Source code for armi.cases.tests.test_cases

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
"""Unit tests for Case and CaseSuite objects."""
import copy
import cProfile
import io
import logging
import os
import platform
import unittest

import h5py

from armi import cases
from armi import context
from armi import getApp
from armi import interfaces
from armi import plugins
from armi import runLog
from armi import settings
from armi.bookkeeping.db.databaseInterface import DatabaseInterface
from armi.physics.fuelCycle.settings import CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC
from armi.reactor import blueprints
from armi.reactor import systemLayoutInput
from armi.reactor.tests import test_reactors
from armi.tests import ARMI_RUN_PATH
from armi.tests import mockRunLogs
from armi.tests import TEST_ROOT
from armi.utils import directoryChangers

GEOM_INPUT = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<reactor geom="hex" symmetry="third core periodic">
    <assembly name="A1" pos="1"  ring="1"/>
    <assembly name="A2" pos="2"  ring="2"/>
    <assembly name="A3" pos="1"  ring="2"/>
# This gets made into a StringIO multiple times because
# it gets read multiple times.

nuclide flags:
    U: {burn: false, xs: true}
    ZR: {burn: false, xs: true}
    MN: {burn: false, xs: true}
    FE: {burn: false, xs: true}
    SI: {burn: false, xs: true}
    C: {burn: false, xs: true}
    CR: {burn: false, xs: true}
    MO: {burn: false, xs: true}
    NI: {burn: false, xs: true}
    fuel 1: &fuel_1
        fuel: &fuel_1_fuel
            Tinput: 350.0
            Thot: 350.0
            shape: circle
            id: 0.0
            od: 0.5
            material: UZr
        clad: &fuel_1_clad
            Tinput: 350.0
            Thot: 350.0
            shape: circle
            id: 1.0
            od: 1.1
            material: SS316
    fuel 2: *fuel_1
    block 3: *fuel_1                                        # non-fuel blocks
    block 4: {<<: *fuel_1}                                  # non-fuel blocks
    block 5: {fuel: *fuel_1_fuel, clad: *fuel_1_clad}       # non-fuel blocks
assemblies: {}

[docs]class TestArmiCase(unittest.TestCase): """Class to tests armi.cases.Case methods."""
[docs] def test_summarizeDesign(self): """ Ensure that the summarizeDesign method runs. Any assertions are bonus. """ with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"verbosity": "important"}) case = cases.Case(cs) c2 = case.clone() c2.summarizeDesign() self.assertTrue( os.path.exists( os.path.join("{}-reports".format(c2.cs.caseTitle), "index.html") ) )
[docs] def test_independentVariables(self): """Ensure that independentVariables added to a case move with it.""" geom = systemLayoutInput.SystemLayoutInput() geom.readGeomFromStream(io.StringIO(GEOM_INPUT)) bp = blueprints.Blueprints.load(BLUEPRINT_INPUT) cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"verbosity": "important"}) baseCase = cases.Case(cs, bp=bp, geom=geom) with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): vals = {"cladThickness": 1, "control strat": "good", "enrich": 0.9} case = baseCase.clone() case._independentVariables = vals case.writeInputs() newCs = settings.Settings(fName=case.title + ".yaml") newCase = cases.Case(newCs) for name, val in vals.items(): self.assertEqual(newCase.independentVariables[name], val)
[docs] def test_setUpTaskDependence(self): case = cases.Case(settings.Settings()) case.enabled = False case.setUpTaskDependence() case.enabled = True case.setUpTaskDependence() self.assertTrue(case.enabled) self.assertEqual(len(case._tasks), 0) self.assertEqual(len(case.dependencies), 0)
[docs] def test_getCoverageRcFile(self): case = cases.Case(settings.Settings()) covRcDir = os.path.abspath(context.PROJECT_ROOT) # Don't actually copy the file, just check the file paths match covRcFile = case._getCoverageRcFile(userCovFile="", makeCopy=False) self.assertEqual(covRcFile, os.path.join(covRcDir, "pyproject.toml")) userFile = "UserCovRc" covRcFile = case._getCoverageRcFile(userCovFile=userFile, makeCopy=False) self.assertEqual(covRcFile, os.path.abspath(userFile))
[docs] def test_startCoverage(self): with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) # Test the null case cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"coverage": False}) case = cases.Case(cs) cov = case._startCoverage() self.assertIsNone(cov)
