
"Set using `storePreviousIterationValue` first."
previous = self._previousIterationValue
# calculate convergence of val and previous
if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
self.eps = abs(val - previous)
dim = self.getListDimension(val)
if dim == 1: # 1D array
self.eps = norm(np.subtract(val, previous), ord=2)
elif dim == 2: # 2D array
epsVec = []
for old, new in zip(previous, val):
epsVec.append(norm(np.subtract(old, new), ord=2))
self.eps = norm(epsVec, ord=np.inf)
raise RuntimeError(
"Currently only support up to 2D arrays for calculating convergence of arrays."
# Check if convergence is satisfied. If so, or if reached max number of iters, then reset
# the number of iterations
converged = self.eps < self.tolerance
if converged:
self._numIters = 0
self._numIters += 1
if self._numIters == self.maxIters:
f"Maximum number of iterations for {self.parameter} reached without convergence!"
f"Prescribed convergence criteria is {self.tolerance}."
self._numIters = 0
return converged
def getListDimension(listToCheck: list, dim: int = 1) -> int:
"""Return the dimension of a python list.
listToCheck: list
the supplied python list to have its dimension returned
dim: int, optional
the dimension of the list
dim, int
the dimension of the list. Typically 1, 2, or 3 but can be arbitrary order, N.
for v in listToCheck:
if isinstance(v, list):
dim += 1
dim = TightCoupler.getListDimension(v, dim)
return dim
class Interface:
The eponymous Interface between the ARMI reactor data model and the Plugins.
.. impl:: The interface shall allow code execution at important operational points in time.
:implements: R_ARMI_INTERFACE
The Interface class defines a number methods with names like ``interact***``.
These methods are called in order at each time node. This allows for an
individual Plugin defining multiple interfaces to insert code at the start
or end of a particular time node or cycle during reactor simulation. In this
fashion, the Plugins and thus the Operator control when their code is run.
The end goal of all this work is to allow the Plugins to carefully tune
when and how they interact with the reactor data model.
Interface instances are gathered into an interface stack in
# list containing interfaceClass
def getDependencies(cls, cs):
return []
name: Union[str, None] = None
The name of the interface. This is undefined for the base class, and must be overridden by any
concrete class that extends this one.
# TODO: This is a terrible name.
function = None
The function performed by an Interface. This is not required be be defined by implementations of
Interface, but is used to form categories of interfaces.
class Distribute:
"""Enum-like return flag for behavior on interface broadcasting with MPI."""
NEW = 2
SKIP = 4
def __init__(self, r, cs):
Construct an interface.
The ``r`` and ``cs`` arguments are required, but may be ``None``, where appropriate for the
specific ``Interface`` implementation.
r : Reactor
A reactor to attach to
cs : Settings
Settings object to use
Interfaces derived from Interface must define their name
if self.name is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Interfaces derived from Interface must define "
"their name ({}).".format(type(self).__name__)
self._enabled = True
self.reverseAtEOL = False
self._bolForce = False # override disabled flag in interactBOL if true.
self.cs = cs
self.r = r
self.o = r.o if r else None
self.coupler = _setTightCouplerByInterfaceFunction(self, cs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Interface {0}>".format(self.name)
def _checkSettings(self):
"""Raises an exception if interface settings requirements are not met."""
def nameContains(self, name):
return name in str(self.name)
def distributable(self):
Return true if this can be MPI broadcast.
Cases where this isn't possible include the database interface, where the SQL driver cannot
be distributed.
return self.Distribute.DUPLICATE
def preDistributeState(self):
Prepare for distribute state by returning all non-distributable attributes.
