Source code for

# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

The ``Case`` object is responsible for running, and executing a set of
user inputs.  Many entry points redirect into ``Case`` methods, such as
``clone``, ``compare``, and ``run``.

The ``Case`` object provides an abstraction around ARMI inputs to allow
for manipulation and collection of cases.

See Also
armi.cases.suite : A collection of Cases
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Set, Union
import ast
import cProfile
import glob
import os
import pathlib
import pstats
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import trace

import coverage
import six
import tabulate

from armi import context
from armi import getPluginManager
from armi import interfaces
from armi import operators
from armi import runLog
from armi import settings
from armi.bookkeeping.db import compareDatabases
from armi.cli import reportsEntryPoint
from armi.nucDirectory import nuclideBases
from armi.physics.neutronics.settings import CONF_LOADING_FILE
from armi.reactor import blueprints
from armi.reactor import reactors
from armi.reactor import systemLayoutInput
from armi.utils import pathTools
from armi.utils import textProcessors
from armi.utils.customExceptions import NonexistentSetting
from armi.utils.directoryChangers import DirectoryChanger
from armi.utils.directoryChangers import ForcedCreationDirectoryChanger

# Change from default .coverage to help with Windows dotfile issues.
# Must correspond with data_file entry in `pyproject.toml`!
COVERAGE_RESULTS_FILE = "coverage_results.cov"

[docs]class Case: """ An ARMI Case that can be used for suite set up and post-analysis. A Case is capable of loading inputs, checking that they are valid, and initializing a reactor model. Cases can also compare against other cases and be collected into multiple :py:class:`armi.cases.suite.CaseSuite` """ def __init__(self, cs, caseSuite=None, bp=None, geom=None): """ Initialize a Case from user input. Parameters ---------- cs : Settings Settings for this Case caseSuite : CaseSuite, optional CaseSuite this particular case belongs. Passing this in allows dependency tracking across the other cases (e.g. if one case uses the output of another as input, as happens in in-use testing for reactivity coefficient snapshot testing or more complex analysis sequences). bp : Blueprints, optional :py:class:`armi.reactor.blueprints.Blueprints` object containing the assembly definitions and other information. If not supplied, it will be loaded from the ``cs`` as needed. geom : SystemLayoutInput, optional SystemLayoutInput for this case. If not supplied, it will be loaded from the ``cs`` as needed. """ self._startTime = time.time() self._caseSuite = caseSuite self._tasks = [] self._dependencies: Set[Case] = set() self.enabled = True # set the signal if the user passes in a blueprint object, instead of a file if bp is not None: cs.filelessBP = True # NOTE: in order to prevent slow submission times for loading massively large # blueprints (e.g. certain computer-generated input files), # self.bp and self.geom can be None. self.cs = cs self._bp = bp self._geom = geom # this is used in parameter sweeps self._independentVariables = {} @property def independentVariables(self): """ Get dictionary of independent variables and their values. This unpacks independent variables from the cs object's independentVariables setting the first time it is run. This is used in parameter sweeps. See Also -------- writeInputs : writes the ``independentVariabls`` setting """ if not self._independentVariables: for indepStr in self.cs["independentVariables"]: indepName, value = ast.literal_eval(indepStr) self._independentVariables[indepName] = value return self._independentVariables def __repr__(self): return "<Case cs: {}>".format(self.cs.path) @property def bp(self): """ Blueprint object for this case. Notes ----- This property allows lazy loading. """ if self._bp is None: self._bp = blueprints.loadFromCs(self.cs, roundTrip=True) return self._bp @bp.setter def bp(self, bp): self._bp = bp @property def geom(self): """ Geometry object for this Case. Notes ----- This property allows lazy loading. """ if self._geom is None: self._geom = systemLayoutInput.SystemLayoutInput.loadFromCs(self.cs) return self._geom @geom.setter def geom(self, geom): self._geom = geom @property def dependencies(self): """ Get a list of parent Case objects. Notes ----- This is performed on demand so that if someone changes the underlying Settings, the case will reflect the correct dependencies. As a result, if this is being done iteratively, you may want to cache it somehow (in a dict?). Ideally, this should not be the responsibility of the Case, but rather the suite! """ dependencies = set() if self._caseSuite is not None: pm = getPluginManager() if pm is not None: for pluginDependencies in pm.hook.defineCaseDependencies( case=self, suite=self._caseSuite ): dependencies.update(pluginDependencies) # the ([^\/]) capture basically gets the file name portion and excludes any # directory separator dependencies.update( self.getPotentialParentFromSettingValue( self.cs["explicitRepeatShuffles"], r"^(?P<dirName>.*[\/\\])?(?P<title>[^\/\\]+)-SHUFFLES\.txt$", ) ) # ensure that a case doesn't appear to be its own dependency dependencies.update(self._dependencies) dependencies.discard(self) return dependencies