# NOTE: We can't test coverage=True, because it breaks coverage on CI
[docs] def test_endCoverage(self): with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"coverage": False}) case = cases.Case(cs) # NOTE: We can't test coverage=True, because it breaks coverage on CI outFile = "coverage_results.cov" prof = case._startCoverage() self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outFile)) case._endCoverage(userCovFile="", cov=prof) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outFile))
[docs] @unittest.skipUnless(context.MPI_RANK == 0, "test only on root node") def test_startProfiling(self): with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) # Test the null case cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"profile": False}) case = cases.Case(cs) prof = case._startProfiling() self.assertIsNone(prof) # Test when we start coverage correctly cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"profile": True}) case = cases.Case(cs) prof = case._startProfiling() self.assertTrue(isinstance(prof, cProfile.Profile))
[docs] @unittest.skipUnless(context.MPI_RANK == 0, "test only on root node") def test_endProfiling(self): with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) cs = cs.modified(newSettings={"profile": True}) case = cases.Case(cs) # run the profiler prof = case._startProfiling() case._endProfiling(prof) self.assertTrue(isinstance(prof, cProfile.Profile))
[docs] def test_run(self): """ Test running a case. .. test:: There is a generic mechanism to allow simulation runs. :id: T_ARMI_CASE :tests: R_ARMI_CASE .. test:: Test case settings object is created, settings can be edited, and case can run. :id: T_ARMI_SETTING :tests: R_ARMI_SETTING """ with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) newSettings = { "branchVerbosity": "important", "coverage": False, "nCycles": 1, "profile": False, "trace": False, "verbosity": "important", } cs = cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) case = cases.Case(cs) with mockRunLogs.BufferLog() as mock: # we should start with a clean slate self.assertEqual("", mock.getStdout()) runLog.LOG.startLog("test_run") runLog.LOG.setVerbosity(logging.INFO) self.assertIn("Triggering BOL Event", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("xsGroups", mock.getStdout()) self.assertIn("Completed EveryNode - cycle 0", mock.getStdout())
[docs] def test_clone(self): testTitle = "CLONE_TEST" # test the short write style with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) case = cases.Case(cs) shortCase = case.clone( additionalFiles=["ISOAA"], title=testTitle, modifiedSettings={"verbosity": "important"}, ) # Check additional files made it self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("ISOAA")) # Check title change made it clonedYaml = testTitle + ".yaml" self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(clonedYaml)) self.assertTrue(shortCase.title, testTitle) # Check on some expected settings # Availability factor is in the original settings file but since it is a # default value, gets removed for the write-out txt = open(clonedYaml, "r").read() self.assertNotIn("availabilityFactor", txt) self.assertIn("verbosity: important", txt) # test the medium write style with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) case = cases.Case(cs) case.clone(writeStyle="medium") clonedYaml = "armiRun.yaml" self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(clonedYaml)) # Availability factor is in the original settings file and it is a default # value. While "short" (default writing style) removes, "medium" should not txt = open(clonedYaml, "r").read() self.assertIn("availabilityFactor", txt)
[docs]class TestCaseSuiteDependencies(unittest.TestCase): """CaseSuite tests.""" def setUp(self): self.suite = cases.CaseSuite(settings.Settings()) geom = systemLayoutInput.SystemLayoutInput() geom.readGeomFromStream(io.StringIO(GEOM_INPUT)) bp = blueprints.Blueprints.load(BLUEPRINT_INPUT) self.c1 = cases.Case(cs=settings.Settings(), geom=geom, bp=bp) self.c1.cs.path = "c1.yaml" self.suite.add(self.c1) self.c2 = cases.Case(cs=settings.Settings(), geom=geom, bp=bp) self.c2.cs.path = "c2.yaml" self.suite.add(self.c2)
[docs] def test_clone(self): """If you pass an invalid path, the clone can't happen, but it won't do any damage either.""" with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): _clone = self.suite.clone("test_clone")