>>> return {'neutronsPerFission',self.neutronsPerFission}
return {}
def postDistributeState(self, toRestore):
"""Restore non-distributable attributes after a distributeState."""
def attachReactor(self, o, r):
Set this interfaces' reactor to the reactor passed in and sets default settings.
r : Reactor object
The reactor to attach
quiet : bool, optional
If true, don't print out the message while attaching
This runs on all worker nodes as well as the primary.
self.r = r
self.cs = o.cs
self.o = o
def detachReactor(self):
"""Delete the callbacks to reactor or operator. Useful when pickling, MPI sending, etc. to
save memory.
self.o = None
self.r = None
self.cs = None
def duplicate(self):
Duplicate this interface without duplicating some of the large attributes (like the entire
Makes a copy of interface with detached reactor/operator/settings so that it can be attached
to an operator at a later point in time.
The deepcopy of this interface with detached reactor/operator/settings
# temporarily remove references to the interface. They will be reattached later.
o = self.o
self.o = None
r = self.r
self.r = None
cs = self.cs
self.cs = None
# a new sterile copy of the interface.
# With no record of operators, reactors, or cs, it can be added easily to a new operator
newI = copy.deepcopy(self)
# reattach current interface information
self.o = o
self.r = r
self.cs = cs
return newI
def getHistoryParams(self):
Add these params to the history tracker for designated assemblies.
The assembly will get a print out of these params vs. time at EOL.
return []
def getInterface(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.o.getInterface(*args, **kwargs) if self.o else None
def interactInit(self):
Interacts immediately after the interfaces are created.
BOL interactions on other interfaces will not have occurred here.
def interactBOL(self):
"""Called at the Beginning-of-Life of a run, before any cycles start."""
if self._enabled:
def _initializeParams(self):
Assign the parameters for active interfaces so that they will be in the database.
Parameters with defaults are not written to the database until they have been assigned
SINCE_ANYTHING. This is done to reduce database size, so that we don't write parameters to
the DB that are related to interfaces that are not not active.
for paramDef in parameters.ALL_DEFINITIONS.inCategory(self.name):
if paramDef.default not in (None, parameters.NoDefault):
paramDef.assigned = parameters.SINCE_ANYTHING
def interactEOL(self):
"""Called at End-of-Life, after all cycles are complete."""
def interactBOC(self, cycle=None):
"""Called at the beginning of each cycle."""
def interactEOC(self, cycle=None):
"""Called at the end of each cycle."""
def interactEveryNode(self, cycle, node):
"""Called at each time node/subcycle of every cycle."""
def interactCoupled(self, iteration):
"""Called repeatedly at each time node/subcycle when tight physics coupling is active."""
def getTightCouplingValue(self):
"""Abstract method to retrieve the value in which tight coupling will converge on."""
def interactError(self):
"""Called if an error occurs."""
def interactDistributeState(self):
"""Called after this interface is copied to a different (non-primary) MPI node."""
def isRequestedDetailPoint(self, cycle=None, node=None):
Determine if this interface should interact at this reactor state (cycle/node).
By default, detail points are either during the requested snapshots, if any exist, or all
cycles and nodes if none exist.
This is useful for peripheral interfaces (CR Worth, perturbation theory, transients) that
may or may not be requested during a standard run.
If both cycle and node are None, this returns True
cycle : int
The cycle number (or None to only consider node)
node : int
The timenode (BOC, MOC, EOC, etc.).
Whether or not this is a detail point.
from armi.bookkeeping import snapshotInterface # avoid cyclic import
if cycle is None and node is None:
return True
if not self.cs["dumpSnapshot"]:
return True
for cnStamp in self.cs["dumpSnapshot"]:
ci, ni = snapshotInterface.extractCycleNodeFromStamp(cnStamp)
if cycle is None and ni == node:
# case where only node counts (like in equilibrium cases)
return True
if ci == cycle and ni == node:
return True
return False
def workerOperate(self, _cmd):
Receive an MPI command and do MPI work on worker nodes.
True if this interface handled the incoming command. False otherwise.
return False
def enabled(self, flag=None):
Mechanism to allow interfaces to be attached but not running at the interaction points.