[docs] def addExplicitDependency(self, case): """ Register an explicit dependency. When evaluating the ``dependency`` property, dynamic dependencies are probed using the current case settings and plugin hooks. Sometimes, it is necessary to impose dependencies that are not expressed through settings and hooks. This method stores another case as an explicit dependency, which will be included with the other, implicitly discovered, dependencies. """ if case in self._dependencies: runLog.warning( "The case {} is already explicity specified as a dependency of " "{}".format(case, self) ) self._dependencies.add(case)
[docs] def getPotentialParentFromSettingValue(self, settingValue, filePattern): """ Get a parent case based on a setting value and a pattern. This is a convenient way for a plugin to express a dependency. It uses the ``match.groupdict`` functionality to pull the directory and case name out of a specific setting value an regular expression. Parameters ---------- settingValue : str A particular setting value that might contain a reference to an input that is produced by a dependency. filePattern : str A regular expression for extracting the location and name of the dependency. If the ``settingValue`` matches the passed pattern, this function will attempt to extract the ``dirName`` and ``title`` groups to find the dependency. """ m = re.match(filePattern, settingValue, re.IGNORECASE) deps = self._getPotentialDependencies(**m.groupdict()) if m else set() if len(deps) > 1: raise KeyError("Found more than one case matching {}".format(settingValue)) return deps
def _getPotentialDependencies(self, dirName, title): """Get a parent case based on a directory and case title.""" if dirName is None: dirName = elif not os.path.isabs(dirName): dirName = os.path.join(, dirName) def caseMatches(case): if os.path.normcase(case.title) != os.path.normcase(title): return False if os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath( != os.path.normcase( os.path.abspath(dirName) ): return False return True return {case for case in self._caseSuite if caseMatches(case)} @property def title(self): """The case title.""" return self.cs.caseTitle @title.setter def title(self, name): self.cs.caseTitle = name @property def dbName(self): """The case output database name.""" return os.path.splitext(self.cs.path)[0] + ".h5" @property def directory(self): """The working directory of the case.""" return self.cs.inputDirectory def __eq__(self, that): """ Compares two cases to determine if they are equivalent by looking at the ``title`` and ``directory``. Notes ----- No other attributes except those stated above are used for the comparison; the above stated attributes can be considered the "primary key" for a Case object and identify it as being unique. Both of these comparisons are simple string comparisons, so a reference and an absolute path to the same case would be considered different. """ return self.title == that.title and == def __hash__(self): # computes the hash of a Case object. This is required in Python3 when __eq__ has been # defined. take the hash of the tuple of the "primary key" return hash((self.title,
[docs] def setUpTaskDependence(self): """ Set the task dependence based on the :code:`dependencies`. This accounts for whether or not the dependency is enabled. TODO ---- This is a leftover from before the release of the ARMI framework. The API of the proprietary cluster communication library is being used here. This should either be moved out into the cluster plugin, or the library should be made available. """ if not self.enabled: return for dependency in self.dependencies: if dependency.enabled: self._tasks[0].add_parent(dependency._tasks[-1])