[docs] def test_checkInputs(self): """ Test the checkInputs() method on a couple of cases. .. test:: Check the ARMI inputs for consistency and validity. :id: T_ARMI_CASE_CHECK :tests: R_ARMI_CASE_CHECK """ self.c1.checkInputs() self.c2.checkInputs()
[docs] def test_dependenciesWithObscurePaths(self): """Test directory dependence for strangely-written file paths (escape characters).""" checks = [ ("c1.yaml", "c2.yaml", "c1.h5", True), (r"\\case\1\c1.yaml", r"\\case\2\c2.yaml", "c1.h5", False), (r"\\case\1\c1.yaml", r"\\case\2\c2.yaml", r"..\1\c1.h5", False), ] if platform.system() == "Windows": # windows-specific case insensitivity checks.extend( [ ("c1.yaml", "c2.yaml", "C1.H5", True), ( r"\\cas\es\1\c1.yaml", r"\\cas\es\2\c2.yaml", r"..\..\1\c1.h5", True, ), ( r"c1.yaml", r"c2.yaml", r".\c1.h5", True, ), ( r"\\cas\es\1\c1.yaml", r"\\cas\es\2\c2.yaml", r"../..\1\c1.h5", True, ), ( r"\\cas\es\1\c1.yaml", r"\\cas\es\2\c2.yaml", r"../../1\c1.h5", True, ), ( r"\\cas\es\1\c1.yaml", r"\\cas\es\2\c2.yaml", r"..\../1\c1.h5", True, ), ( r"\\cas\es\1\c1.yaml", r"\\cas\es\2\c2.yaml", r"\\cas\es\1\c1.h5", True, ), # below False because getcwd() != \\case\es\2 ( r"..\..\1\c1.yaml", r"\\cas\es\2\c2.yaml", r"\\cas\es\1\c1.h5", False, ), ( r"\\cas\es\1\c1.yaml", r"\\cas\es\2\c2.yaml", r"..\..\2\c1.h5", False, ), ] ) for p1, p2, dbPath, isIn in checks: self.c1.cs.path = p1 self.c2.cs.path = p2 newSettings = {} newSettings["loadStyle"] = "fromDB" newSettings["reloadDBName"] = dbPath self.c2.cs = self.c2.cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) # note that case.dependencies is a property and # will actually reflect these changes self.assertEqual( isIn, self.c1 in self.c2.dependencies, "where p1: {} p2: {} dbPath: {}".format(p1, p2, dbPath), )
[docs] def test_dependencyFromDBName(self): # no effect -> need to specify loadStyle, 'fromDB' newSettings = {"reloadDBName": "c1.h5"} self.c2.cs = self.c2.cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.c2.dependencies)) newSettings = {"loadStyle": "fromDB"} self.c2.cs = self.c2.cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) self.assertIn(self.c1, self.c2.dependencies) # the .h5 extension is optional newSettings = {"reloadDBName": "c1"} self.c2.cs = self.c2.cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) self.assertIn(self.c1, self.c2.dependencies)
[docs] def test_dependencyFromExplictRepeatShuffles(self): self.assertEqual(0, len(self.c2.dependencies)) newSettings = {"explicitRepeatShuffles": "c1-SHUFFLES.txt"} self.c2.cs = self.c2.cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) self.assertIn(self.c1, self.c2.dependencies)
[docs] def test_explicitDependency(self): """ Test dependencies for case suites. .. test:: Dependence allows for one case to start after the completion of another. :id: T_ARMI_CASE_SUITE :tests: R_ARMI_CASE_SUITE """ self.c1.addExplicitDependency(self.c2) self.assertIn(self.c2, self.c1.dependencies)
[docs] def test_titleSetterGetter(self): self.assertEqual(self.c1.title, "c1") self.c1.title = "new_bob" self.assertEqual(self.c1.title, "new_bob")
[docs] def test_buildCommand(self): cmd = self.c1.buildCommand() self.assertEqual(cmd, 'python -u -m armi run "c1.yaml"')
[docs]class TestCaseSuiteComparison(unittest.TestCase): """ tests.""" def setUp(self): = directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() def tearDown(self):, None, None)
[docs] def test_compareNoDiffs(self): """As a baseline, this test should always reveal zero diffs.""" # build two super-simple H5 files for testing o, r = test_reactors.loadTestReactor( TEST_ROOT, customSettings={"reloadDBName": "reloadingDB.h5"} ) suites = [] for _i in range(2): # Build the cases suite = cases.CaseSuite(settings.Settings()) geom = systemLayoutInput.SystemLayoutInput() geom.readGeomFromStream(io.StringIO(GEOM_INPUT)) bp = blueprints.Blueprints.load(BLUEPRINT_INPUT) c1 = cases.Case(cs=settings.Settings(), geom=geom, bp=bp) c1.cs.path = "c1.yaml" suite.add(c1) c2 = cases.Case(cs=settings.Settings(), geom=geom, bp=bp) c2.cs.path = "c2.yaml" suite.add(c2) suites.append(suite) # create two DBs, identical but for file names tmpDir = os.getcwd() dbs = [] for i in range(1, 3): # create the tests DB dbi = DatabaseInterface(r, o.cs) dbi.initDB(fName=f"{tmpDir}/c{i}.h5") db = dbi.database # validate the file exists, and force it to be readable again b = h5py.File(db._fullPath, "r") self.assertEqual(list(b.keys()), ["inputs"]) self.assertEqual( sorted(b["inputs"].keys()), ["blueprints", "geomFile", "settings"] ) b.close() # append to lists dbs.append(db) # do a comparison that should have no diffs diff = self.assertEqual(diff, 0) diff = suites[0].compare(suites[1]) self.assertEqual(diff, 0) diff = suites[1].compare(suites[0]) self.assertEqual(diff, 0)
