Source code for armi.context

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

Module containing global constants that reflect the executing context of ARMI.

This contains information about the circumstatces under which an ARMI application is
running. Things like the MPI environment, executing user, etc. live here. These are
re-exported by the `armi` package, but live here so that import loops won't lead to
as many issues.
from logging import DEBUG
import datetime
import enum
import gc
import getpass
import os
import sys
import time

# h5py needs to be imported here, so that the disconnectAllHdfDBs() call that gets bound
# to atexit below doesn't lead to a segfault on python exit. The Database3 module is
# imported at call time, since it itself needs stuff that is initialized in this module
# to import properly.  However, if that import leads to the first time that h5py is
# imported in this process, doing so will cause a segfault. The theory here is that this
# happens because the h5py extension module is not safe to import (for whatever reason)
# when the python interpreter is in whatever state it's in when the atexit callbacks are
# being invoked.  Importing early avoids this.
# Minimal code to reproduce the issue:
# >>> import atexit
# >>> def willSegFault():
# >>>     import h5py
# >>> atexit.register(willSegFault)

import h5py  # noqa: unused-import


# App name is used when spawning new tasks that should invoke a specific ARMI
# application. For instance, the framework provides some features to help with
# submitting tasks to an HPC cluster. Sometimes these tasks are themselves only using
# ARMI functionality, so running `python -m armi` is fine. Other times, the task is
# specific to an application, requiring something like `python -m myArmiApp`
APP_NAME = "armi"