[docs] def run(self): """ Run an ARMI case. .. impl:: The case class allows for a generic ARMI simulation. :id: I_ARMI_CASE :implements: R_ARMI_CASE This method is responsible for "running" the ARMI simulation instigated by the inputted settings. This initializes an :py:class:`~armi.operators.operator.Operator`, a :py:class:`~armi.reactor.reactors.Reactor` and invokes :py:meth:`Operator.operate <armi.operators.operator.Operator.operate>`. It also activates supervisory things like code coverage checking, profiling, or tracing, if requested by users during debugging. Notes ----- Room for improvement: The coverage, profiling, etc. stuff can probably be moved out of here to a more elegant place (like a context manager?). """ # Start the log here so that the verbosities for the head and workers # can be configured based on the user settings for the rest of the run runLog.LOG.startLog(self.cs.caseTitle) if context.MPI_RANK == 0: runLog.setVerbosity(self.cs["verbosity"]) else: runLog.setVerbosity(self.cs["branchVerbosity"]) # if in the settings, start the coverage and profiling cov = self._startCoverage() profiler = self._startProfiling() self.checkInputs() o = self.initializeOperator() with o: if self.cs["trace"] and context.MPI_RANK == 0: # only trace primary node. tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix], trace=1) tracer.runctx("o.operate()", globals(), locals()) else: o.operate() # if in the settings, report the coverage and profiling Case._endCoverage(self.cs["coverageConfigFile"], cov) Case._endProfiling(profiler)
def _startCoverage(self): """Helper to the spin up the code coverage tooling, if the Settings file says to. Returns ------- coverage.Coverage Coverage object for pytest or unittest """ cov = None if self.cs["coverage"]: cov = coverage.Coverage( config_file=Case._getCoverageRcFile( userCovFile=self.cs["coverageConfigFile"], makeCopy=True ), debug=["dataio"], ) if context.MPI_SIZE > 1: # interestingly, you cannot set the parallel flag in the constructor # without auto-specifying the data suffix. This should enable # parallel coverage with auto-generated data file suffixes and # combinations. cov.config.parallel = True cov.start() return cov @staticmethod def _endCoverage(userCovFile, cov=None): """Helper to the stop and report code coverage, if the Settings file says to. Parameters ---------- userCovFile : str File path to user-supplied coverage configuration file (default setting is empty string) cov: coverage.Coverage (optional) Hopefully, a valid and non-empty set of coverage data. """ if cov is None: return cov.stop() if context.MPI_SIZE > 1: context.MPI_COMM.barrier() # force waiting for everyone to finish if context.MPI_RANK == 0 and context.MPI_SIZE > 1: # combine all the parallel coverage data files into one and make # the XML and HTML reports for the whole run. combinedCoverage = coverage.Coverage( config_file=Case._getCoverageRcFile(userCovFile), debug=["dataio"] ) combinedCoverage.config.parallel = True # combine does delete the files it merges combinedCoverage.combine() combinedCoverage.html_report() combinedCoverage.xml_report() @staticmethod def _getCoverageRcFile(userCovFile, makeCopy=False): """Helper to provide the coverage configuration file according to the OS. A user-supplied file will take precedence, and is not checked for a dot-filename. Notes ----- ARMI replaced the ".coveragerc" file has been replaced by "pyproject.toml". Parameters ---------- userCovFile : str File path to user-supplied coverage configuration file (default setting is empty string) makeCopy : bool (optional) Whether or not to copy the coverage config file to an alternate file path Returns ------- covFile : str path of pyprojec.toml file """ # User-defined file takes precedence. if userCovFile: return os.path.abspath(userCovFile) covRcDir = os.path.abspath(context.PROJECT_ROOT) return os.path.join(covRcDir, "pyproject.toml") def _startProfiling(self): """Helper to the start the Python profiling, if the Settings file says to. Returns ------- cProfile.Profile Standard Python profiling object """ profiler = None if self.cs["profile"]: profiler = cProfile.Profile() profiler.enable(subcalls=True, builtins=True) return profiler @staticmethod def _endProfiling(profiler=None): """Helper to the stop and report python profiling, if the Settings file says to. Parameters ---------- profiler: cProfile.Profile (optional) Hopefully, a valid and non-empty set of profiling data. """ if profiler is None: return profiler.disable() profiler.dump_stats("profiler.{:0>3}.stats".format(context.MPI_RANK)) statsStream = six.StringIO() summary = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=statsStream).sort_stats("cumulative") summary.print_stats() if context.MPI_SIZE > 0 and context.MPI_COMM is not None: allStats = context.MPI_COMM.gather(statsStream.getvalue(), root=0) if context.MPI_RANK == 0: for rank, statsString in enumerate(allStats): # using print statements because the logger has been turned off print("=" * 100) print( "{:^100}".format( " Profiler statistics for RANK={} ".format(rank) ) ) print(statsString) print("=" * 100) else: print(statsStream.getvalue())