[docs]class TestExtraInputWriting(unittest.TestCase): """Make sure extra inputs from interfaces are written."""
[docs] def test_writeInput(self): fName = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, "armiRun.yaml") cs = settings.Settings(fName) baseCase = cases.Case(cs) with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): case = baseCase.clone() case.writeInputs() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cs[CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC])) # Availability factor is in the original settings file but since it is a # default value, gets removed for the write-out txt = open("armiRun.yaml", "r").read() self.assertNotIn("availabilityFactor", txt) self.assertIn("armiRun-blueprints.yaml", txt) with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger(): case = baseCase.clone(writeStyle="medium") case.writeInputs(writeStyle="medium") # Availability factor is in the original settings file and it is a default # value. While "short" (default writing style) removes, "medium" should not txt = open("armiRun.yaml", "r").read() self.assertIn("availabilityFactor", txt)
[docs]class MultiFilesInterfaces(interfaces.Interface): """ A little test interface that adds a setting that we need to test copyInterfaceInputs with multiple files. """ name = "MultiFilesInterfaces"
[docs] @staticmethod def specifyInputs(cs): settingName = "multipleFilesSetting" return {settingName: cs[settingName]}
[docs]class TestPluginWithDuplicateSetting(plugins.ArmiPlugin):
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineSettings(): """Define a duplicate setting.""" return [ settings.setting.Setting( "power", default=123, label="power", description="duplicate power", ) ]
[docs]class TestPluginForCopyInterfacesMultipleFiles(plugins.ArmiPlugin):
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def defineSettings(): """Define settings for the plugin.""" return [ settings.setting.Setting( "multipleFilesSetting", default=[], label="multiple files", description="testing stuff", ) ]
[docs] @staticmethod @plugins.HOOKIMPL def exposeInterfaces(cs): """A plugin is mostly just a vehicle to add Interfaces to an Application.""" return [ interfaces.InterfaceInfo( interfaces.STACK_ORDER.PREPROCESSING, MultiFilesInterfaces, {"enabled": True}, ) ]
[docs]class TestCopyInterfaceInputs(unittest.TestCase): """Ensure file path is found and updated properly.""" def setUp(self): """ Manipulate the standard App. We can't just configure our own, since the pytest environment bleeds between tests. """ self._backupApp = copy.deepcopy(getApp()) def tearDown(self): """Restore the App to its original state.""" import armi armi._app = self._backupApp context.APP_NAME = "armi"
[docs] def test_copyInputsHelper(self): """Test the helper function for copyInterfaceInputs.""" testSetting = CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) shuffleFile = cs[testSetting] # test it passes sourceFullPath = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, shuffleFile) # ensure we are not in TEST_ROOT with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: destFilePath = testSetting, sourcePath=sourceFullPath, destPath=newDir.destination, origFile=shuffleFile, ) newFilePath = os.path.join(newDir.destination, shuffleFile) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(newFilePath)) self.assertEqual(destFilePath, os.path.basename(newFilePath)) # test with bad file path, should return original file # ensure we are not in TEST_ROOT with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: destFilePath = testSetting, sourcePath=sourceFullPath, destPath="fakeDest", origFile=shuffleFile, ) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(destFilePath)) self.assertEqual(destFilePath, shuffleFile)
[docs] def test_copyInterfaceInputs_singleFile(self): testSetting = CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) shuffleFile = cs[testSetting] # ensure we are not in TEST_ROOT with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: newSettings = cs, destination=newDir.destination ) newFilePath = os.path.join(newDir.destination, shuffleFile) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(newFilePath)) self.assertEqual(newSettings[testSetting], os.path.basename(newFilePath))