[docs]class Mode(enum.Enum): """ Mode represents different run modes possible in ARMI. The modes can be Batch, Interactive, or GUI. In different modes, there are different types of interactions possible. Mode is generally auto-detected based on your terminal. It can also be set in various CLI entry points, which are the implementations of :py:class:`armi.cli.entryPoint.EntryPoint`. Lastly, each entry point has a ``--batch`` command line argument that can force Batch mode. """ BATCH = 1 INTERACTIVE = 2 GUI = 4
[docs] @classmethod def setMode(cls, mode): """Set the run mode of the current ARMI case.""" global CURRENT_MODE assert isinstance(mode, cls), "Invalid mode {}".format(mode) CURRENT_MODE = mode
ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.join(ROOT, "..") RES = os.path.join(ROOT, "resources") DOC = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "doc")) USER = getpass.getuser() START_TIME = time.ctime() # Set batch mode if not a TTY, which means you're on a cluster writing to a stdout file # In this mode you cannot respond to prompts or anything CURRENT_MODE = Mode.INTERACTIVE if sys.stdout.isatty() else Mode.BATCH Mode.setMode(CURRENT_MODE) MPI_COMM = None # MPI_RANK represents the index of the CPU that is running. # 0 is typically the primary CPU, while 1+ are typically workers. # MPI_SIZE is the total number of CPUs MPI_RANK = 0 MPI_SIZE = 1 LOCAL = "local" MPI_NODENAME = LOCAL MPI_NODENAMES = [LOCAL] try: # Check for MPI # The mpi4py module uses cPickle to serialize python objects in preparation for # network transmission. Sometimes, when cPickle fails, it gives very cryptic error # messages that do not help much. If you uncomment th following line, you can trick # mpi4py into using the pure-python pickle module in place of cPickle and now you # will generally get much more meaningful and useful error messages Then comment it # back out because it's slow. # import sys, pickle; sys.modules['cPickle'] = pickle from mpi4py import MPI MPI_COMM = MPI.COMM_WORLD MPI_RANK = MPI_COMM.Get_rank() MPI_SIZE = MPI_COMM.Get_size() MPI_NODENAME = MPI.Get_processor_name() MPI_NODENAMES = MPI_COMM.allgather(MPI_NODENAME) # fix an exceptional error case when we are not in "interactive mode" if MPI_SIZE > 1 and CURRENT_MODE == Mode.INTERACTIVE: CURRENT_MODE = Mode.BATCH except ImportError: # stick with defaults pass try: # trying a windows approach APP_DATA = os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "armi") APP_DATA = APP_DATA.replace("/", "\\") except: # noqa: bare-except # non-windows APP_DATA = os.path.expanduser("~/.armi") if MPI_NODENAMES.index(MPI_NODENAME) == MPI_RANK: if not os.path.isdir(APP_DATA): try: os.makedirs(APP_DATA) except OSError: pass if not os.path.isdir(APP_DATA): raise OSError("Directory doesn't exist {0}".format(APP_DATA)) if MPI_COMM is not None: MPI_COMM.barrier() # make sure app data exists before workers proceed. MPI_DISTRIBUTABLE = MPI_SIZE > 1 _FAST_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd()) """ A directory available for high-performance I/O .. warning:: This is not a constant and can change at runtime. """ _FAST_PATH_IS_TEMPORARY = False """Flag indicating whether or not the FAST_PATH should be cleaned up on exit."""
[docs]def activateLocalFastPath() -> None: """ Specify a local temp directory to be the fast path. ``FAST_PATH`` is often a local hard drive on a cluster node. It's a high-performance scratch space. Different processors on the same node should have different fast paths. Some old code may MPI_RANK-dependent folders/filenames as well, but this is no longer necessary. .. warning:: This path will be obliterated when the job ends so be careful. Note also that this path is set at import time, so if a series of unit tests come through that instantiate one operator after the other, the path will already exist the second time. The directory is created in the Operator constructor. """ global _FAST_PATH, _FAST_PATH_IS_TEMPORARY, APP_DATA # Try to fix pathing issues in Windows. if == "nt": APP_DATA = APP_DATA.replace("/", "\\") _FAST_PATH = os.path.join( APP_DATA, "{}{}-{}".format( MPI_RANK, os.environ.get("PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER", ""), # for parallel unit testing,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f"), ), ) _FAST_PATH_IS_TEMPORARY = True
[docs]def getFastPath() -> str: """ Callable to get the current FAST_PATH. Notes ----- It's too dangerous to use ``FAST_PATH`` directly as it can change between import and runtime. For example, a module that does ``from armi.context import FAST_PATH`` is disconnected from the official ``FAST_PATH`` controlled by this module. """ return _FAST_PATH
[docs]def cleanTempDirs(olderThanDays=None): """ Clean up temporary files after a run. The Windows HPC system sends a SIGBREAK signal when the user cancels a job, which is NOT handled by ``atexit``. Notably SIGBREAK doesn't exist off Windows. For the SIGBREAK signal to work with a Microsoft HPC, the ``TaskCancelGracePeriod`` option must be configured to be non-zero. This sets the period between SIGBREAK and SIGTERM/SIGINT. To do cleanups in this case, we must use the ``signal`` module. Actually, even then it does not work because MS ``mpiexec`` does not pass signals through. Parameters ---------- olderThanDays: int, optional If provided, deletes other ARMI directories if they are older than the requested time. """ from armi import runLog from armi.utils.pathTools import cleanPath disconnectAllHdfDBs() printMsg = runLog.getVerbosity() <= DEBUG if _FAST_PATH_IS_TEMPORARY and os.path.exists(_FAST_PATH): if printMsg: print( "Cleaning up temporary files in: {}".format(_FAST_PATH), file=sys.stdout, ) try: cleanPath(_FAST_PATH, mpiRank=MPI_RANK) except Exception as error: for outputStream in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout): if printMsg: print( "Failed to delete temporary files in: {}\n" " error: {}".format(_FAST_PATH, error), file=outputStream, ) if olderThanDays is not None: cleanAllArmiTempDirs(olderThanDays)
[docs]def cleanAllArmiTempDirs(olderThanDays: int) -> None: """ Delete all ARMI-related files from other unrelated runs after `olderThanDays` days (in case this failed on earlier runs). .. warning:: This will break any concurrent runs that are still running. This is a useful utility in HPC environments when some runs crash sometimes. """ from armi.utils.pathTools import cleanPath gracePeriod = datetime.timedelta(days=olderThanDays) now = thisRunFolder = os.path.basename(_FAST_PATH) for dirname in os.listdir(APP_DATA): dirPath = os.path.join(APP_DATA, dirname) if not os.path.isdir(dirPath): continue try: fromThisRun = dirname == thisRunFolder # second chance to delete _rank, dateString = dirname.split("-") dateOfFolder = datetime.datetime.strptime(dateString, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f") runIsOldAndLikleyComplete = (now - dateOfFolder) > gracePeriod if runIsOldAndLikleyComplete or fromThisRun: # Delete old files cleanPath(dirPath, mpiRank=MPI_RANK) except: # noqa: bare-except pass
[docs]def disconnectAllHdfDBs() -> None: """ Forcibly disconnect all instances of HdfDB objects. Notes ----- This is a hack to help ARMI exit gracefully when the garbage collector and h5py have issues destroying objects. After lots of investigation, the root cause for why this was having issues was never identified. It appears that when several HDF5 files are open in the same run (e.g. when calling armi.init() multiple times from a post-processing script), when these h5py File objects were closed, the garbage collector would raise an exception related to the repr'ing the object. We get around this by using the garbage collector to manually disconnect all open HdfDB objects. """ from armi.bookkeeping.db import Database3 h5dbs = [db for db in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(db, Database3)] for db in h5dbs: db.close()