[docs] def initializeOperator(self, r=None): """Creates and returns an Operator.""" with DirectoryChanger(self.cs.inputDirectory, dumpOnException=False): self._initBurnChain() o = operators.factory(self.cs) if not r: r = reactors.factory(self.cs, self.bp) o.initializeInterfaces(r) # Set this here to make sure the full duration of initialization is properly captured. # Cannot be done in reactors since the above self.bp call implicitly initializes blueprints. r.core.timeOfStart = self._startTime return o
def _initBurnChain(self): """ Apply the burn chain setting to the nucDir. Notes ----- This is admittedly an odd place for this but the burn chain info must be applied sometime after user-input has been loaded (for custom burn chains) but not long after (because nucDir is framework-level and expected to be up-to-date by lots of modules). """ if not self.cs["initializeBurnChain"]: "Skipping burn-chain initialization since `initializeBurnChain` setting is disabled." ) return if not os.path.exists(self.cs["burnChainFileName"]): raise ValueError( f"The burn-chain file {self.cs['burnChainFileName']} does not exist. The " "data cannot be loaded. Fix this path or disable burn-chain initialization using " "the `initializeBurnChain` setting." ) with open(self.cs["burnChainFileName"]) as burnChainStream: nuclideBases.imposeBurnChain(burnChainStream)
[docs] def checkInputs(self): """ Checks ARMI inputs for consistency. .. impl:: Perform validity checks on case inputs. :id: I_ARMI_CASE_CHECK :implements: R_ARMI_CASE_CHECK This method checks the validity of the current settings. It relies on an :py:class:`~armi.operators.settingsValidation.Inspector` object from the :py:class:`~armi.operators.operator.Operator` to generate a list of :py:class:`~armi.operators.settingsValidation.Query` objects that represent potential issues in the settings. After gathering the queries, this method prints a table of query "statements" and "questions" to the console. If running in an interactive mode, the user then has the opportunity to address the questions posed by the queries by either addressing the potential issue or ignoring it. Returns ------- bool True if the inputs are all good, False otherwise """ runLog.header("=========== Settings Validation Checks ===========") with DirectoryChanger(self.cs.inputDirectory, dumpOnException=False): operatorClass = operators.getOperatorClassFromSettings(self.cs) inspector = operatorClass.inspector(self.cs) inspectorIssues = [query for query in inspector.queries if query] # Write out the settings validation issues that will be prompted for # resolution if in an interactive session or forced to be resolved # otherwise. queryData = [] for i, query in enumerate(inspectorIssues, start=1): queryData.append( ( i, textwrap.fill( query.statement, width=50, break_long_words=False ), textwrap.fill(query.question, width=50, break_long_words=False), ) ) if queryData and context.MPI_RANK == 0: tabulate.tabulate( queryData, headers=["Number", "Statement", "Question"], tablefmt="armi", ) ) if context.CURRENT_MODE == context.Mode.INTERACTIVE: # if interactive, ask user to deal with settings issues return not any(inspectorIssues)
[docs] def summarizeDesign(self): """Uses the ReportInterface to create a fancy HTML page describing the design inputs.""" _ = reportsEntryPoint.createReportFromSettings(self.cs)
[docs] def buildCommand(self, python="python"): """ Build an execution command for running or submitting a job. Parameters ---------- python : str, optional The path to the python executable to use for executing the case. By default this will be whatever "python" resolves to in the target environment. However when running in more exotic environments (e.g. HPC cluster), it is usually desireable to provide a specific python executable. """ command = "" if self.cs["numProcessors"] > 1: command += "mpiexec -n {} ".format(self.cs["numProcessors"]) if self.cs["mpiTasksPerNode"] > 0: command += "-c {} ".format(self.cs["mpiTasksPerNode"]) command += "{} -u ".format(python) if not __debug__: command += " -O " command += ' -m {} run "{}.yaml"'.format(context.APP_NAME, self.cs.caseTitle) return command
[docs] def clone( self, additionalFiles=None, title=None, modifiedSettings=None, writeStyle="short", ): """ Clone existing ARMI inputs to current directory with optional settings modifications. Since each case depends on multiple inputs, this is a safer way to move cases around without having to wonder if you copied all the files appropriately. Parameters ---------- additionalFiles : list (optional) additional file paths to copy to cloned case title : str (optional) title of new case modifiedSettings : dict (optional) settings to set/modify before creating the cloned case writeStyle : str (optional) Writing style for which settings get written back to the settings files (short, medium, or full). Raises ------ RuntimeError If the source and destination are the same """ cloneCS = self.cs.duplicate() if modifiedSettings is not None: cloneCS = cloneCS.modified(newSettings=modifiedSettings) clone = Case(cloneCS) clone.cs.path = pathTools.armiAbsPath(title or self.title) + ".yaml" if pathTools.armiAbsPath(clone.cs.path) == pathTools.armiAbsPath(self.cs.path): raise RuntimeError( "The source file and destination file are the same: {}\n" "Cannot use armi-clone to modify armi settings file.".format( pathTools.armiAbsPath(clone.cs.path) ) ) newSettings = copyInterfaceInputs(self.cs, clone.cs.inputDirectory) newCs = clone.cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) clone.cs = newCs runLog.important("writing settings file {}".format(clone.cs.path)) clone.cs.writeToYamlFile(clone.cs.path, style=writeStyle, fromFile=self.cs.path) runLog.important("finished writing {}".format(clone.cs)) fromPath = lambda f: pathTools.armiAbsPath(self.cs.inputDirectory, f) for inputFileSetting in [CONF_LOADING_FILE, "geomFile"]: fileName = self.cs[inputFileSetting] if fileName: pathTools.copyOrWarn( inputFileSetting, fromPath(fileName), os.path.join(clone.cs.inputDirectory, fileName), ) else: runLog.warning( "skipping {}, there is no file specified".format(inputFileSetting) ) with open(self.cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE], "r") as f: # The root for handling YAML includes is relative to the YAML file, not the # settings file root = ( pathlib.Path(self.cs.inputDirectory) / pathlib.Path(self.cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE]).parent ) cloneRoot = ( pathlib.Path(clone.cs.inputDirectory) / pathlib.Path(clone.cs[CONF_LOADING_FILE]).parent ) for includePath, mark in textProcessors.findYamlInclusions(f, root=root): if not includePath.is_absolute(): includeSrc = root / includePath includeDest = cloneRoot / includePath else: # don't bother copying absolute files continue if not includeSrc.exists(): raise OSError( "The input file file `{}` referenced at {} does not exist.".format( includeSrc, mark ) ) pathTools.copyOrWarn( "auxiliary input file `{}` referenced at {}".format( includeSrc, mark ), includeSrc, includeDest, ) for fileName in additionalFiles or []: pathTools.copyOrWarn( "additional file", fromPath(fileName), clone.cs.inputDirectory ) return clone
[docs] def compare( self, that, exclusion: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, tolerance=0.01, timestepCompare=None, ) -> int: """ Compare the output databases from two run cases. Return number of differences. This is useful both for in-use testing and engineering analysis. """ "Comparing the following databases:\n" "REF: {}\n" "SRC: {}".format(self.dbName, that.dbName) ) diffResults = compareDatabases( self.dbName, that.dbName, tolerance=tolerance, exclusions=exclusion, timestepCompare=timestepCompare, ) code = 1 if diffResults is None else diffResults.nDiffs() sameOrDifferent = ( "different" if diffResults is None or diffResults.nDiffs() > 0 else "the same" ) runLog.important("Cases are {}.".format(sameOrDifferent)) return code
[docs] def writeInputs( self, sourceDir: Optional[str] = None, writeStyle: Optional[str] = "short" ): """ Write the inputs to disk. This allows input objects that have been modified in memory (e.g. for a parameter sweep or migration) to be written out as input for a forthcoming case. Parameters ---------- sourceDir : str (optional) The path to copy inputs from (if different from the cs.path). Needed in SuiteBuilder cases to find the baseline inputs from plugins (e.g. shuffleLogic) writeStyle : str (optional) Writing style for which settings get written back to the settings files (short, medium, or full). Notes ----- This will rename the ``loadingFile`` and ``geomFile`` to be ``title-blueprints + '.yaml'`` and ``title + '-geom.yaml'`` respectively. See Also -------- independentVariables parses/reads the independentVariables setting clone Similar to this but doesn't let you write out new/modified geometry or blueprints objects """ with ForcedCreationDirectoryChanger( self.cs.inputDirectory, dumpOnException=False ): # trick: these seemingly no-ops load the bp and geom via properties if # they are not yet initialized. self.bp self.geom newSettings = {} newSettings[CONF_LOADING_FILE] = self.title + "-blueprints.yaml" if self.geom: newSettings["geomFile"] = self.title + "-geom.yaml" self.geom.writeGeom(newSettings["geomFile"]) if self.independentVariables: newSettings["independentVariables"] = [ "({}, {})".format(repr(varName), repr(val)) for varName, val in self.independentVariables.items() ] with open(newSettings[CONF_LOADING_FILE], "w") as loadingFile: blueprints.Blueprints.dump(self.bp, loadingFile) # copy input files from other modules/plugins interfaceSettings = copyInterfaceInputs(self.cs, ".", sourceDir) for settingName, value in interfaceSettings.items(): newSettings[settingName] = value self.cs = self.cs.modified(newSettings=newSettings) if sourceDir: fromPath = os.path.join(sourceDir, self.title + ".yaml") else: fromPath = self.cs.path self.cs.writeToYamlFile( self.title + ".yaml", style=writeStyle, fromFile=fromPath )