[docs] def test_copyInterfaceInputs_nonFilePath(self): testSetting = CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) fakeShuffle = "" cs = cs.modified(newSettings={testSetting: fakeShuffle}) # ensure we are not in TEST_ROOT with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: newSettings = cs, destination=newDir.destination ) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(newSettings[testSetting])) self.assertEqual(newSettings[testSetting], fakeShuffle)
[docs] def test_failOnDuplicateSetting(self): """ That that if a plugin attempts to add a duplicate setting, it raises an error. .. test:: Plugins cannot register duplicate settings. :id: T_ARMI_SETTINGS_UNIQUE :tests: R_ARMI_SETTINGS_UNIQUE """ # register the new Plugin app = getApp() app.pluginManager.register(TestPluginWithDuplicateSetting) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): _ = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH)
[docs] def test_copyInterfaceInputs_multipleFiles(self): # register the new Plugin app = getApp() app.pluginManager.register(TestPluginForCopyInterfacesMultipleFiles) pluginPath = ( "armi.cases.tests.test_cases.TestPluginForCopyInterfacesMultipleFiles" ) settingFiles = ["COMPXS.ascii", "ISOAA"] testName = "test_copyInterfaceInputs_multipleFiles" testSetting = "multipleFilesSetting" cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) cs = cs.modified( caseTitle=testName, newSettings={testName: [pluginPath]}, ) cs = cs.modified(newSettings={testSetting: settingFiles}) # ensure we are not in TEST_ROOT with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: newSettings = cs, destination=newDir.destination ) newFilePaths = [os.path.join(newDir.destination, f) for f in settingFiles] for newFilePath in newFilePaths: self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(newFilePath)) self.assertEqual(newSettings[testSetting], settingFiles)
[docs] def test_copyInterfaceInputs_wildcardFile(self): testSetting = CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) # Use something that isn't the shuffle logic file in the case settings wcFile = "ISO*" cs = cs.modified(newSettings={testSetting: wcFile}) # ensure we are not in TEST_ROOT with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: newSettings = cs, destination=newDir.destination ) newFilePath = [os.path.join(newDir.destination, "ISOAA")] self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(newFilePath[0])) self.assertEqual( newSettings[testSetting], [os.path.basename(newFilePath[0])] ) # Check on a file that doesn't exist (so globFilePaths len is 0) wcFile = "fakeFile*" cs = cs.modified(newSettings={testSetting: wcFile}) with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: newSettings = cs, destination=newDir.destination ) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(newSettings[testSetting][0])) self.assertEqual(newSettings[testSetting], [wcFile])
[docs] def test_copyInterfaceInputs_relPath(self): testSetting = CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) shuffleFile = cs[testSetting] relFile = "../tests/" + shuffleFile cs = cs.modified(newSettings={testSetting: relFile}) # ensure we are not in TEST_ROOT with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: newSettings = cs, destination=newDir.destination ) newFilePath = os.path.join(newDir.destination, shuffleFile) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(newFilePath)) self.assertEqual(newSettings[testSetting], os.path.basename(newFilePath))
[docs] def test_copyInterfaceInputs_absPath(self): testSetting = CONF_SHUFFLE_LOGIC cs = settings.Settings(ARMI_RUN_PATH) shuffleFile = cs[testSetting] absFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(ARMI_RUN_PATH)) absFile = str(os.path.join(absFile, os.path.basename(shuffleFile))) cs = cs.modified(newSettings={testSetting: absFile}) with directoryChangers.TemporaryDirectoryChanger() as newDir: newSettings = cs, destination=newDir.destination ) # file exists self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(newSettings[testSetting])) # but not copied to this dir self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.basename(newSettings[testSetting]))) self.assertEqual(str(newSettings[testSetting]), absFile)