Must be implemented on the individual interface level hooks. If given no arguments, returns
status of enabled. If arguments, sets enabled to that flag. (True or False)
These ``return`` statements are inconsistent, but not wrong.
if flag is None:
return self._enabled
elif isinstance(flag, bool):
self._enabled = flag
raise ValueError("Non-bool passed to assign {}.enable().".format(self))
def bolForce(self, flag=None):
Run interactBOL even if this interface is disabled.
flag : boolean, optional
Will set the bolForce flag to this boolean
true if should run at BOL. No return if you pass an input.
These ``return`` statements are inconsistent, but not wrong.
if flag is None:
return self._bolForce
self._bolForce = flag
def readOutput(self, outName):
"""Read output file(s)."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def updatePhysicsCouplingControl(self):
"""Adjusts physics coupling settings depending on current state of run."""
class OutputReader:
A generic representation of a particular module's output.
success : bool
False by default, set to True if the run is considered
to have completed without error.
Should ideally not require r, eci, and fname arguments and would rather just have an
apply(reactor) method.
def __init__(self, r=None, externalCodeInterface=None, fName=None, cs=None):
self.externalCodeInterface = externalCodeInterface
self.eci = self.externalCodeInterface
self.r = r
self.cs = cs
if fName:
self.output = textProcessors.TextProcessor(fName)
self.output = None
self.fName = fName
self.success = False
def getInterface(self, name):
"""Get another interface by name."""
if self.externalCodeInterface:
return self.externalCodeInterface.getInterface(name)
return None
def read(self, fileName):
"""Read the output file."""
raise NotImplementedError
def apply(self, reactor):
Apply the output back to a reactor state.
This provides a generic interface for the output data of anything
to be applied to a reactor state. The application could involve
reading text or binary output or simply parameters to appropriate
values in some other data structure.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _setTightCouplerByInterfaceFunction(interfaceClass, cs):
Return an instance of a ``TightCoupler`` class or ``None``.
interfaceClass : Interface
Interface class that a ``TightCoupler`` object will be added to.
cs : Settings
Case settings that are parsed to determine if tight coupling is enabled
globally and if both a target parameter and convergence criteria defined.
# No tight coupling if there is no function for the Interface defined.
if interfaceClass.function is None:
return None
if not cs["tightCoupling"] or (
interfaceClass.function not in cs["tightCouplingSettings"]
return None
parameter = cs["tightCouplingSettings"][interfaceClass.function]["parameter"]
tolerance = cs["tightCouplingSettings"][interfaceClass.function]["convergence"]
maxIters = cs["tightCouplingMaxNumIters"]
return TightCoupler(parameter, tolerance, maxIters)
def getActiveInterfaceInfo(cs):
Return a list containing information for all of the Interface classes that are present.
This creates a list of tuples, each containing an Interface subclass and appropriate
kwargs for adding them to an Operator stack, given case settings. There should be
entries for all Interface classes that are returned from implementations of the
describeInterfaces() function in modules present in the passed list of packages. The
list is sorted by the ORDER specified by the module in which the specific Interfaces
are described.
cs : Settings
The case settings that activate relevant Interfaces
interfaceInfo = []
for info in getPluginManagerOrFail().hook.exposeInterfaces(cs=cs):
interfaceInfo += info
interfaceInfo = [
(iInfo.interfaceCls, iInfo.kwargs)
for iInfo in sorted(interfaceInfo, key=lambda x: x.order)
return interfaceInfo
def isInterfaceActive(klass, cs):
"""Return True if the Interface klass is active."""
return any(issubclass(k, klass) for k, _kwargs in getActiveInterfaceInfo(cs))
class InterfaceInfo(NamedTuple):
Data structure with interface info.
If kwargs is an empty dictionary, defaults from
``armi.operators.operator.Operator.addInterface`` will be applied.
See Also
armi.operators.operator.Operator.createInterfaces : where these ultimately
activate various interfaces.
order: int
interfaceCls: Interface
kwargs: dict