def _copyInputsHelper( fileDescription: str, sourcePath: str, destPath: str, origFile: str, ) -> str: """ Helper function for copyInterfaceInputs: Creates an absolute file path, and copies the file to that location. If that file path does not exist, returns the file path from the original settings file. Parameters ---------- fileDescription : str A file description for the copyOrWarn method sourcePath : str The absolute file path of the file to copy destPath : str The target directory to copy input files to origFile : str File path as defined in the original settings file Returns ------- destFilePath (or origFile) : str """ sourceName = os.path.basename(sourcePath) destFilePath = os.path.join(destPath, sourceName) try: pathTools.copyOrWarn(fileDescription, sourcePath, destFilePath) if pathlib.Path(destFilePath).exists(): # the basename gets written back to the settings file to protect against # potential future dir structure changes return os.path.basename(destFilePath) else: # keep original filepath in the settings file if file copy was unsuccessful return origFile except Exception: return origFile
[docs]def copyInterfaceInputs( cs, destination: str, sourceDir: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, list]]: """ Ping active interfaces to determine which files are considered "input". This enables developers to add new inputs in a plugin-dependent/ modular way. This function should now be able to handle the updating of: - a single file (relative or absolute) - a list of files (relative or absolute), and - a file entry that has a wildcard processing into multiple files. Glob is used to offer support for wildcards. If the file paths are absolute, do nothing. The case will be able to find the file. In case suites or parameter sweeps, these files often have a sourceDir associated with them that is different from the cs.inputDirectory. So, if relative or wildcard, update the file paths to be absolute in the case settings and copy the file to the destination directory. Parameters ---------- cs : Settings The source case settings to find input files destination : str The target directory to copy input files to sourceDir : str (optional) The directory from which to copy files. Defaults to cs.inputDirectory Returns ------- newSettings : dict A new settings object that contains settings for the keys and values that are either an absolute file path, a list of absolute file paths, or the original file path if absolute paths could not be resolved Notes ----- Regarding the handling of relative file paths: In the future this could be simplified by adding a concept for a suite root directory, below which it is safe to copy files without needing to update settings that point with a relative path to files that are below it. """ activeInterfaces = interfaces.getActiveInterfaceInfo(cs) sourceDir = sourceDir or cs.inputDirectory sourceDirPath = pathlib.Path(sourceDir) assert pathlib.Path(destination).is_dir() newSettings = {} for klass, _ in activeInterfaces: interfaceFileNames = klass.specifyInputs(cs) for key, files in interfaceFileNames.items(): if not isinstance(key, settings.Setting): try: key = cs.getSetting(key) except NonexistentSetting(key): raise ValueError( f"{key} is not a valid setting. Ensure the relevant specifyInputs " "method uses a correct setting name." ) label = newFiles = [] for f in files: WILDCARD = False RELATIVE = False if "*" in f: WILDCARD = True if ".." in f: RELATIVE = True path = pathlib.Path(f) if not WILDCARD and not RELATIVE: try: if path.is_absolute() and path.exists() and path.is_file(): # Path is absolute, no settings modification or filecopy needed newFiles.append(path) continue except OSError: pass # Attempt to construct an absolute file path sourceFullPath = os.path.join(sourceDirPath, f) if WILDCARD: globFilePaths = [ pathlib.Path(os.path.join(sourceDirPath, g)) for g in glob.glob(sourceFullPath) ] if len(globFilePaths) == 0: destFilePath = f newFiles.append(str(destFilePath)) else: for gFile in globFilePaths: destFilePath = _copyInputsHelper( label, gFile, destination, f ) newFiles.append(str(destFilePath)) else: destFilePath = _copyInputsHelper( label, sourceFullPath, destination, f ) newFiles.append(str(destFilePath)) if destFilePath == f: runLog.debug( f"No input files for `{label}` setting could be resolved with " f"the following path: `{sourceFullPath}`. Will not update `{label}`." ) # Some settings are a single filename. Others are lists of files. Make # sure we are returning what the setting expects if len(files) == 1 and not WILDCARD: newSettings[label] = newFiles[0] else: newSettings[label] = newFiles return newSettings